
Now that the archives are accessible this is all a non-issue.  It's
just that I've been irritated because most other projects I know of
are interested in getting users into development and make getting
involved as easy as possible. Of course there are off-topic posts and
trolls on devel-lists, but with a decent mua and procmail you can
handle this easily from my experience. Even on lists which are _much_
bigger than dev-hams will ever become.

With the archives the development is more transparent, which is fine.
During the development of the new ax25-utils and libraries information
was very rare. Once I asked at linux-hams if the new library will
break exisiting applications but nobody answered. Actually the move to
the new library was no problem at all, but with no information around,
application developers get irritated especially if they want to make a
release in the near future. We had started hacking the old ax25-utils
because they started to become the major hassle for beginners. Just
some time later I noticed that people were working on the new

73s Hans-Peter

PS: I am not interested to get subscribed to the closed list, with
the archives all is fine now.

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