Linux-Hardware Digest #210, Volume #9            Mon, 18 Jan 99 15:13:42 EST

  Re: Diamond Fire Gl 1000 Pro supported? (Brian)
  lilo wont install/reboot ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help! Only odd number characters are printed (Chris)
  Re: ongoing modem problem ("jgh")
  Re: Help: RH5.2 install can't find AHA1505 (aka 152x) ("Filippo Palombi")
  Re: Mouse problems in X ("digitalklown")
  PC Reset system (Jan Nielsen)
  Re: Iomega DITTO MAX woes (Bruce Barnett)
  Re: access to fat16 drive?? (Troy Carter)
  Re: modem/pppd config-bit 7 set to 0? (Troy Carter)
  Re: vibra card scratchy audio ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ongoing modem problem ("digitalklown")
  Re: Linux and IDE (ATA) Hard Drives > 8.4 GB ("Jay D Ribak")
  Help! Only odd number characters are printed (Dakshi Agrawal)
  Kernel Panic - Help! (Dan Warren)
  quiet CPU fans (?) (Neil Zanella)
  Video capture? ("Tom Emerson")
  Re: What should you _not_ buy? (Ulrich Teichert)
  adpatec scsi contorller not detected ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 22:35:24 -0600
Subject: Re: Diamond Fire Gl 1000 Pro supported?

I believe that XFree86 version 3.3.3-1 also now supports this card.

Bernhard Ott wrote:

> Have a look at Suse - their Xserver supports the permedia2 boards (works
> fine!)
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> >
> >     I looking into installing redhat 3.0.3 on my system and am wondering if
> > there is support
> > for my video card.  Where can I look/how do I go about determining that this
> > and other components in my system are supported?
> >
> >     Thanks for helping this linux newbie,
> >                                 Philip


Subject: lilo wont install/reboot
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 17:15:29 GMT

hi, linux gurus, (i think anyone who can install linux without glitch a guru)

install two identical machines proload with win98 with Red hat 5.2, all come
down to point that lilo installation error. (new machine with 3.2G disk).

partition disk to linux/dos and install lilo to MBR. when I reboot from hard
disk, it says "002 no MOS basics \n, 001 system halted", I can boot from boot
disk and runs great, but no way I can boot from hard disk( can't get to lilo
at all). boot from a DOS disk, using fdisk check, I see partitions: 1. no dos
4M, (I guess it is my /boot partions) 2. ent DOS 3080 ----- which is the rest
of my hard drive, it think it is a DOS partition (I only assign 1555M to DOS
16bit =>32M type, why fdisk cannot see rest of no dos partition, is it safe
using dos a:>format /s c: ?).

I figure there is mismatch problem with BIOS. How am I going to fix it, I
notice in my /boot doesn't have map file ( I think due to failed lilo
installation) and when I run /sbin/lilo it also product an error.

Please help me, thanks a lot

david liu

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help! Only odd number characters are printed
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 18:23:16 GMT

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:11:54 -0600, Dakshi Agrawal
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in comp.os.linux.hardware:

>My printer is printing only odd numbered characters from the
>symbol set.

Try using a different cable.  Try plugging the printer into another
computer.  If neither of those are practical, try sending an escape
sequence that contains an even ASCII value to see if the problem is with
the data transmission or with the character generator.


From: "jgh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ongoing modem problem
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:59:18 -0500

What do you mean by this? Should I have defaultroute selected, or not?
Thanks for your input.

Rob Clark wrote in message ...
>In article <77vlao$9ch$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>digitalklown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I have an Internal ISA PNP Cardinal 33.6 modem. I have had no problems
>>this in Windows. I can connect and everything fine. When running minicom
>>Linux, the modem dials out I get assigned an IP, MTU's but after that the
>>connection to the remote server is never established. While reading my
>>/var/log/message I find that my chat script is failing. However, I've
>>checked tons of websites, emailed many people and my chat seems to mirror
>>those that I have found to be right according to these resources. I think
>>this point it is a hardware conflict.
>I use the same modem--the modem is okay.  If you get as far as getting
>assigned an IP address, the problem is probably one of the options you
>send to PPP (e.g. defaultroute).


From: "Filippo Palombi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: RH5.2 install can't find AHA1505 (aka 152x)
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 18:28:49 +0100

Hi Wayne, I think your problem is in the way you enter parameters for module
The correct syntax is not "340,11,7,1" but "aha152x=0x340,11,7,1".
Try in this way and good luck.

Filippo Palombi


From: "digitalklown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mouse problems in X
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 09:25:31 -0500

What type of mouse do you have, and have you emulated a 3rd button during
the installation?

Mohd H Misnan wrote in message ...
>Steve Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I am a newbie.  I have the following problem with the mouse.  In XF86
>>with fvwm, after a while the mouse clicks no longer work to change
>>window focus or operate the control buttons (minimize, maximize,
>>close).  However, the left button will select menus in a window, will
>>interact with dialog boxes and select links on web pages.
>Most probably you have gpm & X running at the same time. I've heard
>that you may face a problem when running gpm & X at the same time.
>If you want both gpm & X, use /dev/gpmdata instead of /dev/mouse (
>or whatever it linked to..) And use Protocol "MouseSystems".
>|               | [EMAIL PROTECTED] + [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
>| : Disclaimer?        |
>| Linux RH5.2 on AMD K6-2/300Mhz notebook + 64Meg RAM + 3Gig HD     |


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 18:13:32 +0100
From: Jan Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PC Reset system

Hi Folks,

I have a small problem that I hope for a bit of help on. 

Basically the scenario is as follow: We are going to put out a
relatively large number of linux boxes to service a large costumer in
the near future. However, these systems will be spread over a
geographically large area and some will be very difficult to get to.

We are using Linux to ensure that we will have minimum software problems
requiring a hard reboot in order to get the system back to life again.
However, as we might have to travel more than 1000 km to do a real hard
reset I am looking for a solution that could prevent this becoming
necessary. What I have in mind is something along a the lines of a
"network card" with a separate IP address which can be "ping'ed" (using
any suitable protocol) and as a result "presses" the reset button on the
box effectively rebooting the PC. However, any solution that meets the
following requirements are probably okay:

1) it has to be possible to do this using the network only. We will not
be able to get a telephone line to the remote sites, for example.
2) it does not matter much to me whether it is a standalone system or a
PC plugin card although a standalone system might be preferable for
decoupling reasons.
3) the system must be very reliable and self-rebooting (ROM based or
similar level reliability) in case of power down etc.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance

Jan Nielsen


From: Bruce Barnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iomega DITTO MAX woes
Date: 18 Jan 1999 15:19:56 GMT

This is my current status. Linux 2.0.36. Ftape 4.03-pre-2. IBM
thinkpad 385XD. Iomega Ditto Max on parallel port.

I rebuilt the kernel 
CONFIG_PARIDE=y -------------Devices on Parallel port
CONFIG_PARIDE_PT=m - Parallel tape


The parallel port is irq=7, io=ox03bc. 
I executed the following:

insmod lp io=0x03bc irq=7
insmod ./ftape.o ft_fdc_driver=bpck-fdc,none,none,none ft_tracings=3,3,3,3,3
insmod ./zftape.o ft_major_device_number=27 # ${27-FT_MAJOR}
insmod ./bpck-fdc.o ft_fdc_threshold=16 ft_fdc_rate_limit=2000 ft_fdc_base=0x3bc 

The  /var/log/messages file shows:

kernel: lp0 at 0x03bc, (irq = 7)
kernel: ftape v4.03-pre-2 11/05/98
kernel: (c) 1993-1996 Bas Laarhoven
kernel: (c) 1995-1996 Kai Harrekilde-Petersen
kernel: (c) 1996-1998 Claus-Justus Heine ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
kernel: QIC-117 driver for QIC-40/80/3010/3020/Ditto 2GB/MAX floppy tape drives.
kernel: Compiled for Linux version 2.0.36
kernel: installing QIC-117 floppy tape hardware drive ... 
kernel: ftape_init @ 0x020411b0.
kernel: zftape for ftape v4.03-pre-2 11/05/98
kernel: (c) 1996, 1997 Claus-Justus Heine ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
kernel: vfs interface for ftape floppy tape driver.
kernel: Support for QIC-113 compatible volume table.
kernel: Compiled for Linux version 2.0.36 with versioned symbols
kernel: [000]   zftape-init.c (zft_init) - zft_init @ 0x0207398c.
kernel: [001]   zftape-init.c (zft_init) - installing zftape VFS interface for ftape 
driver ....
kernel: bpck-fdc.c: bpck_fdc_register @ 0x020813a8
kernel: [002]    fdc-io.c (fdc_register_R3448e164) - Probing for bpck-fdc tape drive 
slot 0.
kernel: [003] 0    bpck-fdc.c (bpck_fdc_probe) - Bpck parallel port tape drive 
interface for ftape v4.03-pre-2 11/05/98.
=============Trouble here=====
kernel: [004] 0      fdc-parport.h (ft_parport_claim) - Unable to grab address 0x03bc 
for <NULL>.
kernel: [005] 0     bpck-fdc.c (bpck_fdc_grab) - ft_parport_claim(fdc, &bpck->parinfo) 
failed: -16.
kernel: [006] 0    bpck-fdc.c (bpck_fdc_probe) - bpck_fdc_grab(fdc) failed: -16.
kernel: [007] 0 bpck-fdc.c (bpck_fdc_detect) - can't find bpck interface for ftape id 
kernel: [008] 0 bpck-fdc.c (bpck_fdc_detect) - ft_parport_probe(fdc, &bpck->parinfo) 
failed: -16.

Any suggestions on what I can do next?


From: Troy Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: access to fat16 drive??
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 13:34:25 -0500

cd /mnt
mkdir win98   (or any other name you want ("cdrive", etc), I use
mount -t vfat /dev/hd** /mnt/cdrive

Where you should replace the two *'s in hd** with the appropriate
partition where your win98 files reside (maybe hda1 - I mount the "E:"
drive on my Win98 system, where I store my data and documents - this is
hda6 for me).  The above commands will mount your fat partition (are you
sure it's fat16 - not fat32? doesn't matter) to /mnt/win98.
To make this simpler, you can add a line to your /etc/fstab file:

/dev/hd**  /mnt/win98   vfat  noauto  0 0

(You can read in "man fstab" what everything here means)
Then you can mount it with "mount /mnt/win98".


Paul Suurbach wrote:
> i just started using redhat 5.2... i do like it allready.. but how to access
> a fat16 (win98) partition?? from within linux???
> Thanx in advance,,,

Troy Carter


From: Troy Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.ppp
Subject: Re: modem/pppd config-bit 7 set to 0?
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 13:23:49 -0500

This looks extremely familiar to the error message I had when I was
first setting up ppp.  The reason I got this message was chat/pppd was
expecting to see "login:" when the connection was established, but
instead the server was asking for "Username:".  Hence the LCP: timeout
sending Config-Requests. I am very sure I saw the same complaints about
serial link not 8-bit, etc.  Check your script to see what you are
telling chat/pppd to expect when the connection is established (the
default is "ogin:") and check to see what your ISP prompts you for when
you log in manually (using minicom, for instance).  The fix might just
be changing a couple lines in your ppp scripts.


joris dallaire wrote:
> Hello linuxians,
> Below is the log message for a pppd error upon connection with
> kppp:
> [root@localhost sbin]# tail /var/log/messages
> Jan 17 04:16:14 localhost pppd[327]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
> Jan 17 04:16:14 localhost pppd[327]: Using interface ppp0
> Jan 17 04:16:14 localhost pppd[327]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cua2
> Jan 17 04:16:44 localhost pppd[327]: LCP: timeout sending
> Config-Requests
> Jan 17 04:16:44 localhost pppd[327]: Connection terminated.
> Jan 17 04:16:44 localhost pppd[327]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit
> clean:
> Jan 17 04:16:44 localhost pppd[327]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0 Jan
> 17
> 04:17:01 localhost pppd[327]: ioctl(TIOCNXCL): Input/output error
> Jan 17 04:17:01 localhost pppd[327]: Exit.
> Jan 17 04:18:14 localhost kernel:PPP: ppp line discipline successfully
> unregistered
> What's the matter with the <Receive serial link> having bit 7 set to 0?
> Is my ISP having kind of another standard mask for login on TCP/IP?
> Or is that receive side my own serial device side misconfigured?
> There is that <timeout sending Config-Requests> that makes me believe my
> modem
> may be misconfigured. Then how to check if current setings are
> ok?(system's
> base i/o, irq)? my modem uses 0x03f8, irq 12
> Can someone shed some light on these topics? Help
> always greatly appreciated.
> --
> Joris Dallaire   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ................................................................

Troy Carter


Subject: Re: vibra card scratchy audio
Date: 16 Jan 1999 12:24:18 -0500

James Cornthwaite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hmm, i have a vibra-16 with a different problem:  scratchy
: audio when i MOVE WINDOWS!  I had thought it was a problem
: related to the kernel (1.2.x at the time), but the problem
: was still there when i moved to a 2.0 kernel.

: Does anyone know why i might be having this problem?  Is
: it related to the MP3 problem mentioned previously?

Check your CPU usage with top.  The CPU time that the MP3 process gets
might be too short when you perform another CPU/Video intensive
operation like moving a window, thus it cannot process the audio fast
enough causing pops and crunches in the audio output.

Try using "nice -20 yourmp3commandgoeshere" at the command prompt.
This will assign the mp3 player the highest priority in CPU execution
time, but will adversely affect the speed of other processes.



From: "digitalklown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ongoing modem problem
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 09:53:01 -0500

I have an Internal ISA PNP Cardinal 33.6 modem. I have had no problems with
this in Windows. I can connect and everything fine. When running minicom in
Linux, the modem dials out I get assigned an IP, MTU's but after that the
connection to the remote server is never established. While reading my
/var/log/message I find that my chat script is failing. However, I've
checked tons of websites, emailed many people and my chat seems to mirror
those that I have found to be right according to these resources. I think at
this point it is a hardware conflict.

I setup Linux on the network here at work with an external modem, Boca 33.6
PNP. I used netcfg utility to connect with the modem and connected fine with
PAP login, just like at home, and I log in fine. I have been told that
external modems have a tendency not to give as many headaches as internal
modems... Is this the case???

If I were to buy a serial port modem, would there be any special
configuration aside from setting up the modem configuration to ttyS0???

Thanks in advance,


From: "Jay D Ribak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Linux and IDE (ATA) Hard Drives > 8.4 GB
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:09:22 -0500

I have the same WD drive in a Slackware machine.  Here is what dmesg reports
about it:

hda: WDC AC310100B, 9671MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1232/255/63

I am assuming that since my BIOS is newer it supports the drive properly.
9671MB is probably the correct size since hard drive mfg'ers love to use
decimal instead of binary when calculating HD sizes (this is blatant false
advertising, IMHO).   (In other words, HD mfg'ers calculate 1MB as 1000KB
instead of the correct 1024KB).   You will never get the advertised size out
of a hard drive.

Here is the info from fdisk:

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1232 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *        1        1      392  3148708+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda2          393      393      456   514080   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda3          457      457      979  4200997+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda4          980      980     1232  2032222+  83  Linux native

This info probably won't help you at all, but it is interesting to note the
differences caused by different BIOSes on the exact same drive.

Jay R.

John Dunlap wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am running a 10.1 GB EIDE Western Digital drive,
>which reports in dmsg:
>hdd: WDC AC310100B, 8063MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=16383/16/63
>(It reports that it's only 8.063 GB).
>I set it up with linux fdisk:
>Disk /dev/hdd: 32 heads, 63 sectors, 8191 cylinders
>Units = cylinders of 2016 * 512 bytes
>   Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System
>/dev/hdd1            1        1     4912  4951264+  83  Linux native
>/dev/hdd2         4096     4913     9825  4952304   83  Linux native
>I figured this out by looking up the number of sectors in
>the www page for the drive:
>User Sectors Per Drive:  19,807,200
>Then, fiddling around I found that 9825 * 63 * 32 == 19,807,200
>So, using fdisk, I set the heads to 32 and sectors to 63
>and the start and end cylinder values as above.
>Note that the fdisk Begin column is wrong.
>But the beast works fine: I filled each partition and nothing
>broke.  Been working for about a month now.
>John Dunlap                           University of Washington
>Senior Electrical Engineer            Applied Physics Laboratory
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]             1013 NE 40th Street
>206-543-7207, 543-1300, FAX 543-6785  Seattle, WA   98105-6698


From: Dakshi Agrawal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Help! Only odd number characters are printed
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:11:54 -0600

   I am trying to make a HP LaserJet 4 work with my 486 PC
and RHL 5.2.

My printer is printing only odd numbered characters from the
symbol set. Even numberd characters are printed as next odd
numbered characters. For example, b is printed as c and l is
printed as m. Since, LF and EOT and other important characters
are even numbered, it completely screws the printing. I am using
cat xxx > /dev/lp1 to print. 

Another weird thing is that once in a while it prints correctly,
but those occasions are rare.
Please help!! Now that I have diagnosed the problem, I do not
even know which part of my computer: IO card, printer or the
software is screwed up!! Deamons have taken control of it!!
Dakshi Agrawal
Office: (217)333-2148
Home  : (217)328-1089 


From: Dan Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Kernel Panic - Help!
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:21:15 -0600

Can someone tell me the severity of this message and possibly what
caused it:

Kernel panic: skput:over 001a5818:110
In swapper task - not syncing


Dan Warren


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: quiet CPU fans (?)
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:25:47 -0330


I hope this is not too off topic...

I am looking for a quiet CPU fan for a P166MMX running Linux.

Does anyone know of such a fan and where to get it from?

All feedback is very welcome,




From: "Tom Emerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Video capture?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 19:33:02 GMT

This is more of a hardware query, but I'm also interested in the software
side as well, so to both groups this question goes:

[background] I'm working on a project involving Non-Linear Editing (NLE) of
video tapes, as such I'm looking into newsgroups related to that topic and
I find NO MENTION of anyone using LINUX for video capture...  (of course, I
may not have been looking all that hard -- most people are griping about
how the BUZ is shit and how often Adobe crashes and how wonderful NT is
because they can do disk-striping to get the speed of A/V drives without
the expense [?], so there isn't much talk about the CAPTURE portion of the

[the question(s)]

   1) what video-capture solutions exist for Linux [are there none? >doh<]

   2) OK, I know there is AT LEAST one answer to the above: the new Corel
Netwinder's come with TV-IN and -OUT ports, so I suspect they are capable
of video capture and playback; who has used the new netwinders SPECIFICALLY
for video capture [and/or playback]?

   3) what "media control" devices work with linux?  In particular, I have
a devices that sits on the serial port and "talks" to VCR's and cameras
through what's known as a LANC port.  The LANC controls things like start,
stop, fast-forward, reverse, record -- all the things you can "do" from the
front panel.  In the return direction, it "reports" the current frame as
it's being displayed, so you can do frame-accurate


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ulrich Teichert)
Subject: Re: What should you _not_ buy?
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:02:53 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Joshua Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Greetings all--

>I'm thinking about buying a new PC in the ~ $1200 range, and I want it
>to be able to run both
>Win95\NT and Linux. Is there a quick list of hardware that is
>incompatiable or difficult to use under Linux? (Esp. XFree86?) 

Rule of thumb: don't buy winmodems, GDI-printers and VGA-cards from
vendors which refuse to release hardware docs (see
for supported hardware, 3.3.3 is out).

Dipl. Inf. Ulrich Teichert|e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stormweg 24               |listening to: This Is Just A Punk Rock Song (Bad
24539 Neumuenster, Germany|Religion), Shadow (The Headcoatees)


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:00:10 -0600

Here's what you need to do...

If you have a dual boot system with Win9x, boot into windows (it's easier to
download prior to getting X setup).  Then go online to the following site:

look around in there for the XFree86 3.3.3-1 files in rpm format.  Download
the "XFree86-SVGA-3.3.3-1.i386.rpm" SVGA file saving it to flopp disk.  It
is around 1.2 megs in size.  Then reboot the computer into Linux.

At the command prompt type in "mount -t vfat /dev/floppy /mnt/floppy"
(be carefull on the spacing - there is one between floppy and /mnt)

Type "cd /mnt/flopy"

This should put you into the floppy drive like "A:\" in dos or win.

type "rpm -Uvh XFree86-SVGA-3.3.3-1.i386.rpm"
This wil upgrade you SVGA driver file enough to load X.

Now you should work on getting your internet connection working within Linux
(easier said than done ) There are lots of HowTo's out there on this
topic...if after following the HowTo's and if you still can't get it, read
the news groups prior posts on PPP and modem setup and finally if your stuck
post your prblem here...some one will know the answer.

Now that you can go online in Linux... go back to the site and grab the rest of the XFree86 3.3.3-1
files.  usinf rpm like above, upgrade the rest of the files to 3.3.3-1.  If
you get an error stating it is not installed change the -Uvh to -ivh in the
command line.

3.3.3-1 should be fully installed at this time...

There is a new configure program in 3.3.3-1.  To launch type "XFree86" to
start it. DO NOT USE "xconfigurator".  The new setup program will have the
TNT built in.  Click on the video card tab. In the lower right hand corner
is a button. I don't recall exactly what it is called. Click on it and a new
window will open here is where you choose for the TNT...

I hope I got all of this right.... If anyone finds any mistakes, please edit
and re-post...there are alot of people trying to get the TNT working.


Paul Suurbach wrote:

> I just starting exploring redhat linux 5.2 and offcourse having problems
> whit installing the video??
> Does someone now what settings to use with my card (NVIDIA RIVA TNT 16mb)
> I'm stuck..
> Greetingz, Paul Suurbach


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: adpatec scsi contorller not detected
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:01:49 GMT


i'm trying to install openlinux 1.3 on a 486 with an adpatec aic6360lL scsi
card which is integrated with a creative labs sound blaster.  the cdrom is
the only thing attached to the scsi contorller.  i'm trying to use the aha
512x.o module and it will not load for me.

then i switched to an adpatec aic6260 controller without the soundblaster. it
will not load the module (aha512x.o) fot this controller either.

both of these are isa cards.

lastly i found a computer with an ide cdrom.  it is a creative labs model
cd400. i know that model cd200 is supported.  but how about cd400?

i've tried an autoprobe and specified the exact module and they will not load
for any of these hardware above.

the 486 is a compaq prolinea 4/66
and the computer with the ide cdrom is a compaq deskpro 5100


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