Linux-Hardware Digest #994, Volume #12            Tue, 6 Jun 00 17:13:07 EDT

  Re: SB 16 (julien mills)
  Network and sound problems wit AOPEN AK72 (Roderick Braun)
  Re: How Big of a Hard Drive is Supported (HW) (Edward Lee)
  Re: CD Recorder Software (Dances With Crows)
  System sounds work in root but not user (John Holder)
  Re: Analog input via soundblaster (Steve Fosdick)
  Re: CD Recorder Software (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: Second fan for case? (Jim Jerzycke)
  Re: Removed cover due to heat. OK? (Matthew Gatto)
  Re: Best qual. sound card w/ optical output ("Levantino")
  Re: Removed cover due to heat. OK? (Keith Rhodes)
  Parallel Port DCC with Linux : How ? (Supratim Sanyal)
  FWD: Linux now support Ultra ATA/100 ("Alex Lam.")
  Re: slow SCSI performance on Dell Poweredge 6300 (Marc SCHAEFER)
  Re: Additional hard drive for Linux (caen)
  Re: Parallel Port DCC with Linux : How ? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Galaxy (AZTECH) Sound card problem (NKolvix)
  Re: Galaxy (AZTECH) Sound card problem (highflyer)
  Re: SB PCI 128 no sound ... tried everything ... please help ("Peter Crilly")
  Probs with PCI sound card (heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp) ("Aksam")
  Re: Production SMP Linux? Worth the risk? (Eugene Segers)
  VERY poor scsi-harddisc speed! (Florian Beyer)
  Re: 3c503/16 works now
  Re: Anger & RedHat (Slightly Off Topic)
  Re: Production SMP Linux? Worth the risk? (Eugene Segers)


From: julien mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB 16
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 12:32:24 -0400

john calison wrote:
>     Hope someone can help me to enable system sounds.
>     I'm running RH6.1 with a Sound Blaster 16.  I ran sndconfig and
> heard all the sample sounds.  All sound sevices come up on boot and
> "/etc/conf.modules" seems to have the proper entries (alias and
> options).  I can play cds, but KDE complains about not finding
> "/etc/sysconfig/sound".  In both GNOME and KDE  I can not play system
> sounds.
>     Does anyone have any suggestions.
> thanks in advance,
> john

Maybe you need to change the permissions on /dev/dsp
and /dev/audio to 666, if you havn't already done so.  
I think this is mentioned in the slack faq.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roderick Braun)
Subject: Network and sound problems wit AOPEN AK72
Date: 6 Jun 2000 14:52:50 GMT

since I upgraded to this Athlon-board with K7-700 Mhz I have two

1. Fast ethernet works fine, but only in one direction. That means I am
able to connect to other computers, but if someone wants to connect to
my computer (i.e. telnet, ftp, ssh ...)  nothing happens for about 2
minutes. After that the client gets the login-prompt and it seems
everything works properly until the next client wants to connect...

2. I disabled the onboard-sound to use an SB128 PCI card. With the
ess1371 modules this card works - but also not properly. In irregular
time delays you can hear strange *beeps* of about 3 khz. I don't think
it's a module failure, you can realize the same effect under Win98 with
the newest driver.

Btw. I use Suse 6.3

I hope someone can give me a hint to get rid of these problems...



From: Edward Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How Big of a Hard Drive is Supported (HW)
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 04:10:37 -0700

On my 486DX2-66 server , I have a primary 17G IDE drive that reports to the
bios as 2G and a secondary 18G.  I only plug in the secondard drive (in
disk carrier)  for backups.  Note that I cannot boot the 18G or another 25G
in a 486, since they lack the fake size feature.

Michael Moore wrote:

> aft start linux it can operate all 10G diskspace for it not through BIOS
> doing
> "Richard Petty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I'm new to the Intel platform.
> >
> > I've got an old 486DX that I want to set up to act as a router and web
> > server. I seem to recall that there are some limitations as to the
> > maximum size of a hard disk with old equipment.
> >
> > What's the scoop? I've got an old IDE card with a 1.6gig Maxtor on it
> > now. I'd like to get a much larger hard disk ( >10gig ).
> >
> > --Richard
> >
> > --
> > Spam deterent: Remove the "BOGUS" part for a correct address.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: CD Recorder Software
Date: 06 Jun 2000 13:23:00 EDT

On Mon, 05 Jun 2000 23:51:14 -0500, SageMage 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>Is there Any software for Linux that records mp3s to CD (converts to wav
>or track on the fly), kinda like nero for Winblowz???

for i in *.mp3; do
   mpg123 -s $i.mp3 | cdrecord -audio -pad -swab -nofix -
cdrecord -fix

...straight from the CD-Writing HOWTO.

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| creative ways of being stupid?
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| Beer is a vegetable.  WinNT
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| is the study of cool. --MegaHAL


From: John Holder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: System sounds work in root but not user
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 12:19:31 -0500


I'm pretty much a Linux newbie and I'm having problems getting system
to work in the user account (they work just fine in root, but nowhere
else).  I got the CD player to work in the user account by entering
chmod 666 /dev/cdrom; have tried similar entries for kaudioserver,
kwmsound, etc. (as well as editing fstab, putting in user, noauto, 0 0
etc. with these files/devices) but have not had success.  Have also
issued numerous chmod commands (as root, of course) for the
files/devices I thought might be involved (audio, audio1, sdb, sbpcd,
sndstat, etc.)

System details:  I'm running Caldera OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4 (with KDE
1.1.2-13) on a Dell XPS133 (upgraded to 200 MHz with an evergreen add-on

CPU chip) with 64 MB of RAM, a 3.2 GB hd and a Rage IIC video card.
Sound card is a true SB16 w/ AWE32 upgrade.

Appreciate any help you can give me!

John Holder


From: Steve Fosdick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Analog input via soundblaster
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 18:47:51 +0100

Van Snyder wrote:

> Is it possible/reasonable to use a soundblaster for low-speed analog
> input, i.e. for instrument sampling?  I'm looking at signals in the
> 100-200 Hz range, max.

It may be quite possible and reasonable, but much depends on your

The input for a PC sound card is likely to be AC coupled, so it won't
sense a DC level and there will be a roll-off in aplitude at low
frequencies.  If the lowest frequency you are likely to present the card
will be 100Hz then I would expect that a PC soundcard would work fine,
but you would need to check the technical spec of the card you were
actually using (there are several different soundblasters and many
different chipsets employed on soundblasters).

If you are interested in the comparative amplitude of incomming signals
at more than one frequency then you may need to perform a calibration
step to eliminate the cards low frequency roll-off from the
measurement.  All you would do is feed in signals of known amplitude at
the various frequencies and work out the frequency response curve of the
card from that.  You could then apply that to the results to improve the

If you are only interested in the frequency or presense/absense of
certain signals then you should be fine with no need to calibrate.

> I thought of maybe just putting my inputs into the microphone/line input.

It depends on what sensitivity you require.  Line in is less sensitive
but because it is stereo you have two channels to play with.  Beware
though that there may be cross talk between them.

> What sort of software should I use to capture the signal in a file? 

There are loads of programs that capture sound from a card.  Check the
sound Howto on  The most likely file format you will
come accross if WAV (RIFF) format which is PCM samples of the incoming
audio (like CD), i.e. a series of instananeous amplitude values sampled
at a particular rate e.g. 44100.  The WAV format has a header so you may
find it easier to use a raw file that doesn't have it.  Check the 'sox'
command for sound file format conversion or the options of the capture
program you decide on.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Sweetser)
Subject: Re: CD Recorder Software
Date: 6 Jun 2000 17:22:15 GMT

SageMage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there Any software for Linux that records mp3s to CD (converts to wav
>or track on the fly), kinda like nero for Winblowz???

mpg123 -w to write mp3 to wav, cdrecord to burn 'em to disk.

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at, fs at
Full-time WPI Network Tech, Part time Linux/Perl guy
Even if you aren't in doubt, consider the mental welfare of the person who
has to maintain the code after you, and who will probably put parens in
the wrong place.  -- Larry Wall in the perl man page


From: Jim Jerzycke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Second fan for case?
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 17:49:36 +0100

Sounds like a "Marketing" decision, kinda like the way a 19" monitor
doesn't measure 19", but a 19" TV does!
Regards, Jim


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Gatto)
Subject: Re: Removed cover due to heat. OK?
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 18:06:05 GMT

>>My computer goes nuts and starts beeping (BIOS?!) at me like a
>>fire-alarm after more than about an hour of playing quake3.  This
>>didn't start happening until it started heating up outside as the
>>Spring progressed.  The processor is over-clocked 50MHz though.
>Is that 50mhz really worth it?  So it can twiddle the idle process a
>little more often?

probably not :). but's it's fun to beat on your computer.


"Tech support?!!??! We don't need no stekin tech support!?!"
Support the anti-spam movement; see <>


From: "Levantino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best qual. sound card w/ optical output
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 11:24:46 -0700

> I have a Delta 66 that I'm testing. As a 2448 card analog/digital it
> seems fine. It is not a LynxONE or a CardDDeluze, but it is a lot
> less per analog channel.  My 2496 tests have rasied some questions I
> need to answer before commenting further.

Hmmm... It would be good to know, Arny but since I am not a dog, 2448 is
good enough for "moi".
96kHz is little hype for me, though I should be able to do an A/B testing
with my Sennheiser HD580 that claim 12Hz-39kHz. I won't go to an ear
specialist if can't hear a difference. :-)

> That would be the DIO 2496, right? I notice that they don't list the
> DIO 2448 and more. I wonder why?
Yes. the $209 at soundchaser is 2496. Do you know a place that is cheaper
(or is cheaper in general)?
Probably the $99 2448 was undercutting their earnings. :-)
Just a crazy theory. Or may the board for some aspect sucked! I heard from a
Linux dude who claimed the CMI DMA was acting erronously.


From: Keith Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Removed cover due to heat. OK?
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 20:28:35 +0200

Gene Heskett wrote:
> Thats your cpu overtemp alarm.  I'd suggest taking corrective measures
> to enhance its cooling.
> --

You should try out lm_sensors ( ) if you
want to see just how hot your system gets.
This is assuming, of course, that it's a fairly recent
ystem, and has the
hardware necessary for monitoring the temperature.

I was getting temperatures of around 44° for each CPU a few
weeks ago,
when ambient temperature was around 27°.
Now the ambient temperature is around 22°, the CPUs rarely
get above


From: Supratim Sanyal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Parallel Port DCC with Linux : How ?
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 14:17:13 -0400


Having a working Laplink parallel cable,
I would love to have my two Linux boxes
on a direct cable connection network using
the parallel port on each box.

I would appreciate any pointers to
URLs or documents which might guide me.

Thanks in advance



From: "Alex Lam." <"here,there">
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: FWD: Linux now support Ultra ATA/100
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 11:52:06 -0700

Posted 06/06/2000 3:51pm by Annie Kermath

Linux beats Microsoft to support superfast disks

Linux support is now available for the Ultra ATA/100 bus
specification, Quantum announced today. Linux
is the only OS so far to support the new spec, and three of the
five current controller 1chipsets - Intel,
CMD and Promise - with AMD and HighPoint in the wings.

Full Story:

Alex Lam.


Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi,,ch.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: slow SCSI performance on Dell Poweredge 6300
Date: 6 Jun 2000 19:49:54 +0200

In ch.comp.os.linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The test was run with no load on the system and only one user.
> I find these results surprisingly poor; so if anyone has an idea

Yes, they are.

What does  hdparm -T -t /dev/sda  say ?

What about creating the fs -b 4096 and re-running the benchmark ?

How much RAM reported by free ?  What does vmstat 5 say when
run as the same time as Bonnie (mostly read, mostly write, many
swapping ?)

What version of the kernel (uname -a) ?  Red Hat 6.2 is not
exactly a kernel version (and I don't use Red Hat).

I get routinely around 17-18 MByte/s with Seagate Chetah and
AIC7xxx. Although Adaptec controllers are not that fast compared
e.g. to Symbios Logic (Tekram: better, cheaper).

Also, I got upto 70 MByte/s in a RAID0 configuration (45 MByte/s
on a fast machine with RAID5).


From: caen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.hardware
Subject: Re: Additional hard drive for Linux
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 13:50:45 -0500

jc wrote:

> > I have a bay for a hard drive;  I don't have any more IDE slots for add a
> > hard drive to.
> Ah. I thought you just didn't have enough physical space, not actual
> ribbon connectors.
> You should be able to add an  ISA EIDE/SCSI controller card for
> your EIDE/SCSI disk since you have the physical space to mount it
> internally.
> JC

JC ... do you where can i buy a new hard disk cage (from the internet) ? i
can't find one anywhere from the stores in my area. thanks.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Parallel Port DCC with Linux : How ?
Date: 6 Jun 2000 18:47:28 GMT

Supratim Sanyal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi,

: Having a working Laplink parallel cable,
: I would love to have my two Linux boxes
: on a direct cable connection network using
: the parallel port on each box.

: I would appreciate any pointers to
: URLs or documents which might guide me.




Subject: Re: Galaxy (AZTECH) Sound card problem
Date: 06 Jun 2000 19:21:06 GMT

>Sometime ago I posted a request for help in configuring an Aztech Sound
>Galaxy ISA card with the AZT2320 chip (Is that what you have? 

Yes, exactly.

>My solution? Got hold of an ancient ESS1868 audio drive ISA card that works

Thanks Tim for this answer although it
gives me the feeling, that I'm lost with this card. Or should I hack the driver

"Careful with this VAX, Eugene!"


Subject: Re: Galaxy (AZTECH) Sound card problem
From: highflyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 12:44:47 -0700

        maybe you should try the alsa driver page: . look at the table under the soundcards
link on the left. if supported,download the 3 tgz files there,
and read the alsa- sound how to on the site....good luck!

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!


From: "Peter Crilly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB PCI 128 no sound ... tried everything ... please help
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 21:08:21 +0100

Don't be offended if this is something you've already tried, but have you
gone into the Mixer and truned up the volume to max?
I have a SB PCI 128 and it's working fine (under Mandrake 7.0).

"Steve Ocepek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8h67bn$7pn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Just so you don't feel bad, I'm having the exact same problem with my
> Sound Blaster PCI 128 and RedHat 6.1.  I don't have a "modules.conf",
> but my "conf.modules" file has the
> alias sound es1371
> line in it and it still doesn't work (even though es1371 is listed in
> lsmod).  The only 2 things I can think to try both require a kernel
> recompile.
> 1. Recompile to 2.2.15 - someone in a newsgroup had said that they got
> es1371 working with this kernel build.
> 2. Recompile without any sound support and use OSS (
> Costs around $20 though...
> Good luck, if you do get it working let me know what you did!
> In article <9gvZ4.75917$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "Rich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I visited several FAQ and newbie sites and read everthing I could but
> still
> > can't get my SB PCI 128 working.
> >
> > The sndconfig utitlity recognizes the card as an ES1371 which is
> normal and
> > installs it properly, but no sample sound comes out and I can't play
> any
> > sound files.
> >
> > I'm running Red Hat 6.2.  Anyone had a similar experience and could
> shed
> > some light?
> >
> >
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: "Aksam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,,ed.linux,redhat.general
Subject: Probs with PCI sound card (heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp)
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 22:29:50 +0200

Hello !
I hope someone can help me?
I have a Yamaha S817 YMF724 sound card and Red Hat linux 6 on the same PC.
How to get sound from this? Sound configurator doesn't recognise my sound
card. Please help me and mail me as soon as You can!



Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 22:39:06 +0200
From: Eugene Segers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Production SMP Linux? Worth the risk?

Nicola Pedrozzi wrote:

> Hi Linuxers,
> We have had a Pentium-PRO180 for 2.5 years with Linux 2.0.30 and
> no one crash at all (at least for the OS).
> We are now planning an HW and OS upgrade of our Linux box.
> I'd like to get a SMP system, our main concern is RELIABILITY; it MUST
> be a weak OS installation because it's a production machine.
> Configuration will be similar to:
> - OS:           Linux 2.2.13 (Slackware 7.0, 7.1 if available soon)
> - motherboard:  ASUS P3C-Dual (133Mhz)
> - processor(s): 2x PIII-800Mhz
> - Hard Disks:   2x IBM 9.1GB U2Swide (SCSI)
> - RAM:          512MB (133Mhz)
> Questions:
> 1. Will Linux be reliable enough in this HW/OS configuration?
> 2. How good/bad will the OS benefit of the dual processors?
>    I know multi-thread works with MySQL, it will with Apache 2.x...
> Thanks a lot guys,
> Ciao ciao nIc

Go to the Asus website and read about the Intel 820 chipset problems with
the P3xxx series motherboard. They stopped producing them. I have a
single processor mb (P3C2000) for about 1 month and up to now have not
seen any problems with it.


     The early bird may get the worm,
but the second mouse gets the cheese!


From: Florian Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: VERY poor scsi-harddisc speed!
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 22:43:59 +0200


when I use 'bonnie' with my scsi-harddisc on an ext2-fs I get something =

like 142kB/sec for writing with putc()! I am sure that my configuration
must be wrong somehow because when I use bonnie when I boot with SuSE
6.4 rescue-disc (on the boot-CD) I get totally different (mostly better)
numbers. But my self-configured kernel can=B4t be the problem. On the
SuSE64 boot-CD there is an options to boot the installed system with a
SuSE-standart-kernel where I get again those poor numbers. =

It is also suprising that 'bonnie' says something like 1789kB/sec when I
boot my system and run it on a FAT16-fs.




Subject: Re: 3c503/16 works now
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 09:52:42 -0400

What does the /16 actually do ?
I don't seen an example of this in any of the books ?

David Masters wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>There is a solution to the problem.
>If I add a "/16" to the options line it works great. Like this:
>options 3c503/16 io=300 irq=5
>It was only a guess but it worked.
>> Do you have a module for the 3c503? It should be in /lib/modules/net.
>> If so first put the following line in /etc/conf.modules
>> alias eth0 3c503
>> then type modprobe eth0
>> Did it load? Check w/ lsmod. If not whats the error message?
>> 3c503 needs a paramter for the IRQ something like irq=10 or so. Try to


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Anger & RedHat (Slightly Off Topic)
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 09:54:48 -0400

Redhat support sucks which is one reason to hate them


Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 22:56:39 +0200
From: Eugene Segers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Production SMP Linux? Worth the risk?

Eugene Segers wrote:

> Nicola Pedrozzi wrote:
> > Hi Linuxers,
> > We have had a Pentium-PRO180 for 2.5 years with Linux 2.0.30 and
> > no one crash at all (at least for the OS).
> >
> > We are now planning an HW and OS upgrade of our Linux box.
> > I'd like to get a SMP system, our main concern is RELIABILITY; it MUST
> > NOT
> > be a weak OS installation because it's a production machine.
> >
> > Configuration will be similar to:
> >
> > - OS:           Linux 2.2.13 (Slackware 7.0, 7.1 if available soon)
> >
> > - motherboard:  ASUS P3C-Dual (133Mhz)
> > - processor(s): 2x PIII-800Mhz
> > - Hard Disks:   2x IBM 9.1GB U2Swide (SCSI)
> > - RAM:          512MB (133Mhz)
> >
> > Questions:
> > 1. Will Linux be reliable enough in this HW/OS configuration?
> > 2. How good/bad will the OS benefit of the dual processors?
> >    I know multi-thread works with MySQL, it will with Apache 2.x...
> >
> > Thanks a lot guys,
> > Ciao ciao nIc
> Go to the Asus website and read about the Intel 820 chipset problems with
> the P3xxx series motherboard. They stopped producing them. I have a
> single processor mb (P3C2000) for about 1 month and up to now have not
> seen any problems with it.
> Greetings,
> Eugene
> ********************************
>      The early bird may get the worm,
> but the second mouse gets the cheese!
> ********************************

Sorry, they didn't stopped producing the whole P3C series.
A bit of text from their website:

        ASUS will discontinue the P3C2000, CUC2000, CUC2000-M series
motherboards, and DR1, DR2
       memory riser cards to prevent any further concerns over this matter.
ASUS requires that all dealers and
       distributors stop shipping or selling these products as well and
follow ASUS' instructions for their return.
       As far as P3C-E, P3C-L, P3C-S, P3C-LS, and P3C-D are concerned, they
are all RAMBUS-based
       motherboards and ASUS will continue manufacturing and distributing




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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