Jose Angel Amador Fundora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I once made it work with ax25-utils, but that disk crashed and I have
> not been able to do it again. It makes changes in the kernel sources
> when you want to include kernel ax25 support.
Changes to kernel ? I have never noticed such thing. The original ax25 code in
TNT had never heard about 2.2.12 kernel which I use :)

> On my last unsuccessful compile something went wrong and I have found
> no way to make it compile again. Make clean doesn't help, it is
> something else affected. I use RH 5.1/kernel 2.0.36
Have you tried "./configure --enable-ax25k" again ?
BTW: What TNT version ? I found compiling v1.1 quite confusing (I remember
that the biggest problem I had with it was that source was alpha1(?), I had
patch alpha2->aplha3 but was unable to find alpha2 patch anywhere :) )
Version 1.8 did compile without problems with axutils (on 2.0.x system).

> One problem I found with TNT is that I could not change radio ports,
> it forced me to one port, and I have two TNC's plus a software link
> port where JNOS talks to FBB and viceversa in the same machine. It
> should work via different selectable ports.
That is simple - just use :c port_name:call (":c test:N0DE")

> I have not reloaded kernel sources. I have made slight changes to
> ax25 kernel code and I would have to redo it all. It doesn't seem a
> proper behavior from TNT.
TNT is user software and IMHO it should compile and run without any need for
root permissions. Modifying kernel doesn't seem a proper behaviour to me too.
But as I said - I have never seen TNT to do that.

> I like the way it looks and what it offers, but I have had little
> time to enjoy it. I wanted to try its YappC capabilities, but I have
> not been able to.
I like TOP (The Other Packet) DOS terminal and TNT is a bit different but I'm
getting used to it. What I found most annoying is that TNT can't save
backscroll-buffers on exit and sometimes I loose important information
someone wrote me.


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