On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> After reading /Documentation/Changes and looking hard at the make
> config listing, that the proper numbering of this new kernel should be
> either 2.1.150 or 2.3.0 with patch 2.3.1 ...:-)
I'm afraid I'm not following you on this.
> It IS a huge departure from kernel 2.0.36 and for those with no
> skills in re-programing applications or loading new bin utils or ...
> should stay with this last production version.
Upgrading your kernel from the production version to the development
version or the next production version is a big deal. It needs to be done
with trepidation and planning, or wait until a distribution packages it
and all the other changes your system will need up into a simpler install.
If you upgrade your kernel to the next major release without reading the
docs that come with it, you're pretty much asking for whatever trouble it
gives you.