Linux-Hardware Digest #107, Volume #9             Mon, 4 Jan 99 23:13:36 EST

  Re: This ongoing flame-fest ("DG")
  Re: N64/Dreamcast port (Matthias Warkus)
  Joystick in Linux (Brady Bonnette)
  Re: Modem for Linux ("Mr. Fastenow")
  Re: Help! Kernel 2.0.36: SCSI CDrom lockup; aic7890 uw2-scsi onboard controller..... 
(Tess Lusher)
  TORiSAN (Sanyo) CD-ROM drive... ("Mr. Fastenow")
  Re: FS: Pentium Pro 200/512k HP (James Linehan)
  Re: STB Velocity V4400 (Tess Lusher)
  Looking for a cool HPC, how about this ??? (Ken)
  Re: Image browser for linux? ("Donald E. Stidwell")
  Re: [Fwd: >>>matrox millinium g200 & Xconfigurator<<<] ("diener")
  MiroMedia View - Does it work under Linux? (Raphael Becker)
  Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem (David Fox)


Subject: Re: This ongoing flame-fest
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 21:17:09 GMT

I do have a comment on that one. You want to tell me that just because you
went through a living hell means that others should too when it comes to
repartioning and then doing FTP install. Well, bozo, not everyone has to
suffer the same as you did. I did not say that I was buying a cd burner. In
fact if you read my initial posts, you would have jumped to the wrong
conclusion, you f****** idiot. besides, since you have collaborated with
microsoft, chances are they gave you a chance to backup without having to
pay a few hundred dollars. Also, think about this. Every few months, RH
releases a new CD which makes your previous version rather extinct. Now
think about having to pile up all the old versions. Got it? Probably not.
You're a  mentally retarded MF as are the rest of these pathetic idiots
except for "Crossbones."

Moriarty wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hey all...
>I personally like to read this and other Linux related newsgroups for the
>same reasons many of your others do: To learn from one another and help one
>another, if we are able of course... Unfortunatly, there is now a
>going on in this thread, and personally, I wish it would stop.
>I am not attempting to flame anyone on either the majority users or DG's
>side... I am just trying to clear the air... I mean, for many of us, USENET
>is more than just newgroups... USENET is a way of life... And, like in the
>real world, it is usually better for us to get along and become productive,
>than to always be angry and everything get destroyed in a heartbeat...
>To DG: I read your first post (the initial post that started this) that
>requested help from the members of these groups. I was going to respond to
>you, but I first (like usual) read the other people responses to your
>responses and, to be honest with you, after re-reading all the posts of
>thread over and over again, I fail to understand why you are so upset with
>us. In my opinion (and I'm sure yours and others will have differing ones),
>think many other people at first tried to help you find the easiest, least
>time-consuming way to solve your original problem. To be honest with you, I
>am all for the idea that one can log on to the net at any time and download
>either patches, updates, or the whole smoe of the Linux OS for free. The
>that it was originally made available by Mr. Torvaldes in the source code
>format for free under the GPL is what has enable others and myself to
>enhance and modify these sources and re-distribute them back on the net so
>that others, in whatever way they can, can benefit from the total sum of
>collective knowledge. Now, Mr. DG, I have collaborated with Microsoft
>on several projects and beta testing surveys, and I personally can tell you
>the frustration I felt when I needed to re-format my Windows partitions and
>do a complete re-install because of some renegade thread in a program which
>screwed it all up. I don't know about you, but if the only way you could
>restore Windows was to make a disk which has just the proper software,
>and drivers on it to just connect to your ISP, and then make the FTP
>connection each and every time the system dies, I think you would get
>tired of repeating this task over and over again... I mean, a good complete
>software on Linux, in my opinion is over 500+ MB, and the basic Windows 98
>stuff is around what, 240 MB or so? And then, after you have spent the time
>required to download the software, then have to spend the time waiting to
>install it, you may be looking at several hours (based on the transfer
>figures you gave us at 500 MB/2 hours), and having a CD copy, in my humble
>opinion, would be a heckuva lot easier to keep on hand then to have to keep
>repeatedly downloading over and over again. When the earlier posters
>suggested that you make a purchase of one of the various CD-ROMS available,
>they were not trying to insult your intelligence, or take away your rights
>an Internet user - they (and I) were just speaking from the experience that
>years of tinkering and hassles of trying new things out has taught us. I
>believe one gentleman suggested you go to the Cheapbytes website
>( and purchase the Linux distrubution for $1.99
>(w/Total shipping charges it comes to around $8.50 or so in US Dollars)...
>I honestly believe that these people were not trying to pick on you or
>a fight or deny you anything which you feel you are entitled to. I believe
>that they were under the impression from your posts that you had some past
>familarity with Linux (RedHat Distributions in particular) and were ready
>make the switch from Windows 9x as your primary OS to Linux. (I myself got
>that same impression after reading your initial posts based on how you were
>wanting to set up your hardware per your descriptions)... The reason why
>told you to buy the premade CD-ROM was to save you both time and money - I
>mean, didn't you yourself say that you didn't want to shell out the cash to
>get a CD-ROM burner? No offense to you, but in my opinion, $1.99 + shipping
>is *MUCH* *MUCH* cheaper than several hundred dollars for a *good*
>CD-ROM burner... I think maybe you mistook these other peoples posts as
>critical of you, when in fact (in my opinion) they were actually trying to
>save you some grief... Now, be honest with us here - when you first got to
>the point in your self-taught education, how many times did you get to the
>point where a re-install of Windows 9x was necessary? Several I bet. Now,
>is true, both of my opinion and of several millions of Linux users (and
>Microsoft also, according to their in-house memos) that Linux is far more
>stable an environment (especially for development and Net applications)
>Windows 9x / NT, but we also realize that nothing is ever perfect and that
>there is always the possibility of a crash or a major bug popping up where
>re-install of all systems maybe necessary. Now do you see why having a
>CD-ROM would be desireable? I mean, all your drives are wiped: So, you
>have to 1. Set up Windwos 9x all over again. 2. Install the Internet FTP
>software 3. Configure the Net stuff 4. Dial-up/Connect and FTP all those
>hundreds of MB all over again... 5. Reboot and setup Linux... 6. Configure
>everything that you lost in the crash... 7. Fix every little minor detail
>may have missed... And so on and so on... With a CD-ROM, you could take a
>good two hours off of this process... Maybe you don't run a website (or
>you do), but I know that there are many on USENET who also double as
>webmasters and such, and if the servers are down, then they are losing
>money... Are you with me so far?
>Now, personally, I have no opinion on how you get your money or what you
>choose to do with it. if it is your money and you earned it, then you have
>ever right to do with it as you see fit. Same with what you choose to do
>your hardware and/or software you already own or already buy... If you were
>to decide to go out and buy a K7-500 Mhz CPU in 6 months or so, I would say
>more power to you, and I would support you in any way possible (as well as
>secertly envious :) The type of people who run OSes like Linux are the type
>of people who like to tinker, problem-solvers and developers who like to
>in and get their hands-dirty with new software and hardware, to push the
>technology envelope to the extreme (or as extreme as they can get)... In my
>opinion, if I am starting out on something brand new, and there is someone
>who obviously is more knowledgeable about it than me on it, I am most
>*defintely* going to try and learn from them or ask them their advise... I
>don't have to agree with it or do what they say... Nothing says that you
>obligated to what the members of this group suggest... (It is your money,
>your hardware, and your software, and your time, after all) We will not be
>offended in any way as long as you respect our rights to our opinions...
>Hopefully, most of the time we are right, or can point you in the direction
>to a place (A website, for example) where you can find it on your own...
>like all things in life, sometimes we are wrong... But remember, the
>USENET is for anyone who has any ideas at all to come and participate and
>share what both the newer people are looking for, as well as gain
>from the people who have more knowledge and familarity... But remember, at
>any time you are free to stop logging into your NNTP server... You don't
>to post... There will always be people who will disagree on anything with
>you, no matter what the subject... The fact that we are able to form
>different opinions independently from anyone else is what probably
>humankind from the lesser species on the planet... You know what I mean?
>came on this group posting a problem, and we responded (or at least some of
>us did) - I'm not quite sure why you became so upset... I am at a lost as
>why this thread even got started and continued...
>Maybe you are a natural-born troublemaker... These people do exist.
>But, since I know nothing about you, and I have never met you or
>you in my personal life to the best of my knowledge, I am going to treat
>with the same respect and dignity that I would give any person either on
>or in the real world... But, once you abuse that trust that people given
>then it is usually *very* difficult, if not impossible, to regain what was
>lost, and build again from there...
>All I ask that before you launch your newsreader and flame me to the ends
>the Earth for this post, is that you try to see my side of it - our side
>maybe? - and realize that nobody was trying to tell you what to do... On
>net, nobody knows anything about anybody else until you yourself tell us,
>there are lots of ways that people can tell traits in other people...
>also realize that many of the people on the USENET have been *very*
>Internet users (I myself have been online for over fifteen years now) and
>while we may be set in our weird little ways, on most technical topics, we
>know what we are talking about... Take it from those who know, and maybe
>will save time, money, resources, and maybe even more importantly, make
>new friends... Of course, and I am only going to say it once, you screw
>around with the wrong people, and it is quite possible that you will not be
>logging on for soem time without *quite* a bit of effort...
>DO YOU UNDERSTAND? Thank you. :)
>I hope that DG and anyone else who reads this message will send me some
>feedback on this, whether good or bad... I welcome all opinions - good,
>indifferent, or completely new fresh ones... :)
>Thank you for your time and for your attentive patience... Take care, and
>have a good day...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc,alt.linux
Subject: Re: N64/Dreamcast port
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 19:34:26 +0100

It was the Mon, 04 Jan 1999 13:46:31 GMT...
> Happy New Year!
> Does any N64 or Dreamcast port exist? Is someone working on it?

There is a Playstation port AFAIK.

Matthias Warkus    |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |    Dyson Spheres for sale!
My Geek Code is no longer in my .signature. It's available on e-mail request.
It's sad to live in a world where knowing how to program your VCR actually
lowers your social status...


Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 16:17:11 -0500
From: Brady Bonnette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Joystick in Linux

Hi all!  I have a question that hopefully someone out there knows the
answer to.

Ok, Im wanting to get my joystick set up in Linux (kernel 2.0.35).  The
joystick is a PantherXL (made by MadCatz), but the only downside right
now I can see is that the joystick has 17 buttons.  =(  Im wanting to
use it for GLQuake and GLQuakeWorld.  How would one go about installing
ANYTHING for a joystick?  hehe

Also, it seems like the joystick commands in quake have been taken out.
Like, for instance, in the Windows version, you could type:  "joystick
1" to turn it on.  In the Linux version, when you type "joystick" it
says "Invalid command".  Im hoping that its just quake taking out the
commands because it didnt detect a joystick, or its maybe another
command..  I hope. heheh

I went to the manufacturer's site, and they didnt list anything about
the Panther XL in Linux.  I e-mailed them, and will probably get a
response within the next week or so.  They probably think that Windows
is the only gaming environment around (heh).

Any help would be greately appreciated!
Thanks again,
Brady (please reply via e-mail to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "Mr. Fastenow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem for Linux
Date: 5 Jan 1999 01:33:19 GMT

If this is a "Winmodem", you may be out of luck.  Otherwise, you shouldn't
have too many problems with it.  Just configure it with ISAPNP, and make
sure you set the IRQ to 3 and the I/O address to 0x2F8 with that modem.  Use
minicom to test it, setting it up to use COM2, or ttyS1.

-Aaron Fastenow

David Akins wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I just bought a 3COM US Robotics 56 Data/Fax Modem Internal for use on
>my Linux server.  Unbeknownst to me, it's 100% Plug-and-Pray - no
>jumpers.  Anybody got experience running this modem with Redhat 5.2?
>Recommend a better internal modem?  I know I should go external but I
>always seem to have problems with serial ports when I run an external.
>Thanks for the help.


Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 12:35:14 -0800
From: Tess Lusher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help! Kernel 2.0.36: SCSI CDrom lockup; aic7890 uw2-scsi onboard 

Mark & Alexander,

Sorry, I don't have your answers, but I'm considering buying a
motherboard with the 7890 U2W SCSI chip on it and I want to know if it
will work with Linux.

Please keep me informed of your progress.



Mark Izendooren wrote:
> "Alexander Schuetz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> Alexander,
> I have axactly the same drive and a somewhat similar problem.
> I can't even mount my cdrom. Maybe this is because i also have an
> Ricoh mp6200s RW drive and they're conflicting in some way.
> If i find an answer, i'll notify you.
> Greets,
> Mark Izendooren
> >Dear Linux Community,
> >
> >I wonder if you can help me out with my SCSI CDRom problems. My latest,


From: "Mr. Fastenow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TORiSAN (Sanyo) CD-ROM drive...
Date: 5 Jan 1999 01:28:15 GMT

I have a P100 running RedHat 5.1, with kernel 2.0.34.  I am having a problem
with glint, which is a package management tool for X.  The problem I was
having is that the program would start scanning the CD-ROM for packages,
then the whole program would just close.  The CD-ROM would be fine, and I
could access it later.  I just got an update for glint from the RH web page,
and now it will not show the progress of the package scanning, and the
CD-ROM access light will stay on and I am unable to access the CD-ROM drive
until I either reboot or (obviously) shut down.  Any ideas?  I have a
TORiSAN (Which is the Japanese version of Sanyo, as far as I can tell) 6x
CD-ROM drive.  I am using duplicate discs, but the originals had the same
problem with the closing of the program.  Anyway, I am almost positive the
CD-ROM is set up fine, as I have Win95 on the machine and it works fine, and
used the same CD-ROM to load Linux.  I also checked all of the connections.
All are fine.  Please email me with any ideas you have.

Thanks in advance,


Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 13:35:10 -0800
From: James Linehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FS: Pentium Pro 200/512k HP


> Ppro for NetServe Server. Sells for an obscene amount of money. USED
> TWICE with horrible Micronics board. SL22. $300.
> 32 & 64mb BUFFERED RAM. Make me an offer.
> Question: Did Diamond really know what they were doing when they bought
> Micronics?

Now thay can both make bug riddled products.


Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 12:37:02 -0800
From: Tess Lusher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: STB Velocity V4400


I have the same questions.  Please keep me informed of what you find.

Thanks, Chris

Daminou wrote:
> Hi all .....
> Before i buy it .. can anyone tell me if the STB Velocity V4400
> works under Xwindows  (redhat 5.2). If so, what is the max
> resolution i can get ?
> Same question with the Diamond Viper V550 ?
> Is it possible to use the AGP bus on those 2 cards ?
> Is the yamaha CDR-W 4416 (scsi) (4x 16x)  usable under
> the redhat (5.2) and if not can anyone give me the name of a
> good CDR (scsi) that works under linux ?
> thanx
>                 Damien


Subject: Looking for a cool HPC, how about this ???
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 03:01:55 GMT

Looking for a cool HPC, how about this ???

I am posting this b/c I like the Linux comm. and want everything to
know something about a piece of equipment I thought was interesting.

It's called the Dauphin DTR-1. 
The unofficail Home page is:

This link is hopelessly outdated, but with your help I'd like to
change that.

I'll get to the point.
I can get a hold of a good number of them and know that they will run
linux. Check the URL above for some info. (There is also a version
called HAL something that may work).

I am currently planning on selling these guys on eBay where they have
been going for up to $300. in the past.

My starting price for the DTR-1 and some extras is $150, but I would
go lower if someone was interested in a small quantity.

Here;s what you'd get.
* The DTR-1 a 486SLC 25 HPC/notebook computer 4mb memory, 40mb HD,
2400 Baud fax modem, VGA out port, com port, REAL par. port - will
work with zip drives!                     (nicer than a palmpilot)

* Detachable mini Keyboard
* Leather Case
* Battery
* A/C adaptor
* Car D/C adaptor

For my Linux friends (I mean that sincerely)
* Extra battery ($50 value)
* External charger
* Grid Hardshell case

What's missing:

*The Active pen (I can't find out where to get them 'cheaply' so if
YOU do let me know).
*The manual

Floppy or External HD used to come as access. very hard to get and not
very nec.
Memory upgrade from 4mb to 6mb still avail.
Ethernet card also still avail.
(I will send any buyers info. on ppl. who can supply them)

You can see pictures at the URL above, , or somewhere on .

I am very interested in getting this guy running with some small apps.
on Linux, but I'm not a programmer. I figured I'd try contributing
this way.

If interested please email me at



From: "Donald E. Stidwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Image browser for linux?
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 21:58:47 -0500

ZGV does the trick as well, and it allows you to make thumbnails which
are also readable by XV.


Patrick Mayer wrote:
> Jay Copeland wrote:
> > Blaine Lupulack wrote:
> > >
> > > HAZE wrote:
> > >
> > > > >Rod Gasson wrote:
> > > > >
> >
> > If you want to check out a pic from the commandline - seejpeg works
> > great for me. That's the only viewer I had for quite some time because
> > my ports cua ports were no good and i didn't have a rat.
> >
> Hi there,
> XV is pretty good as well, if you have installed the X server.

Donald E. Stidwell, RM1, USN (Ret.)
Certified Netware Administrator
Network Technician II
Bon Secours Hampton Roads Home Care


From: "diener" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: [Fwd: >>>matrox millinium g200 & Xconfigurator<<<]
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 20:02:52 -0700

I don't believe the G200 is supported under redhat except as vga16;  You'll
need a 3rd party driver from Xi or Scitech or SUSE's release of X86_Com
3.3.3 (which is a bear to compile if you're not a linux expert--I'm not, so
I use the SciTech beta which works okay--not great, but okay.)  Go to Matrox
site ( then drivers, then 3rd party drivers for info.

jisong wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>                    @__                __@
>                   /   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   \
>                   / \                  / \


From: Raphael Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MiroMedia View - Does it work under Linux?
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 23:11:42 +0100

Hi *

I have this card with the TV Add-on (Tuner-in, SVHS-in, Video out). I
don't have more information this time.

Does anyone know this card and does it work under Linux? 

If it works, can I use it for a Webcam (Input: SVHS/Composite Video).

If not, how can I set up an Webcam-Environment (I prefer cheap
solutions for Composite Video/SVHS and I want to use my existing Cam)

Raphael Becker
___________  Powered by  SuSE        __________________
___  /___(_)__________  _____  __    ___  ____/__|__  / Raphael
__  / __  /__  __ \  / / /_  |/_/    ______ \  ___/_ < Becker
_  /___  / _  / / / /_/ /__>  <       ____/ /______/ / 
/_____/_/  /_/ /_/\__,_/ /_/|_|      /_____/_(_)____/


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem
Date: 04 Jan 1999 14:13:23 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael David Jones) writes:

> There you go again. You know, Unix lost the desktop once by holding
> out for "good ideas" instead of giving people what they wanted. Linux
> is probably our last shot at fixing that mistake. You know, even
> Mercedes have cupholders these days.

Thank you, this is right on.  Winning the desktop is much more
fun that losing it.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU



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