Linux-Hardware Digest #145, Volume #11           Tue, 31 Aug 99 07:13:22 EDT

  Re: Unusable space on 13.6GB hard-disk (Len Brown)
  Re: which digital LCD panel to use with XFree86? (Kaspar Landsberg)
  Re: processor serail number (Alberto Varesio)
  Recompiled 2.2.7 kernel ignores 16550A uart (matt)
  Re: cost of leased line in notting hill, London England (Rob van der Putten)
  Re: Device /dev/modem is locked. (John McKown)
  WinModems ("Steve Macras")
  Re: Save my 486... Linux and HDD controller board (Paul Sherwin)
  Difficulties with SCSI disk drive. (Zero Partition) (Lyndon F. Bartels)
  Re: WinModems ("R.Bertrand")
  Problems with NCR 710 SCSI controller and with Compaq Smart1 array ("Wim")
  Re: Buying new Linux Box; any hardware recommendations? (Ron Gibson)
  Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it? (Ron Gibson)
  Internal Iomega Zip Drive Problems (JT)
  multifunction ethernet/modem cards (Patrick May)
  Can I use IBM ServeRAID 3L with Linux? (Sampo Järvinen)
  Re: Another SBLive! problem :( (Carl Peto)


From: Len Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unusable space on 13.6GB hard-disk
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 08:31:02 GMT

MBr wrote:
> From what I can tell from this, it looks like your BIOS doesn't support
> Extended Interrupt 13
> (EXT INT13), this means your BIOS CMOS can't store the size of a drive 
> than +/- 8gb,
> try setting these drives to AUTO, so that the BIOS detects their size on
> boot...
> MBr

I should've said that the BIOS does show the correct number of bytes for 
the big disks, but does not show cylinder/head/sector information. I think 
those fields say either "auto" or "--" (the machine is not here, so I 
can't check right now). W98 sees all of its disk (13.1GB on primary 
slave), so it doesn't look like a BIOS problem. Linux also sees that disk 
OK, but not the other big disk. 

The crux of the problem is that I don't know how many cylinders to specify 
in Linux fdisk (and/or lilo) for the 13.6GB disk on primary master.   

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaspar Landsberg)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: which digital LCD panel to use with XFree86?
Date: 31 Aug 1999 08:51:35 GMT


Mark Cooperstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a Princeton DPP 560 and ATI Xpert LCD.  The combo works great in 
>Windows, but I cannot for the life of me get a configuration that works in 
>Xfree86.  I'm still, working on it, so if you want me to keep you posted (I'm 
>hoping to get it working in the next week or so) drop me email and I'll let 
>you know my progress.
>Many of the digital LCD monitors come with the ATI card. The ATI card is based 
>on the ATI Mach64 chipset and *should* work with X.  So far, neither Princeton 
>nor ATI has been much help, so I'm gonna have to figure this out on my own.

maybe the following will be of interest for you:

Here are the first 4 lines of it:

"ATI Rage LT & Princeton Graphics DPP500 @ 1024x768

or: the ATI Xpert LCD nano-HOWTO

Hi there! 

I finally managed to get the above combination running."

Bye, Kasi

Kaspar Landsberg, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Alberto Varesio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: processor serail number
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 10:43:33 +0200

"Grumpy, the Third Dwarf" wrote:
> On 30 Aug 1999 14:46:45 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pierre
> JEAN) wrote:
> >>Does any one know the intel assembler instructions to read and manage
> >>the processor serial number for the pentium III??
> Go to the Intel site and find these two documents.
> 24512501.pdf
> 24161812.pdf
> All will be revealed.
> --
> Grumpy, the Third Dwarf
> *****************************************
> If I were taller, I wouldn't be so short!
> *****************************************

I got them and tried to compile under Linux with gcc. C part is OK, but
assembler parts show up with lots of errors. I never used ass. so I don't know
what to do. Anyone can handle this? I'm really interested in getting the CPU ID
out of the processor.
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

 Alberto Varesio - AIX Support Professional             Phone: +39-011-41581-11
 EDIST Spa          >>> Crack RC5-64 Moo @ <<<          Fax:   +39-011-41581-80
 Via Goito 51/A     > < mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10195 Grugliasco (TO) ITALY        
 Attachment smime.p7s is a digital signature, ignore it if mailer can't use it.


From: matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Recompiled 2.2.7 kernel ignores 16550A uart
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 18:31:02 GMT

I recompiled my 2.2.7 linux kernel and lost my serial mouse.  I had the 
same problem with 2.0.34 and 2.0.35.  As a workaround I fixed my init 
script to do

        setserial /dev/cua0 uart 16550A

before calling gpm, the same then applies to the modem in a similar 

Although this does fix the problem, I want the kernel to set up the ports 
correctly.  The boot.log shows that the port was recognized, but 
        cat /proc/interupts 

reveals that IRQs 3 & 4 are unassigned.

        cat /proc/tty/driver/serial

The resulting list indicates: unknown UART for 43 ports.

My mouse worked with the distribution kernel, but not when I tune and 
recompile it.  Am I doing something wrong in the configuration?

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Rob van der Putten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: cost of leased line in notting hill, London England
Date: 31 Aug 1999 10:59:14 +0200

Hi there

In comp.os.linux.networking colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> You could try an analog line with baseband modems.
>> It may also be interresting to look at EU law.

> Can you give me any more info about this?

Brussels dictates that both digital (= use the telco's modems) and analog
(= use your own modems) leased lines should be available all over the EU
at reasonable prices. The ONP also states that a telco can't force you to
use a certain ISP.

> Like, can I get say ten fixed IP addresses,

You will have to ask an ISP, not a telco.

> and is the connection stable enough to sit a web/databse server 
> at one end of it?

Most of my friends use analog leased lines at speeds of 28k8, 33k6,
144 kbps and 2048 kbps. We never had any problems.

Over here an analog leased line costs EUR 250,- to set up plus EUR 30,-
per month.

|                Rob van der Putten, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |
|                   |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John McKown)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Device /dev/modem is locked.
Date: 31 Aug 1999 09:58:01 GMT

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 19:22:46 -0400, Michael Starkie 
>When I try to start minicom to test my modem configuration I get the
>minicom: WARNING: configuration file not found, using defaults
>Device /dev/modem is locked.
>This happens after a fresh reboot. How do I determine what has locked
>>ls  -l /dev/modem
>lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root            5 Aug 29 17:51 /dev/modem ->
What what little I know of this, Linux "locks" the modem by creating
a file on the HD. On my RedHat 6.0 system, this is the file:


possibly you had an uncontrolled shutdown which left this file on the HD.
If you are sure that nobody is using the modem, you can remove this file
by logging in as root and "rm /var/lock/LCK..modem". If you want to be
really safe, do this and then reboot. It the file "reappears" then I'd
look at my startup scripts. The only thing that I run which uses this
file is minicom and ppp. So if you keep your ppp connection active all
the time, this will cause the modem to be "locked". There are some other
things which do this as well, such a uucp, but I doubt that you are
using them.

I hope this was of some help to you,


From: "Steve Macras" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WinModems
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 19:33:01 +1000

Is there any way to get a WinModem to work?

Maybe somebody is writing a emulator or something



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Sherwin)
Subject: Re: Save my 486... Linux and HDD controller board
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 09:26:24 GMT

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 08:16:14 +0800, Jimmy Lio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Paul Sherwin wrote:
>> Alternatively, you may have a seriously screwed up partition table.
>> You could try deleting all existing partitions and starting again.
>I'm not sure if this is the case.  Before the installation, the 240Mb
>harddrive had Windows 3.1 installed and was running great.  After the Linux
>installation, I low-formated the harddrive once and checked it with Partition
>Magic 4.0 on my Win '98... everything was just fine... I guess I can dismiss
>the possibility that the hard drive has a screwed-up partition table...

>I noticed that some of you have controller boards with two IDEs.  Mine is a
>bit different --- there is only one IDE.  In fact, I've got two controllers:
>one Goldstar and the other UMC... My CDROM is on the SoundBlaster board,
>which is automatically probed on Boot-up.
Generally, the CD-ROM port on a sound card is configured like a
secondary IDE controller in terms of I/O addresses etc. If you already
have a second IDE port or an additional controller card, you may have
problems using this - at best you may need to reset some of the config
values. I'd suggest you take everything out except your main (primary)
IDE controller and your soundcard. If you _still_ have problems, take
the soundcard out, jumper the CDROM as a slave, and put it on your IDE
controller. That _has_ to work! Then, when you have a running Linux
system, you can add bits of hardware and see what happens. Linux
generally gives good diagnostics about hardware conflicts etc. once it
is installed and running.

Just to stress - I've installed Linux on _loads_ of old 486s using the
original (100-400Mb) disks and controllers - absolutely no problems

Good luck, Paul
Paul Sherwin Consulting     22 Monmouth Road, Oxford OX1 4TD, UK
Phone  +44 (0)1865 721438
Mobile +44 (0)7931 578334   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pager  +44 (0)7666 797228


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyndon F. Bartels)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Difficulties with SCSI disk drive. (Zero Partition)
Date: 31 Aug 1999 07:10:35 GMT


I don't know what's wrong with the hard drive on my machine. Hopefully y'all 
can help. 

My hardware:
P-II 350. 192Meg of memory.
Three disk drives: (All Ultra-Wide)
  Disk1 is a 4.5G Seagate Medalist Pro
  Disk2 is a 4.5G Seagate Medalist Pro
  Disk3 is a 9.1G Seagate Medalist Pro
Controller is a Adaptec 2940UW Pro.

Disk3 is composed of one partition. All data on this partition is web pages.

I'm getting interesting errors. The symptoms include "Input/output errors" 
when I try to rename a file. When I tried to unmount the drive I get
a "device busy" error. But I'm the only one logged on, and not on that device. 
Obviously a process had some file open. I checked, and I'm not 
out of space, not out of inodes either. I killed off a bunch of httpd 
processes, and could unmount the device. On the next reboot, the drive didn't
up on the controller's part of the boot. Tonight, when I powered the machine 
up, the drive showed up again, but when I tried to e2fsck it, I got
an error.

I'm currently running RH6.0, kernel 2.2.5-15. I haven't installed any updates 
yet. Below, I included some excepts from /var/log/messages from
last night. Followed by my e2fsck attempt, and the /var/log/messages entries 
added as a result. My gut tells me that there's something wrong with
disk cacheing, but I could be wrong. I don't know if it's hardware or software 
or both. The two 4.5s have never given me problems since the install.
I have them set up with the OS, /home, and other areas. I later added the 
9.1Gigger for data. I used cfdisk to partition the drive. I copied the data
from another computer, (via nfs) and I thought I was set. I started to rename 
some of the files, etc, and starting getting long waits after each
command. Then I started getting the Input/output errors trying to execute a mv 

Anyway... any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Lyndon F. Bartels

Aug 29 18:16:52 gl1500 kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 
41256, scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0 Write (6) 01 c0 4d 02 00   
Aug 29 18:16:53 gl1500 kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 41256) timed out - 
Aug 29 18:16:53 gl1500 kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.  
Aug 29 18:16:56 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) Performing Domain validation.  
Aug 29 18:16:56 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:1:0) Synchronous at 40.0 Mbyte/sec, 
offset 8.  
Aug 29 18:16:56 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:1:0) Performing Domain validation.  
Aug 29 18:16:56 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:1:0) Successfully completed Domain 
Aug 29 18:16:56 gl1500 kernel: SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 2 lun 0 
return code = 26030000  
Aug 29 18:16:56 gl1500 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:21, sector 114764  
Aug 29 18:20:07 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:0:0) Synchronous at 40.0 Mbyte/sec, 
offset 8.  
Aug 29 22:19:05 gl1500 kernel: scsi0 channel 0 : resetting for second half of 
Aug 29 22:19:05 gl1500 kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.  
Aug 29 22:19:09 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:1:0) Synchronous at 40.0 Mbyte/sec, 
offset 8.  
Aug 29 22:19:09 gl1500 kernel: SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 2 lun 0 
return code = 26030000  
Aug 29 22:19:09 gl1500 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:21, sector 2  
Aug 29 22:19:38 gl1500 kernel: scsi0 channel 0 : resetting for second half of 
Aug 29 22:19:38 gl1500 kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.  
Aug 29 22:19:41 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:1:0) Synchronous at 40.0 Mbyte/sec, 
offset 8.  
Aug 29 22:19:41 gl1500 kernel: SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 2 lun 0 
return code = 26030000  
Aug 29 22:19:41 gl1500 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:21, sector 2  
Aug 29 22:20:06 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:0:0) Synchronous at 40.0 Mbyte/sec, 
offset 8.  

# e2fsck -fy /dev/sdc1 
e2fsck 1.14, 9-Jan-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09 
e2fsck: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while 
trying to open /dev/sdc1 
Could this be a zero-length partition? 

# tail messages 
Aug 30 23:26:28 gl1500 kernel: SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 2 lun 0 
return code = 28000002  
Aug 30 23:26:28 gl1500 kernel: extra data not valid Current error sd08:21: 
sense key Not Ready  
Aug 30 23:26:28 gl1500 kernel: Additional sense indicates Logical unit not 
ready, manual intervention required  
Aug 30 23:26:28 gl1500 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:21, sector 2  


Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:03:23 +0200
Reply-To: "R.Bertrand" <nospam_please@nowhere>
From: "R.Bertrand" <bertrand@bearbull>
Subject: Re: WinModems

Steve Macras a écrit dans le message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Is there any way to get a WinModem to work?


>Maybe somebody is writing a emulator or something

Maybe buy another modem.


Subject: Problems with NCR 710 SCSI controller and with Compaq Smart1 array
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:40:07 +0200

I tried to install linux on a Compaq proliant 1000 and a Compaq prosigma.
I used Redhat 6.0, and Suse  6.1 but they just wouldnt detect my hardware.
The proliant had a Smart1 array and the prosigma an NCR..... scsi card,
I found on the internet that there could be problems with the NCR ..... card
but nobody could offer me a solution.  As for the Smart 1, I only saw smart2
in the kernel so maybe it is not supported, I dont know.  Now I cant install
linux on these machines cause it wont find my harddisks.  Does anybody have
the solution to this problem?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson)
Subject: Re: Buying new Linux Box; any hardware recommendations?
Date: 30 Aug 1999 19:15:07 GMT

On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 20:19:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Your 486-50 is getting creaky??  What does that make my
> 486DLC-40???

> - Processor: AMD K6-2/3d 450Mhz,   about $75.00.
> Pentiums are more $$$, and Celeron's are Slower.
> And I don't trust over-clocking.

Here's one place to think hard about.  I started to do the same but
opted instead for a PII-400 that are about $200 now.  Reason being
you're running a 100 MHz buss vs 66 for Celerons and lesser processors. 
Also decided that Slot1/370 just had better resell value. 

With the BX chipset I can go all the way up to a PIII-500 w/ the same
mobo and higher as PIII-800's are expected out soon.  I just might need
to flash the BIOS. 

However, the AMD is a fast chip...

                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson)
Subject: Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it?
Date: 30 Aug 1999 19:15:08 GMT

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 06:32:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder) wrote:

> >For PCI.  If it's an ISA card, is is definitely _NOT_ a winmodem.
> Nonsense. Most internal ISA modems presently available are winmodems.
> What you do have to check is the modem description. If the box mentions
> "HSP", "HCF" or "requires Win*", then it's definitely a Winmodem.
> If it doesn't, let the vendor confirm that this modem will work in 
> native DOS .

That's not quite true either.  Only an hour ago I looked at a 3Com
Sportster Model 5687 and on the outside of the shrink wrapped box it said
"Requires Windows 95 or 98" and it was an ISA jumpered modem.  They are
using the same box to package different modems.  In fact it didn't even
say it was ISA or PCI! 

Being that it was CompUSA I told them the only way I'd buy one was that
they opened the package and confirmed that it was not a plug and pray
or a WinModem. They thought it was a PnP and wasn't sure about the slot.

                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: Internal Iomega Zip Drive Problems
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 19:31:02 GMT

I have an Internal Iomega Zip Drive 100.  I had it configured as an Atapi
Zip drive and it worked great.  I recently got a CD/RW.  I set
scsi/emulation on my system RH6.0 p2-450 128M  I set the fstab to 

/dev/sda          /mnt/zip        vfat     user,exec,dev,suid,rw,noauto 0

When I mount it I get the following error:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda,
       or too many mounted file systems 

I also tried mounting it as sda4 and it says:

mount: /dev/sda4 is not a valid block device 

which means it doesnt exist

As an atapi drive it mounted as hdb4.
I reset the fstab to this and it didnt work it gave the following error

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb4,
       or too many mounted file systems
       (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
       instead of some logical partition inside?)

My CD-RW and CD-ROM both mount fine as scd0 and scd1.  I havent gotten the
writer to write yet but it reads(cant get xcdroast to work quite yet). 
That is a different problem though I think.  The cd-rom works perfectly.

They all seem to load fine in the dmesg


==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick May)
Subject: multifunction ethernet/modem cards
Date: 31 Aug 1999 02:21:57 -0700


     I'm considering buying a multifunction ethernet/modem PCMCIA
card, probably from 3Com (supporting Linux pays off!) for use on my
dual-boot Linux/Win95 laptop.  Is it possible to use both the modem
and ethernet connections simultaneously?  I would like to occasionally
use the laptop as a gateway for two or three other machines, so that
several people can share the same modem connection to my ISP.  Is it
better to get separate cards?  Any recommendations?


Patrick May

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sampo Järvinen)
Subject: Can I use IBM ServeRAID 3L with Linux?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 10:38:31 GMT

Is there any way to get the above card working in Linux? It has a symbios 
53c895 chip on it, but also several others (including IBM anaconda and a 
powerpc 403 processor).



From: Carl Peto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Another SBLive! problem :(
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:04:30 +0000

Sorry to come in on the middle of this discussion John but are Creative
now supporting the SBLive! ??  I ask because (peeved) I bought one when
they were new ish here in England about 4-6 months ago and was assured
by creative support that not only did they not support Linux but that
there were no plans to do so at any time.  :-(  I then went back to the
shop on Tottenham Court Road, London to replace it with a PnP AWE-64. 
Any of you that shop there (a famous place for discount electronics)
will know how difficult that is - I was obliquely threatened with
physical violence when I persisted in trying to get a refund!!

This sort of thing really gets my goat.  I mean both the blinkered
attitude to Linux (thankfully now changing) and more to the point the
fact that even big well known companies just brush you off when you try
to get some sort of decent support and give you all that "go see the
website" nonsense.  I tell you that voice-menus on phones, call queueing
on phones and websites for support are all a curse on the PC community!

Seriously, John, how good is their support for this?  Should I consider
changing my soundcard AGAIN!


John wrote:
> I'm using Debian 2.1, with kernel 2.2.10 on the potato distribution.
> I had installed the emu10k1 0.3b files from Creative following the
> manual instructions, however, it didn't seem to get detected. (That
> means I uncommented the alias for the soundcore and put in an alias
> for the emu10k1 and the pre-install/post-removes also)   Afterwards, I
> did a modconf and installed emu10k1.o that way.  modprobe emu10k1
> didn't report anything, but upon restarting Linux, I saw that emu10k1
> Creative SBLive! detected :)  Now here is the current situation:  I
> can play audio CDs fine from xmcd, but I can't play any WAVs or MP3s
> using xmms 0.91.  It gives me an error citing 3 probably causes:
> Couldn't open audio
> Please check that:
> 1. You have the correct output plugin selected
> 2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard
> 3. Your soundcard is configured properly
> With xmms, I tried the 3 output disk was fine, but to OSS
> and to eSound had the same problems as mentioned above.
> I will include my /dev/sndstat and hope that someone can help me.
> OSS/Free:3.8s2++-971130
> Load type: Driver loaded as a module
> Kernel: Linux 2.2.10 #2 Wed Jun 16 00:23:31 EST
> 1999 i686
> Config options: 0
> Installed drivers:
> Type 0: Creative EMU10K1 (0.3)
> Card config:
> (Sound Blaster Live! at 0xdc00 irq 11)
> Audio devices:
> 0: Sound Blaster Live! (DUPLEX)
> Synth devices:
> Not supported by current driver
> Midi devices:
> 0: Sound Blaster Live!
> Timers:
> 0: System Clock
> Mixers:
> 0: Sound Blaster Live!



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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