On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Carlos A Schneider wrote:

> Hello all:
> I'm trying to compile libax25-0.0.7, but there are errors
> during make.
> Configure reports that can't locate file /sys/ioctl.h,
> but it is there. So, I think that some libs are missing,
> but I don't know which one.
> I have glibc-2.1 installed, and the system is an 486DX2
> running RH 6.0.
> Could someone point me to the needed libs to compile it?

Please provide us with a cut and paste of the exact error message you get 
and a few lines before that. Without that it is impossible to help you.

Tomi Manninen           Internet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OH2BNS                  AX.25:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
KP20ME04                Amprnet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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