Linux-Hardware Digest #107, Volume #11           Thu, 26 Aug 99 23:13:31 EDT

  Re: modem (Kevin)
  ATX Motherbaords $70 (JA Moran)
  Re: Network config: AMD PCNET PCI?? (T.P Harte)
  Re: Creative Labs ModemBlaster 28.8 (remove-to-reply (Matt Friedman))
  ETHERNET .- (Jorge Dominguez)
  Re: Ensoniq PCI sound support (Alex Kaufman)
  Re: Help with modem!!! (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: US Robotics ISDN SPortster (Chris Mahmood)
  sndconfig locks up RH 5.2 (Simon Anderson)
  Re: ISDN help please (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Failed to format IOMEGA zip ("David C. Hoos, Sr.")
  Re: ISA sound card  SB16 PnP driver (Corne Beerse)
  Re: Compaq Onboard Ethernet (Mark Price)
  Which book? ("Mothra362")
  WDWIN hard drive? ("Gene Karaffa")
  SiS 6326 Chipset ("FAN")
  Re: Modems and video (Benjamin Doctors)
  Re: Which soundcard is best for Linux? (Michel Catudal)
  New SiS Drivers@SuSE ("FAN")


Subject: Re: modem
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:08:31 GMT

On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 20:19:53 -0400, "T. Chu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>is it possible to use a win/software modem under linux?
No. unless someone could write a Linux compatible driver and that
would require Micro$haft to release a few proprietary details to the
Linux community, Don't hold your breath, it ain't gonna happen.



Subject: ATX Motherbaords $70
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:23:37 GMT

Great for building linux systems!

e several motherboards for sale
also have RAM, CPU Fns, and CPU
or if desired a complete system

item    acquisition     proposed price
DESC    ITEM           markup  sale
MB, ATX, P      XA100+            $86.4
MB, ATX, P      LE370            $70.4
MB, ATX, P      BD100          $124.8
MB, ATX, P      VD133           $124.8
MB, ATX, GAME   W100                   $150.0
SCSI MB         BS100                            $306.0
DUAL P2 SCSI    DB100DU                 $222.0
DUAL P2 SCSI    DBS100DU               $426.0
DUAL P2 SCSI    DBL100DU               $468.0
DUAL P2 SCSI    DGL200DU               $672.0
SCSI CNTRL CRD  2935LVDU2          $174.0
SCSI CNTRL CRD  2935UW                $80.4
SCSI SNTRL CRD  2930ULTRA          $60.0
LOW END SCSI    2930CBAS              $36.0

All components are in manufacturer packaging and come
with warranties


*         the RIGHT computer for you at an AFFORDABLE
*.......... Unix, Computing and making good Chemistry
*  Unix & Linux, the Operating System of today and the future
* Junk/spam mail goes straight to the bit bucket!
* if responding to a usenet msg, also e-mail so I will check the grp


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Network config: AMD PCNET PCI??
Date: 27 Aug 1999 00:18:40 GMT

Scott Copus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I will probably be buying a motherboard real soon with on-board
: everything--including a network card.  I think the brand is AMD
: PCNET also.  I have been reading everything I can to find out
: what this NIC chipset supports as far as OS's goes.  Reading
: the Linux _Ethernet How-To_ says that AMD PCNET chipsets
: should work by loading the LANCE or NE1500 modules.

: Try that out.  I would *VERY* much be interested in your
: results... if it worked or not.  Is your NIC onboard?

I tried and tried to load the module into the kernel, but 
I ended up reinstalling Red Hat and clicking `Yes` at the 
`Do you want to set up a LAN connection` part. My ethernet
card was detected by the auto-probe and I expect that the 
appropriate module was either loaded into the kernel at 
install time because all I had to do from them on was to 
specify IP address, DNS nameserver and so on, and when I 
ran linux after the install I could ping just about everyone
that I could think of! 

The problem seems to be in attempting to load a module for 
this card after the install has been done.

The card is not on board, BTW.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Creative Labs ModemBlaster 28.8
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED](remove-to-reply) (Matt Friedman)
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:26:48 GMT

Rob Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
<n32x3.261$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>remove-to-reply) (Matt Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>While I hunt down an inexpensive v.90 internal modem that will work
>>with Linux, I thought I'd install an old Creative Labs ModemBlaster
>>28.8. I set the jumpers to Com3 and IRQ7 [IRQ 5 is occupied by my sound
>>card], and away I went. No dice. It's an ISA modem, not -- as far as I
>>can tell -- PnP, and it certainly predates the days of WinModems.
>Did you remember to use setserial to tell Linux you were using that
>bizarre address/IRQ combination?

Uhhh... yeah... that WOULD work, wouldn't it?

I'm gonna try it now...



From: Jorge Dominguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,redhat.config
Subject: ETHERNET .-
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:30:59 GMT

Hi all :

I've installed in my notebook a nic ethernet 10/100 3com Megahertz and i
dont know wich is the correct driver for linux red hat 6.0 .-

Can you help me ?

TIA .-

Jorge Dominguez

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Alex Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ensoniq PCI sound support
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 20:36:36 -0400

Support for this card has been since the 2.0.36 days, probably even

Liddleddy Morris wrote:
> Does the latest kernel support this card?
> ed


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with modem!!!
Date: 25 Aug 1999 19:00:58 -0700

"Lukasz Trybulec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a Cirrus ... modem with V.90
>     When i try to connect to it, linux says: "Sorry your modem i now busy"
>     What can I do, i try to change the IRQ but it doesn`t work properly!
So this is an ISA modem?  


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: US Robotics ISDN SPortster
Date: 25 Aug 1999 18:39:17 -0700

"Nik Simpson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anybody know how to configure these, 
I  can't afford ISDN.

>I've just installed Redhat Linux 6.0
> and as far as i can see it made no attempt to install the modem. This is a
> ISA bus card, in other operating systems (i.e. NT) it basically installs as
> a NIC with NDIS drivers etc, not as a modem.
Read the NET-3 Howto and linux/Documentation/isdn/README.HiSax.

> Any help greatfully recieved, if I can't get it to work, I'll just have to
> carry on using NT :-)
That wouldn't punish anyone but you.
good luck,


From: Simon Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sndconfig locks up RH 5.2
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:46:06 -0300

I have a SB 32 PNP  ISA card. isapnp finds it, but there is still no
sound. So I tried sndconfig and my machine locked up. Do I have to
recompile the kernel with sound support? I tried make config as root and
got :

No rule to make target 'config'. Stop.

I'm using RedHat 5.2 , how do I tell if I have support for sound alredy
installed in the kernel?

I could really like this Linux thing if I could get some tunes!!



From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISDN help please
Date: 25 Aug 1999 18:59:42 -0700

"Jan K. Verdier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have spent 50 hours trying to get my DIVA T/A ISDN modem to work.
These are the only Diva cards listed in
linux/Documentation/isdn/README.HiSax.  Is your card one of them?

Eicon.Diehl Diva 2.0 ISA and PCI (S0 and U interface, no PRO version)
Eicon.Diehl Diva 2.01 ISA and PCI
Eicon.Diehl Diva Piccola
Eicon.Diehl Diva U interface not tested

> I have made the changes needed (I think).
One thing you apparantly didn't do is read the NET-3 howto and the
file I just quoted from.  You must think very highly of yourself if
you have enough confidence to try to setup something as complicated as 
ISDN in an OS you probably don't know anything about without even
reading the documentation that comes with the drivers.

> My MODEM hangs up after connecting after having connected for 0.1 second. It
> skips the PAP.
Some logging output would help here.
> After disconnecting my hd starts running for full speed and the process
> causing that is: ifup-ppp.
Well, what's the file trying to do?  

> I have tried to remove the ' ' in etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0
Your chat script would be help here.
> no good.
> I have tried to recompile the kernel with ISDN support. I had to try
> something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does the default Redhat kernel come with ISDN support?  If so, is the hisax
module loaded?

> I have read the file messages and it does not mention any errors just MODEM
> hangup.
Are you using 'chat -v'?  Is debugging enabled with pppd?  Do you even 
know what I'm talking about?  

> Please help if You can, what to do???
Read, think, tinker, read some more, do a deja search, think, tinker some more.

> I really really really really would like to connect to the internet in Linux
> it is tiresome to boot the computer in NT to email and reading newsgroups.
It's tiresome to use NT for much of anything IMO.  But you won't get
far with trial and error configuration.


From: "David C. Hoos, Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Failed to format IOMEGA zip
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 16:48:12 -0500

Mike Gruber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Well, I did it....  :-)
> I'll do it again to confirm my previous impressions, and then post what
commands I
> used.  I've got an ext2 zip disk at home that I use for backup of my Linux
> so I don't have to truncate or butcher long filenames.

You do it with mkfs


From: Corne Beerse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISA sound card  SB16 PnP driver
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 13:56:35 +0200

Have a look at the Open Sound package, it should be in there somewhere. See
the book that came with Suse6.1 for details (yes, if you copy the CD's, also
copy the documentation...)


Be aware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers.
Corne' Beerse                                   | Alcatel Telecom Nederland
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                | Postbus 3292
talkto:+31(70)3079108 faxto:+31(70)3079191      | NL-2280 GG  Rijswijk


From: Mark Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Compaq Onboard Ethernet
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:17:02 -0700

I think the chipset is AMD 79C70 and the driver is a PCNET32, at least on the
590XL (which is my machine).

Here's some info from my box.

  Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
    Ethernet controller: AMD 79C970 (rev 2).
      Medium devsel.  IRQ 5.  Master Capable.  No bursts.  
      I/O at 0x7140 [0x7141].

[root@ravenwood /proc]# /sbin/lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
pcnet32                 7784   1  (autoclean)

Cheers, Mark.

Tom Eastep wrote:
> Kyle Hargraves wrote:
> >
> > I'm wondering if anyone has been able to use the onboard ethernet on the Compaq 
>Deskpro series.
> > I believe the chipset is the same on the 590 through the 5133 - I'm using a 590. 
>I've already
> > tried the on-board support in 2.2.10. I'll gladly upgrade or downgrade to make 
>this work - I
> > just don't want to spend money on going out and buying a card (mainly because I 
>don't have the
> > money to spend). The kernel doesn't want to recognize that there is ethernet on 
>the systemboard.
> > I'd try and look through manuals, but this is a secondhand machine I managed to 
>scrounge up,
> > so I have none. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> There are two common types of onboard NICs on Compaq systems - the
> system I'm sending this on uses the de4x5 driver.
> a) Dec 2114x which can use either the Tulip or de4x5 drivers.
> b) Netelligent adapters which use the tlan driver.
> One of these drivers should work for you...


From: "Mothra362" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Which book?
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 01:25:11 GMT

I have the Mandrake 6.0 version of Linux.  One of the included CD's has .pdf
versions of three books.  Each of these books is hundreds of pages long.  I
would prefer to print only one of these....any opinions as to which one
would offer the better value?  I am completely new to Linux, so a book which
starts at the basics is required.  I would also like this book to be able to
offer more Linux info as I grow more proficient with it.  Here are my 3

SAM's Red Hat Linux Unleashed
QUE's Special Edition: Using Linux
SAM's Teach yourself Linux in 24 Hours

Thanks to all who respond, it is appreciated!



From: "Gene Karaffa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WDWIN hard drive?
Date: 27 Aug 1999 01:55:28 GMT

I just came home with a new WD 6.8GIG "SPARTAN" hard drive.  The box says
it is intended for the "expert" user.

As such, there aren't many instructions, except those printed on the drive.
 They include:  13,176 (yes kiddies, THOUSAND) cylinders and only 16 heads.
>From what little I know of hard drives and Linux, trying to dual boot from
anything over about 1,000 cylinders can be the cause of a lot of grief.

The box says it is compatible with NT, '95, '98, and Netware.

Because of the large number of cylinders, keeping the bottom-end partition
below cylinder 1,xxx would result in a TINY partition.

Is this an attempt by MS to create a class of hard drives just like the
modems,  And will I have a problem installing RH 6.0 with WIN 95?




Subject: SiS 6326 Chipset
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 07:47:56 +1000

I am currently trying to configure my video card (AOpen 3D Artist 8mb
SiS6326 chipset) with absolutely no luck. I can open my X window but only in
300x200 resolution and when I upgraded to 3.3.3-1 the icons are tiny and the
drop down boxes are blacked out. My monitor is a 14" ADI Microscan 3E and I
also have a 12 mb Voodoo2 card. I have been using xf86config to try a few
different settings. The optimal setting so far is:
If i let the program probe, its default resolution is 1024x768 and all the
dropdown boxes etc. are blacked out. If I choose custom and select 640x480 &
800x600 for 8 bit and 640x480, 800x600 & 1024x768 for 16bit and 24bit the
desktop defaults to 300x200. It works fine, just very difficult to get
around :)
Could you please offer any advice.
My software is Mandrake 6.0 Complete Version and I downloaded the 3.3.3-1
update files.
Regards, Scott


From: Benjamin Doctors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modems and video
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:31:20 GMT

In "Installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 For Intel x86", there are some words 
that can help you,

..."Complete information concerning supported peripherals can be found at 
Linux Hardware Compatibility
HOWTO ("...

..."Debian’s support for graphical interfaces is determined by the 
underlying support found in XFree86’s X11
system. The newer AGP video slots are actually a modification on the PCI 
specification, and most AGP video
cards work under XFree86. Details on supported graphics buses, cards, 
monitors, and pointing devices can
be found at Debian 2.1 ships with X11 revision"...

..."You should avoid Windows-specific hardware for two reasons. The first 
is that the manufacturers do not
generally make the resources available to write a Linux driver. Generally, 
the hardware and software inter-face
to the device is proprietary, and documentation is not available without a 
non-disclosure agreement, if it is available at all. This precludes its 
being used for free software, since free software writers disclose the
source code of their programs. The second reason is that when devices like 
these have had their embed-ded
processors removed, the operating system must perform the work of the 
embedded processors, often at
real-time priority, and thus the CPU is not available to run your programs 
while it is driving these devices.
Since the typical Windows user does not multi-process as intensively as a 
Linux user, the manufacturers
hope that the Windows user simply won’t notice the burden this hardware 
places on their CPU. However,
any multi-processing operating system, even Windows 95 or NT, suffers from 
degraded performance when
peripheral manufacturers skimp on the embedded processing power of their 


jamessim wrote:
> I am getting ready to install Linux and need 2 things.  Where shal I
> find the required drivers for an ATI Rage 3 video card?  And...where is
> there info on compatibility with new modems.  I have to upgrade my
> current modem, but most of the new ones look like they are designed for
> Windows 9x.  Will these operate under Linux?  Which should I avoid?
> Thanks

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Which soundcard is best for Linux?
Date: 26 Aug 1999 21:54:00 -0500

Tim Izod wrote:
> Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Alan Lee wrote:
> > >
> > > Jeanette Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > >
> > > > Seems like Soundblasters are good.  Ensoniq seems good also.
> > > >  There are drivers for
> > > > SB Live from Creative.  SB 16 is easy A lot of people
> > > >  have problems with AWE 64.  SB 128 seems to work pretty well also.
> > > > Jeanette
> > >
> > >     Mine is SB 128... but it DOESN'T work at all! When I do sndconfig,
> > > it tells me that "sox: /dev/dsp not known". Does anyone know what it means?
> > > How can I get it work??? My kernel is 2.2.9
> > >
> > > Alan Lee
> >
> >
> > Buy the 4-Front driver for $20
>         Or in preference, use the ALSA driver
> ( or look on freshmeat). The ALSA drivers
> are free, they're GPL and IMHO they sound better. Plus you get
> /dev/dsp support if you compile them with OSS support. The reasons why
> there isn't /dev/dep suport in the included kernel driver are given in
> the kernel docs.

They are actually a pain in the ass to install. I read thru the doc
and flushed the file. Too much shit to do just to get a stupid
driver to work. OSS is a breeze to install, well worth the $20 and
for those too cheap to buy it and have an ISA card it comes free with
SuSE 6.1 or 6.2

Tanné du plantage avec Ti-Mou?
C'est l'temps d'essayer Linux
We have software, food, music, news, search,
history, electronics and genealogy pages.


Subject: New SiS Drivers@SuSE
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 10:41:15 +1000

What are XSuSE-Servers?
New XFree86-Release 3.3.4

What are XSuSE-Servers and XFCom-Servers?

In cooperation with The XFree86 Project, Inc., SuSE GmbH is proud to present
a small series of X servers. These servers are based on source code from
XFree86-servers, but enhance and extend these.

To make it more obvious that these servers are XFree86 compliant, their
names have been changed from XSuSE to XFCom. XFree86 compliant, in this
context, means that the sources to these servers are already part of the
XFree86 development sources and that these servers will be included (with
full sources) in one of the next XFree86 releases.

An important goal of the XFCom-Servers is to support new graphics cards that
are commonly used, but not supported by XFree86 yet. Furthermore it is
intended to fix intermediate bugs and limitations in the last public XFree86

SuSE is releasing all of these servers in close cooperation with their
authors and with The XFree86 Project. Of course, all of them will be
integrated into future versions of XFree86, like it has happened with all of
our XFCom servers in November 1998 in XFree86-3.3.3 (see detailed list

The servers are freely available, the copyright is basically subject to the
terms of the XFree86 copyright.

XFree86-3.3.4 has been released
July 1999

A modified XFree86-3.3.4 for SuSE Linux users will soon be available on our
ftp server at

All of our servers have been integrated into servers of XFree86-3.3.4. Here
is a list, which XFree86-Servers do now contain which former XSuSE-Server:

  XFCom-Server       XFree86-3.3.4 (and later)

  XFCom_3DLabs    ->  xglint
  XFCom_Matrox     ->  xsvga
  XFCom_Rendition  ->  xsvga
  XFCom_Cyrix      ->  xsvga
  XFCom_P9x00      ->  xsvga
  XFCom_Trident    ->  xsvga

XFCom_SiS (formerly XSuSE_SiS)
Version 3.1 as of July 26, 1999

Thanks to Xavier Ducoin and some patches from the SiS developers we can now
offer a server for the current SiS530 and SiS620 based motherboards that
contains a slightly newer version of the driver than XFree86-3.3.4

XFCom_SiS supports the following graphics adapters and chipsets:

SiS 86c201
SiS 86c202, SiS 86c205
SiS 5597
SiS 5598
SiS 6326 AGP
SiS 530
SiS 620
You can download XFCom_SiS (Release-Date: July 26, 1999) as a TGZ-Archive or
as a RPM-Archive.

Important !
Please read /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/README.XFCom_SiS!
If you have questions or bug reports regarding this server, please send them



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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