well.. a friend help me to get some progress...
we compile the AX.25 support and the Baycom support into the kernel...
and also download the AX.25
tools and made a baycom device... now when I run 'ifconfig'  appears

bcsf0     Link encap:AMPR AX.25  HWaddr CX2CAK
          UP RUNNING  MTU:256  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          Interrupt:4 Base address:0x3e8

is this correct??
The problem is that we could't get any connection... which program can i
use to get a conection using this
device?? (an URL please).
What do i have to use to bind this device with an IP address??

Mario (cx2cak)

MArio, there are 3105 packet modems in the world for almost 10 years. 
Some German guys made these modems and called them "Baycom", so look for 
the word Baycom in the literature. The Linux people make some very good 
documants called "HOWTO" s and there is on for ax25. Read this, and it 
tells a lot about packet radio on linux, and also tells how to set up a 
Baycom. Be sure to get it running under DOS before trying Linux. If you 
need some very good Dos Baycom software, I can give you a copy of the 
best Baycom software the Germans ever made. -Pat

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, Mario Debenedetti wrote:

>     Hi. I buy a modem tcm3105 and it came whith a program (tsthost) to
> run
> only under DOS, my question is there is an other program to use this
> device under linux, or other way to use it.
> I will apreciate any sugestion because Im starting in both worlds Linux
> and digital comunications, ok also trying to write in english.
> Thanks Mario(CX2CAK)

*  Pat Masterson  B38-01,  Northrop Grumman,     *  Ham:KE2LJ 
*  Plant 1, South Oyster Bay Rd.,                *  President Grumman Amateur
*  Bethpage, NY 11714                            *  Radio Club  WA2LQO
*  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fone: 516-346-6316   *  www.qsl.net/wa2lqo

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