dpfister wrote:
> Has anyone compiled or found a kernel for a very small SBC?
> Mine has a 386 at 25 or 40 MHz I don't remember with only 2
> MB of ram and a 8 MB Disk on a Chip sort of HD.

2Mb is probably asking for a lot.

> I need very little for this kernel, no terminal will be
> connected but RS232 so (I would guess that to be like a
> plain terminal).

I'd still be inclined to try a 2.2 series kernel. It supports serial
based console.
Strip it down to absolutely what you need.

I think you'll need to use a stripped down libc no matter what you do,
and you may need to use libc5, rather than glibc.

> While I have not built a kernel, I do have old (maybe 8-9
> years) versions 1.x.x.x.? I have planned (once I get smart
> enough to compile then) I might try that.


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