Linux-Hardware Digest #599, Volume #9             Mon, 8 Mar 99 13:13:32 EST

  Re: How to compile Kernel 2.2.2  with redhat 5.2??? ("Richard Latimer")
  Re: 3DNow!, SSE optimization? ("Beat Rupp")
  Re: Disk > 8.4 Gbytes with Redhat 5.2 (Bruno MONTET)
  Couldn't install Redhat 5.2 (steve)
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info (bp jendrissek)
  Re: ensoniq audiopci ("Jeff Volckaert")
  modem problems (Carl Hennicke)
  Re: HP Deskjet 720C ("Amaury JACQUOT [BILL]")
  Re: HP Deskjet 720C ("Amaury JACQUOT [BILL]")
  Re: E-mail from ATI Tech Support / ATI TV `n Linux... ("Jeraimee")
  Re: Opti931 sound card in Kernel 2.2 (Hans Peter Caprez)
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers (Peyton Bay)
  Re: Modem setup (Rob Clark)
  Re: Does anyone know a web site which obviously mensions about AGP video card 
compatibility for Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers (John Hasler)
  i740 is slow on X? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Barracuda 9LP and Symbios controller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Want Long Filenames from Win95 (Radical NetSurfer)
  Using PS2 port on Mitsubishi Amity CN under Redhat 5.2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  DAC960PM/DAC960PGM Raid Controllers? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: AWE64 sound problems | more ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  lpr  (Joe Patrick)
  Current OK For Linux Hardware List (Charles McKinley Norton)


Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 12:08:55 GMT


What type of Compaq Server are you trying to install and what problem are u
facing.  Linux can be installed on most of the Compaq Servers.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Tom Muir wrote:
> > Perhaps the problem lies with the new image of Unix. I decided to give red
> > hat 5.2 a try. I read the initial installation instructions.  Essentially it
> > said install boot disk, follow menu and linux will be installed. Only it
> > just isn't that simple.  The idea that this OS can be installed like DOS or
> > Windows is being suggested but it just isn't. The level of supported
> > hardware is also misleading. Compaq servers on which I'm trying to install
> > RedHat must be amongst the most common servers for netware but there is no
> > mention of support or lack of support for this platform in the
> > documentation.
> well, compaq has a long tradition of reinventing the wheel whenever
> they they can.  I suppose it's just common sense not to expect their
> hardware to work.  You're right though, Redhat is not nec. helping by
> trying to make the install 'too easy'.  Have you ever tried to install
> NT?  I imagine that this sort of install is what redhat is aiming for,
> which is terrible.
> -ckm

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From: "Richard Latimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: How to compile Kernel 2.2.2  with redhat 5.2???
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 02:26:20 -0800

Is it possible you have source code from two versions intermixed?

If you installed the headers and kernel source code from the
RedHat 5.2 CD, I think (I don't remember fer-shur) you have a
directory in /usr/src named linux-2.0.36 and a link named linux,
which points to linux-2.0.36.

If you untar a 2.2.2 tarball into /usr/src, it goes into a directory
named linux. If you have a directory named linux already, in
this case a link to linux-2.0.36, then the two source code trees
are mixed. (To anyone reading over my shoulder, this is correct,
isn't it?)

I have compiled the kernel many times and have experienced
the same problem once, and another time the kernel said Out
of Memory - System Halted. I just rebooted with my old version
and kept on plugging.

Don't give up, you just overlooked something.

BTW, what static link to linux did you remove?



From: "Beat Rupp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3DNow!, SSE optimization?
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:02:46 +0100

Daniele Bernardini schrieb in Nachricht
>Do you think there is space for 3DNow! and SSE optimization in
>the Linux kernel?

Intel works on a compiler with integrated ISSE instructions.



Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Disk > 8.4 Gbytes with Redhat 5.2
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 14:18:57 +0100


I've just completed a RH 5.2 install on a 13 Gb Western Digital hard
drive (with an ASUS P2B mainboard).
It works fine.

Philip Nelson wrote:
> I've just become the owner of a 13 Gbyte Western Digital 13 Gbyte hard disk.
> If I get my BIOS problems sorted out, will Redhat 5.2 be able to use it.
> If I can't get a BIOS upgrade how does Linux live alongside Ez-Drive / Ez-BIOS and 
>such utilities ?
> Philip Nelson
> Using OS/2 Warp and PMINews


Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 21:31:47 +0800
From: steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Couldn't install Redhat 5.2

Please tell me the answer that I couldn' install redhat 5.2 as the
screen flash(many and many time and so rapid) when I install.
My config is Display card (Iwill adventure) PremedieaII chipset.


From: bp jendrissek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: 8 Mar 1999 13:44:30 GMT

BTW isn't this *slightly* off-topic?  Doesn't this belong in

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Anthony D. Tribelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: mlw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: : Anthony D. Tribelli wrote:

: : > I don't think there was a reset instruction, documented or otherwise. I
Actually, there were 2 (loadall286 and loadall386) that could load values
into every (methinks) register visible in any other way (excluding electron
microscope, of course).  The instruction took the values from 0:800h AFAIK.
Have a look at Ralf Brown's interrupt list - there are many similar
undocumented instructions.  The problem with loadall (0fh 05h on '286;
0fh 07h on '386 IIRC) was that it was implemented only on *intel* 80286's.
Harris chips - no.  Siemens, AMD - I don't know.  Oh, and I think loadall
was not a protected instruction - anyone could execute it.  Pretty stupid
leaving it there after development!

: : > believe the keyboard microcontroller was asked to reset the main CPU, and
: : > BIOS could recongnize a cold or warm boot and possibly jump to a location
: : > specified in RAM (to resume where things left off rather than FFFF:FFF0).
: : > To expand on your brief mention of 'kernel space', a protected mode OS
: : > (WinNT and Linux, maybe Win9x) can prevent user programs from doing this
: : > sort of thing.
Yes, also true, and more portable.  Worked on *all* PC's, not just those
with "intel inside" (when was that phrase coined?)

: : ... There was an undocumented instruction that is not in most
: : assemblers, but can be coded with db or emit. The instruction was put on
: : the chip so test program written by Intel could put the processor into
: : protected mode and take it back out again.

: This sounds like someone misunderstood an improved reset method which
: involved I/O ports (again prevantable if the OS chooses). This was
: supposedly an alternative the the much slower keyboard reset which OS/2
: did use. The faster method was not universally available.
No misunderstanding, loadall existed, 8042 trick always (?) worked, other
port gymnastics existed on some motherboards.

: I think yet another method involved causing multiple processor faults, and
: again an end user program could not do this.
This method depended (depends?) on circuitry that detects the cpu going
into shutdown - which only NMI or RESET can break IIRC.  I think what
happens is that an exception is made to occur inside a double fault
(which can still be handled semi-gracefully) whereupon the cpu sends a
bus cycle telling the world it is tired of living.

: : It is this instruction that Microsoft used to enable its DOS box in OS/2
: : 1.x. I'm pretty sure it is a protected instruction, so a program would
: : have to be in an unprotected environment, such as Windows 9x or kernel
: : space in NT. The problem with the instruction was that it clobbered some
: : range of memory, I think 40H.

: I'm still highly skeptical of such an instruction existing. I'd love to 
: see a URL, I suspect info got 'mutated' as it passed from one person to 
: the next.

I doubt entries in Ralf Brown's list count as "mutated" - but then, who am
I to decide?  Maybe I'll just fire up the old (Siemens cpu) 286 and see if I
can get loadall not to #UD.

Bernd Jendrissek


From: "Jeff Volckaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ensoniq audiopci
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 08:45:16 -0500

Redhat 5.2, just run sndconfig.  The only problem I've had is Realaudio.

Jeff Volckaert

Daryl Yager wrote in message <36e31002.3758655@wingate>...
>anyone got a good configuration routine for this soundcard?


Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 20:58:10 -1000
From: Carl Hennicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: modem problems

Okay, this would be my own personal modem hell:
I've installed Slackware 3.6 on a P200 w/ MMX 96Mgs ram 2 5.2G IDE HDD's
2 IDE CD ROMs... etc
cua0 is my mouse,
cua1 is my modem, irq 3, 0x02f8
cua2 is my sound card
mouse and sound cards work fine
modem is a USR/3COM 56K Voice Faxmodem
Bios has PnP support, tried all this both w/ & w/o Bios PnP support
First I had it set up to PNP specks, and it would be id'd at irq 3,
0x02f8, when I first fired up the machine I'd be able to dial out, but
after I'd disconnect I wouldn't be able to make another connection.  The
modem wouldn't even initilize, or (in minicom) it would only print out
half of the init string.
Well from there I figured I'd check out the jumpers, found jumpers on my
card (whoo hoo, or so I think) and jumpered it to cua1 and IRQ 3, boot
back up and try that method. Linux didn't even recognize the card, so I
figured I'd try isapnp and see what happed, well it was recognzed, but
just like it was b4.
That's about all that I can think of for right now, any
suggestions/comments/rebuttles/whatevers please don't hesitate to speak
your mind.


Subject: Re: HP Deskjet 720C
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 14:07:02 +0000

Mathieu Sutter wrote:
> Mickey,
> Thanks a lot for your answer.
> Did you have a chance to get this ppa-0_8_6_tar.tar file? I get a checksum
> error when I try to untar it.

You seem to se Winblows to get this file... can't you access the 
net with your Linux box ?
Anyway, the real name of the file is ppa-0.8.6.tar.gz and it can be
decompressed with 'tar xzvf ppa-0.8.6.tar.gz'



Subject: Re: HP Deskjet 720C
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 14:08:48 +0000

Mathieu Sutter wrote:
> Mickey,
> Thanks a lot for your answer.
> Did you have a chance to get this ppa-0_8_6_tar.tar file? I get a checksum
> error when I try to untar it.

You seem to se Winblows to get this file... can't you access the 
net with your Linux box ?
Anyway, the real name of the file is ppa-0.8.6.tar.gz and it can be
decompressed with 'tar xzvf ppa-0.8.6.tar.gz'



From: "Jeraimee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: E-mail from ATI Tech Support / ATI TV `n Linux...
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:27:54 -0500

ATI Overwhelming support of "WebTV Compatibility" tells me they are the
empires close companions.

I will however keep booting to win98 to watch XFiles and the new Batman
cartoon in Dolby Surround on my All-in-Wonder card ala. SoundBlaster
Live.... <shrug>...

Thank the empire we have choices :)


"100k m@ 1'^^ 31337"
</Linux Inside>

Brian Hunt wrote in message ...
>Creative labs seems to be in the Linux-support PR mode.  They have a
>'coming soon' link on and from what I recall
>they are supporting the EMU10K and the DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM products.
>But like all great things, this will take time.
>ATI's stance is a little more rigid.  I believe they are in cahoots with
>Microsoft so any laterial action might detriment their agreement with
>MS.  But like all great barriers, that one may fall.
>On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, Jeraimee wrote:
>> I also wanted to buy the AIW 128... but... after I got that e-mail I'm
>> thinking again...
>> What may happen is that I might have to run 2 boxes...
>> I like my soundblaster live, DVD, All in Wonder, etc... the whole family
>> loves the stuff... but I only want to 'use' Linux...
>> we've got a 27inch monitor that's run off the same box (surround sound,
>> etc...) and I guess it (the windoze box) will end up being ran just for
>> stuff and my personal box will be linux.
>> Doesn't lppk as though I'm getting any other choice...
>> Jeraimee
>> Ben wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> >Good info. If ATI doesn't get a Linux "All In Wonder" going soon.
>> >Somebody else will. I guess ATI is doing the best thet can as fast as
>> >they can. I am waiting for my next video card purchase to be an ATI all
>> >in wonder 128 but if it doesn't support Linux I may not buy it. I am
>> >trying to buy NO hardware that only supports Windows. Just my small
>> >little opinion.
>> >
>> >Ben


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans Peter Caprez)
Subject: Re: Opti931 sound card in Kernel 2.2
Date: 8 Mar 1999 13:59:39 +0100

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bandyopadhyay Rajarshi Dipak) writes:
> Hi
> Opti931 sound card is supported by 2.2, so say the kernel docs.( They have 
> devoted a readme file for it!)
> I compiled the kernel 2.2.1 but it didnt work. If anyone has got it working
> please guide me. Right now I use it with 2.0.36 and OSS sound drivers
> Got the fundaes from David Rees' HOWTO.
> However I have heard that 2.2 really makes this card Rock!! So I need to try
> it out.
> TIA,
> Raj 


I have a Spacewalker HOT-247 card with an opti933 chip. With the following
(sound-) part of the config-file and linux 2.2.1 it works fine for me:

# Sound
# CONFIG_SOUND_ES1370 is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_ES1371 is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_PAS is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_SB is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_GUS is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_MPU401 is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_PSS is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_MSS is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_TRIX is not set
# CONFIG_MAD16_OLDCARD is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_CS4232 is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_OPL3SA2 is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_MAUI is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_OPL3SA1 is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_UART6850 is not set

# Additional low level sound drivers

Hope this helps.

Hans Peter.


Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 09:47:38 -0600
From: Peyton Bay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers

childsplay wrote:

> This is very disturbing
> --
> Charles "childsplay" VanDyke
> ICQ# 14539920 ============
> ]TeamGameSpy[ ============
> ===

Yes, but why should this surprise anyone? This is Microsoft for crying
out loud!
Since when do customer rights mean anything?



Subject: Re: Modem setup
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:28:08 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

>i'm running red hat 5.1 whither kernal 2.0.34 or something like that.
>my problem is, Mr linux won't recognize my modem.  I've tried isapnp tools
>along with lspci.  Doesn't seem to work.  Seems the lspci doesn't work.
>Could I have some suggestions.  I would really appreciate it.

The resolution of your problem depends a lot on the specifics of the modem
you are trying to use, e.g. manufacturer, model, ISA/PCI/external,

You're in the right place, but please follow up with more details.



Subject: Re: Does anyone know a web site which obviously mensions about AGP video card 
compatibility for Linux?
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 17:09:48 GMT

> Last I tried it, the i740 support for X was not very good (i.e., slow
> as molasses).  Good low-cost AGP cards I have found are the ATI Xpert
> 98 and ATI Rage IIc.
> -- Rod
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sunset Systems                           Preconfigured Linux Computers
>                      and Custom Software
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

umm,that is interesting information.
If i740 slows down X performance,
I have to consider to buy another card.

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From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:45:21 GMT

Samuel Aw writes:
> Extremely disturbing esp. when I use win98 in the office.. shesh!  and
> all the while, m$ is spying on win98 users, collect info about us and F*!
> I PAID them to do all these shit !  How could they!

Surely when you chose to use a closed source OS you realized that you were
exposing all your secrets to the vendor.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.


Subject: i740 is slow on X?
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 17:17:31 GMT

Hi,I posted about i740 8mb AGP video card compatibility
question,and I got 2 types of answers.
the first is i740 8mb AGP works on X fine and has no problem,
and second is i740 is too slow for X like molasses.

Which is true?

and I some people on #Linux on some IRC server told me that
try use metroX, or AcceleratedX.

I heard they are first commercial X server.
Using those X server clears i740 slow speed problem?
Are they free?

give me advise.


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Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Barracuda 9LP and Symbios controller
Date: 8 Mar 1999 16:44:29 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Do-Hoon Kwon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm having a weird problem with Seagate ST39173W 
>(firmware 6244) and Symbios SYM8751SP (BIOS 4.13).
>During the initial installation, I formatted and
>verified the drive. Then, the SCSI BIOS reports
>for the drive C/H/S=1024/64/32, which is definitely
> Dos fdisk only sees 1024MB, but Linux fdisk reports 
>C/H/S=8683/64/32, which amounts to the correct
>capacity of the drive. However, I want
>less number of cylinders than that.
> The drive works wonderfully, but I'm worried that
>when I add another OS to the later half of the
>drive, which is now empty, the boot manager may
> Any hints?
>Do-Hoon Kwon
Most SCSI BIOS have a setting to enable translation for greater that
1 GB.  Have you enabled this?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Radical NetSurfer)
Subject: Want Long Filenames from Win95
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 17:36:26 GMT

I do not have a Fat32 installation, just standard Longfile names
enabled, what would be the proper mounting to be able to
read the Longfilenames without the worry of Fat32 access
(which I don't have enabled in my Win95) ??


//the Radical NetSurfer Kind of Linux User//


Subject: Using PS2 port on Mitsubishi Amity CN under Redhat 5.2
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 15:14:38 GMT

I have successfully installed Redhat 5.2 on my portable Mitsubishi Amity
system. Although I can access the nine-pin serial port without any problems
from within  my C programs by opening /dev/cua0, I cannot determine how to
access the ps2  port.  I *believe* that the port is /dev/psaux which is where
the /dev/mouse is pointing.  Is there a source for info on how to accomplish
this?  I would  like to treat just like a standard serial port-is this


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Subject: DAC960PM/DAC960PGM Raid Controllers?
Date: 8 Mar 1999 16:56:24 GMT

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Mar  8 17:53:18 1999
From: Steffen Leich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DAC960PM / DAC960 PGM
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 17:45:02 +0100 (CET)
X-Mailer: Pine 4.10 on RedHat Linux 5.2

I got an reatail-offer for a DAC960PM Raid-Controller but i can't find any
info on it on the mylex-Homepage. Does anyone know it? Or is it's real
name the DAC960PGM? And what about Linux support for the PGM-Adapter?

Any Help?


Steffen Leich               Phone: +49-6421-283144
Universitaet Marburg
Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste       FB 02


Crossposted-To: rice.comp.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: AWE64 sound problems | more
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 15:24:12 GMT

On 7 Mar 1999 22:05:36 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wildman, the
Cuberstalker) wrote:

>On Sun, 07 Mar 1999 17:07:40 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>I tried it both ways, and found that the Soundblaster 
>>likes it better on irq5.
>Not sure what you mean "likes it better" other than the fact that it
>defaults to that irq. Are you saying it works better on that irq?
Well, you are right. It will work both ways.
But since it defaults there, my dual boot to windows NT puts it there,
and the 2.2.1 kernel I'm using wants to use irq7 for /dev/lp0,
why fight the "status quo"?

I see no benefit from putting my printer on irq5. 


Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:22:47 +0100
From: Joe Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: lpr 

I am trying to install a new bubble-jet to linux. When I send a print to
the printer I get this error message. Can someone tell me why, where I
am making a mistake.

Printer: lj2p_ps@joepc  'canon BJC-7000 Postscript to bubble-jet 2p
 Queue: 5 printable jobs
 Server: pid 66 active
 Unspooler: pid 69 active
 Status: Cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'No such device', sleeping 10 at
 Rank   Owner/ID                   Class Job  Files               Size
active  joe@joepc+196                  A  196 xterm                  4
active  joe@joepc+207                  A  207 (stdin)             4726
3       joe@joepc+230                  A  230 (stdin)             7080
4       root@joepc+239                 A  239 (stdin)             7447
5       root@joepc+244                 A  244 (stdin)             7447


Joe Patrick


From: Charles McKinley Norton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Current OK For Linux Hardware List
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 10:23:07 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Where is a current Linux "OK" hardware list?  I need to get an internal
or external 56K modem that will work on Linux and Windows 98/NT.  I am
also looking for Linux friendly laptop models.

Charles McKinley Norton
IRE Secure Systems, Inc.
100 Conifer Hill Dr., Suite 513
Danvers, MA 01923


Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
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n:McKinley Norton;Charles
tel;cell:(617) 877-3151
tel;fax:(978) 739-5698
tel;work:(978) 739-1446
org:IRE Secure Solutions, Inc.;Engineering
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;100 Conifer Hill Drive=0D=0ASuite 513=0D=0A;Danvers;MA;01923;USA
fn:Charles McKinley Norton




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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