On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 06:08:07PM -0700, TimO wrote:
> r00t the LiNuXeRRR wrote:
> >    Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
> > /dev/hda1             1       254    512032+  83  Linux
> > /dev/hda2           255       286     64512   82  Linux swap
> > /dev/hda3  *        287       289      6048    6  FAT16
> > /dev/hda4  *        290      1023   1479744    b  Win95 FAT32
> I think your options here are limited. :-(  Someone will correct me if I am
> mistaken.  ;-)  DOS HAS to be on the first primary partition and I think

That's not true! - You can only have one primary FAT partition per disk (from
a DOS point of view - Linux of course does not care :-)) but it doesn't need to
be a special number. IIRC at least some dos tools create their 'C:' as 

> the same is true of win95/98/NT.  Therefore with one disk you'd be stuck
> with something like:
> /dev/hda1     *       START   STOP    SIZE    FAT16  for dos and windoze
> /dev/hda2     *       START   STOP    SIZE    Linux whatever
> .
> .
> /dev/hdan             START   STOP    SIZE    Linux whatever
> I don't really think win98 allows for booting from the secondary disk when
> it can see a (mostly) compatible primary.  You may have to disable the
> primary disk in the bios everytime you want to start win98.

This is very true. But have a look at LILO's options to hide partitions and 
to swap drive-order on demand!
I have Linux, DOS5, Win95 and Win-NT4 installed on the same box and they all
think they own the only C: in the system, where that are really 3 different
partitions (+ several Linux partitions - no need to hide anything for linux :)  
Installation is somewhat tricky though. (because micro$soft insists on trashing
the mbr and thus deleting LILO)

73 Thorsten

| Thorsten Kranzkowski         Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        |
| Mobile: ++49 161 7210230        Snail: Niemannsweg 30, 49201 Dissen, Germany |
| Ampr: dl8bcu@db0lj.#rpl.deu.eu, [EMAIL PROTECTED] []  |

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