
First of all i wanna thanks to every one in the list that help me

to make the TCM 3105 work. Al last, today i could stablish the 1st

TCP/IP connection over packet radio. Thanks to all!!

But after testing the transfer rate i found that i'm having a 250 bps

speed!!! this is far to the 1200 bps i was expecting!! :)

I using a TCM 3105 (on both points of the connection), an Icom ic-746 and

a handy adi-210 (we'are using the 2m band). The distance between stations is

about 1 mile and the incoming signals in both stations were good.

One station has kernel 2.0.36 and the other 2.2.7 (both RH) with ax25-utils

2.1.42a. In both kernels are compiled the Baycom fullduplex ser12 driver.

I hope this information is enougth to figure out what could be happening

that make the connections so slow...

Thanks in advance.


*                          *
* Mario Debenedetti        *
* CX2CAK                   *
* Rio de la Plata 1764 bis *
* Montevideo               *
* Uruguay                  *
* Zip Code 11400           *
*                          *

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