Linux-Hardware Digest #448, Volume #9            Wed, 17 Feb 99 03:13:32 EST

  RedHat 5.2 install fails on Compaq Proliant 4500 - Survey.TXT [01/01] (Benjamin 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Benjamin Scherrey)
Subject: RedHat 5.2 install fails on Compaq Proliant 4500 - Survey.TXT [01/01]
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 08:10:28 GMT

        I've been following the various Compaq Proliant/Linux threads but have 
had no luck getting my install anywhere. I can boot the RedHat boot disk by 
specifiying expert mode. When it comes time to select the CDROM, I try to 
select the NCRC8XX for the embedded controller which I've seen advised on 
here. Unfortunately its not found, even when I specify its its location, 
setup_called=1 port_baser=0x9000 interrupt_level=10. I've established the 
embedded controller as first and the configuration software recognizes the 
CDROM on it, I just can't get to it at all.

        Currently I'm running NT on it and have attached a configuration 
 survey for reference. The survey appears to be accurate altlough it doesn't 
show the embedded controller as #1 because I can't boot NT when that's the 

        Anyone have any ideas?!?!? I'm getting desperate!

                thanx & later,

                        Ben Scherrey

BEGIN -- Cut Here -- cut here
Compaq Survey Utility Version 1.12 (BUILD 02) for Windows NT
(C) Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 1995-97


List of Sessions in C:\Compaq\Survey\Survey.IDI

  2)*Surveyor-NT 1.12 (BUILD 02) sampled  6/ 1/1998 13:45:06

Output C:\Compaq\Survey\Survey.IDI session 2 as C:\Compaq\Survey\Survey.TXT

Information detail filter set to Advanced Level

Sample interval is disabled

Session Information

Session Identifier ..................... File C:\Compaq\Survey\Survey.IDI, 
                                         Session 2
 Data Collection Service ............... Surveyor-NT 1.12 (BUILD 02)
 Sample Date and Time ..................  6/ 1/1998 13:45:06

System Components

Product ................................ Compaq ProLiant 4500
 System Board Identifier ............... CPQ1529
 Processor Board Identifier ............ CPQ928B
 System Identification Number .......... 6547HRX30031

Processor .............................. Intel Pentium at 100 MHz
 Coprocessor ........................... Integrated 80387
 Secondary Cache ....................... Enabled
  Cache Size ........................... 512 KBytes

Processor 2 ............................ Intel Pentium at 100 MHz
 Coprocessor ........................... Integrated 80387
 Secondary Cache ....................... Enabled

Firmware Revisions
 System ROM ............................ 05/12/97
 Video ROM ............................. 04/17/94

Operating System ....................... Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 
                                         (build 1057), Service Pack 5
 EISA Configured Primary OS ............ Windows NT 3.51

Keyboard ............................... Enhanced (101- or 102-key)
 Delay ................................. 500 msec
 Speed ................................. 2.0 cps

Pointing Device ........................ Enabled

Parallel Port
 LPT1 .................................. 03BCh

Serial Port
 COM1 .................................. 03F8h
 COM2 .................................. 02F8h

Mass Storage
 Diskette Drive 0 ...................... A: 1.44 Megabyte (3.5 inch)
 Disk Controller 0 ..................... Array
  Driver Name .......................... Cpqarray
  Device 0
   Logical Unit ID 0 ................... Compaq   Disk Array
    Device Type ........................ Direct Access (Disk)
    Capacity ........................... 24,564 MBytes (50306401 Blocks)
    Firmware Version ................... 1.94
    Array Logical Unit Information
     Fault Tolerance ................... Distributed Data Guard (RAID 5)
     Capacity .......................... 24,564 MBytes (50306400 Blocks)
  Array Configuration
   Number of Logical Units ............. 1
    Memory ............................. 4,096 KBytes (4,194,304)
    Battery Count ...................... 3
   Physical Devices Attached
    SCSI Bus 1
     SCSI Target 0 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 68AA4208
      Firmware Version ................. 4141
     SCSI Target 1 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 68AA5351
      Firmware Version ................. 4141
     SCSI Target 2 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 68D15358
      Firmware Version ................. 4141
     SCSI Target 3 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 02284938
      Firmware Version ................. 6215
     SCSI Target 4 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 68D42412
      Firmware Version ................. 4141
     SCSI Target 5 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 68D15148
      Firmware Version ................. 4141
     SCSI Target 6 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 68D46426
      Firmware Version ................. 4141
   Compaq ProLiant Storage Box 1 ....... COMPAQ   PROLIANT 3-7E
    Firmware Version ................... JM14
    Storage Slot 0 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W (wide)
    Storage Slot 1 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W (wide)
    Storage Slot 2 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W (wide)
    Storage Slot 3 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W (wide)
    Storage Slot 4 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W (wide)
    Storage Slot 5 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W (wide)
    Storage Slot 6 ..................... COMPAQ  DFHSS4W (wide)
    Cooling Fan(s) ..................... operational
    Operating Temperature .............. normal
    Side Access Panel .................. closed
 Disk Controller 1 ..................... Array
  Driver Name .......................... Cpqarray
  Device 0
   Logical Unit ID 0 ................... Compaq   Disk Array
    Device Type ........................ Direct Access (Disk)
    Capacity ........................... 16,376 MBytes (33537601 Blocks)
    Firmware Version ................... 2.24
    Array Logical Unit Information
     Fault Tolerance ................... Distributed Data Guard (RAID 5)
     Capacity .......................... 16,376 MBytes (33537600 Blocks)
  Array Configuration
   Number of Logical Units ............. 1
    Memory ............................. 4,096 KBytes (4,194,304)
    Battery Count ...................... 4
   Physical Devices Attached
    SCSI Bus 0
     SCSI Target 0 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 00808132
      Firmware Version ................. 6215
     SCSI Target 1 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 00808237
      Firmware Version ................. 6215
     SCSI Target 2 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 00791405
      Firmware Version ................. 6215
     SCSI Target 3 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 00795690
      Firmware Version ................. 6215
     SCSI Target 4 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W
      Capacity ......................... 4,095 MBytes (8386000 Blocks)
      Serial Number .................... 00795535
      Firmware Version ................. 6215
   Compaq ProLiant Storage Box 0 ....... COMPAQ   PROLIANT 3-5I
    Firmware Version ................... JM14
    Storage Slot 0 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W (wide)
    Storage Slot 1 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W (wide)
    Storage Slot 2 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W (wide)
    Storage Slot 3 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W (wide)
    Storage Slot 4 ..................... COMPAQ  ST15150W (wide)
    Cooling Fan(s) ..................... operational
    Operating Temperature .............. normal
 Disk Controller 2 ..................... SCSI
  Device 5
   Logical Unit ID 0 ................... COMPAQ   CD-ROM CR-503BCQ
    Device Type ........................ CD Rom
    Firmware Version ................... 1.1i

Bus Architecture
 System Board .......................... Compaq ProLiant 4500 Server
 Slot 1 EISA ........................... [empty]
 Slot 2 EISA ........................... [empty]
 Slot 3 EISA ........................... [empty]
 Slot 4 EISA ........................... Compaq SMART-2 Array Controller
 Slot 5 EISA ........................... Compaq NetFlex-3/E Controller
 Slot 6 EISA ........................... Compaq SMART SCSI Array Controller
 Slot 7 EISA ........................... [empty]
 Slot 8 EISA ........................... [empty]
 Slot 10 Processor ..................... Compaq 5/100 System Processor Board
 Slot 11 Processor ..................... Compaq 5/100 System Processor Board
 Slot 12 ............................... [empty]
 Slot 13 ............................... [empty]
 Slot 14 Memory ........................ Compaq Memory Expansion Board
 Current Revisions .....................  4/ 4/98
  System Board Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 5
   Functional Revision Level ........... A
  Memory 1 Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 1
   Functional Revision Level ........... A
  Processor 2 Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 5
   Functional Revision Level ........... A
  Processor 1 Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 5
   Functional Revision Level ........... A
  Slot 6 Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 3
   Functional Revision Level ........... Y
 Previous Revisions ....................  4/ 4/98
  System Board Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 5
   Functional Revision Level ........... A
  Memory 1 Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 1
   Functional Revision Level ........... A
  Processor 2 Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 5
   Functional Revision Level ........... A
  Processor 1 Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 5
   Functional Revision Level ........... A
  Slot 6 Revision
   Assembly Version .................... 3
   Functional Revision Level ........... Y

System Resources
 Memory Total .......................... 256 MBytes
 IRQ Lines
  IRQ  3, Edge Triggered ............... COM2
  IRQ  4, Edge Triggered ............... COM1
  IRQ  5, Level Triggered .............. Compaq NetFlex-3/E Controller
  IRQ  6, Edge Triggered ............... Floppy Controller
  IRQ  7, Edge Triggered ............... LPT1
  IRQ  9, Edge Triggered ............... Compaq ProLiant 4500 Server
  IRQ 10, Level Triggered .............. Compaq Integrated 32-Bit Fast-Wide 
                                         SCSI-2 Controller
  IRQ 11, Edge Triggered ............... Compaq ProLiant 4500 Server
  IRQ 12, Edge Triggered ............... i8042
  IRQ 13, Edge Triggered ............... Compaq ProLiant 4500 Server
  IRQ 15, Level Triggered .............. Compaq SMART-2 Array Controller
   Shared with ......................... Compaq SMART SCSI Array Controller
 DMA Channels
  DMA  0, ISA Timing, 8-bit ............ LPT1
  DMA  2, Type "B" Timing, 8-bit ....... Floppy Controller

System Health
 Critical Error Log
  Abnormal program termination ......... *** STOP: 0x0000001E 
 Correctable Memory Error Log
  Correctable memory error ............. 05/26/1998 10am
   DDR ................................. 0687h
   Syndrome ............................ 0010h
   Count ............................... 1
  Correctable memory error ............. 02/14/1998 6pm
   DDR ................................. 0d5fh
   Syndrome ............................ 04c0h
   Count ............................... 1
  Correctable memory error ............. 12/02/1997 10pm
   DDR ................................. 0df5h
   Syndrome ............................ 2012h
   Count ............................... 1
  Correctable memory error ............. 10/16/1997 3am
   DDR ................................. 06b6h
   Syndrome ............................ 0040h
   Count ............................... 1
  Correctable memory error ............. 06/15/1997 9am
   DDR ................................. 4f08h
   Syndrome ............................ 0408h
   Count ............................... 1
  Correctable memory error ............. 02/02/1997 5am
   DDR ................................. 0ee3h
   Syndrome ............................ 0800h
   Count ............................... 1
  Correctable memory error ............. 06/16/1996 8pm
   DDR ................................. 0e98h
   Syndrome ............................ 0012h
   Count ............................... 1

Server Recovery
 Automatic Server Recovery (ASR)
  Dial Out String ...................... ATDT
  Dial Out Status ...................... Disabled
  Dial In Status ....................... Disabled
  Serial Interface ..................... COM 1
  Pager Message ........................ #
  Pager Dial String .................... ATDT
  Pager Status ......................... Disabled
  Sofware Error Recovery Boot Option ... Boot OS
  Software Error Recovery .............. Enabled
 Standby Server Recovery ............... Disabled

Compaq EISA Configuration and Utility Partition
 Program Versions
  Compaq EISA Configuration Utility
   Baseline ............................ 2.22A
   Current ............................. 2.35A
  Compaq Diagnostics
   Current ............................. 10.12A
  Compaq ROMPAQ Firmware Updgrade Utility
   Current ............................. 2.24.02

EISA Extended Non-Volatile Configuration Memory
 Configuration Utility Revision ........ 2.35
 Slot  0 System ........................ Compaq ProLiant 4500 Server
  Board Id ............................. CPQ1529 [0E111529]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 2.21
  Function 0 ........................... [no type string]
  Function 1 ........................... [no type string]
  Function 2 ........................... [no type string]
  Function 3 ........................... MSD,FPYCTL
   IRQ 6 ............................... Edge Triggered, Not Shared
   DMA 2 ............................... Type "B" Timing, 8-bit, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03F0h - 03F5h, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03F6h - 03F7h, Not Shared
  Function 4 ........................... MSD,UNIT0,FPYDRV;TYP=4
  Function 5 ........................... MSD,UNIT1,FPYDRV;TYP=0
  Function 6 ........................... MSD
  Function 7 ........................... [no type string]
   ROM, Other, Not Shared .............. Write-Back Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 000E0000h - 00100000h  128K
  Function 8 ........................... MEM;COMPAQ
   RAM, System, Not Shared ............. Write-Through Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 00000000h - 000A0000h  640K
   ROM, Other, Not Shared .............. Non-Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... FFFE0000h - 00000000h  128K
   RAM, System, Not Shared ............. Write-Through Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 00100000h - 00140000h  256K
  Function 9 ........................... MEM;COMPAQ
   RAM, System, Not Shared ............. Write-Through Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 00140000h - 01000000h  15104K
   RAM, System, Not Shared ............. Write-Through Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 01000000h - 01000000h  65536K
   RAM, System, Not Shared ............. Write-Through Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 05000000h - 05000000h  65536K
   RAM, System, Not Shared ............. Write-Through Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 09000000h - 09000000h  65536K
   RAM, System, Not Shared ............. Write-Through Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 0D000000h - 10040000h  49408K
  Function 10 .......................... MEM;COMPAQ
  Function 11 .......................... MEM;COMPAQ
  Function 12 .......................... COM,ASY;COM1;A
   IRQ 4 ............................... Edge Triggered, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03F8h - 03FFh, Not Shared
  Function 13 .......................... COM,ASY;COM2;B
   IRQ 3 ............................... Edge Triggered, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 02F8h - 02FFh, Not Shared
  Function 14 .......................... PAR;LPT1
   IRQ 7 ............................... Edge Triggered, Not Shared
   DMA 0 ............................... ISA Timing, 8-bit, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03BCh - 03BEh, Not Shared
  Function 15 .......................... PTR,8042
   IRQ 12 .............................. Edge Triggered, Not Shared
  Function 16 .......................... OTH,CPQCSM
  Function 17 .......................... [no type string]
   IRQ 11 .............................. Edge Triggered, Not Shared
  Function 18 .......................... COM,CPQEOS,MODEM;COM3
   IRQ 9 ............................... Edge Triggered, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03E8h - 03EFh, Not Shared
  Function 19 .......................... VID,VGA,CIRRUS
   RAM, Other, Not Shared .............. Non-Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 000B8000h - 000C0000h  32K
   I/O Port ............................ 03D4h - 03D5h, Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03D9h - 03DAh, Shared
  Function 20 .......................... VID,VGA,CIRRUS
   RAM, Other, Not Shared .............. Non-Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 000B0000h - 000B8000h  32K
   I/O Port ............................ 03B4h - 03B5h, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03B9h - 03BAh, Not Shared
  Function 21 .......................... VID,VGA,CIRRUS
   RAM, Other, Not Shared .............. Non-Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 000A0000h - 000B0000h  64K
   I/O Port ............................ 03D4h - 03D5h, Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03D9h - 03DAh, Shared
  Function 22 .......................... VID,VGA,CIRRUS;VDORD;1
   ROM, Other, Not Shared .............. Non-Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 000C0000h - 000C6000h  24K
   ROM, Other, Not Shared .............. Non-Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 000C6800h - 000C8000h  6K
   I/O Port ............................ 0102h, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03C0h - 03C2h, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03C4h - 03C9h, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03CCh, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 03CEh - 03CFh, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 46E8h, Not Shared
  Function 23 .......................... OTH,A20
  Function 24 .......................... OTH,ISACYC
  Function 25 .......................... OTH,SOFTNMI
  Function 26 .......................... OTH,FLSFNMI
  Function 27 .......................... OTH,BUSNMI
  Function 28 .......................... OTH,DSKTDMA
  Function 29 .......................... OTH,REFRESH
  Function 30 .......................... OTH,QUEUE
  Function 31 .......................... OTH,CURREV
  Function 32 .......................... OTH,PREREV
  Function 33 .......................... OTH,CPR,NMI
  Function 34 .......................... [no type string]
   RAM, Virtual, Not Shared ............ Non-Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 80C00000h - 80C00400h  1K
   IRQ 13 .............................. Edge Triggered, Not Shared
  Function 35 .......................... MPM
  Function 36 .......................... ISA;MAP
 Slot  4 ............................... Compaq SMART-2 Array Controller
  Board Id ............................. CPQ4030 [0E114030]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 2.20
  Function 0 ........................... [no type string]
  Function 1 ........................... MSD,DSKCTL;CTL3
  Function 2 ........................... MSD,DSKCTL;BMIC
   IRQ 15 .............................. Level Triggered, Shared
  Function 3 ........................... [no type string]
   RAM, Other, Not Shared .............. Non-Cacheable
    Range and Size ..................... 000C8000h - 000CC000h  16K
  Function 4 ........................... MSD,DSKCTL;CTLID
 Slot  5 ............................... Compaq NetFlex-3/E Controller
  Board Id ............................. CPQF120 [0E11F120]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 1.00
  Function 0 ........................... NET;ETH;IRQ5,LEVEL;10MBPS
   IRQ 5 ............................... Level Triggered, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 5000h - 5002h, Not Shared
  Function 1 ........................... [no type string]
  Function 2 ........................... [no type string]
 Slot  6 ............................... Compaq SMART SCSI Array Controller
  Board Id ............................. CPQ4020 [0E114020]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 2.22
  Function 0 ........................... MSD,DSKCTL
  Function 1 ........................... MSD,DSKCTL;CTL1
  Function 2 ........................... MSD,DSKCTL;BMIC
   IRQ 15 .............................. Level Triggered, Shared
  Function 3 ........................... MSD,DSKCTL;CTLID
  Function 4 ........................... MSD,UNIT0,DSKDRV;TYP=104
  Function 5 ........................... OTH,DRVPATCH
 Slot  9 Embedded ...................... Compaq Integrated 32-Bit Fast-Wide 
                                         SCSI-2 Controller
  Board Id ............................. CPQ4430 [0E114430]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 2.20
  Function 0 ........................... MSD,DSKCTL;CTL2
  Function 1 ........................... MSD,SCSI;HA0
  Function 2 ........................... MSD,SCSI,C825
   IRQ 10 .............................. Level Triggered, Not Shared
   I/O Port ............................ 9000h - 9002h, Not Shared
  Function 3 ........................... MSD,SCSI,C825
  Function 4 ........................... MSD,SCSI,DEVLIST
  Function 5 ........................... CPQGEO;B
 Slot 11 ............................... Compaq 5/100 System Processor Board
  Board Id ............................. CPQ928B [0E11928B]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 2.21
  Function 0 ........................... CPU,PENTIUM;SPE=100;STEP=37
  Function 1 ........................... NPX;80387,EMB
  Function 2 ........................... CACHE;L=2
  Function 3 ........................... CACHE;L=2
 Slot 13 ............................... Compaq Memory Expansion Board
  Board Id ............................. CPQFA1D [0E11FA1D]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 2.21
  Function 0 ........................... MEM
 Slot 14 Embedded ...................... Board Id[CPQA040]
  Board Id ............................. CPQA040 [0E11A040]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 2.20
  Function 0 ........................... OTH,CPR,NMI
 Slot 15 ............................... Compaq 5/100 System Processor Board
  Board Id ............................. CPQ528B [0E11528B]
  Configuration File Revision .......... 2.21
  Function 0 ........................... CPU;PENTIUM;SPE=100
  Function 1 ........................... NPX;80387,EMB
  Function 2 ........................... CACHE;L=2


Operating System
 Platform Name ......................... Microsoft Windows NT Server
 Version ............................... 3.51 (build 1057), Service Pack 5
 Build Type ............................ Multiprocessor Free
 Install Date ..........................  2/19/1996  9:49:49
 System Name ........................... ITA0073
 System Root Directory ................. C:\WINNT
 Registered Organization ............... ita
 Registered Owner ...................... system manager
 Installed Patches (by HOTFIX.EXE)
 Memory Components
  Physical Memory
   Total ............................... 255 MBytes (267,833,344)
   Available ........................... 160 MBytes (168,648,704)
  Virtual Memory
   Total ............................... 2,047 MBytes (2,147,352,576)
   Available ........................... 2,032 MBytes (2,131,038,208)
  Page File Space
   Total ............................... 494 MBytes (518,721,536)
   Available ........................... 444 MBytes (465,567,744)
  Memory Load Index .................... 0 %
  Page File(s) ......................... C:\pagefile.sys 256 256
  Alerter .............................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\services.exe
    File Description ................... Services and Controller app
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:50
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 110304
  Computer Browser ..................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\services.exe
    File Description ................... Services and Controller app
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:50
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 110304
  Insight Agents ....................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\CPQMGMT\CPQMGMT.EXE
    File Description ................... Compaq Insight Management Service
    File Version ....................... 2.60B
    Creation Date and Time ............. 8/31/1995 1:26:02
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 8/31/1995 1:26:00
    File Size .......................... 32624
  EventLog ............................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\system32\services.exe
    File Description ................... Services and Controller app
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:50
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 110304
  FTP Server ........................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\tcpsvcs.exe
    File Description ................... TCP/IP Services Application
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 5/26/1995 11:57:04
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 5/26/1995 11:57:02
    File Size .......................... 9888
  Server ............................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\services.exe
    File Description ................... Services and Controller app
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:50
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 110304
  Workstation .......................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\services.exe
    File Description ................... Services and Controller app
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:50
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 110304
  License Logging Service .............. Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\llssrv.exe
    File Description ................... Microsoft® License Server
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 5/26/1995 11:57:04
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 5/26/1995 11:57:02
    File Size .......................... 90928
  TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper ................ Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\services.exe
    File Description ................... Services and Controller app
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:50
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 110304
  Net Logon ............................ Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\lsass.exe
    File Description ................... LSA Executable and Server DLL
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:24
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 6960
  OLE .................................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\system32\scm.exe
    File Description ................... Microsoft OLE 2.1 for Windows NT(TM) 
                                         Operating System
    File Version ....................... 2.1
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:50
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 48128
  Schedule ............................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\System32\AtSvc.Exe
    File Description ................... Net Schedule Service App
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 5/26/1995 11:57:04
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 5/26/1995 11:57:02
    File Size .......................... 20416
  Backup Exec (TM) 7.0 Naming 
  Service .............................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... "C:\BKUPEXEC\NT\\benser.exe"
  Backup Exec (TM) 7.0 Alert Server .... Running
   Binary Path ......................... "C:\BKUPEXEC\NT\\alertServer.exe"
  Backup Exec (TM) 7.0 Agent 
  Accelerator .......................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\BENTAA\beremote.exe
    Creation Date and Time ............. 5/10/1998 12:28:28
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 10/17/1997 14:35:46
    File Size .......................... 89712
  Backup Exec (TM) 7.0 Device & 
  Media Service ........................ Running
   Binary Path ......................... "C:\BKUPEXEC\NT\\pvlsvr.exe"
  Backup Exec (TM) 7.0 Job Engine ...... Running
   Binary Path ......................... "C:\BKUPEXEC\NT\\bengine.exe"
  Backup Exec (TM) 7.0 Notification 
  Server ............................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... "C:\BKUPEXEC\NT\\nsvr.exe"
  Backup Exec (TM) 7.0 Server .......... Running
   Binary Path ......................... "C:\BKUPEXEC\NT\\beserver.exe"
  Backup Exec (TM) 7.0 Agent Browser ... Running
   Binary Path ......................... "C:\BKUPEXEC\NT\\benetns.exe"
  Spooler .............................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\WINNT\system32\spoolss.exe
    File Description ................... Spooler SubSystem App
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 5/26/1995 11:57:04
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 5/26/1995 11:57:02
    File Size .......................... 51472
  Surveyor ............................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... C:\Compaq\Survey\Surveyor.EXE
    File Description ................... Compaq Survey Service
    File Version ....................... 1.12
    Creation Date and Time ............. 6/ 1/1998 13:45:02
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 11/ 4/1997 1:12:02
    File Size .......................... 549248
  Compaq System Shutdown ............... Running
   Binary Path ......................... SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\SYSDOWN.EXE
    File Description ................... Compaq Shutdown Service for Windows 
    File Version ....................... 2.00
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 11/15/1996 2:20:22
    File Size .......................... 12928
  AFD Networking Support Environment ... Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\afd.sys
    File Description ................... Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:02
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 51424
  Beep ................................. Running
  Cdfs ................................. Running
  cirrus ............................... Running
  Compaq Network Management Protocol
  Driver ............................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\CNMPROT.SYS
    Creation Date and Time ............. 8/31/1995 1:26:02
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 8/31/1995 1:26:00
    File Size .......................... 6416
  cpq32fs2 ............................. Running
  Cpqarray ............................. Running
  Compaq NetFlex-3 Driver .............. Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\
    File Description ................... Compaq NetFlex-3 NDIS 3.0 Miniport 
    File Version ....................... 1.30
    Creation Date and Time ............. 5/20/1996 2:18:52
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 5/20/1996 2:18:52
    File Size .......................... 58848
  Compaq SCSI Device Monitor ........... Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\
    File Description ................... Compaq SCSI Device Monitor Filter 
    File Version ....................... 1.10
    Creation Date and Time ............. 8/31/1995 1:26:02
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 8/31/1995 1:26:00
    File Size .......................... 14496
  Fastfat .............................. Running
  Floppy ............................... Running
  HalHook .............................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... \DosDevices\C:\Compaq\Survey\
    File Description ................... Compaq Survey HAL Access Driver
    File Version ....................... 1.12
    Creation Date and Time ............. 6/ 1/1998 13:45:02
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 11/ 4/1997 1:12:02
    File Size .......................... 6928
  i8042prt ............................. Running
  Kbdclass ............................. Running
  Mouclass ............................. Running
  Msfs ................................. Running
  NetBEUI Protocol ..................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\nbf.sys
    File Description ................... NetBEUI Frames Protocol Driver
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:26
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 101872
  WINS Client(TCP/IP) .................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\
    File Description ................... MBT Transport driver
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:26
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 107520
  NetDetect ............................ Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\
    File Description ................... Network Card Detection driver
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 5/26/1995 11:57:04
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 5/26/1995 11:57:02
    File Size .......................... 8144
  Npfs ................................. Running
  Ntfs ................................. Running
  Null ................................. Running
  Parallel ............................. Running
  Parport .............................. Running
  Rdr .................................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\rdr.sys
    File Description ................... NT Lan Manager Redirector File System
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:48
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 259920
  Scsicdrm ............................. Running
  Scsidisk ............................. Running
  Serial ............................... Running
  Srv .................................. Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\srv.sys
    File Description ................... Server driver
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:54
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 208592
  Compaq System Management ............. Running
   Binary Path ......................... system32\drivers\SYSMGMT.SYS
    File Description ................... Compaq Systems Management Driver
    File Version ....................... 2.20.00
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 11/15/1996 2:20:22
    File Size .......................... 134672
  TCP/IP Service ....................... Running
   Binary Path ......................... \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\
    File Description ................... TCP/IP driver
    File Version ....................... 3.51
    Creation Date and Time ............. 2/15/1997 17:30:54
    Last Written Date and Time ......... 9/19/1996 14:57:02
    File Size .......................... 123264
 Logical Drives
  A:\ .................................. Removable
  C:\ .................................. Fixed
   Free Space .......................... 101,113,344 Bytes
  D:\ .................................. Fixed
   Free Space .......................... 2,352,177,152 Bytes
  E:\ .................................. CD Rom
  F:\ .................................. Network
  I:\ .................................. Fixed
   Free Space .......................... 1,837,084,672 Bytes
 Logical Disk Volumes
  Disk 0 ............................... 24,563 MBytes
   Partition 1 ......................... D: 4,083 MBytes, IFS (NTFS)
  Disk 1 ............................... 16,376 MBytes
   Partition 1 ......................... ?: 8 MBytes, EISA Utilities
   Partition 2 ......................... C: 801 MBytes, IFS (NTFS), Bootable
   Partition 3 ......................... I: 3,279 MBytes, IFS (NTFS)
 Configuration Files
  BOOT.INI ............................. 02/19/96, 04:27:55 PM
      1) [boot loader]
      2) timeout=1
      3) default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT
      4) [operating systems]
      5) multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="Windows NT Server Version 
         3.51 from Compaq" 
      6) multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="Windows NT Server Version 
         3.51 from Compaq [VGA mode]" /basevideo /sos
      7) C:\ = "Microsoft Windows"
     'Identifier' ...................... COMPAQ SYMMETRIC SYSTEMPRO
     'SystemBiosDate' .................. 05/12/97
     'VideoBiosDate' ................... 04/17/94
     'VideoBiosVersion' ................ CL-GD540x/542x VGA BIOS Version 1.20
       'Identifier' .................... x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 5
       'VendorIdentifier' .............. GenuineIntel
       'FeatureSet' .................... 447 [000001BFh]
       'Identifier' .................... x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 5
       'VendorIdentifier' .............. GenuineIntel
       'FeatureSet' .................... 447 [000001BFh]
       'Identifier' .................... EISA
           'Identifier' ................ 5de0937a-1115b9b5-A
           'Identifier' ................ FLOPPY1
         'Identifier' .................. CIRRUS VGA 542x
           'Identifier' ................ COLOR MONITOR
           'Identifier' ................ PCAT_ENHANCED
         'Identifier' .................. PARALLEL1
           'Identifier' ................ LOGITECH PS2 MOUSE
         'Identifier' .................. COM1
         'Identifier' .................. COM2
       'Identifier' .................... x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 5
       'Identifier' .................... x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 5
     '\Device\KeyboardClass0' .......... \REGISTRY\Machine\System\
     '\Device\KeyboardPort0' ........... \REGISTRY\Machine\System\
     '\Device\Parallel0' ............... \DosDevices\LPT1
     '\Device\PointerClass0' ........... \REGISTRY\Machine\System\
     '\Device\PointerPort0' ............ \REGISTRY\Machine\System\
     'Serial0' ......................... COM1
     'Serial1' ......................... COM2
     '\Device\Video0' .................. \REGISTRY\Machine\System\
     'VgaCompatible' ................... \Device\Video0\
     Scsi Port 0
      'Interrupt' ...................... 15 [0000000Fh]
      'IOAddress' ...................... 16384 [00004000h]
      'Driver' ......................... Cpqarray
      Scsi Bus 0
       Initiator Id 255
       Target Id 0
        Logical Unit Id 0
         'Identifier' .................. Compaq  Disk Array      1.94
         'Type' ........................ DiskPeripheral
     Scsi Port 1
      'Interrupt' ...................... 15 [0000000Fh]
      'IOAddress' ...................... 27776 [00006C80h]
      'Driver' ......................... Cpqarray
      Scsi Bus 0
       Initiator Id 255
       Target Id 0
        Logical Unit Id 0
         'Identifier' .................. Compaq  Disk Array      2.24
         'Type' ........................ DiskPeripheral
     Scsi Port 2
      'Interrupt' ...................... 10 [0000000Ah]
      'IOAddress' ...................... 36864 [00009000h]
      'Driver' ......................... cpq32fs2
      Scsi Bus 0
       Initiator Id 255
       Target Id 5
        Logical Unit Id 0
         'Identifier' .................. COMPAQ  CD-ROM CR-503BCQ1.1i
         'Type' ........................ CdRomPeripheral
   Session Manager
    'ObjectDirectories' ................ \DosDevices
                                         \RPC Control
    'GlobalFlag' ....................... 0 [00000000h]
    'ProtectionMode' ................... 0 [00000000h]
    'BootExecute' ...................... autocheck autochk *
    'HeapSegmentReserve' ............... 0 [00000000h]
    'HeapSegmentCommit' ................ 0 [00000000h]
    'HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold' ... 0 [00000000h]
    'HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold' ... 0 [00000000h]
    'CriticalSectionTimeout' ........... 2592000 [00278D00h]
    'ResourceTimeoutCount' ............. 648000 [0009E340h]
    'ProcessorControl' ................. 2 [00000002h]
    'RegisteredProcessors' ............. 4 [00000004h]
    DOS Devices
     'PRN' ............................. \DosDevices\LPT1
     'AUX' ............................. \DosDevices\COM1
     'NUL' ............................. \Device\Null
     'PIPE' ............................ \Device\NamedPipe
     'MAILSLOT' ........................ \Device\MailSlot
     'UNC' ............................. \Device\Mup
     'ComSpec' ......................... %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe
     'OS' .............................. Windows_NT
     'Os2LibPath' ...................... %SystemRoot%\system32\os2\dll;
     'Path' ............................ %SystemRoot%\
     'PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE' .......... x86
     'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER' ............ x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 5, 
     'PROCESSOR_LEVEL' ................. 5
     'PROCESSOR_REVISION' .............. 0205
     'ROOTDIR' ......................... //ita0073/apps/mksnt
     'windir' .......................... %SystemRoot%
      ' ................................ 0 [00000000h]
       ................................. 0 [00000000h]
     'DllDirectory' .................... %SystemRoot%\system32
     'kernel32' ........................ kernel32.dll
     'gdi32' ........................... gdi32.dll
     'user32' .......................... user32.dll
     'rpcrt4' .......................... rpcrt4.dll
     'advapi32' ........................ advapi32.dll
     'comdlg32' ........................ comdlg32.dll
     'crtdll' .......................... crtdll.dll
     'shell32' ......................... shell32.dll
     'lz32' ............................ lz32.dll
     'olecli32' ........................ olecli32.dll
     'olesvr32' ........................ olesvr32.dll
     'version' ......................... version.dll
     'rpcltc1' ......................... rpcltc1.dll
     'rpclts1' ......................... rpclts1.dll
     'ole32' ........................... ole32.dll
     'oleaut32' ........................ oleaut32.dll
     'olecnv32' ........................ olecnv32.dll
     'olethk32' ........................ olethk32.dll
    Memory Management
     'PagedPoolSize' ................... 0 [00000000h]
     'NonPagedPoolSize' ................ 0 [00000000h]
     'PagedPoolQuota' .................. 0 [00000000h]
     'NonPagedPoolQuota' ............... 0 [00000000h]
     'IoPageLockLimit' ................. 0 [00000000h]
     'LargeSystemCache' ................ 0 [00000000h]
     'PagingFiles' ..................... C:\pagefile.sys 256 256
     'SystemPages' ..................... 0 [00000000h]
     'SecondLevelDataCache' ............ 0 [00000000h]
     'DisablePagingExecutive' .......... 0 [00000000h]
     'ClearPageFileAtShutdown' ......... 0 [00000000h]
     'Required' ........................ Debug
     'Optional' ........................ Os2
     'Debug' ........................... 
     'Windows' ......................... %SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe 
                                         SharedSection=1024,3072 Windows=On 
                                         ation,2 ProfileControl=Off 
     'Os2' ............................. %SystemRoot%\system32\os2ss.exe
     'Posix' ........................... %SystemRoot%\system32\psxss.exe
   SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\
    Error .............................. 2

END -- Cut Here -- cut here



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