On 2014-05-31T11:15:20, Dmitri Maziuk <dmaz...@bmrb.wisc.edu> wrote:

> >Is there a reason you keep spouting nonsense?
> Yes: I have a memory and it remembers. For example, this:
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/linuxha/users/81573?do=post_view_threaded#81573
> I don't remember that being an isolated incident either.

Uhm. I've just now stumbled across this wonderful discussion, and I was
torn a bit before responding.

That thread *was* an isolated incident. See, the whole business model
for SLES (and RHEL, for that matter) is that customers pay for support
and maintenance. There's several pricing levels from "maintenance
updates only" to "your personal engineer on-call 24/7". If you decide to
run SLES, you don't get to report a bug against a random openSUSE
version (for free) and expect it to be fixed in SLES (for free). That's
like expecting bugs reported against Fedora XY to be fixed in RHEL N.

The whole *point* of the enterprise distributions is that they come with
support and certifications (the two usually being tied together).

And yes, it is true: occasionally I have asked people whom I know to be
SUSE customers to report bugs via the "official" channels. That
streamlines the process, allows us to get fixes to them officially too
(and in a way that doesn't leave their poor support engineer wondering
what version of software their customer is running and where they got
it), and also happens to allow me to demonstrate to my boss I'm doing
actual work instead of just lounging in community mailing lists ;-) To
the outside world, this could probably look like what you describe, but
the truth is a bit different.

Part of the reason for this is that it is unrealistic to expect the free
community to support the often patched versions of code that end up on
the enterprise distributions. (Try reporting a bug in the RHEL/SLES
kernel on LKML and see what response arrives ...) We take
responsibility for that - because otherwise, we annoy upstream. And bugs
specific to the Enterprise releases tend to lack meaning for the
community. If the issue is reproduced on upstream-latest, we'll also
work with upstream on that.

So I'd appreciate it if you'd not make those claims; I admit to feeling

If you're running openSUSE Factory with the latest builds of everything
HA from network:ha-clustering:Factory on openSUSE (something I highly
recommend! Latest! Greatest! Bleeding edge! And if anything isn't,
branch + submitrequest your updates! Maintainers and contributors
accepted!), and hit an issue, we'll all happily discuss that right here
on the mailing lists or in our open bugzillas ;-)

Have a great weekend,

Architect Storage/HA
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 
21284 (AG Nürnberg)
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." -- Oscar Wilde

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