On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 12:43:49PM -0500, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> On 05/29/2014 12:01 PM, Jay G. Scott wrote:
> > what's the answer for ...  Centos, I guess...?  And it does
> > embarrass me to have to ask that.
> Pacemaker/corosync -- 2+-node clusters, active-active clusters, active
> development. Support for free is 50% chance Lars will ask you if you're
> a paying Suse customer.
> Heartbeat 'R1' (i.e. as long as you don't use 'crm' mode) -- simple,
> stupid, has been rock solid (and, consequently, untouched) for years.
> 2-node active/passive clusters only, DIY external resource monitoring
> (mon), the level of support is: Digimer will tell you "upgrade to
> pacemaker".
> What do you intend to run in HA mode?

1.  thx to all who replied.  i've been hammered on for a few days and
got behind on reading the replies.

2.  it'll be centos, and i'll do Pacemaker/corosync since
it's new and it's my thing  -- no external requirements.

3.  bind/named/dns, possible some fortran programs.

thanks again.


> -- 
> Dimitri Maziuk
> Programmer/sysadmin
> BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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Jay Scott               512-835-3553            g...@arlut.utexas.edu
Head of Sun Support, Sr. System Administrator
Applied Research Labs, Computer Science Div.                   S224
University of Texas at Austin
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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