Linux-Hardware Digest #820, Volume #9            Wed, 24 Mar 99 02:13:38 EST

  Re: 'Dazed and Confused' ("Charles Sullivan")
  10GM hard drive (Thanh Le)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session     falls flat) 
(Chris Costello)
  Re: Can't see the entire hard disk!! Please help.. ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: motherboard with on-board scsi (Jason McKnight)
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? (Carlos Wexler)
  Re: HIS Speedcom RW-56VPCI modem (Jeff)
  Re: Diamond Fire PRO AGP is supported! (SammyD)
  Re: Sony Vaio PCG-838/Xircom CardBus (David Hinds)
  Re: pppd dies on connect. without warning. ("Michael W. Ryder")
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session    falls flat) 
  Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?) (jedi)
  NE2000 under DosLinux (Tarsi)
  Re: ===='BEST' MBoard for K6-2/400Mhz/1MB Linux System ???==== (Andrew Comech)
  TV tuner card for Linux ("Tim Keith")
  Re: 10GM hard drive ("Charles Sullivan")
  Sony Internal Sound Card Problem (Eric)
  help! 320x200 (arav)
  Re: Lexmark ? (Wasim Juned)
  raid & hdd ("Dmitry Melekhov")
  Re: Burning.... (Tim Moore)


From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 'Dazed and Confused'
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 23:58:39 -0500

NMI is the Non-Maskable Interrupt.   Back in the days when most PCs
included parity memory this interrupt was used to signal a memory
parity fault or other serious problem, but the interrupt service routine
would identify the problem.  I don't know what it might be used for
nowadays or why the reason for it remains unidentified.

Brandon wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>We have a RH Linux 5.2 box that was upgrded to kernel 2.2.3. We are now
>seeing strange errors in the mesages log, just before the system
>Mar 23 04:26:31 db3 kernel: Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 3d.
>Mar 23 04:26:31 db3 kernel: Dazed and confused, but trying to continue
>Mar 23 04:26:31 db3 kernel: Do you have a strange power saving mode
>Mar 23 04:26:31 db3 kernel: Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 2d.
>Mar 23 04:26:31 db3 kernel: Dazed and confused, but trying to continue
>Mar 23 04:26:31 db3 kernel: Do you have a strange power saving mode
>BIOS power management is OFF.  I have removed the apmd from rc2.d and
>rc3.d, but still... Is this a hardware problem?  If so, any suggestions
>on where to start looking?  THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.


From: Thanh Le <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 10GM hard drive
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 23:07:37 GMT

Hi all,

I have a 10.1GB hard drive and
try to install Red Hat Linux 5.2.
I was unable to get more 8 MB from
the installation software that come with
RHL5.2.  Is there a way to go around this
to get 2GB more for the filesystem.
Please help.


-- Thanh


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Costello)
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session     falls 
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:55:44 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, M. le Rutte wrote:
> jedi wrote:
> >         Much like telling her that she should press some keys to
> >         logoff or shut the machine down or that she is going to
> >         have to remember for herself under what contexts an item
> >         dropped in the shell is going to move, copy or symlink.
> Yes, thats totally wrong too. I can't explain to them when a copy or a
> move action occurs and what keys to use to influence that. Even though I
> show it a thousand times they still do not understand that, or forget it
> one week later. As I live on the other end of The Netherlands I can't
> come by to show them and have to do it by phone, or wait for my next
> visit.
> On the other side, they managed to copy some files from a floppy to the
> HD, something they never could using a CLI.

   People are capable of less-complex-than-english simple written
commands --

cp myfile mydirectory


"Copy myfile to mydirectory."

   It's not that hard.

> Maurice.


From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't see the entire hard disk!! Please help..
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 00:14:55 -0500

If you multiply the CHS parameters from the label and then again
by 512 bytes/sector you get only 8.46 x 10^9 bytes.  So either the
stated drive capacity is wrong (it may be the unformatted capacity)
or the CHS parameters are wrong, but it appears Linux is doing
what you told it.

You may want to set up a small /boot partition of 5-10 Megs as
the first partition on your drive, to insure that the kernel always remains
below the 1024 cylinder boundary and is accessible to LILO.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <7d8a1a$ud1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> I have a PII 450 Mhz Compaq machine with a 10GB Seagate hard disk.
>I want to configure this as a linux machine (no windows). RH 5.2 is able
>to see only 7.5 GB of the hard disk space.
> I tried supplying the CHS parameters taken from the hard disk label.
>(16383 Cylinders, 16 Heads, 63 Sectors).
>i.e. during install at boot: linux hda=16383,16,63
> Linux was now able to recognise around 8 GB out of the 10 GB. But gave a
>warning that there can be problems for lilo since the number of cylinders
>is more than 1023. Ofcourse, while booting, lilo hangs with screen showing
>only "LI".
> My BIOS doesn't have an option to specify CHS/LBA etc.; but it
>shows a hard disk capacity of 10 GB.
>Is there a way out?  Please help....
>Thanks in advance..
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From: Jason McKnight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: motherboard with on-board scsi
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 11:22:10 -0500

I have an ASUS P2B-DS. No problems. Linux loves it!

"Jörgen Persson" wrote:

> Any recommendations for a good motherboard with on-board scsi.
> Chipset: Intel BX
> Kernel: 2.2.3
> Dist.: Redhat 5.2
> I was thinking of AOpen AX6B+ but heard there was some problems.
> --
> Jörgen Persson
> Sysadmin, TLTH


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carlos Wexler)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing?
Date: 11 Mar 1999 16:01:07 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
John Burton  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Yup! I find it interesting that the Department of Justice is after
>Microsoft for their "Monopoly", but the rest of the Federal Government
>(DoD & NASA in Particular) is busy *increasing* the monopoly by
>*requiring* electronic communications use an MS Office document format
>(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc), and of course MS Office only runs on
>Go figure...;-)

Well, the NSF (National Science Foundation) actually requires documents to
be submitted in PDF (Portable Document Format, alias "Adobe Acrobat")
which is supported in essentially all common platforms.  

Way to go!!




Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 21:02:18 -0800
Subject: Re: HIS Speedcom RW-56VPCI modem

Jávor Kornél wrote:
> Hi !
> I've got that PCI modem (not winmodem) & I wish to use with SuSE 6
> linux.
> Is there any solution ? Any experiences ?
As far as I know PCI modems are winmodems, even if not labeled as such.

I may be wrong...


From: Sand@man. (SammyD)
Subject: Re: Diamond Fire PRO AGP is supported!
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 01:56:34 GMT
Reply-To: Sand@man.

Thanks for that!
"Leo de Mul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en mensaje: 
>The Diamond Fire GL 1000 PRO AGP is supported under RedHat 5.2! And it is
>working fine on my


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Hinds)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Sony Vaio PCG-838/Xircom CardBus
Date: 24 Mar 1999 05:42:36 GMT

David Highley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: The network card is a Xircom CardBus ethernet 10/100+Modem 56Kbps.  This
: is a 32 bit PCI
: bus mastered card.  Has anyone worked on a driver for the interface yet?

Nope, unsupported.

-- Dave Hinds


From: "Michael W. Ryder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: pppd dies on connect. without warning.
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 01:59:10 GMT

I had the same type of problem with kppp and downloaded ezppp and had no
further problems.  Interestingly, the script I use with ezppp works but
will not work with kppp (pppd daemon unexpectedly died).

Michael W. Ryder

Watcher wrote:
> I  have linux on a P24T ( 83MHz), 16meg's ram, hayes modem,
> I'm using kppp to connect to my isp and just after the username and
> password my pppd dies. any ideals?
> thank you
> bill


From: "not" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session    falls 
Date: 19 Mar 1999 20:11:59 GMT

Just installed Linux RH 5.2 on a HP Pavilion 64702.  The hardest part of the
whole process has been BootMagic and PartitionMagic (keeping Win 98 for the
wife).  What rotten software that is.  The whole Linux install process WAS a
matter of being spoonfed and the amount of info out there for the tweaks and
things like the sound card is amazing.  It was pretty easy though I have to
admit "grep" "man" and "vi" are old friends to me.

Does anybody know a good source for explanations on XF86Config and how the
whole X startup and configuration process works?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Subject: Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 20:17:22 GMT

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 14:45:42 GMT, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Actually Wp 5.1 (DOS) was my favorite version and with the exception
>of graphics, any secretary worth her (his) salt knew how to make that
>program dance. It was real fast too.

        I knew of a Law Firm in Cleveland that was still using
        VMS and WP still, 2 years ago. 

>On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 19:45:37 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
>>On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 02:32:19 GMT, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Amen...A word that is mentioned quite infrequently in this group,
>>>It doesn't matter a hill of beans how technically superior your OS is
>>>if there are no applications for it that the general public want to
>>>Vi, And EMacs and ppp-on, ppp-off, and slrn and tin an trn and tetris
>>>and ispell and on and on and on don't cut it when you have a plethora
>>>of Windows applications that blow the doors off the Linux crap...
>>>Users are NOT interested in going back to the 1970's....
>>      Of course not. Word Perfect using secretaries might
>>      actually be expected to actually produce again.
>>      For some jobs, 'going back to the 70s' is the right 
>>      thing to do. At least the machines were reliable then.
>>>On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 01:30:09 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Falis) wrote:
>>>><7chjmb$f6o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>Sorry about the empty prior reply.
>>>>On 14 Mar 1999 19:20:41 -0500, Guess Who <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I would never be so cruel as to throw a rank beginner to the mercies
>>>>> of the unix command line.  But anyone who tries to do serious work
>>>>> with Windows or Mac is kidding himself.
>>>>You must have a pretty strange idea of what serious work is.  We field IDE's on 
>Windows as well as various Unices for various kinds of applications including hard 
>>>>real-time, multi-million line applications, and safety-critical applications.  And 
>I daresay our Windows hosted versions are more pleasant to use than the UNIX ones.  
>>>>Personally, I've always found the UNIX "user" level environment to be a 
>distraction from getting serious work done - and I've done some serious work on it 
>since the 
>>>>early 80's.  I've also seen an awful lot of people who are UNIX-philes waste a lot 
>of time dicking around with their GUI and other configuration settings instead of 
>>>>their purported work done.  
>>>>I guess my definition of serious is concentrating on the job at hand.  So, if I 
>have to spend more time thinking about the environment in which I'm doing it because 
>>>>_intrusively_ offers a lot of configurable bells and whistles I'm not interested 
>in, I resent it.  It's not serious, just seriously distracting.
>>>>Can't argue taste, right?  But your last statement is just BS, raising your own 
>preference to the level of absolute truth.
>>>>- Ed


  "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die     |||
   while you discuss this a invasion in committe."        / | \

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


Subject: NE2000 under DosLinux
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 20:33:33 -0600

Can someone please help me fill out the software needs for installing a
Generic NE2000 Eth card under DosLinux 2.2.1?  Thank you! :)



From: Andrew Comech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ===='BEST' MBoard for K6-2/400Mhz/1MB Linux System ???====
Date: 23 Mar 1999 21:38:13 -0500

Oh I am sorry, MVP3 is certainly a chipset by VIA Apollo...


From: "Tim Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TV tuner card for Linux
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 21:29:54 -0500

Which TV tuner card is best supported for Linux?




From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 10GM hard drive
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 00:24:20 -0500

Use fdisk to partition your drive - go into the 'expert' menu and
change the number of cylinders from 1024 to the correct value
for your drive, then return to the main menu to create the partitions.

Thanh Le wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi all,
>I have a 10.1GB hard drive and
>try to install Red Hat Linux 5.2.
>I was unable to get more 8 MB from
>the installation software that come with
>RHL5.2.  Is there a way to go around this
>to get 2GB more for the filesystem.
>Please help.
> Thanks,
>-- Thanh


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Sony Internal Sound Card Problem
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 12:36:15 -0600

I can't seem to configure the built-in sound card for a Sony (name
brand) computer. I'm using Redhat 5.2, and the sndconfig fails to
identify the sound card. I have manually tried sound blaster compatible,
opl3-sa (1 and 2/3x), adlib, and others.

I looked in the bios and it is a opl3-sa with the following settings:

SB 220h
WSS 530h
MPU 300h
FM Synth 388h

Based on that I manually added a few lines to the conf.modules for the
opl3-sa, but that didn't work either. I've also recompiled the kernel
(twice, once to stick internal kernel support for it and other to redo
it as a module), and tried everything in the HOWTOs for both modules and

I've also experienced a unique problem after I add a driver (other than
adlib). When I try to test the card, it says "/dev/audio busy" in an
error box. I also can't remove the soundcore module because rmmod
returns that it's busy. (Although I can remove all the other soundlow,
soundhigh, etc.)

Installation of the soundblaster compatible support impossible. Since
soundcore is busy just after installation, the sb.o never installs.

Anyone know how to configure this screwy system?

(Other system stats available - just email me for what else you need.)

Eric Finestead


From: arav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: help! 320x200
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 01:29:22 -0500

is there a way to change the resolution from 320x200 to something
higher, other than using Xconfigurator/xf86config?

i just installed linux on a Pentium 90, runs good, no install problems.
i have a trident video card, so that is the first problem.  after the
first install Xwindows was in 640x480, but after i figured a few things
out, i tried to xhange the vid memory (which i incorrectly picked first
time).  now i cant do a damn thing because everything is so HUGE!



From: Wasim Juned <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lexmark ?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 03:03:50 GMT

wilson wrote:
> Do these printers Lexmark 1000 Color Jetprinter
> work with just simple lpd printing on Slackware ?
> I have also an Epson esc/p2 that if I switch to the same
> LPT port works fine, but it is not a color printer.
> Anybody can shed some HELP !

Cheers Wasim.

Wasim Juned 


From: "Dmitry Melekhov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: raid & hdd
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 10:17:19 +0400

I want to by raid 5 pci controller.
As I find AMI & GDT supported by 2.2.x kernels.
How about Mylex?

Than- I will install RedHat 5.2.
Is there support for raid in install?

And I want to by hdd's.
Now I have 4 alternatives:

1 - 9.1 Gb UW-SCSI Quantum Atlos III
2 - Gb Barracuda ST 39173N SCSI
3 - 9,1 Gb IBM
4 - IBM Ultrastar 9LP 9,1 Gb / MRX-heads/UltraWide SCA-2

Any ideas?

Dmitry Melekhov
(aka 2:5050/11.23@fidonet)


Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 18:50:58 -0800
From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Burning....

> I have a yamahe 4260, which is basically the 4416 but a bit slower.
> However, it does have an advantage.  Time.  It is known to be a good
> writer, and it has mature firmware.  Also it is a bit cheaper.  And both
> write at the same speed (not rewrite).  SO if you want a good one, and
> don't need the 4x rewrite, I highly reccommend the yamaha 4260 if you
> can find one.  And upgrade the firmware to 1.0q if it isn't already.
> I'm sure the 4416 isa a good drive, and it will probably be widely
> respected in time, and I'm sure it will have mature firmware eventually,
> but it's too young to be certain it's got no problems in my opinion.

The 4116 uses the same mature firmware.  1.0q.

[Replies: make the double y a single]

"Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
                                   WS Burroughs.



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