Linux-Hardware Digest #210, Volume #14           Sat, 20 Jan 01 21:13:05 EST

  Re: CD-RW info and recommemdations needed (Alan Jones)
  DWL-500 PCMCIA NIC + 2.4 ("prog-guru")
  Can anyone pleaseeeeee help me.... ("Tina Carter")
  Re: [Urgent] Install Redhat 7 ("lukasz")
  Re: Promise Ultra100 and kernel 2.2.14-5.0 ("Rinaldi J. Montessi")
  Re: HELP!!Only the L appears in LILO ("Coral J. Cook Jr.")
  Re: Can anyone pleaseeeeee help me.... ("Rinaldi J. Montessi")
  Re: Driver USB sous Linux pour Modem Alcatel ? ("ceri hankey")
  Re: US Robotics modem and SuSe 6.4 (Steven Leuty)
  Re: HELP!!Only the L appears in LILO (Correction) ("Coral J. Cook Jr.")
  Re: HELP!!Only the L appears in LILO ("Aaron")
  Re: WinTV Go under linux - without sound ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can anyone pleaseeeeee help me.... (Bob Martin)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Jones)
Subject: Re: CD-RW info and recommemdations needed
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 23:31:05 GMT

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 09:04:02 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I recently purchased a SCSI Pacific Digital (it's really a Yamaha)
>8x-8x-24x CDRW. If you look around you should be able to pick one of
>these drives up for around $159.00+-. I am very satisfied with this
>CDRW. I have been using those cheap $20.00 for 100 CDRs and haven't
>gotten a single coaster yet. The cheap CDRs are 700 MB, when I first got
>them I thought they were 750 MB so I was over burning them and they
>still work good.

Thanks for your specific recommendation.  Where did you buy your
CD-RW?  I looked on pricewatch and the Pacific Digital/Yamaha
CRW8824SZ  (internal SCSI) seem to be about $220.  $159 is closer to
the IDE unit.  At $159 I think I'd call it an acceptable best buy,
although I don't think it uses Burn Proof.

I might rephrase my question to ask what is the cheapest or
recommended best buy value for an internal SCSI unit with Burn Proof?
I don't demand the highest speeds, but I think SCSI and Burn Proof are
two technologies worth having.

Alan Jones


From: "prog-guru" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DWL-500 PCMCIA NIC + 2.4
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 23:27:00 GMT

I am trying to get a D-Link DWL-500 to work in a PCI slot (this package
includes a DWL-650 PCMCIA card and a PCMCIA to PCI adapter).  I am running
kernel 2.4.1-pre9, with pcmcia-cs-3.1.24.

No matter what I try, I continue to get the high beep, low beep when
cardmgr starts.  I get the same synthoms with another PCMCIA NIC, so I
think the problem lies in the PCI adapter configutation.  dmesg
identifies the PCI card as a RL5c475.  The DWL-650
comes up fine as wvlan0 in a stock debian potato notebook.

Anybody else have a PCI-PCMCIA card working in 2.4.x?


From: "Tina Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can anyone pleaseeeeee help me....
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 19:33:28 -0500

I have lucent modem 56k modem, and I works fine in Windows Me.

Here is what my problem is, In linux (first version). When I click to Modem
Network thing
It's says following things.
Modem ready.
Modem initializing.

Where is dialing????????
Please tell me in SIMPLE words what do I have to do to make
my modem work???? I am desperate........



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("lukasz")
Subject: Re: [Urgent] Install Redhat 7
Date: 21 Jan 2001 01:43:24 +0100

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RedHat 7 is not supported yet by Adaptec SCSI RAID 3200S.=20

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From: "Rinaldi J. Montessi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Promise Ultra100 and kernel 2.2.14-5.0
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 19:57:54 -0500

Nat Goodspeed wrote:
> I have a 1997 Gateway 2000 P133 that I want to convert to a Linux
> server. For that purpose, I bought, and had the store install, a 27GB
> Maxtor drive as a second drive. There's still a 2GB disk on the onboard
> controller as the primary drive.
> The store told me that the (controller? BIOS?) was too old to be able to
> utilize the full capacity of the new drive, and that I'd need a new
> controller.  So now I have a Promise Ultra100 controller, to which the
> new drive is connected. This worked fine under Win95, but of course I
> wasn't interested in using it with Win95.
> I installed Red Hat Linux 6.2 from the CD. It installed fine, but to my
> distress, it wasn't even aware of the existence of the bigger drive.
> I have not been able to empirically confirm the existence of Promise
> tech support. So far they've ignored three e-mail messages, two to
> called the tech support number (during the stated hours of operation) it
> rang and rang with no answer whatsoever.
> The store, of course, knows nothing about Linux, and doesn't want to.
> I'm a Linux newbie. I can handle a CD install, and have tinkered with a
> previous Linux system, but frankly I'm daunted by the prospect of
> patching/rebuilding/reinstalling the kernel.
> I've reviewed all 67 recent comp.os.linux.hardware posts that mention
> the Ultra100 -- twice. I've tentatively concluded that for the 2.2.14
> kernel, although I would need a patch to run the drive at UDMA 100
> speed, it should *work* to just notify the vanilla kernel of the port
> addresses -- just slower than what the hardware is theoretically capable
> of achieving. But to tell the truth, I'd plug it into the onboard IDE
> controller if I thought I could access the drive that way! Again,
> though, the store led me to believe otherwise.
> Anyway, I tried rebooting the initial install with override parameters
> at the lilo: prompt:
> linux ide2=0xfff0,0xffe6
> -- based on the first two I/O addresses shown under the controller's
> /proc/pci entry, as noted earlier in this group. I was pleased that this
> override did allow the kernel to "see" the controller and the drive --
> although I couldn't mount it; at that point the drive was still
> formatted as FAT16.
> But this encouraged me to rerun the CD install, using the same
> parameter-override line at the boot: prompt. The graphical server-style
> install apparently formatted the big drive, and I think selected it as
> the drive to use for the / filesystem. But when it had finished
> installing the default set of .rpm packages from the CD, the installer
> just hung.
> I reran the install with the same override, just in case it was a fluke
> -- but no, it hung again at the same point.
> Then I thought: well, the install's just about over anyway, maybe I can
> boot normally from here? But when I do, this is what I get on the
> screen:
> Partition check:
>  hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 >
>  hde: [PTBL] [3330/255/63] hde1 hde2 < hde5 hde6 hde7 >
>  <<<This last is encouraging to me because again, the installer
> obviously saw and formatted the drive.>>>
> autodetecting RAID arrays
> autorun ...
> ... autorun DONE.
> attempt to access beyond end of device
> 03:08: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
> dev 03:08 blksize=1024 blocknr=1 sector=2 size=1024 count=1
> EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
> attempt to access beyond end of device
> 03:08: rw=0, want=33, limit=0
> dev 03:08 blksize=1024 blocknr=32 sector=64 size=1024 count=1
> isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=03:08, iso_blknum=16, block=32
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:08
> I tried rebooting again, specifying the same ide2 override as earlier,
> but produced the same kernel panic.
> I'm distressed that I've gone from a functional Linux system that
> ignores most of my disk space, to one that no longer boots at all. I
> would be happy to defer optimizing the disk access speed for later, if I
> could just USE it!
> Is it essential to patch (or upgrade) the kernel to get past this point,
> or is there something else I can tweak that would let me get by?  Thank
> you for your help.

It appears to me that the easy solution here would be to attach the new
drive to the second on board slot (hdb) and install linux there.  

I have fiddled with Promise quite a bit lately.  The latest ide patch
(12/21) for the 2.2.18 kernel is the best combination I have found.  Not
only does it see the controller, it will actually boot it from the mbr
(dev/hda).  The current 2.4 kernel fails that test, but will boot it
from floppy.

When you're ready to recompile and get all your hardware functional take
a look at the kernel how-to, then ask some questions in this group for
the finer points.

"Defeat may serve as well as victory, to shake the soul and let the
glory out." --Poet Edwin Markham (c. 1898)


From: "Coral J. Cook Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP!!Only the L appears in LILO
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 00:58:28 GMT


I don't know how you can have a primary "slave" disk without having a
primary "master" disk...I think this is problem. In any case, it sounds like
your master boot record is hosed. to correct and be able to boot up into
Windows, boot to a dos/windows floppy, or a windows CD, then exit out of
system. You should then be able to enter the command:


This should fix your master boot record. Now reboot the computer and you
should come up into Windows.


"bindou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:94ctuh$6t1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Help!.
> I have installed linux redhat 7.0 on a computer running windows me an i
> the following problem when i restart the computer:
> only L appears when booting and the screen freeze.
> i have installed it on a primary slave disk.
> Note that the computer does not have a primary master disk
> Also i have tried to modify the lilo.conf found in by removing linear and
> putting lba32,but when i type lilo it gives the following warning:
> /dev/hdb is not the first disk.
> I have also tried to copy the boot.b and map file from the linux boot
> but without results.
> Any help please as i cannot even boot on the Windows System
> Rgds
> Jbk


From: "Rinaldi J. Montessi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can anyone pleaseeeeee help me....
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 20:02:54 -0500

Tina Carter wrote:
> I have lucent modem 56k modem, and I works fine in Windows Me.
> Here is what my problem is, In linux (first version). When I click to Modem
> Network thing
> It's says following things.
> Modem ready.
> Modem initializing.
> Where is dialing????????
> Please tell me in SIMPLE words what do I have to do to make
> my modem work???? I am desperate........
> Respectfully
> Tina

Start here:

You may want to save to disk and access it from linux using lynx or

"Defeat may serve as well as victory, to shake the soul and let the
glory out." --Poet Edwin Markham (c. 1898)


From: "ceri hankey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: fr.reseaux.telecoms.adsl,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Driver USB sous Linux pour Modem Alcatel ?
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 02:22:23 +0100

Et pour ISDN USB via un modem ElsaLink Isdn USB???Est-ce que il y a un

Ceri Hankey

"Vincent Deverre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le
message news: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> jacob navia a écrit :
> > J'utilise l'adsl sous RedHat avec noyau 2.2.17
> > Tu peut me telephoner au
> >
> >
> Ton modem USB ADSL Alcatel fonctionne sous ton Linux ????
> --
> +===========================================+
> Vincent Deverre
> +===========================================+


From: Steven Leuty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: US Robotics modem and SuSe 6.4
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 19:16:40 -0600

Gee I wish I could get my 5610 PCI modem to run on RH 7.0. I've tried
"setserial" with the info I got out of "cat /proc/pci". One thing I've
noticed is that there is no irq noted in the "cat /proc/pci" listing. Is
there any hope for my box?

John Scudder wrote:

> Richard Lyon wrote:
> >
> > In article <xLr76.931$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   Jarl Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > TUSHIA Vladimir Chekarev 3871 wrote:
> > >
> > > > Good Morning,
> > > > I have a little problem with my US Robotics modem it doesn't
> > > > work with SUSE 6.4. All of my attempts didn't gave any results.
> > > > Pnpdump is found the modem. I tried to play with setserial command
> > > > with all possible devices, ports and IRQ's - modem not response or
> > busy.
> > > > In Windows it's work properly and in Red Hat 6.2 too.
> > > > Apparently I need a help.
> > >
> I missed your original it a 5610 PCI modem?  That is what I
> have and it worked fine in both SuSE 6.3 and Manddrake 7.2.
> You need to find the port address and IRQ to use setserial.  Type "lspci
> -v" and you will see the IRQs and addresses of all your PCI appliances.
> My modem is address 0xC400 and IRQ 5 so I used these parameters with
> setserial:  setserial /dev/ttyS3 uart 16550A port 0xC400 irq 5.  In
> Mandrake I put that text in a file called /etc/rc.serial and my modem
> gets set at boot.
> John


From: "Coral J. Cook Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP!!Only the L appears in LILO (Correction)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 01:22:17 GMT

Correction!!! The command to run is:

fdisk /mbr

fdisk (space) /mbr ...I omitted the space between "fdisk" and "/mbr" in the
original post.


"Coral J. Cook Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Uuqa6.12114$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Bindou,
> I don't know how you can have a primary "slave" disk without having a
> primary "master" disk...I think this is problem. In any case, it sounds
> your master boot record is hosed. to correct and be able to boot up into
> Windows, boot to a dos/windows floppy, or a windows CD, then exit out of
> system. You should then be able to enter the command:
> fdisk/mbr
> This should fix your master boot record. Now reboot the computer and you
> should come up into Windows.
> Coral
> "bindou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:94ctuh$6t1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Help!.
> > I have installed linux redhat 7.0 on a computer running windows me an i
> get
> > the following problem when i restart the computer:
> > only L appears when booting and the screen freeze.
> > i have installed it on a primary slave disk.
> > Note that the computer does not have a primary master disk
> > Also i have tried to modify the lilo.conf found in by removing linear
> > putting lba32,but when i type lilo it gives the following warning:
> > /dev/hdb is not the first disk.
> > I have also tried to copy the boot.b and map file from the linux boot
> floppy
> > but without results.
> >
> > Any help please as i cannot even boot on the Windows System
> >
> > Rgds
> >
> > Jbk
> >
> >


From: "Aaron" <bombarumba@hot*SpamMeNot*>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP!!Only the L appears in LILO
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 20:30:06 -0500

also, make sure your linux boot partition is within the starting 1024
cylinders (1024? i'm not sure... keep it somewhere in the beginning) of your
hard disk.

you can only boot from a primary partition, and it has to be within the
first 1024 cylinders of your disk.



"Coral J. Cook Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Uuqa6.12114$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Bindou,
> I don't know how you can have a primary "slave" disk without having a
> primary "master" disk...I think this is problem. In any case, it sounds
> your master boot record is hosed. to correct and be able to boot up into
> Windows, boot to a dos/windows floppy, or a windows CD, then exit out of
> system. You should then be able to enter the command:
> fdisk/mbr
> This should fix your master boot record. Now reboot the computer and you
> should come up into Windows.
> Coral
> "bindou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:94ctuh$6t1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Help!.
> > I have installed linux redhat 7.0 on a computer running windows me an i
> get
> > the following problem when i restart the computer:
> > only L appears when booting and the screen freeze.
> > i have installed it on a primary slave disk.
> > Note that the computer does not have a primary master disk
> > Also i have tried to modify the lilo.conf found in by removing linear
> > putting lba32,but when i type lilo it gives the following warning:
> > /dev/hdb is not the first disk.
> > I have also tried to copy the boot.b and map file from the linux boot
> floppy
> > but without results.
> >
> > Any help please as i cannot even boot on the Windows System
> >
> > Rgds
> >
> > Jbk
> >
> >


Subject: Re: WinTV Go under linux - without sound
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 01:29:41 GMT

I have had the same problem however, when I launch "gmix" it sets the
mixer correctly and then I can hear everything fine.  I haven't found a
way to make it do it when it starts.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Sebastian Eschweiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Linux-Users,
> I've been trying to get my WinTV Go Card working with Linux (SuSE 7).
> Although I can see all tv-programms under KWinTv there is no sound
> My KDE-soundsystem is working because there are several other
> soundprogramms which play music correct. Also the mixer values are on
> the right position. What can be wrong with my installation??
> Thank you for you help
> Sebastian

Sent via


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can anyone pleaseeeeee help me....
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 20:08:49 -0600

Tina Carter wrote:
> I have lucent modem 56k modem, and I works fine in Windows Me.

Make and model number ? if it is a winmodem, the fact that it
works with wintendoze is irrelevant.

Bob Martin



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