Linux-Hardware Digest #994, Volume #9            Sun, 11 Apr 99 17:13:23 EDT

  Re: banshee installation -please help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  HP RAID controller D4992A, Driver? ("Steen Christensen")
  Re: Idea: Make a seperate "i686" tree for Redhat Linux 6.0 (Andrew Comech)
  Re: 2.2.x/2.2.5 kernel no like ATAPI CDR(W) or Acer 8x CD (WORLOK)
  Re: Is HP 6P printer supported (not listed on ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  With dual-processor system, is SCSI a must or is Ultra-DMA enough? (Michael Hucka)
  MED3931 turning of PnP ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  JOBS? ("Scott Davis")
  Yamaha ds-xg sound card driver (Karl Meisterheim)
  Re: Parallel Port HP-7200e CDR (Jacques Fortier)
  Re: SCSI-cd problem (Tonny Sejr Kromann)
  Turning an old 486 into a term/xterm ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  using socket application/function ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Diamond ISDN Netcommander ("Jose de Leon")
  Sound Blaster 16 problems. ("Τριανταφύλλου Στέργιος")
  Can I use all of my hadware under LINUX? ("Ths")
  [Q] 320*200 ??? ("Nicolas JOYARD")
  Getting i740 installed? ("dpc")
  Re: Do they work - High performance RS232 serial cards? (Bill Vermillion)


Subject: Re: banshee installation -please help
Date: 11 Apr 1999 14:59:45 GMT

Mr M S Meadows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: when i try to install them two bits (excuse the lack of terms) install,
: but two, relating to glibc (thats what they say) won't install. I have RED
: HAT 5.2, and glibc is installed. If anyone has got a banshee working

GIGO :-)

I am running an ASUS 3200 AGP (with Banshee-Chip) without any
problems on RedHat 5.2. I even didn't need to change my /etc/X11/XF86Config.

What exaktly does

rpm -i XFree86_3DFX-SVGA-3.3.3-2.i386.glibc.rpm


Later on:

What does



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From: "Steen Christensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP RAID controller D4992A, Driver?
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:28:20 +0200

Anyone who knows if this controller is supported under Linux?

And where to find a driver?

/Steen Christensen
Copenhagen, Denmark


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech)
Subject: Re: Idea: Make a seperate "i686" tree for Redhat Linux 6.0
Date: 11 Apr 1999 14:48:49 -0500

On 11 Apr 1999 08:14:14 -0700, Fred Flatstone wrote:
>John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Andrew Comech wrote:
>> > On 08 Apr 1999 14:45:41 -0400, Johan Kullstam wrote:
>> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] (who?) writes:
>> > >not if you're from a commonwealth country - which includes new zealand
>> > >(where is the old zealand btw?).  in *english* (as opposed to american
>> > >english) redhat is a group entity and considered plural.  therefore,
>> > >redhat do.
>> > If you were to say "redHat sucks", you'd say "redHat sucks", though.
>> And if I wanted to say "you're a funny lad with cheese in
>> your nose" I'd say "you're a funny lad with cheese in your
>> nose."  Your point?
>I thought his point was that "redHat sucks" would refer to a sucky 
>distribution (singular), not a sucky company of people (plural
>in British).  We all know the Red Hat guys don't suck.  (The brims
>get in the way.)

Right, that's exactly the way the things are! English language
allows to give distinct characteristics to the group of people and to 
the distribution which are referred to with the same name; I should have 
noticed it myself. You filled it with sense to the brim. It is such a 
pleasure to speak to literate people; thank you Fred! 


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Subject: Re: 2.2.x/2.2.5 kernel no like ATAPI CDR(W) or Acer 8x CD
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 18:53:55 GMT

In article <7eq7vc$ol6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Tim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> WORLOK wrote in message <7eo16s$ru6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Hi,
> >
> >My base system is RedHat 5.2/k2.0.36.  No matter which 2.2.x kernel I have
> >compiled and run, including the latest 2.2.5 (running right now), they
> cannot
> >deal with my ATAPI CD or CDRW drive.  My CDROM is an 8x Acer (685A) and my
> >CDRW is an HP Surestore 7110i. I compile the kernel with SCSI emulation and
> >no ATAPI CDROM drivers to force SCSI on the CDRW so I can use it as such.
> [snip]
>     Sounds right.
> [snip]
> >When I use SCSI emilation for the CD drives, it stil ignores the 685A and
> it
> >detects the HP Surestore 7 times!  I cannot mount CD's in the surestore.
> It
> >complains:
>      Detecting a drive seven times sounds like you've got the "Probe all
> LUNS on each SCSI device enabled" in the kernel configuration. Disable it
> and recompile and that should sort out the multiple detection problem.
>     You could also try using hdx=ide-scsi at boot time (where x obviously
> maps to the letter of the drive) to force detection of the drive which isn't
> being seen.
>                         Tim.

Thanks for the answer.

Well, turning off the Probe all LUNS fixed the multiple detection problem,
but adding the append line did nothing for the Acrer 8X 685A CDROM - it
doesn't show up, which is weird because the 2.0.36 kernel sees it after the
second try and gets it.  The Acer is the slave of the HP Surestor.  Another
problem is that even though the IDE-SCSI sees the HP, I cannot mount a CD. 
Mounting a CDROM in a CDRW as if it were a CDROM should be possible, no?  It
complains about too many mounted filesystems, suggests wrong FS type,
everything.  Yet all of this works fine under the 2.0.36 kernel.  I don't
what I could be doing wrong here.  I'm about to give up on Kernel 2.2.x
altogether, which is too bad b/c everything else seems faster.

Could it be that RedHat does something weird?  Maybe when their next 2.2.x
version comes out the upgrade will work, but I really wanted to compile my own
kernel for myself.

Windoze NT has crashed,
I am the Blue Screen of Death,
No one hears your screams...

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Subject: Re: Is HP 6P printer supported (not listed on
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 16:42:30 GMT

Lev Tarasoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I've got a line on a factory refurbished HP 6P printer, but it
: is not listed on the
: database. Does anybody know how well this works under Linux/ghostscript?
: It uses PCL6. (please post or cc to me directly)

Just use the laserjet 4 stuff out of ghostscript.

Best regards,

Stephen Jenuth

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.


From: Michael Hucka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: With dual-processor system, is SCSI a must or is Ultra-DMA enough?
Date: 11 Apr 1999 14:55:49 -0400

I'm in the process of buying desktop workstations for some of our users.  We
want dual-processor-capable systems (initially configured with one 450 Mhz
PII but able to go to 2 in the future).  I've read many times that SCSI holds
an advantage over IDE-type disks for preemptive multitasking operating
systems, especially in server applications.  But what about a single-user,
*dual-processor* workstation running Linux?  Will the performance gained by
the second CPU be compromised by the lack of SCSI?  Most of what our users
run are: compute-bound simulations, Matlab-based data analysis programs
(moderate I/O), and 2D and 3D visualization programs, with lots of Java-based
code coming in the future.

We use SCSI disks in nearly all of other our systems (which include Suns and
SGIs), but the cost difference between a SCSI and non-SCSI-based PC is
substantial enough that I must weigh this issue carefully.

Michael Hucka, Ph.D.  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GENESIS Development Group, Division of Biology, Caltech


Subject: MED3931 turning of PnP
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 15:35:20 GMT

I'm using ExpertColor MED3931 based on OPTi 82c931 chip but it is not
supported uner Linux 2.0.34 the kernel I'm using . Is there any way to turn
of PnP and make it compatible with OPTi 82c930. You will make me wery happy
if you point to some link for MED3931 tech report. (dont bother with it seems it is down for good) Is this card supported
under new kernel 2.2.5? Thanks

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From: "Scott Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: JOBS?
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 13:39:53 -0500
Reply-To: "Scott Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

US Recruiters,, is presently seeking individuals with
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Scott Davis
US Recruiters


From: Karl Meisterheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Yamaha ds-xg sound card driver
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 15:17:22 -0400

Hello, I am running redhat 5.2 on a pII 400 w/ 128meg ram.  I have a
Yamaha ds-xg sound card and was looking for a way to get it to work
under Redhat 5.2 or any other means to get it going under linux.  I
found that OSS has a driver for it in their commercial release
(something like $20) and I have tried it and it works great.  However, I
feel dumb paying money for a driver (and I am a poor college student :-)
), so if anyone knows of any other sources out there please let me know,



From: Jacques Fortier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Parallel Port HP-7200e CDR
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 13:27:38 -0400

Thanks a lot.  The page was very helpful, but there's still one problem.
Using PARIDE and pcd, I can get the drive to read.  If I load pg, I can
get the drive recognized as a cd-rw, but I can't get xroastcd to use it.
What I mean is, when pg is loaded, it displays a message saying it's
recognized my HP-7200e etc etc.  However, when I go into xcdroast's setup,
I can't select the device.
    I read the xroastcd readme and found out I have to use IDE-scsi
emulation.  I recompiled my kernel with scsi support, scsi generic
support, scsi-cd support, and of course the paride stuff.  The scsi-ide
emulation recognizes my normal cd-rom just great, but I can't find out how
to get it to recognize the cd-rw.  Since the docs said you could treat a
paride device like any normal ide device, I tried loading the kernel the
option pg0=scsi-ide (as opposed to the hd<x>=scsi-ide) that the xcdroast
docs suggest, but it gave me no results - no error messages, but no
success messages either.

    Any ideas?


Kyle Dansie wrote:

> Jacques Fortier wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know if it is possible to use a parallel port external CD
> > burner with Linux?  Is there somewhere I can go to get information on
> > doing this?
> >
> >     Thanks,
> >             Jacques Fortier
> Yes I think that this works. Check out page


From: Tonny Sejr Kromann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI-cd problem
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 19:32:54 +0000


> Could be a defective cd, did you try different ones?

Now I did. My original InfoMagic Linux cd copies witout problems.

At the moment however, I disabled termination in scsi-bios and the speed on the id
where the cd is has been set to 10MB/s. This Plextor drive is the only scsi-device
on the chain and it's termination is set to on. Hope this is correct. Or should I
set scsi-bios's termination to on?

Now I'll try making a new image and see if the thing burns.

Thanks for your time



Subject: Turning an old 486 into a term/xterm
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 18:56:09 GMT

I have a pretty decent 486 DX4/100 sitting here that used to work very well
as my primary workstation until I got a new machine. I was wondering what I
could do with it besides using it as a doorstop/test machine...anyway I could
turn it into an x-terminal or simply a dumb terminal to connect to my new
machine...another keyboard/mouse/monitor setup would help me out and I was
planning to pick up a used terminal anyway...just wondering if anyone has
done anything like this with an old machine before...i remember seeing
somewhere how to make an x-term but never a dumb terminal :)


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Subject: using socket application/function
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 18:52:18 GMT

How to create an application connecting between a client and a server? How to
operate a protocol that can dill with typing a command in the client
computer, and the output will not appear at the server computer,and will
appear in the client computer.(for example: typing "ls -l" in the client
computer,the output of the list of the server will appear at the client

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From: "Jose de Leon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diamond ISDN Netcommander
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 19:31:03 GMT

Does the Diamond Netcommander ISDN adapter work with Linux?  Has anybody
done it?

If yes, how?

If not, I'm willing to write a device driver, I just don't know where to
start on that.



From: "Τριανταφύλλου Στέργιος" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound Blaster 16 problems.
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 22:06:01 +0300

I have Redhat Linux 5.2 and the Creative sound blaster 16 Value. The problem
is that i can't install my sound card with sndconfig (when it is ready to
play the sample it appears an error message).How can I solve this problem.


Subject: Can I use all of my hadware under LINUX?
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 22:30:21 +0200


Sorry if this question has been asked before, but I hope you'll take the
time to answer it anyway.

I'm a win98 user but want to change to linux, but before I do that I'll want
to know which of the following hardware LINUX does not support?

56k modem internt (don't know the brand)
Soundblaster LIVE! value
Creative PC-DVD 2x
Creative DXR2 decoder card
Mitsumi CR-2801 TE CDr writer
SCSI Scanner interface (don't know the brand)
Logitech cordless desktop (keyboard and mouse)

It is all located on a ABIT BH6 motherboard with at Celeron 300a processor

I hope this is the right place to post this question

Thanks alot for your time



Subject: [Q] 320*200 ???
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 16:52:50 +0200

Hi everybody !
I'm new to Linux, I installed it 3 days ago. I installed X and I have a
problem with it (and XF86Setup too) : it displays screen only in 320*200 !
And Ctrl-Alt-+ doesn't work ! I can do something in X, I can configure with
XF86Setup but when I click "Done" I only see the top-left corner of the
screen (NOTE : i've got a IGS1680 PCI with 2 megs). Do smne have the
solution, at least to make Ctrl-Alt-+ work ?

Thanx !


From: "dpc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Getting i740 installed?
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 16:56:01 -0400

Alright, back to RedHat again after a few days on SuSE.  Running the
starbuck (RH 5.9) release.  Setup wouldn't let me install the i740 server so
I threw in my old Diamond Stealth Multimedia 3D 2000 and it worked fine.
But now I want to set up my Stealth II G460.  How the heck do I do this?  I
downloaded the XBF_i740.rpm and installed that. fine.  But now when I run
xf86config - it doesn't list the G460 or i740 server as options.  Do I have
to download something else?  Or do I have to edit the config file by hand?
(And if so, where does that config file live, eh?)
    When on SuSE, I used xf86setup to install it, but that doesn't appear to
come with RedHat. Help me out here - I hate swappin' video cards when I
change OS'es.


    Don't bust peoples balls fer using redhat - we all gotta start somewhere
remove _NOSPAM_ to e-mail directly to me.


Crossposted-To: alt.bbs.majorbbs,comp.bbs.majorbbs,comp.os.qnx,comp.unix.sco.misc
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Vermillion)
Subject: Re: Do they work - High performance RS232 serial cards?
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:47:15 GMT


>We also manufacture a serial card which can set baud rates of over
>One Mega Baud, the product is the BlueHeat/PCI. And Yes is does
>work! Your question about maximum cable length is interesting.

>I can tell you that the maximum cable length is limited by the
>quality of the cable you use and such factors as cable shielding
>and capacitance are very important. The lower the capacitance the

You also left out one other important part - the transceivers
used to drive the lines.

In the mid-80s when every one said the official spec'ed limit was
50 feet, though with proper cable you could get more, NCR's could
routinely get 700 feet.   It's a combination of the correct cables,
and hardware that performs properly.

To give you an idea, one serial terminal adaptor maker used
a cable with two-pair of pairs, that were shielded.  They started
with a 7Volt differential circuit and could get 100% reliability
even whent he difference dropped to 200mv.

Now we are at speeds (not in serial) where the cable can act as a
delay line of sorts - actually having a byte or more of data
in transit between host and destination.

Bill Vermillion   bv @ 



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