I'm also having trouble with ax25rtd. The maintainer has a patch for
ax25utils, but I'm using rpm's from
SuSE 6.2....Anyone have binaries or a tarball they would share for 2.2.9

Similarly, rspfd-0.08 doesn't compile with libc6, depends on
/usr/include/sys/socketio.h from an old libc.
Anyone have solutions for this one?

nrparms seems to be broken in the SuSE distribution also. nrparms -routes
works as advertised. However, nrparms -nodes will not take input in any
form, even from files saved with nodesave.

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Schelander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 1999 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: Routing problem [was: ARP problem]

> Very good idea. Thank you.
> After looking at the docs of ax25rtd, I knew that this is exactly what I
> need.
> >Here I think ax25rtd might help. I understand it is supposed to do just
> >that hack automatically. I'm not sure however as I haven't used it.
> My "only" problem now is, that ax25rtd doesn't run.  :(
> oe8rsq:/etc/ax25 # startproc /usr/sbin/ax25rtd
> bind Control socket: No such file or directory
> By the way, I've found in the manpage of axparms, that
> axparms -route add <port> <callsign> [<digis>] [-ipmode V|D]
> is able to set VC/Datagram from each route individually.
> ax25rtd goes a step further and is able to set it automatically to
> the mode the calling station uses. (unfortunately after the kernel
> sends the answer - not good if the other station uses this autoset
> too)
> Thanks
> Robert

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