but the nfs failover works now?

2014-07-22 2:10 GMT+02:00 Charles Taylor <chas...@ufl.edu>:
> On Jul 21, 2014, at 10:40 AM, Charles Taylor wrote:
>> As I write this, I'm thinking that perhaps the way to achieve this is to 
>> change the order of the services so that the VIP is started last and stopped 
>> first when stopping/starting the resource group.   That should make it 
>> appear to the client that the server just "went away" as would happen in a 
>> failure scenario.   Then the client should not know that the file system has 
>> been unexported since it can't talk to the server.
>> Perhaps, I just made a rookie mistake in the ordering of the services within 
>> the resource group.  I'll try that and report back.
> Yep, this was my mistake.   The IPaddr2 primitive needs to follow the 
> exportfs primitives in my resource group so they now are arranged as
> Resource Group: grp_b3v0
>      vg_b3v0    (ocf::heartbeat:LVM) Started
>      fs_b3v0    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem) Started
>      ex_b3v0_1  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started
>      ex_b3v0_2  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started
>      ex_b3v0_3  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started
>      ex_b3v0_4  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started
>      ex_b3v0_5  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started
>      ex_b3v0_6  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs) Started
>      ip_vbio3   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2) Started
> Thanks to those who responded,
> Charlie Taylor
> UF Research Computing
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