Hello Tomi,

> > An example:
> > 
> > nrparms -nodes  radio
> Err??? That command shouldn't work in any circumstances. Are you sure you
> typed right? You can see the correct parameters from "man nrparms" or even
> simply "nrparms -nodes".

I am awfully sorry , as this was one of my terrible typos. The 
correct way (as we used it, of course) was something like 

/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes VK2XLZ-10 + #MINTO 120 5 radio 

(pasted from the HOWTO by now)

> > should set up the NET/ROM subsystem in a way that a 
> > 
> > cat /proc/net/nr_nodes
> > 
> > shows an entry with VK2XLZ-10 in it. But sometimes, this entry is 
> > missing, allthough the nrparms command seemed to be processed 
> > without an error. 
> Whose call is that VK2XLZ-10? Yours? Or is it a neighbouring node? Or a
> distant node?

It is only the example from the HOWTO. Hoping to be more clearly 
I'll try to explain it some other way:

We have the Linux box with FBB, let's say with the callsign 
LI0BBS. Forwarding is done via NET/ROM via a neighbouring node 
(no other nodes between it) to another BBS, let's say DO0BBS.

Here's a little drawing of that all:

+--------+                     +--------------+
|   LI0BBS    | ----NET/ROM Link ----|NO0NOD        | 
+--------+                     |(NET/ROM node)| 
                                                                NET/ROM Link
                               | DO0BBS       |
                               |(Forward      |
                               | partner)     |

All we want is that the route to DO0BBS via NO0NOD is already 
set after booting our Linux Box. Because we don't want to set the 
broadcasts to be sent a dozen times every minute waiting for a 
node broadcast to be received is not acceptable for us. Instead, 
node broadcasts are turned off to avoid wasting bandwidth here. so 
it is _necessary_ to have the routes available without having to wait 
for _any_ broadcast!
> I'm a bit lost as to what you are trying to do. For a basic setup you
> should only need to start netromd and let it do it's work - broadcasting
> your routes and collecting routing info from broadcasts from other nodes.
> Later you can use nodesave to save your routing congiguration, edit it to
> contain only the most important ones and then use that script at boot to
> quickly restore them. Or like on our BBS where I dump the routes with
> "nodesave" to a file every half hours from cron so in case the system
> crashes or needs to be shut down, I always have a fresh copy to load at
> boot. 

That's a really good idea. We will go ahead with nodesave, 
hopefully it does this job for us, too.
> > Does it take the NET/ROM subsystem a longer time to initialize 
> > than we expect? If not, what other reason is possible for this 
> > behaviour of NET/ROM?
> Well one thing is that if you don't use "-i" option for netromd, it won't
> start sending node broadcasts until after some time (interval time,
> default 60mins).

A good thing to know. But as mentioned before, broadcasts are 
disabled here, so we have to find a good workaround.

Dear Tomi, thank you very much for these hints!

Best regards, 73


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