>>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Koensgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Andreas> - I am not able to extend the driver for TNC chaining
    Andreas> because I do not have the opportunity to test it. Some
    Andreas> time ago, a Spanish amateur released a user-space 6pack
    Andreas> multiplexer called m6pack (like mkiss in the
    Andreas> ax25utils). This might be a good point to start with.  If
    Andreas> someone would like to write TNC chaining code for my
    Andreas> kernel driver, please contact me.

Yes, that's me.

If anyone is interested in having a look at it, just get (URL wrapped
for readability):


The whole thing was designed to be integrated in the (old) ax25-utils,
so the Makefile only works when the files are in the (old) ax25-utils
tree. Anyway, modifying it to fit in the new ax25-utils shouldn't be
that hard.

73's. EB2EBU

  PGP Key available at http://personales.jet.es/inaki.arenaza/pgpkey.html
  Linux Registered User #44369

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