Linux-Hardware Digest #145, Volume #9            Sun, 10 Jan 99 05:13:35 EST

  Re: Vlb bus and L2 cache (Jack Bowling)
  any cheap Synchronous serial cards for Linux ? (Luis Forra)
  ATAPI cd and cdrecord (Dodgy Geezer)
  Linux, SMP and Compaq SystemPro (Tim Nimmo)
  Linux probe hard drive spec correct??? ("Stephen") vid driver for Cyrix-GX ("AllenF")
  Re: Red hat 5.2 and RAM > 1.0 Gb => problem? (Chris)
  Sparc vs Intel (Dug Birdzell)
  Oxygen 102 opengl and Linux (hiro johnny)
  Re: opti 931 Soundchip & ava 1502 AE ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  XF68_FBDev fails to start (Nick Dreyer)
  Re: Where to buy equipment? (Leo)
  Re: Building a Linux box for home use. (Micha)
  Epson 850N? (Blake Sobiloff)
  Re: Need help with Redhat 5.2 hardware compatibility? (Gerald Taylor)
  K6-2 "general protection fault: 0000" (Eric Sharkey)
  Re: Where to buy equipment? (LShaping)
  Linux v2.1.132,SCSI 2940/U/UW dual not working? (M Sweger)
  Re: K6-2 "general protection fault: 0000" ("Michael Lee Yohe")
  Re: Sound Blaster  AWE64 (Monte Milanuk)
  Re: SB64-PCI question (Monte Milanuk)
  EPSON Stylus 640 (Michele Iacobellis)


From: Jack Bowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vlb bus and L2 cache
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 16:14:49 -0800

On Tue, 05 Jan 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I have a 486dx2/66 vlb box with 32mb ram, vesa video and vesa i/o+ide
>controllers, isa 10b-T and I would like to be able to enable L2 on it.
>I got the thing for 50$ and aside from L2 everything works great. I know
>the person I got it from so I know he was not aware of it being damaged.
>Are there any issues with L2 + vlb? I already tried using conservative mem-
>timings but only disabling the L2 would make the system boot.

I'm running RH 5.1 kernel 2.0.36 on the same hardware minnus the 10b-T with no
problems. The only time I ran into any L2 cache trouble was when I tried a
Gainbery upgrade chip in it while running OS/2. Would not boot unless L2 was
disabled. May not be relevant to Linux.

Jack Bowling
Prince George, BC


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luis Forra)
Subject: any cheap Synchronous serial cards for Linux ?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 02:37:10 GMT

I need to buy several synchronous cards for Linux (EIA-232 or

We have 3 lines with 64K synchronous modems to setup a private wan.

I believe that at 64K there is no need for smart cards, a card based
in Zilog SCC all that I need, I'm lookin for cards that costs less
then 200$ (EUR 171).

Anybody knows were can I buy these cards ?

Any help is wellcome.


Luis Forra


From: Dodgy Geezer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATAPI cd and cdrecord
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 03:33:22 +0000

Has anyone got cdrecord working with an ATAPI cdrom (Mitsumi 2600
something or other)?  I downloaded the latest cdrecord, and installed
x-roast (I think thats the name!), but it refuses to accept the cdrom as
a writer.



From: Tim Nimmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux, SMP and Compaq SystemPro
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 19:27:04 -0700

Does anyone know if a Compaq SystemPro/XL w/2 x 486DX/50 is support
under SMP on Linux kernels 2.1.x or 2.2.x.

I read the linux/Documention/smp.txt that mentioned config'n the system
setup to use Unixware mode. I tried Unixware 7, Unixware 2.0 & 2.1.

Currently I can only get Linux to see 1 CPU and it says the systemboard
does support SMP. Even though I have run SCO and WNT and both CPUs run
on those O/Ss.

Thanks alot!


From: "Stephen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux probe hard drive spec correct???
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 04:04:49 GMT


I've a couple of Linux boxes. Both plain EIDE systems.
When Linux boot, it probes hardware including the hard drive.

On my first system I have a 6.4 Gig Quantum FireBall ST which
has 128kB cache, but Linux reports only 81 kB:

hda: QUANTUM FIREBALL ST6.4A, 6149MB w/81kB Cache, CHS=784/255/63, UDMA
My second system has a new 6.4 Gig Fujutsu MPC3064AT which
has 256kB cache, but Linux reports 0 kB. That's right, zero.

What's going on here?

Slackware 3.6 -- Asus P2L97


From: "AllenF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: vid driver for Cyrix-GX
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 22:51:10 -0800

Apparently Linux 5.2 doesn't have video drivers
for the Cyrix 233mhz-MediaGX-MMX processor.
This cpu has onboard/integreted video and audio. There
is no video card.
Am I going too have to replace my cpu and MB
with something linux supports or is there a
driver out there somewhere?

Appreciate any help.


Subject: Re: Red hat 5.2 and RAM > 1.0 Gb => problem?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 05:24:47 GMT

On Thu, 07 Jan 1999 17:13:11 +0100, FABRICE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>In fact, it seems like redhat 5.2 automatically detects the RAM I have
>(it wasn't the case with redhat 5.1) tries to configure 1 Gb of RAM
>and ... fails because of a maximum supported under 1.0 Gb (I have a
>2.à.36 kernel). 

Linux "finds" whatever it is told to find.  In most machines, the BIOS
will not report more than 64Mb, which is why the kernel has a "mem=xxxM"
initialization option to override the BIOS.  This should also work in
reverse, allowing you to limit Linux to 960Mb if your BIOS is reporting
more than that.

>I tried to find a kernel compilation option as MAX_MEMSIZE to specify I
>had more than 1.0 Gb, but didn't find it.

There isn't one.  The only way to use more than 1Gb of RAM is to hack the

>What I'd like to know is whether:
>-This is a known limitation, and in this case how could I bypass it (I'd
>like to avoid changing my kernel if at all possible, but if it is

The linux kernel was written to use a 4Gb memory model, and divides that
into 1Gb of kernel memory and 3Gb of user memory (less a few pages in each
segment).  If you want to use more physical RAM, you must increase the
size of the kernel allocation in the map so that the virtual-MMU code can
manage the physical memory from within the kernel memory space.  This
means that the user memory space is reduced *for all processes* by the
same amount.  This can apparently cause problems with some database

I found the file/location to do this once before, but haven't the
slightest idea where it is in the source tree now.


From: Dug Birdzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sparc vs Intel
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 00:13:52 +0000


I am about to set up RedHat 5.2 and I have 2 options for hardware:
a sparc station 20 with 2x75mhz HyperSparc processors, 96mb ram and approx 4gb
hd for $2000, vs a Dell with 1 350mhz pentium II, 128mb ram and 8gb hard disk,
for $2100.  the promise of more speed makes the Dell attractive,  yet the
sun's multiprocessing architecture could render that point moot.   sun boxes
have been very reliable in my experience, but i've only known intel boxes to
act flaky when they run a MicroSloth OS. I guess I lean towards the Sun box
but I may just be biased. thoughts? opinions?  what would you do if you had
someone else's $2K to spend on a box which had to be up 24x7 running secure commerce?

Dug Birdzell
Administrator, Programmer, Engineer


From: hiro johnny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Oxygen 102 opengl and Linux
Date: 09 Jan 1999 01:20:04 -0600

I have this spare oxygen 102 board just sitting around (don't ask,
it wouldn't work in my proliant) and I'd really like to put it
to some use other than a paperweight.

Are there any sort of Linux drivers for such a beast?



Subject: Re: opti 931 Soundchip & ava 1502 AE
Date: 9 Jan 1999 21:23:28 GMT

Bernhard Reski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> does an Opti 931 Soundchip work with Debian Gnu Linux-Kernel 2.0.34?

        i'm a debian user and linux 2.1.132+ user. If you follow the
        doc at the Documentation/sound/OPTI from this kernel you can 
        put 82C931 working. I could, even in full-duplex!
        Put beware that its a development kernel and you probably will need
        to use the latest utilities, thos from unstable debian.
        Didn't check with recent 2.2.x pre kernels since i have at least with
        pre3 ISDN problems with my card. didn't check with the latest pre6...
                                      Nuno Sucena


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Dreyer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: XF68_FBDev fails to start
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 06:10:16 GMT

Video Chip is WD9710 (on Paradise Pipeline 64 card with 1MB RAM).

Installed Linux 2.1.132 (on top of a Debian 2.0.34 system), created Frame
Buffer device /dev/fb0 as described in,
but xinit comes back with message:

exec of /usr/lib/X11/XF68_FBdev failed.

The executable is there, extracted from

I have no idea what to look for now.  Any and all suggestions will be greatly

Best regards,



Subject: Re: Where to buy equipment?
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 22:45:20 -0800

If you in the SF Bay Area Fry's Electronics is a great place to buy
stuff. There's one in Palo Alto, right off El Camino near Page Mill.

 Another place would be Central Computers, there in SF on Howard between
4th and 5th.

Connie Faust wrote:
> I inherited a Pentium II system (Intel AL440LX) and want to put together
> a SCSI based system.  I need a dual boot NT and Linux system for
> software development.
> Where's a good source for Ultra SCSI, Ultra2 SCSI, Ethernet and Video
> Cards?  Cyber dealers/Internet?  Mail Order??
> I have looked at retail stores, I think I can save and get decent
> service through a Cyber dealer or Mail order??
> Any suggestions??
> Thanks
> Connie


From: "David Martinez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 06:37:48 GMT

Well, I actually prefer the current approach (answers in the newsgroups). I
have found answers in Dejanews without even having to ask thanks to this
approach. It makes a great reference material.

But the summary part I do like. The problem is getting the world to follow
conventions again :-)

- David Martinez

George Dau wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>"Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I didn't understand the original post either.
>Basically the idea is:
>Post your question.
>People e-mail their responses to you only.
>You discuss differences between replies with the people privately using
>IMPORTANT: When you get a solution, you post a summary as a follow-up to
>original request.
>Of course, people didn't munge their addresses then either, so replying was


Subject: Re: Building a Linux box for home use.
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 11:01:24 +0100

JRED45 wrote:
> I am planning to build a Linux box that will be running Redhat 5.2 for home
> use. I don't want to buy computer hardware( video cards,modem etcc..) that
> wouldn't work for the Redhat 5.2 (incompatible) Does anybody has a Hardware
> list that has been proven to work on Linux? specially those modems. Thanx

don't buy a WDC IDE harddrive - i bought one and had a lot of trouble
with it.



From: Blake Sobiloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Epson 850N?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 01:52:51 -0500

I'm in the market for a color inkjet printer and am leaning towards the
Epson Stylus Color 850N. I have a Solaris server, an NT server, a couple
of Linux machines, and a Mac, all of which I'd like to be able to print
to this printer. According to the brochure at
<>, the 850N can handle
lpr/lpd natively, as well as Mac and NT clients.

However, I was wondering if anyone had experience with the 850N and
Linux. I'd hate to spend the extra money for the Ethernet interface,
only to find that it doesn't really work with Linux's lpr/lpd. TIA!
Blake Sobiloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Higher Education Consulting
Washington, DC


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerald Taylor)
Subject: Re: Need help with Redhat 5.2 hardware compatibility?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 02:05:16 -0500

[This followup was posted to linux.redhat.misc and a copy was sent to the cited 

In article <1103_915080616@newkirk>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> > 1.)Because this modem has no jumpers it requires special 
> > software to run.
> I> 've yet to see a jumperless internal modem working under 
> > linux.
> > My advice is to ditch it and get a different modem.
> Why?  Is it a lack of fixed IRQ and such?  if so, some BIOS support asignments prior 
>to boot. I ask because I am in the same boat, with a Lucent Tech PCI V.90 that I 
>don't know (yet) how to configure.  I also have an external 
> Hayes on COM1, so lack of ability to configure doesn't mean it can't be done to 
>me... ;^)
> j
> Joel NewKirk
> POV-Team Amiga -
> personal home page -
> KOSH -
I no longer have the modem, so I cannot verify, but I think that is the same
USR modem that I used to have; it is a win modem, but it does not say so.

I was careful when I bought it, but not quite careful enough.

I recommend the Diamond SupraExpress 56K v.90 modem series; good performance,
and works fine under Linux.

Gerald (sLAShraT)


From: Eric Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K6-2 "general protection fault: 0000"
Date: 10 Jan 1999 03:00:23 -0500

Ok, this is my second post on this topic.  Same problem, still no progress.

I've got a machine which used to be configured like this:

PcChips M572 Motherboard  -  Socket 7 board
                             2.0 - 3.5 Voltage selector
                             CPU clocks from 75 to 300 MHz supported
                             83 Mhz max system bus (?)
                             4 SIMM and 2 DIMM sockets
32 MB RAM (2 * 16 MB 60 ns EDO SIMM)
150 MHz Intel Pentium Classic
1.7 GB IDE Hard disk with only Linux installed

I purchased the following items as upgrades:

AMD K6-2 300/66 MHz 2.2 Volt CPU
128 MB SDRAM DIMM module

An updated bios was flashed to allow the new CPU to be recognized by
the system.

This system, with upgrades installed, fails to boot.   Below is a table of
various configurations and the outcome.  A 4GB Windows 98 hard disk was
borrowed from another system for this test.

Boot device  CPU-> Intel    Intel      AMD     AMD
    |        Mem-> SIMMs     DIMM    SIMMs    DIMM
Debian Linux HD  Succeed  Succeed  Partial     Fail
Debian Linux CD  Succeed  Succeed  Partial  Partial
Debian Linux FD  Succeed  Succeed  Partial  Partial
Dos 5        FD  Succeed  Succeed  Succeed  Succeed
Windows 98   HD  Succeed  Succeed  Succeed  Succeed

(Some of these entries are based on extrapolations from other cases.)


Succeed:  System boots and runs normally (in all cases where CPU/memory
          intensive tasks were run, they performed without error)

Partial:  Boot-up sequence began but the system did not stay up long
          enough to become functional.  The average uptime seems to be
          on the order of 10 seconds.  It appears to fail at nearly
          the same point in the boot sequence every time.
          This occurs with all kernels tried, from 2.0.34 to 2.2.0-pre5,
          including both custom compiles and Debian stock kernels.
          The error is always "general protection fault: 0000"

Fail:     After a functional LILO prompt, the system hangs after printing
          "Loading Linux".

Things I've tried which have had no effect:

1.  Disabling Level 1 and/or Level 2 Cache RAM
2.  Underclocking the CPU to the same bus/core freq as the Intel CPU
3.  Replacing the AMD K6-2 300 with another AMD K6-2 (this one rated at 350
        but running at the same clock speed as the 300/66)

If any of you have *any* ideas on what to try to get this working, please
let me know.

Eric Sharkey


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (LShaping)
Subject: Re: Where to buy equipment?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 08:07:28 GMT

On Sat, 09 Jan 1999 22:45:20 -0800, Leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Connie Faust wrote:
>> I inherited a Pentium II system (Intel AL440LX) and want to put together
>> a SCSI based system.  I need a dual boot NT and Linux system for
>> software development.
>> Where's a good source for Ultra SCSI, Ultra2 SCSI, Ethernet and Video
>> Cards?  Cyber dealers/Internet?  Mail Order??
>> I have looked at retail stores, I think I can save and get decent
>> service through a Cyber dealer or Mail order??
>> Connie

>If you in the SF Bay Area Fry's Electronics is a great place to buy
>stuff. There's one in Palo Alto, right off El Camino near Page Mill.
> Another place would be Central Computers, there in SF on Howard between
>4th and 5th.

I heard that Fry's inspects your shopping bag right after you pay for
their products.  I heard that CompUSA does that too.  Other


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M Sweger)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Linux v2.1.132,SCSI 2940/U/UW dual not working?
Date: 7 Jan 1999 11:59:31 GMT


        Has anybody gotten Linux v2.1.132 working with the Scsi 2940U/UW Dual
adapter with SCSI Bios v1.33S2 and a 9.1Gig Western Digital hard drive?
Presently, I'm using DosLinux (the latest) and on bootup, the SCSI card
seems to be recognized for SCSIDs configurations (such as terminations)
and interrupts, but hangs forever and never sees the 9.1Gig WD hard drive
on SCSID0. Are there still problems with the 2940 SCSI driver?
The SCSI card has the AIC 7895 chipset too.

        I see the Adapatec has agreed to help the Linux driver people out
developing SCSI drivers for Linux. How is this going, particuarlily
in resolving problems?

        Here is my configuration and partition setup.

c:\  MSDOS and Win95 partition of 2Gigs running Doslinux from here
          (at least I'm trying to).
d:\  NT4.0 and FAT32 of 2Gigs
e:\  MSDOS partitions of 2Gigs
f:\  MSDOS partitions of 2Gigs
H:\  MSDOS partitions of the remaining disk space.

        NT4.0 works okay when I boot into it and it recognizes the disk.
        MSDOS works okay when I boot into it from the boot menu and recognizes
                the disk.
        After booting into MSDOS and start setup.bat (the DOSlinux mini
        boot before installing the full install) it hangs trying to find
        the disk.

        I would think that if the SCSI driver can't find the attached
        devices it would time out and tell the user that no devices
        found or that something may be conflicting/misconfigured instead
        of just hanging.

        Any help appreciated, since I'll have to revert back to my
        100mhz 1Gig IDE machine (thats out of space) and can boot
        without problem and version of DOSLINUX from my new 333mhz
        9.1GIG ultra SCSI machine (DELL Optiplex GX1) that now the
        only Unix that it'll run is NT4.0. :)




From: "Michael Lee Yohe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: K6-2 "general protection fault: 0000"
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 03:28:02 -0600

>Things I've tried which have had no effect:
>1.  Disabling Level 1 and/or Level 2 Cache RAM
>2.  Underclocking the CPU to the same bus/core freq as the Intel CPU
>3.  Replacing the AMD K6-2 300 with another AMD K6-2 (this one rated at 350
>        but running at the same clock speed as the 300/66)
>If any of you have *any* ideas on what to try to get this working, please
>let me know.

>From what I understand, AMD K6-2's are very sensitive to external clock
ratio's.  As you know, the K6-2 was designed to run at 100MHz externally
(supporting the Super 7 FSB).  AMD and FIC have both posted notes about
running the K6-2's externally at 66MHz and that reliability _could_ be

 * Michael Lee Yohe                                   Office:      TH N318 *
 * UAH ASPIRE System Administrator                    Office: 256-890-6904 *
 * UAH CS Assistant Administrator                       Home: 256-828-2667 *
 * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Web: *


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Monte Milanuk)
Subject: Re: Sound Blaster  AWE64
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 07:01:52 GMT

Ok, I'll bite.  I have an AWE64 Value, and I read the HOWTO, and I
went into M$ Windows and looked for the IRQ's and DMA's and i/o
ranges.  Am I supposed to use the settings from the 'CREATIVE AWE 64
16-bit audio (SB16 compatible)' or the 'Creative AWE 64 Wavetable Midi
(AWE 32 compatible)' ?  If I end up using the 16-bit audio, how do I
get the midi to work?


On Wed, 6 Jan 1999 08:31:26 -0000, "Gary J Sanderson"

>At the risk of sounding stupid (being new to Linux myself) I had the same
>problem, if you can get into Windows and make nots of the IRQ, DMA's &
>memory ranges (I think they're called). Then rename the isapnp.conf file to
>something else - then run sndconf. Hey..... it worked for me!
>I tried for ages to get the damn thing to work before removing the
>isapnp.conf file! My modem works too now!
>HTH, Gary.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Monte Milanuk)
Subject: Re: SB64-PCI question
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 07:05:28 GMT

Check the Sound-HOWTO.  It's normally installed as part of Extra
Documentation on RH, dunno on SuSE


On Fri, 08 Jan 1999 14:46:52 +0100, Ingo Assenmacher

>Hi folks!
>I have recently bought a Soundblaster64AWE-PCI card and now I wonder how
>to integrate that into my Linux-system.
>I am currently using a 2.0.36 Kernel, Slackware distribution (SuSE6.0),
>and there seems to be no support for PCI-soundcards.
>Here are my questions:
>* is there any HOWTO or FAQ to read about this subject?
>* and/or do I have to upgrade to a new kernel?
>thanks very much in advance,
>regards, Ingo.


From: Michele Iacobellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EPSON Stylus 640
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 14:24:35 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello all.
Are there any problems using stylus 640 under linux?
Can I use gs to print documents ?
For example, I know that a canon bjc4000 is compatible with bj200 or
bj600 ghostscript support.
So can I do so for stylus 640?


# Michele Iacobellis
# Linux System Administrator and Programmer
# Personal email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Official email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Hello all.
<br>Are there any problems using stylus 640 under linux?
<br>Can I use gs to print documents ?
<br>For example, I know that a canon bjc4000 is compatible with bj200 or
bj600 ghostscript support.
<br>So can I do so for stylus 640?
# Michele Iacobellis
# Linux System Administrator and Programmer
# Personal email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Official email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]</pre>




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