On Wed, 26 Jul 2000,  Eamon Skelton wrote about,  Re: NEWQPSK tests:
> On 26-Jul-2000 Akihiro KODA wrote:
> > In Japan, there is a problem due to the license.
> > Even the MT63 mode is NOT legaly allowed.
> I wouldn't want to incite anyone to break the law, but 
> beware of taking the licence conditions too literally.
> >From the Irish radio experimenters licence:
> 8.  No period of sending shall exceed ten consecutive minutes 
> duration and each period of sending shall be followed by a 
> period of not less than three minutes listening-in on the 
> frequency used.
> This makes it impossible to use packet or PSK and very 
> difficult to use SSB or CW.

Murphy's law Nr, 1115 ??

> 73, Ed. EI9GQ.
> --
> "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.
>   In practice there is."
>                                    Albert Einstein
> Linux  2.2.12-20
Regards Richard

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