On Jul 21, 2014, at 10:40 AM, Charles Taylor wrote:

> As I write this, I'm thinking that perhaps the way to achieve this is to 
> change the order of the services so that the VIP is started last and stopped 
> first when stopping/starting the resource group.   That should make it appear 
> to the client that the server just "went away" as would happen in a failure 
> scenario.   Then the client should not know that the file system has been 
> unexported since it can't talk to the server.   
> Perhaps, I just made a rookie mistake in the ordering of the services within 
> the resource group.  I'll try that and report back.

Yep, this was my mistake.   The IPaddr2 primitive needs to follow the exportfs 
primitives in my resource group so they now are arranged as

Resource Group: grp_b3v0
     vg_b3v0    (ocf::heartbeat:LVM) Started 
     fs_b3v0    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem) Started 
     ex_b3v0_1  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started 
     ex_b3v0_2  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started 
     ex_b3v0_3  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started 
     ex_b3v0_4  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started 
     ex_b3v0_5  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started 
     ex_b3v0_6  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started 
     ip_vbio3   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2) Started 

Thanks to those who responded,

Charlie Taylor
UF Research Computing

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