Who said it does'nt matter, but someone said in a reply mail to linux-hams.

> > Some developers talk, some actually develop something .. :)
> > (just my opinion about new-ax25 discussion ..
> > don't take personaly (anyone))

Normally i dont get involved in discusiions about how development should or
should not be done, i dont have the knowlage to write the stuff myself,
however i do hack some programs to suit my needs but that is besides the
point. I am speaking for the multitude, (i hope).

However considering Tomi's humorous attitude i would like to make a few
suggestions for the "users" of the wonderfull linux AX25 system.

1) Whatever is going to be altered, please take into consideration that
    your normal Joe Packet user is not a programmer and does not know the
    differance between a 'c' file or a 'h' file.

2) Please keep or try to keep the config files in the same directory's as
    they are now, i remember the chaos a few years ago when Jonathan Naylor
    changed from /usr/local/etc to /etc/ax25. ( or i should say i called it
    chaos ).

3) Whats wrong with having changeable param files in /proc ?, we all have
    gotten used to them now, once again there was a commotion when G4KLX
    changed that as well, it has been there now for a while and personally
    i find it a blessing.

Why am i writing this anyway, well i brougt it upon myself once to say
openly in Linux-Hams, if anyone wants advice on configuring an AX25 system
send me a mail and i will try and help, well i got mails from just about
every "corner" of our (round) World, of which i have answered, or tryed to
answer everyone, most of them from folks who had no idea howto get AX25
going under Linux. So hence this mail to ask you developers "nicely" to,
please try not to change to much in the way of, where everything belongs.

There is nothing wrong with changing things internaly if cosmeticly things
stay just about the same. ( Really my opinion ).

I hepled in a small way when the origanal code was under development, i
even sent 2 patches for the old netrom code one of which was accepted by
G4KLX, or i should say he saw what i meant and improved my code, (if one
could call it that), Joreg DK1BKE listened to me time and time again about
problems i found in the scc driver, we exchanged many lengthy mails and he
constanly sent me test code. That is what i call working toegther. HINT.

Gentelmen, we all know that everyone is free to change what he/she wants
to, but once again, please take into consideration Joe Packet, the one who
constanly keeps complaining that the AX25-HOWTO is out of date, the one who
keeps sending mails asking how do you do "Y" under linux, howto this howto
that, it seems to me that those sort of questions have somewhat dissapiered
from the Linux-Hams list (not altogether but traffic is quite latley).
That must say that folks are getting used to things, more and more hams
know how things fit together and tell and help others.

Imagen changing everything around "again" need i say more.

> But let's drop this FlexNet issue here and now. It won't be
> productive. Apologies for getting caught by that flame bait...

O yes, Tomi, was the bate in that Flexynet with the hooks on it.? and how
did it taste.?

And of course my humble appols., for taking it upon myself to speak for the

> -- 
> Tomi Manninen           Internet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> OH2BNS                  AX.25:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> KP20ME04                Amprnet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Regards Richard

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