I'm still not exactly clear how netrom is supposed to work.   At least it 
seems to be doing something.  That is my nr_nodes list has grown to over 110
lines in just a few minutes.  And I see my call popping up on  neighboring 
node lists.  But, I think with verbose on, when it sends the node packet it 
blows out the packet length because I get a 'mkiss:ax3:truncating oversized 
transmit packet! message when verbose is on.   So, I turned off verbose, and 
I changed all my packet lengths to 1024, except for my HF port.  (I'm still
not clear on how the packet length entry in axports works.  I thought that was just
for connected packets.  It seems to me like unconnected packets should just
go through no matter what, though I'm just guessing here.)  After making
both those changes, I've had netromd running for awhile, and having send the
'truncating oversized  transmit packet!' message once.  

At this point I'm not exactly sure what the point of the node broadcasts
is. Like with all the lists in the nr_nodes file.  Just for fun, I stuck
a 'netrom' entry in my FBB bbs, though, I'm not exactly clear myself how
that works.  For example, should I be able to just
do a  'call netrom luxnet' for example, and have it figure out where to
go?  Right now I seem to be able to call the nr_neigh stations, but
I haven't had much luck going out any farther. 

Is the netrom software useless without the 'node' program to
go with it?  Or is routing able to occur without connecting through
the nodes manually.  Also, I've been torturing poor Tomi with my 
mysterious problems with node on ax25 connects.  Apparently other
people have been having this problem, and I've been sending him the
results of my random flailing around the code.  For me, I don't have
anyone who depends on me running netrom properly, so I can stick  with
the latest stuff, until it works.  

pa3gcu wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Craig Small wrote:
> > Ed van Mol said:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > Can anyone tell me Netrom and node is working ok in kernel 2.2.5???
> > >
> > > Finaly i'v ax25 runnning... I must compile the kernel in 386 instead off
> > > 486 on my 486 PC...
> > > Everything seemed to work except netrom.
> > > If i connect to my netrom port, i get an error mes; axports not found...
> > >
> > > Please help.
> >
> > The key to getting help is to give as much information as possible about
> > the problem.  This information should also be accurate as there is, for
> > example, many similar error messages so if you give us the wrong one,
> > then we are looking in the wrong place.
> >
> > Looking for the message "axports not found".  A grep of the sources
> > shows that this error message doesn't exist.  Sure there are some that
> > are close to that, but which one is it? Of course this message may
> > exist, but it is hiding somewhere else like sys_errlist[].
> >
> > Also what distribution? what libraries? if you compilied it yourself
> > what flags did you give configure?
> >
> > Wild guess: you didn't RTFM libax25/INSTALL or its an old version of
> > the source where I stuffed up the INSTALL file and you missed Tomi's
> > "what Craig has stuffed up" email message.  This is only a wild guess
> > due to the lack of information.
> >
> I have Redht 6.0 libax25-0.0.5 ax25-apps-0.0.3 ax25-tools-0.0.4
> installed following the INSTALL and README, however NETROMD gives;
> Aug 19 20:16:55 pa3gcu netromd[1111]: netromr: SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
> I have a bpq interface between two computers.
> Installing the netromd from ax25-utils-2.1.42a solves this problem.
> >   - Craig
> > --
> > Craig Small VK2XLZ, PGP: AD 8D D8 63 6E BF C3 C7  47 41 B1 A2 1F 46 EC 90
> > Eye-Net Consulting http://www.eye-net.com.au/     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > MIEEE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              Debian developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --
> Regards Richard

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