On Mon, 07 Aug 2000,  Stewart Wilkinson wrote about,  Don't you just hate BADLY 
configured auto responders !!!:
> Anyone else getting fed up of seeing these reponses (I'm getting 99% of
> them before I actually see the Message that caused the auto-response) ??

We all are, maybe Bob the list owner can exclude his mail address.
I have sent a "Some what strong dissaproval" to our loving Raymond (who ever
he is) and politetly told him he can go on his hols when ever he likes,
however WE dont need to know that.

> Raymond Miller wrote:
> > 
> > I am on holiday in Turkey for a fortnight but will be back at work on Monday 21st 
>August 2000. If
> > it is a personal matter there is someone at home to take your calls. If it is a 
>business issue 
> > then talk to Matt and/or Amanda.
> --
> Stewart
Regards Richard

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