Linux-Hardware Digest #600, Volume #9             Mon, 8 Mar 99 15:13:39 EST

  Creative Labs Awe32 (egray7)
  Want drivers for NewMedia LiveWire+ Full Duplex Ethernet PCMCIA card!!! ("Flavio 
  Re: boot problems (Gary Momarison)
  Boot failure on installing from any media (Stefano Lodi)
  Kingston KNE-40T ("Stavros C. Kassinos")
  Problems with parport. (Jeremy)
  i740 (Kevin Chu)
  Re: HP 822C printer support? ("Robert W. March")
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers ("Robert Bentley")
  help me choose hardware for my new Linux box (Eldad)
  Modem setup (STEVENS  TRAVIS)
  Redhat 5.2 Install Problem - Compaq AP400 NIC (Tom and Eva McGuigan)
  Banshee Server and X ("Gabriel Mark Mains")
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: modutils for 2.2.2 (Mark Tranchant)
  Re: STB Velocity 4400 / Red Hat 5.1 ("Somnath Banerjee")
  Re: Current OK For Linux Hardware List (Rob Clark)
  Re: CD RW - Awful simple question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: midi ("patrick.beck")
  Creative Encore? (Stef)
  Advansys 5140 in UK (Ken Taylor)


From: egray7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Creative Labs Awe32
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 17:53:09 GMT

I've been trying to get my Awe32 PNP to work with my copy of OpenLinux
1.3, and have followed the directions in the Sound-How-To and
Awe-32-Mini-How-To (correctly, I think) kernel
appears to be correctly set up, maybe not the modules though...any way I
can check?   ISAPNP runs
at boot time and I think my isapnp.conf is set up correctly.   Anyway,
following the driections in the
mini-how-to at I get as far
the testing part, and that's where things seem to be messed up.   Don't
know what's going wrong,
maybe I'm not loading the modules properly or something..   All I get
when I use cat /dev/sndstat is
a line under the Synthezizer part for the Awe32(the rest are
empty).      Any suggestions?


From: "Flavio Molinelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Want drivers for NewMedia LiveWire+ Full Duplex Ethernet PCMCIA card!!!
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 16:41:15 +0100

Anyone has got them?

or else I have to buy another card?


Flavio Molinelli


From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: boot problems
Date: 08 Mar 1999 09:27:25 -0800

"Matthew Taulke-johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i kinda linux rh 5.2 working on a 6.4 hdd and it was located on a 4 gig
> partition that i had going with it.  on the remaining 2 gig partiton that i
> had there was win98.  as usual win98 started playing up and it slowly
> progressed to a halt.  from there i reinstalled win98 and now i cannot
> access my 4 gig linux partition.  i am fairly new at this but i am guessing
> that win98 overwrit my master boot record, thus disabling LILO.  is there
> any other way that i can get around the problem other than purchasing boot
> manager programs like system commander?


Look for Linux info at and in
Gary's Encyclopedia at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefano Lodi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Boot failure on installing from any media
Date: 8 Mar 1999 18:29:31 GMT

I have an old Pentium box with 24Mb Ram and an S3 video card.
I have been so far unable to install 
* Debian Linux (not the latest one however)  from
  a  boot floppy
* Red hat linux 5.0/5.2 from both a boot floppy and the distribution CD.  

The kernel crashes after the PCIBIOS32 initialization part with either
an ``illegal operand'' or ``general protection'' error (I might not remember the
exact terminology).  
The system has two IDE FAT-formatted disks, the master has win95 on it
(which works fine).
The boot media I used were successfully used in previous occasions
to install Linux on other machines.  
Therefore I suspect the problem is related to this specific hardware.

This would be the first time I am unable to boot Linux on a particular hardware.
I would be grateful to anyone reporting a similar problem or explaining 
what the causes might be.


Stefano Lodi, Phd
University of Bologna


From: "Stavros C. Kassinos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kingston KNE-40T
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 10:27:26 -0800

Dos anybody know if Linux has drivers for the Kingston KNE-40T ethernet

Stavros C. Kassinos              | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
                                 | Office: (650)-723-0546     |
Center for Turbulence Research   | Fax:    (650)-723-4548     |
Stanford University              | |


From: Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Problems with parport.
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 18:30:59 +0000

 I recently changed to the 2.2.1 kernel. I had 2.0.35. I got everything
to work BUT my LPT1 and the Zip drive on it.
I have a printer on LPT2 on a IO card, it works fine,  but for some
reason parport sees it a /dev/lp0, and totally ignores my LPT1!  Also
ppa.o will not see my Zip drive, even if I put it on LPT2 instead of my
printer. ppa just responds that the Device or resource is busy. LPT1 is
the on-board parport on my motherboard, I have tried all settings in the
BIOS (SPP, ECP, EPP, ...ect) and parport will not see it. I have tried
many combinations of compiling support in the kernel and as modules,
turned auto probe on and off, compiled ppa as a module, or in the
kernel, ect....  I cannot think of any more possible combinations.  Is
there any debugging that I can turn on? Any Ideas? Both ports and my Zip
drive worked fine in 2.0.35.  - Jeremy



From: Kevin Chu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: i740
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 23:14:14 +0800

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I have i740 AGP display card

but how to config my display card

i can't startx
and message show after startx
" the file xf86_xxxx (binary of x server) doesn't seem to be a binary
please check it or / and install a new_xserver_binary "

I am using SuSE 6.0  help me please ^_^
thank you very much [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I have i740 AGP display card
<p>but how to config my display card
<p>i can't startx
<br>and message show after startx
<br>" the file xf86_xxxx (binary of x server) doesn't seem to be a binary
<br>please check it or / and install a new_xserver_binary "
<p>I am using SuSE 6.0&nbsp; help me please ^_^
<br>thank you very much <a 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a></html>



From: "Robert W. March" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP 822C printer support?
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 13:33:48 -0500

Jeremiah wrote:

>         According to:
>         it uses "HP PCL Level 3 enhanced".  HP offers drivers for
> Windows 3.1x, 9x, and NT 4.0, as well as Mac OS.
>         I've yet to find anyone who has tried using it on Linux though...
> (though one kind soul told me it "should" work, I'd prefer to hear from
> someone with some real-world experience)
> Brian

I also am interested in the 882C.  I would like to acquire an HP DeskJet.

Mr. Taylor maintains a good resource on printer compatibility at:

Though, I do find that it is, at the moment, thin on data for late model HP DeskJets.  
The 882C is not on the

Might the "enhanced" part of its print language make the printer less than "perfectly" 
compatible?  I note
that the HP website also lists the 890Cxi/Cse as PCL3 Enhanced and the 890 is in Grant 
Taylor's compatibility
DB as "perfectly" compatible.   If the 882C  could be listed in the Compatibility DB 
as "perfectly", then what
non printing functions might be unavailable (based on experience with an ancestral 
model)?  Any hands on
experience out there?  Any hunches?

Grant, can we safely assume that all HP PCL3 printers are perfectly compatible?


                        Robert W. March
                       St. Andrew's House
                      L'Orignal  ON  Canada


From: "Robert Bentley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:16:31 -0500

All I want to know is what this has to do with linux , and this newsgroup
Peyton Bay wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>childsplay wrote:
>> This is very disturbing
>> --
>> Charles "childsplay" VanDyke
>> ICQ# 14539920 ============
>> ]TeamGameSpy[ ============
>> ===
>Yes, but why should this surprise anyone? This is Microsoft for crying
>out loud!
>Since when do customer rights mean anything?


Subject: help me choose hardware for my new Linux box
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:25:46 GMT

In a couple of days,  I'll order my new Linux machine. It will be used
mostly for internet stuff, a little development and a lot of
emulation. I plan to install Red Hat 5.2.


64 or 128 MB? I know how pathetic little NT machines groan when they
only have 64MB, but is there any reason for 128MB of memory unless I
run some exceptionally demanding apps (rendering? compilation of huge

Modems: Which ones won't I have any trouble with?

Display adapters: This is the difficult one. I really don't do
anything 3d. But I would like, if possible, to be able to get a
TV/cable image on the monitor. If that isn't bad enough, I live in
Israel, so European (PAL) hardware is needed. Do I have any options?
If not, what would be good 'normal' cards?

Partitions: anything special I need to know besides what the installer
will tell me? I have installed Linux before, but back then disks were
less than 1GB...

Last question: Will DOS games (well, emulators) work well with DOSEMU?
or should I create a different freeDOS partition?


Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:09:46 -0700
Subject: Modem setup


i'm running red hat 5.1 whither kernal 2.0.34 or something like that.
my problem is, Mr linux won't recognize my modem.  I've tried isapnp tools
along with lspci.  Doesn't seem to work.  Seems the lspci doesn't work.
Could I have some suggestions.  I would really appreciate it.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom and Eva McGuigan)
Subject: Redhat 5.2 Install Problem - Compaq AP400 NIC
Date: 8 Mar 1999 14:33:56 GMT

I am trying to install Redhat 5.2 on a Compaq Professional Workstation
AP400.  I can't get Linux to recognize the ethernet interface.

Compaq lists the interface as a Compaq NC3161 Fast Ethernet 10/100 WOL,
based on the Intell 82558 chipset.  The I/O Address is listed as

Does anyone know how I can get Linux to recongize the interface?


Tom Mcguigan


From: "Gabriel Mark Mains" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Banshee Server and X
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:54:53 -0600

I am having a real hard time configuring X to use my Creative Labs Banshee
video card. I went to and downloaded the server,
but I can't get it to work right. I am running Red Hat 5.2. It seems, as far
as I have found, that there are 2 symbolic links that point to 2 different
servers. From the advice of a friend I cahnged the symbolic link in
/usr/X11R6/bin to point to the new XF86_SVGA that is for the card. But there
seems to be another symbolic link in /etc/X11 that points to it too. The
problem is that it is still using the XF86_VGA16 server and running in
640x480 with a virtual desktop of 800x600 (which is EXTREMELY annoying!). I
can tell because when I close down X it say VGA16 bla bla bla, so I get that
it is using the wrong server. What am I doing wrong? And when I use the
XF86Config, what do i use for the RAMDAC and clock settings? HELP!?!




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing?
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 18:56:25 GMT

On Fri, 05 Mar 1999 09:12:17 GMT, Mark Mokryn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> >i can understand linus completely.  do you remember 16 bit segment
>> >hell?  i sure do.  i never want to see that kind of brain damage ever
>> >again as long as i live.  far pointers are a monumental crock.  shame
>> >on you for even bringing it up!
>> >
>> >what would want a larger address space?  most likely, it'd be a single
>> >massive program like a number cruncher or database application.  you
>> >would have near and far 32 bit and 32+32 bit pointers.  it would suck
>> >royally.  it'd break all the assumptions that linux makes (basically
>> >all memory is accessible by a 32 bit pointer).
>> >
>> >if you need more address space, get a 64 cpu!  for someone really
>> >needing the 36 bit space, the cost of an alpha or sparc is *not*
>> >prohibitive.
>> It's fair enough for someone to want to build a 36 bit Linux port, so
>> long as they're willing to take responsibility for:
>> a) Writing it,
>> b) Rewriting GLIBC to use 36 bit values,
>> c) Creating a 36 bit distribution.
>The Xeon is not a "36-bit" machine, whatever that is... It merely has a
>36-bit physical address bus. The extended address space is achieved via
>modifications to page table entries, i.e. it is a question of how the CPU
>interprets the PTE's. The CPU can be switched between the different paging
>modes. The Xeon, like all x86's, is a 32-bit machine. For the large part, the
>code needing modification is kernel code that deals with physical addresses.
>Depending on the architecture of Linux (which I am not familiar with), this
>may or may not be a ton of work. But in any case, from what I've heard in
>this discussion, Linux cannot even utilize more than 1 or 2 GB (depending who
>you ask) of physical memory, on ANY architecture. Why? This will seriously
>hurt Linux in the server arena.
>-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    

I look at it this way.  99% of the i386 arch all the way to the pent
II has a 1-2 gig memory limit.  Dispite the 4 gig addressability of
the CPU, the chipset will only allow up to 1 gig.  more than that is
ignored and is inaccessable because of the chipset.  You want more
memory, use a computer that can handle more memory instead of
complaining about no support for something the hardware can't even do.

Our new pent II we sell are only upgradeable to 1 gig.  My pent MMX is
only ipgradeable to 512 meg and my pent classic(old socet 7) will only
go 384 meg and my socet 5 board will only hold 128 meg ram.

out servers only have 32-64 meg ram and hold the load just fine. (file
+ web + e-mail all in one server usenet news on another)

to actually NEED that kind of memory, you must have some serious data
to crunch.  our news server /w 64 meg ram runs our news server going
through 3 gigs a day and keeps up no prob...

12:41pm  up 43 days, 23:38,  2 users,  load average: 2.85, 2.93, 3.08
36 processes: 35 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  1.7% user,  2.5% system,  0.0% nice, 96.1% idle
Mem: 63160K av, 61944K used,  1216K free,   6488K shrd,   7672K buff
Swap:  76068K av,   7948K used,  68120K free             4000K cached

<waited a minute>

 12:42pm  up 43 days, 23:39,  2 users,  load average: 3.80, 3.19, 3.16

this is the beauty of linux.  You don't need as much memory as the
other OS(nt)  which crashed every 2 days doing web + e-mail which
isn't nearly 1/24 the load as news.  MS said you needed more RAM to
get it stable under those loads.

linux even has time to spare, just look at that idle time.  if you
NEED 1 gig ram, you NEED an alpha



From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: modutils for 2.2.2
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 08:15:05 +0000

Wouldn't it be a good idea (hint, hint) for Linus (?) to copy
modutils-2.1.121 to modutils-2.2.0 in the v2.2 directory?


Joachim Feise wrote:
> yhauser wrote:
> >
> > I've installed kernel 2.2.2 successfully just for module support (marked
> > are 2.1.85 - they run with my old kernel 2.0.33, but they fail with
> > 2.2.2.
> > Can anybody give me a hint?! yves
> You need modutils 2.1.121. Available at
> -Joe
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joachim Feise         Ph.D. Student, Information & Computer Science
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------


From: "Somnath Banerjee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: STB Velocity 4400 / Red Hat 5.1
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:19:03 -0800

Hi M,

I am so glad that somebody got this card to work.
I had a terrible weekend (last two in fact) trying to get this card to work.
Now, I know I can ask somebody.

BTW, I did download  XFree86 and installed it succesfully.
Still I cannot find Velocity 4400 in the list of cards.
On top of this Xconfigurator is dying on me giving a segmentation
fault.  I can't even get VGA mode to work.

I can do the setup using XF86Setup though.
What card do I choose?    "My Video Card"
Then choose the chipset to be "Riva TNT"

I could not find Riva TNT in the list of chipsets.
Please help.  I am going crazy with this problem.
Feel free to directly communicate with me at the following address:


Regards,  Somnath

Michael W. Ryder wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am using this card (I think the RAM should be 16 Mb by the way) with
>no problems.  I am able to get up to 1600x1200 by 32bpp resolution.  I
>am using the version of XFree86 and SVGA.  I then used XF86Setup
>to configure the card as a Riva TNT (the chip set for the card) and
>configured the mouse, keyboard, and monitor and had everything work with
>no problems.
>Michael W. Ryder
>Mats Danielsson wrote:
>> I'm trying to configure my Velocity 4400 (8Mb RAM) for Red Hat 5.1, but
>> no success so far. I was recommended by STB to download drivers from
>>, but I can't get the drivers to work. When I choose
>> 'Unlisted Card' and then 'SVGA' in Xconfigurator (after replacing the
>> XF86_SVGA with the downloaded version), the software can't determine the
>> amount of RAM etc. Nor can I run X. I'm new in the world of Linux, so
>> I'd really appreciate if anyone with the same card could give me some
>> hints about how to install it. I am getting sick of the VGA16 mode...
>> cheers
>> Mats

Michael W. Ryder wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am using this card (I think the RAM should be 16 Mb by the way) with
>no problems.  I am able to get up to 1600x1200 by 32bpp resolution.  I
>am using the version of XFree86 and SVGA.  I then used XF86Setup
>to configure the card as a Riva TNT (the chip set for the card) and
>configured the mouse, keyboard, and monitor and had everything work with
>no problems.
>Michael W. Ryder
>Mats Danielsson wrote:
>> I'm trying to configure my Velocity 4400 (8Mb RAM) for Red Hat 5.1, but
>> no success so far. I was recommended by STB to download drivers from
>>, but I can't get the drivers to work. When I choose
>> 'Unlisted Card' and then 'SVGA' in Xconfigurator (after replacing the
>> XF86_SVGA with the downloaded version), the software can't determine the
>> amount of RAM etc. Nor can I run X. I'm new in the world of Linux, so
>> I'd really appreciate if anyone with the same card could give me some
>> hints about how to install it. I am getting sick of the VGA16 mode...
>> cheers
>> Mats


Subject: Re: Current OK For Linux Hardware List
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:24:07 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Charles McKinley Norton  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Where is a current Linux "OK" hardware list?  I need to get an internal
>or external 56K modem that will work on Linux and Windows 98/NT.  I am
>also looking for Linux friendly laptop models.

There is the Hardware HOWTO:

and also another, more specific list that I am maintaining:

Have fun!


Subject: Re: CD RW - Awful simple question
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 19:28:44 GMT

I wrote:

> >And still there are restrictions.  You only get about 500 megs of data
> >space on a packet CD, and when you delete files, the space used by
> >them is not reclaimable.

According to Julian Schanze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thats wrong.. Thats the thing with CD -Rs but not with CD-RWs... you can
> delete CD -RWs.

You can erase the disk and re-record on it, but you cannot reclaim the
space used by deleted files without erasing and re-formatting the
entire disk.  At least not with a UDF filesystem.

I should caveat this with the fact that I've never actually *used* the
UDF filesystem -- my knowledge comes merely from what I've read.



From: "patrick.beck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: midi
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 17:26:22 +0100

Rafael Avila de Esp=EDndola wrote:
> =

> Hi I need help for plaing midi under RH 5.2 on a SB16 (it works on
> win98), I have tried the kernel thet came
> whit RH 5.2 and I also compiled 2.0.6 and 2.2.1, both compile and repor=
> the card properli, but whem I type
> "playmidi -D0 xxxx.mid" no sound is plaied and no error message is
> givem  insted after some time the prompt
> returns.
> =

> P.S. cat /dev/sndstat returns:
> =

> OSS/Free:3.8s2++-971130
> Load type: Driver loaded as a module
> Kernel: Linux esp=EDndola 2.2.1 #1 dom fev 21 17:53:01 EST 1999 i686
> Config options: 0
> =

> Installed drivers:
> =

> Card config:
> =

> Audio devices:
> 0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.11) (DUPLEX)
> =

> Synth devices:
> 0: Yamaha OPL3
> =

> Midi devices:
> 0: Sound Blaster 16
> =

> Timers:
> 0: System clock
> =

> Mixers:
> 0: Sound Blaster

Well, the cat /dev/sndstat on my SB 128PCI (module es1370.o) do the same
(and I know I must use the timidity software to play midi file. But I
have a error message when I try to play midi file.

May be you must use the mixer to activate or move up the volume tab for
synth ?



Subject: Creative Encore?
Date: 8 Mar 1999 17:50:55 +0100

Does a driver for the Creative Encore exist for Linux?

WebMaster D-WERK
President SOS-ETH 
ETH Zurich


From: Ken Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Advansys 5140 in UK
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 15:54:33 +0000

I want to build a Linux system from my old '486 and other various
"junk". I need a SCSI adapter and I'm thinking of the Advansys 5140.
Does anyone know a UK dealer for them? 


PS an email respose would be appreciated if that does not break any



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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