Linux-Hardware Digest #837, Volume #9            Thu, 25 Mar 99 21:13:31 EST

  Re: Snapscan310 and adaptec 1505AE SCSI adapter (M.J. Gray)
  Parallel port recognition problems ("Dr. Neal Mauldin")
  Re: Iintel 740 Graphics adapter and Red hat 5.2 ("7*24")
  Re: USB support under linux ("D. C. Sessions")
  SOHOware Auto 10/100 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter? (Taylor Hutt)
  Re: Epson 700 Printer....under linux? (Grant Taylor)
  Re: HP 895Cxi (Grant Taylor)
  Re: LT Winmodem? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Microsoft Serial Mouse 2.0a! DO NOT READ THIS! ("Ray M")
  Re: Use of make xxx (Gerard Motola)
  usb or parallel net camera (Precious Metal)
  ATI Rage Pro AGP under RedHat 5.2 (Ben Parkhurst)
  How to determine if using AGP 2x (root)
  Re: ATI Rage Pro AGP under RedHat 5.2 (Mircea)
  new system and linux ("Ruel Loehr")
  Re: Linux on Aptiva 2164-631 (Mircea)
  Fast Ethernet Card support ..... (Hus)
  Re: Help with CDRW under Linux (Thomas Zajic)
  linux on embedded systems (Holger Blinzinger)
  Re: Adaptec AHA2930U2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  The Kyle is a Fink!  Was: Re: XF86 and ThinkPad 560 ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: Help with X-Windows ("Jesse Olson")
  Re: terratec base 1 for linux sos ("tc")
  Re: Advice on new system (SCSI any good for me?) (Tom Michiels)
  Re: LT Winmodem? (Mircea)


Subject: Re: Snapscan310 and adaptec 1505AE SCSI adapter
Date: 22 Mar 1999 15:37:29 GMT

"Dirk Demuynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Does someone knows how to install/configure the Agfa Snapscan 310 and the
>SCSI adapter ADAPTEC 1505AE on RH5.2 ??

>Which drivers??

The aha152x SCSI driver should work, although you may need to use
isapnptools to set up the card, and you may need to experiment with
different interrupt settings.

You'll need SANE v1.0 (, and the
appropriate patch from 
to take the Snapscan backend to v0.6.

Michael Gray                        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Officer                    Tel:    +44 (0)1223 332658
Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge CB2 1PZ


From: "Dr. Neal Mauldin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Parallel port recognition problems
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 17:02:10 -0600

I have just installed Rh 5.2.  I am having trouble with it not recognizing
any parallel ports on my system.  Under an X session, I get told that no
parallel ports are detected.  It is my understanding that this should be

I found 1 reference that bi-directional parallel ports may not be detected
if older cables are used.  My cable is not that old, but guess I can try
switching that out.  Any other ideas?


G. Neal Mauldin, DVM
DACVIM (Internal Medicine)
DACVIM (Oncology)
DACVR (Radiation Oncology)
Assistant Professor of Veterinary Oncology
Louisiana State University

225-346-5748 (FAX)


From: "7*24" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iintel 740 Graphics adapter and Red hat 5.2
Date: 25 Mar 1999 19:05:38 GMT

> In my case, I installed X server successfully with it. But, I still have
> some problem to mouse. My mouse is Microsoft Wheel mouse ps/2. When I
> X, mouse does not work properly. Is there any one to solve this problem?
> Jusung Baek.
I just used the standard ps/2 mouse, i couldn't get the intelli mouse
driver to work either.. 


From: "D. C. Sessions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: USB support under linux
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 15:59:17 -0700

Dan Nguyen wrote:
> In alt.os.linux Regit Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Apple imacs runs with USB, so it is not a win98 only thing. And the fact that
> : LinuxPPC runs on imacs, Linux support USB.
> Linux does not support USB.  USB support is still in development.
> True you can load an imac was Linux, but any USB devices will not be
> detected and will be unusable.

The iMac keyboard and mouse are on USB.  I *really* wouldn't say
that Linux runs on an iMac w/o USB support.

That said, I work with USB developers (including chip designers,
and in fact I are one) and USB is _not_ a trivial undertaking.
The HW is even worse than the SW (the state machinery is a
nightmare) but the SW is no prize.  Anyone who really wants
USB support should consider joining the project.

D. C. Sessions


From: Taylor Hutt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: SOHOware Auto 10/100 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 07:44:28 -0800

Is this Ethernet card supported at all by Linux?
The manual that comes with the card isn't very enlightening about what
is actually one the card, so I haven't been successful in getting it to
work at all.

Any information would be appreciated.



From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Epson 700 Printer....under linux?
Date: 25 Mar 1999 13:45:15 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Pontius) writes:

> I'll see what I can do. Is there any additional interest in
> just how I figured out the weaving, or is that moot once done?
> It was an interesting experience in number fun.

I think it would be nice to have that information available somewhere;
there will always be a next Epson model, and the details may be useful
for other printers, too.

> As for sending it in, I send a note off to the Uniprint author
> asking for assistance on color tuning, but received no reply.
> I don't know if he's out of the Uniprint business, or what.
> Who else should I send the files to? 

Well, there's always Aladdin; Russell Lang is probably the person to
get in touch with there.  See

> I'd really feel better if a better job were done on the color
> tuning. I need to find a photo nut with a color densitometer nearby
> to do this right.

Hmm.  I wonder if they have any such tools at those walk-in publishing
places like Copycop, or perhaps at a photography shop?

Grant Taylor - gtaylor@picante<dot>com -
 Cellphone information:
 Libretto information:
 Linux Printing HOWTO:


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP 895Cxi
Date: 25 Mar 1999 13:35:05 -0500

M.A.Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've had success with both the cdj550 and hpdj devices.  Can you
> recommend any tests that I can use to make a quantitative report?

I've listed the 895 as "Mostly", since it appears to have noticable
troubles with color.  


The criteria for "Perfectly", "Mostly", "Partially", and "Paperweight"
are listed on the web page; basically:

Perfectly: everything works and produces acceptable or perfect output
           using free software.  Minor color variations are OK, but
           noticably wrong output is not.

To be perfect as opposed to mostly perfect, you do not need to be
"literally" perfect, especially with regard to color reproduction.
People who really need true color perfection should not be relying on
a cheap consumer inkjet to get it.  I do have some printers listed
which feature Pantone color and the like; people who need this will
know all about it and will probably get a Postscript printer anyway.

Mostly:    there are minor limitations in output quality or other
           functionality when using free software.  The printouts are
           not useless or garbled, though.  Examples:
             HP 800, 895 have poor color rendering.
             Canon BJC-4x00 series cannot be loaded without commercial
                software (either the windows driver or a $25 Linux
                shareware utility)

Partially: there are severe limitations in output quality or other
           functionality.  Examples:
             NEC SuperScript 860 only prints at 300dpi with PCL.
             Most multifunction devices only print under Linux.

Paperweight: this should be self explanatory.  Example: 
             Most Lexmark inkjets are useless.

The above definitions might make more sense - particularly the
imperfect definition of perfection - if you think of it in terms of the
enumerated values used in the database schema:

A - Perfect
B - Mostly
D - Partially
F - Paperweight

These correspond to the usual grading scheme for US grade school

Grant Taylor - gtaylor@picante<dot>com -
 Cellphone information:
 Libretto information:
 Linux Printing HOWTO:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: LT Winmodem?
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 18:14:42 GMT

On Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:08:09 -0000, "Brian Wildasinn"

>I plucked out my PCI internal modem
>to find the manufacturers is Lucent
>Technologies, i.e, LT Winmodem.
>The CDROM says, "PCI 56K LT Win Modem
>Version 5.20..." and mentions drivers for
>Windows 98 and NT.

You poor soul  :-(

>Is this going to work in any of the
>Unixes out there? I've got NetBSD-1.3.2,
>Debian-2.0, RedHat-5.2,  Slackware-3.6,
>and FreeBSD-3.0 all on an Intel PII Asus
>P2B 440bx Motherboard.

It wont work with *anything* other than an Microsoft
WIN32API platform (i.e. Win95/98/NT)

>By the way, is this Lucent Technology modem
>making the CPU do modem emulation?


>Brian Wildasinn

Lew Pitcher
System Consultant, Development Services
Toronto Dominion Bank

(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employers')


Subject: Re: Microsoft Serial Mouse 2.0a! DO NOT READ THIS!
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 18:14:50 -0600

you can change your mouse settings in control panel where any mouse will
"zoom" across the screen.


From: Gerard Motola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Use of make xxx
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 00:48:03 +0000

Gergo Barany wrote:
> Christian D Freet wrote:
> >
> > How do I use "make xxx"?  (Yes, I'm a linux virgin).  I have read about using the 
>command, but
> > when I try, command line says there is no such command (in bash)....
> You'll have to install make. Search for it, and
> please don't crosspost into so many groups.
> Gergo
> --
> If you took all the students that felt asleep in class and laid them
> end to end, they'd be a lot more comfortable.
>                 -- "Graffiti in the Big Ten"
> GU d- s:+ a--- C++>$ UL+++ P>++ L+++ E>++ W+ N++ o? K- w--- !O !M !V
> PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP+ t* 5+ X- R>+ tv++ b+>+++ DI+ D+ G>++ e* h! !r !y+


From: Precious Metal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: usb or parallel net camera
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:14:04 -0800

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Does anyone have a net cam or web cam?  I was thinking of purchasing
one, but don't really want to buy something that will not work under
Linux.  I'm running Slackware 3.5 with the 2.2.3 kernel.  200MMX,
128megs of RAM with a USB port and (of course =] ) a parallel port.  I
cannot get my parallel scanner working under Linux so I am hesitant to
purchase a parallel video camera.  I noticed the drivers in the kernel
setup for a few cameras, but it didn't say whether they were usb or
parallel.  Any help or direction to text would be appreciated.  Feel
free to email your response.

Thanks in advance

Precious Metal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Does anyone have a net cam or web cam?&nbsp; I was thinking of purchasing
one, but don't really want to buy something that will not work under Linux.&nbsp;
I'm running Slackware 3.5 with the 2.2.3 kernel.&nbsp; 200MMX, 128megs
of RAM with a USB port and (of course =] ) a parallel port.&nbsp; I cannot
get my parallel scanner working under Linux so I am hesitant to purchase
a parallel video camera.&nbsp; I noticed the drivers in the kernel setup
for a few cameras, but it didn't say whether they were usb or parallel.&nbsp;
Any help or direction to text would be appreciated.&nbsp; Feel free to
email your response.

<P>Thanks in advance
Precious Metal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])



From: Ben Parkhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATI Rage Pro AGP under RedHat 5.2
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 18:39:13 -0600

I can't seem to get xwin running in anything but 640x481x16. I have an
IBM Aptiva E2N. The graphics card has 4 megs memory. What are the RAMDAC
and Clock chip settings for the card?


Ben "I hate Windows" Parkhurst


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (root)
Subject: How to determine if using AGP 2x
Date: 26 Mar 1999 00:27:30 GMT

I have a Matrox G200 AGP on a ABIT BH6 motherboard, running Linux. What
utility can I run to determine if it is running in AGP 2x mode ?


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Rage Pro AGP under RedHat 5.2
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 19:56:32 -0500

Ramdac: internal; clock chip: none (it's autodetected). Try XF86Setup.
If it won't work, try using the SVGA server instead of the Mach64.


Ben Parkhurst wrote:
> I can't seem to get xwin running in anything but 640x481x16. I have an
> IBM Aptiva E2N. The graphics card has 4 megs memory. What are the RAMDAC
> and Clock chip settings for the card?
> Thanks
> Ben "I hate Windows" Parkhurst


From: "Ruel Loehr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: new system and linux
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 15:28:54 -0500

Hey guys I need some help,
I just purchased a new system for compaq and I want to install Linux,
it has the following hardware

500 mhz p3
128mb 100mhz SDRAM
16.8 GB ultra  DMA hard drive
6x DVD-rom
pci 56K V.90 Data/fax modem
aureall 8820 pci audio card
Diamond viper v550 w /flat panel support (16MB)
of course win98

does anyone see any problems that they have already run into?
Also, I am a newbie, if anyone can recommend any good web tutorials or
anything it would be greatly appreciated.

Ruel Loehr

Ruel Loehr


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on Aptiva 2164-631
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 19:59:12 -0500

The Rockwell HCF is even worse than the Mwave: it's a winmodem, there's
no way it will work in Linux. Look somewhere else.


> I am a big Linux advocate, but I don't even have a computer to practice what
> I preach.  So...I am planning on buying a cool, stealth-black IBM Aptiva
> 2164-631 and introducing myself to Linux by installing Red Hat 5.2 on it.
> One of the common problems I've seen in this forum is that there are not
> Linux drivers for the MWave modem that is in most Aptivas (and ThinkPads).
> The specs for the Aptiva 2164-631 say it has a V.90 K56Flex modem with a
> "Rockwell HCF PCI" modem chipset.  Now I don't know that much about modems,
> but I assume that's not an MWave (thank goodness).  So I guess the next
> question is: will this Rockwell modem work with Linux?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,cern.linux,utah.linux
Subject: Fast Ethernet Card support .....
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 01:23:58 GMT



I've a LinkSys LNE100Tx Fast Ethernet card on my PC which my SuSE Linux
5.3 fails to recognise/startup.
Apparently this card is not in the list of standard networking card
modules provided  by my Linux vendor. So I tried selecting a similar
3Com card and a few other standard cards ..but no luck.(Is this the
right way to do it?? how do u connect non-standard cards anyway?? do I
need a specific linux device driver for it??)

I have entered relevant info such as ip addresses, subnet
masks,gateways,dns etc.
I dont see "eth0" in my proc/net/dev or my ifconfig. They both show me a
"lo"-local loop and a dummy device...thats it.

I need  to understand if this card is supported by Linux at al?? And
what are my options other than buying a new card!!

Need help ..sooooooonnnn...!!



From: Thomas Zajic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with CDRW under Linux
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 00:38:10 GMT

Carsten wrote:
> Hi there,
> has anybody ever tried to operate an ATAPI CDRW under Linux? Mine
> works fine with M$ NT/95 but I'd rather (of course...) work with
> Linux...

Look for my reply to an article called "Newbie Problem with HP8100
IDE CD-RW" or something like this, youŽll find all the details there
(sorry, but IŽve been typing the same reply a dozen times in the last
two or three days, my fingers need some rest ;-).

-        Thomas Zajic aka ZlatkO ThE GoDFatheR, Vienna/Austria        -
-        Spam-proof e-mail: thomas(DOT)zajic(AT)teleweb(DOT)at        -


From: Holger Blinzinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux on embedded systems
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 21:04:06 +0100

Does anybody have experience in installing linux on embedded systems
(PC/104-modules)? What kinds of problems did you encounter?


Subject: Re: Adaptec AHA2930U2
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 20:30:31 GMT

Here's my experience so far with the AHA-2940U2W:

My hardware:

Pentium II 400MHz
ASUS P2B motherboard
2x128MB DIMMS (68 pins) PC100
Yamaha-4416S CR-RW, (SCSI)
SCSI card Adaptec AHA-2940U2W
Video Card Matrox Millenium G200 AGP (8MB)
Keyboard, Bilingual, Mouse Logitech, 3 buttons
ViewSonic Monitor, model E771, 17", 0.27mm dot pitch

plus other external scsi devices, a Seagate disk and Sony cdrom 
(wide and narrow respectively, and darn slow).

I had all sort of problem with RH5.2 and kernel 2.0.36.
Scsi reset galore. 
The version of aic7xxx driver was 5.1.2 or something around
if memory serves me right. I eliminated all possible problems coming
from termination, cables, and external devices. No cigar.
I then upgraded to 2.2.3 and lo and behold *almost* everything fell 
in place. The card was correctly detected. No boot command line options 
are passed to the kernel ("aic7xxx=blah"). The aic7xxxx version is 5.1.10.

And I don't boot windoze and don't intend to ;)

There is only one *very* annoying problem now and it's with mkisofs-1.12b5. 
Whenever I try to make a iso image of a few hundred megs from the CDRW
to a disk I still get bus resets or read errors. Typically, it will
go thru 99% of the way, and fail on the last file. 
But I can copy and burn audio cd's with cdda2wav, cdrecord or cdrdao. 
Not a single miss.

I'm not sure if the problem is with mkisofs (I have tried 1.12b4 also: same
thing) or if it just a manifestation of another deeper problem, like the 
cdrom driver itself or ext2 fs.

Any hint on this?


In comp.os.linux.setup Tom Coltharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I also tried *much* to get this card to work.
: One way that was suggested was to modify the source to recognized the 
: 2930's PCI
: ID as a 2940u2w but  I don't like to bleed SO-
: I gave up and got a 2940UW. Maybe NT will work with the 2930u2w.
: Also, I think one guy had it working with 5.2 (my guess he booted with 
: windows or
: DOS first).
: Also, I thought I heard that the older versions of rh are not so choosy 
: and see the
: card OK.
: You can go to and search on +2930 +linux for more 
: cases.
: Thanks,
: Tom Coltharp
: PB wrote:
:> Bob Sully in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
:> >Has **anyone** been able to get any flavor of Linux to work with this
:> >board?  I had a 2940U in the machine previously which worked fine, but had
:> >to move it into one of my office machines.  Now, Linux can't see it at 
:> > all.
:> >
:> >
:> >I'm running RedHat 5.2 upgraded to the 2.2.3 kernel.  Just for the hell of
:> >it I tried running the 5.2 install routine again last night - up through
:> >the SCSI-controller detection routine, which could not find the card.
:> Well, fwiw I have a Adaptec 1524 and I had similar problems.  I had to 
:> pass some
:> parameters to the setup routine so it could find the card properly.
:> First, I chose not to probe, then I used "aha152x=0x340,12,0" to denote 
:> a 152x
:> card on mem address 0x340, IRQ 12, and scsi id 0.  Check out the howto 
:> called
:> 'SCSI-HOWTO' for more info.
:> --
:> PB

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
                                                       - Phillip K. Dick


From: "Lee Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: The Kyle is a Fink!  Was: Re: XF86 and ThinkPad 560
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 15:03:15 -0600

Kyle Fink wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

|If you are interested in a commercial X server, Xi Graphics'
|Accelerated-X Display Server supports the IBM Thinkpad 560 in all modes
|and resolutions fully hardware accelerated.  The resolutions include
|1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600, 640x480, the color depths include 24bpp,
|16bpp, 15bpp, and 8bpp.  Accelerated-X performance is 2X any other
|server on the market.  The install and setup take about 10 minutes with
|our auto-detect/menu driven process.  Try our free demo at:
|  The demo like our
|regular product comes with free unlimited tech. support via phone or

|If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.


   OK, Kyle...  6 of the 12 new messages here are you saying the EXACT same
thing to everyone here.  There are several reasons why this is wrong.
First, it is rude and tacky.  <not that you care, your in sales. ;-)  >
Second, most Linux users are also people that have an involvement in running
the Internet.  People here are much more likely to torpedo you for SPAM than
elsewhere.  Third, it annoys people who might otherwise recommend you.  I
know it makes me only want to point out that MetroLink at also offers a nice selection of X servers, and at
a more attractive price...  Fourth, Linux is Open Source, so we have a
natural aversion to closed source commercial software.  You need to overcome
that with kindness, not a club.
   Welcome to the Linux community.  Watch your step. :-)

SCSI is *NOT* magic. There are *fundamental technical reasons* why it is
necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and then. *
Black holes are where God divided by zero. - I am speaking as an individual,
not as a representative of any company, organization or other entity.  I am
solely responsible for my words.


From: "Jesse Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with X-Windows
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 20:35:17 -0500

Hi, everybody!  Update time!  I got X-Windows running in 320x200 mode.
Whenever I try to run it at a higher resolution the display is garbled.  I
can see stuff but it's all messed up.  Any ideas what the problem is?

Jesse Olson

Jesse Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:e2zK2.322$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>Hi, everybody!  I may have posted this to some inappropriate ng's and for
>that I am sorry.  I am a newbie to the world of Linux.  I obtained a copy
>Redhat Linux 5.1 the other day and finally got it coexisting with Win95 on
>my system.  So far all I have been able to do is some basic commands using
>the 'bash' shell.  I want to get X-Windows running but I am having some
>problems.  When I try to start it(startx) it does a bunch of stuff and then
>says something like "Found graphics device - unable to establish mode".
>That isn't nearly word for word but it's similar.  My monitor is listed
>correctly in the XF86Config file but my graphics card is listed as a
> I have a Guillemot Maxi Gamer Phoenix PCI w/ 16MB SGRAM and 3Dfx Voodoo
>Banshee chipset.  My monitor is a 14" Optiquest V641.  Does anbody have any
>ideas that I can try?
>I am still very new to this so please respond with instructions as detailed
>as possible.
>Thanks very much,
>Jesse Olson


From: "tc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: terratec base 1 for linux sos
Date: 25 Mar 1999 21:02:14 GMT

Habe ich auch versucht. Schlug fehl. Es funktioniert mit dem OSS (ohne
Soundunterstuetzng im Kernel!).


From: Tom Michiels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Advice on new system (SCSI any good for me?)
Date: 25 Mar 1999 20:02:49 GMT

Tom Michiels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - Quantum Viking II 9.1Gb
>   I was convinced about the use of scsi-disks, after I did a small test
>   on two identical PII400, 128meg, one with udma ide's one with scsi's.
>   I compiled kernel 2.2.3. with the standard config-file in 9m3.232s on the
>   first system, and in 4m16.987s on the second.  I know, there is more in
>   the world than compiling kernels, but still...

Hmm, I figured out that something went wrong when I did this benchmarking,
Sorry for that.

I rerun the test:

The kernel-compile on the scsi machine was hardly 1% faster than on 
the ide-machine!  Compiling with make -j, which starts several compiles 
at the same time, made the scsi-machine 2% faster.  Kernel-compiling 
seems to be not really disk-io bounded.  The whole kernel-source quickly 
loads in the main memory.

I tried to think of real-world application I would normally use, that
would make me really notice the benefits of scsi.  The only type of things
I can come up with is pathetic things like:

find /usr/lib/* -type f | xargs grep bill > /dev/null & \
time find /usr/doc/* -type f | xargs grep gates > /dev/null 

This took real 3m50.653s user 0m0.580s sys 0m2.080s on the IDE-machine,
and real 2m29.106s user 0m0.670s sys 0m2.060s on the SCSI-machine.

I am seriously thinking about buying a IDE disk, keep the CD-R's on 
a cheap scsi-controller, and go drink a beer with the money I save.

SCSI-lovers please try to convince me! :-)

Of course, I believe scsi is *the* choice if you build a machine that
will have usually more that 10 users working on it, or a busy webserver,
or whatever,....




From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LT Winmodem?
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:07:57 -0500

Yes, it's a winmodem. Yes, hardware is emulated in software. No, it
won't work in any flavor of Linux.


Brian Wildasinn wrote:
> Hi,
> I plucked out my PCI internal modem
> to find the manufacturers is Lucent
> Technologies, i.e, LT Winmodem.
> The CDROM says, "PCI 56K LT Win Modem
> Version 5.20..." and mentions drivers for
> Windows 98 and NT.
> Is this going to work in any of the
> Unixes out there? I've got NetBSD-1.3.2,
> Debian-2.0, RedHat-5.2,  Slackware-3.6,
> and FreeBSD-3.0 all on an Intel PII Asus
> P2B 440bx Motherboard.
> By the way, is this Lucent Technology modem
> making the CPU do modem emulation?
> Thanks!
> Brian Wildasinn



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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