Hello All

This is the final beta prior to the final mtrack-0.2 release.

What's new ? I hear no one ask.

Well ...

Fixed the black map/user/satellite bug.

Added dots to indicate DX Locations on the map, with modifyable colours
via the usual method.

Pruned the DX Locations list to remove some of the more obscure US
entries. Added Aberdeen in Scotland.

Added callsign/name below the user location and the satellite.

Changed the locations of all the files to better match the FHS, thanks to
Kai at SuSE for the hint.

Dataconv is now dead.

If no one finds any bugs in the next week or so, then I will declare this
to be mtrack-0.2. The next version will add multiple simultaneous
satellites, Sun and Moon tracking and lots of new bits. But don't hold
your breath.

In the meantime I need some help (in case you didn't know already), could
people tell me where I can get some good map data from i.e. the CIA map
data so I can generate some new maps, hopefully with better political
borders. Also could any kind person write some decent on-line help for the
system please.

Jonathan  HB9/G4KLX  in pulverisingly hot Zurich

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