On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Why don't you guys just go to 20m, around 14.070, and tune around?
> There's dozens of PSK31 signals there just about 24 hours per day,
> with the band being open... I've made many good contacts with guys
> running 3W output power and a dipole, both sides running DigiPan...  
> Why reinvent the wheel when there's worldwide PSK31 stuff coming in on
> 20M most of the day/night?

NEWQPSK has _nothing_ to do with PSK31. Instead it has much more to do
with MT63. (both were "invented" by the same person, Pawel SP9VRC)

NEWQPSK (aka Q15X25) is an AX.25 modem using 15 parallel (OFDM) tones
modulated with DQPSK. Symbol rate with 8000sps is 83.333baud which
translates to 2500 bits per second raw bit rate. There are three different
levels of FEC that reduce the payload down to 833.3 bps.

The modem takes about 2000Hz of bandwidth so it is something you
definitely do NOT want to run on 14.070 !!!

My code is a port of the original Motorola 56k assembler code to Linux
and C.

Tomi Manninen           Internet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OH2BNS                  AX.25:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
KP20ME04                Amprnet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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