According to Fidel Leon: While burning my CPU.
>       I have updated my system from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.9, and now I have a trouble 
>running AX.25: I have two KISS ports, that were working OK under 2.0.36. After the 
>update, i still run:
>       kissattach /dev/ttyS2 puerto2
>       where "puerto2" is defined in axports. When I execute "kissparms -p puerto2 
>.....", I have complains from "axconfig", telling that *all* the ports defined in 
>axports aren't active.
>       If I define a TCP/IP address to the interface, via kissattach -i 
>, for example, kissparms stops complaining, but, when from the remote 
>site,  I send a connect command, I get the "Connected" string, but nothing 
>happens.... "puerto2" should start PMS, but it doesn't... and it didn't!
>       ifconfig ax0 says it's all OK, but without the -i parameter, I see something 
>like "Unexp Addr" where the TCP/IP address should be.
>       Any advices? I followed the AX25-Howto char by char, and it doesn't work after 
>2.2.9 installation.

Firstly, you must define the IPaddress in kissattach with -i
Secondly, if ifconfig gives "bogus info" you are possably using an out of
date net-tools-version.
Thirdly, If you can get a connect but nothing happens then there is
"nothing" listening on that port, check your /etc/ax25/ax25d.conf and make
sure that port listens for the callsign_ssid and has pms defined.
I have no problems with 2.2.4 to complane about it all seems to work as it

Now last but not least, your editor or mailers-editor does not line wrap,
there is one line in this message that is an incredable 304 chars.

>       Thanks in advance! 73,
> Fidel Leon - EA3GIP

Regards Richard.

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