Linux-Hardware Digest #95, Volume #10            Sat, 24 Apr 99 18:13:28 EDT

  Red Hat and Intel Pro 100 NICs ("Stephen E. Fritz")
  Re: Programmers are gods (Chris Costello)
  Re: Setting up the modem (Rob Clark)
  Re: Can't Mount Cdrom kernel2.2.2 ("F. Larik")
  Problemas con la instalacion!!!!! (Abel =?iso-8859-1?Q?Almaz=E1n?=)
  Re: Best ways to optimise Linux ("F. Larik")
  Re: Programmers are gods (Leslie Mikesell)
  Setting up the modem (L)
  Re: 3dfx Banshee ¡HELP! ("Jason Morris")
  Re: Linux kernel 2.2.x and serial port (Bela Lantos)
  3dfx Banshee =?iso-8859-1?Q?=A1HELP=21?= (Carlos =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?=)
  Re: Winmodems and Linux (Christopher B. Browne)
  S3 Virge DX and monitor problems! (Aeros)
  Re: Does LINUX work for the following hardware? (Slip Gun)
  Re: Pacbell ADSL (garv)
  CMOS Programming ("Kory W. Koziar")
  Spontaneous reboots on a PII (Rowin Andruscavage)
  Re: Programmers are gods (Chris Costello)
  Re: ATI Xpert 98 AGP problems in Xwindows (Dominic Hargreaves)
  Winbond W89C840F Ethernet Card (Strata1888)
  Re: Matrox Millenium MGA-G200 AGP under Redhat 5.2? (Kieran & Hobbes)
  Re: ATI Xpert 98 AGP problems in Xwindows (Neil Steadman)
  Re: parallel port programming (Neil Steadman)
  Re: HDD Spindown - For a Year! (Byron A Jeff)
  Re: RealTek RTL 8029 PCI Ethernet Driver (Mark)


From: "Stephen E. Fritz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Red Hat and Intel Pro 100 NICs
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 10:46:25 -0400

I had posted one here last Saturday about Red Hat and two NICs.  Thanks
for all of the suggestions, but it seems the problem was not with the OS
as much as it was with the Intel Pro 100 NIC I was using.  We've just
set up two different servers with Pro 100's, and encountered the same
problem (second ethernet card not recognized).

The solution is to install Linux with only one card -- the one that is
NOT the Intel.  Linux will recognize it during the installation.  After
the server is up and running, add the Intel Pro 100 and configure it
with Linuxconf.  Both cards will then work just fine.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Costello)
Subject: Re: Programmers are gods
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 15:50:54 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jim Henderson wrote:
> Andrew Fan wrote:
> > Another thing is that I absolutely HATE long functions.  Have you ever
> > tried to match the 'end' of an 'if' statement when it is some 200
> > lines above and beyond your editor window's viewport?
> That's why I code the beginning and end before filling in the blanks. 
> That way, I know my braces are matched. :-)

   vim (Vi Modified, does a great job at
handling this also.

> Jim
> -- 
> Jim Henderson
> Novell Support Connection SysOp -
> Homepage at (email instructions
> located here)
> Please note that as an NSC SysOp, I do not provide support for Novell
> products on a personal basis - if you need help with a Novell product,
> please post a reply in the public newsgroup or visit the Novell support
> forums at the URL above.

Chris Costello

Long computations that yield zero are probably all for naught.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Setting up the modem
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 15:22:07 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Im using Linux SuSE (2.0.33 Kernel). I have big trouble to work ppp. I
>used ppp setup, but my modem is on COM4(windows) so ppp-setup says is
>tty03. But i cant get response.
>Plz help me..
>my modem is a compaq presario 56k-df.

More than likely, your modem is a Windows-only, controllerless  software
modem (all the other Presario modems seem to be).  I'm afraid it won't
work without the Windows software.



From: "F. Larik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't Mount Cdrom kernel2.2.2
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:42:46 +0200

> Hello
>    I can't mount cd-rom when I type command
>   " mount /dev/cdrom" or "mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom" or
>   " mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom"
> Result
>   "mount : the kernel does not recognize /dev/cdrom as a block
>            device (maybe "insmod driver?")  "

Usually, /dev/cdrom is a link to your real device, so if you changed
your hardware setup somehow, the is incorrect, what you need to do is,
mount the real device. If it is scsi it's something like: "mount
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom" or if it's ide it should be something like: "mount
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom"

Frodo Larik               [EMAIL PROTECTED]     

Bacchus, n.:
        A convenient deity invented by the ancients as an excuse for
getting drunk.
                -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"


From: Abel =?iso-8859-1?Q?Almaz=E1n?= <8550712861#[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problemas con la instalacion!!!!!
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 14:14:12 +0200

Tengo un ordenador P166 , con un Zip SCSI, CDROM IDE Pioneer 24x, una
Gravis Ultrasound Max no pnp, etc... y cuando intento instalar linux, ya
sea Red Het 5.0 o S.u.S.E 5.3, la instalación se queda colgada cuando
intenta detectar el CD-ROM para ejecutar el Disk Druid(Red Hat 5.0).

Lo he intentado en un i386 antiguo, con una SB Pro y un cd Mitsumi
FX-400, sin SCSI 's, y si que se instala...

Cual es el problema? Mi Pioneer? Como es posible que no lo detecte?
O bien algun conflicto de hardware con otro componente?

Agradecere mucho una solución, gracias


From: "F. Larik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linus.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Best ways to optimise Linux
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:58:54 +0200


I didn't follow the discussion, but someone asked how to tune linux,
well on slashdot is a link for tuning the samba-thingie:

Frodo Larik               [EMAIL PROTECTED]     

Bacchus, n.:
        A convenient deity invented by the ancients as an excuse for
getting drunk.
                -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: Programmers are gods
Date: 24 Apr 1999 12:52:13 -0500

In article <7fsnhj$sr$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ben Z. Tels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "Avoid cute typography in comments, avoid big blocks of comments
>> except perhaps before vital sections like the declaration of the
>> central data structure (comments on data are usually much more
>> helpful than on algorithms); basically, avoid comments.  If your
>> code needs a comment to be understood, it would be better to
>> rewrite it so it's easier to understand."
>A typical suggestion from one who has never written anything more
>challenging than "Hello World" programs.

That's really funny.  I take it you don't know much about Rob Pike,
the source of the quote.

>If you don't document your assertions, you are dead. That's all there's to

How about a compromise: comment the parts that wouldn't be obvious
to people who understand the code well enough to improve it.

  Les Mikesell


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Setting up the modem
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 10:12:07 -0700

Im using Linux SuSE (2.0.33 Kernel). I have big trouble to work ppp. I
used ppp setup, but my modem is on COM4(windows) so ppp-setup says is
tty03. But i cant get response.
Plz help me..

my modem is a compaq presario 56k-df.


From: "Jason Morris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3dfx Banshee ¡HELP!
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:10:59 -0500

go to

Daryll Strauss has made a banshee server for linux


Carlos Jesús wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello, I need a server to Creative Blaster 3DFX Banshee, or somebody
>explain me how configurate this PCI-board with XF86Setup.
>                                                thank you and sorry for
>my little English


Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:13:02 +1000
From: Bela Lantos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux kernel 2.2.x and serial port

Mark DeNeve wrote:

> Hello,
>     Has anyone had this problem ... I upgraded to the new 2.2.6 kernel and I
> have lost the use of one serial port on my machine.  It is a port that uses
> a shared IRQ.  If i reboot and go back to a 2.0.36 kernel it works fine.  As
> sson as I switch to the new kernel it gives and error "allready in use or
> hardware problem".  I have checked the irq and io port does not change...
> and I am aware of the removal of the /dev/cua device and it is not related
> to this.  Any ideas?  Thank you for your help.
> Mark

Edit your /etc/conf.modules file, and put in the following lines:
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
options parport_pc io=0x378 irq=7

Reboot Linux then check the port in printtool. It should be there.
Cheers, Bela



From: Carlos =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3dfx Banshee =?iso-8859-1?Q?=A1HELP=21?=
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 19:13:43 +0200

Hello, I need a server to Creative Blaster 3DFX Banshee, or somebody
explain me how configurate this PCI-board with XF86Setup.

                                                thank you and sorry for
my little English


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne)
Crossposted-To:  comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Winmodems and Linux
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:52:53 GMT

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:22:07 GMT, Jeff Szarka
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted: 
>On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 23:13:40 -0400, Evan DiBiase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>:¿-Infinity Rising-? wrote:
>:> Of course, you probably think Linux is free, too...
>:You probably think it isn't.
>:I downloaded the entire system I have now. For free.
>When faster connections are more available I'd guess no one is going
>to buy even a cheap bytes cd of linux.  Right now I always by via
>cheap bytes since it saves me so much download time, I wonder how that
>might effect the open source movement. A big argument for it seems to
>be most people would buy a shrink wrapped version but it'd be free via
>ftp (like current linux distro's) What happens when everyone can just
>download it and burn a cd in 40 minutes or so (sure saves time waiting
>for UPS or fedex to come)

Possible; I did an install of Debian GNU/Linux-Alpha across a
(mumble-something-like-56K) connection.  I had a CD, but apparently
LSL isn't strong on building *successful* custom variant-distribution

The *good* thing about CDs is that they can be used to do *really*
fast installs.  They're up to 80x CD readers, right?  That's a whole
lot faster than any Internet connection is likely to be.

Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with
backup tapes, barrelling down the interstate highway...
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.  
-- Henry Spencer          <>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - "What have you contributed to free software today?..."


Subject: S3 Virge DX and monitor problems!
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:57:02 -0700

I just set up my machine running redhat5.1 and im using a S3 Virge DX
card with 4 megs of memory.  When I run Xconfigurator it finds the card
and monitor no problems.  When I use 'startx' it flashes and looks like
its going to go into X but doesnt and gives me a 111 error and some
other messages but I cant read them because some of the letters changes
and every letter has a space between it making the whole thing barely

Has anyone come accross this and found a fix?  Please let me know, this
is driving me nuts.



From: Slip Gun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does LINUX work for the following hardware?
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 21:15:14 +0100


> Hi,
>   I am buying DELL Dimension T PIII-450Mhz
>   12.9GB Ultra-ATA hard drive,
>   3com us robotics v.90 telephony modem for sound
>   3com 3c900b tpc 10mbit combo nic
>   I want to put win98 and linux on this machine.
>   Is the above hardware compatible with linux?
>   I checked up with the redhat site which doesn't say the above will not work.
> I could find any information confirming the working with the above components.
> Thanks,
> Srini.
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

I have a 33.6k external usr modem. It works fine with linux, took me 5mins to set
up under redhat 5.2 (a lot easier than Win98). I expect the hdd is too, linux is
pretty good at detecting  hdd's (especially ide ones). Not sure about the network
Good luck,


From: garv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Pacbell ADSL
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:05:16 -0700

Ting wrote:

> I signed up with Pacbell's $49/mon ADSL service. They will provide
> Kingston KNE40T NIC. Does anybody know whether this card
> works with Linux? If it does, what kind of options should I compile
> into kernel (NE2000 support, etc)? I am using RedHat 5.2.

Go talk to Brian at, who is running Linux and praising ADSL.


From: "Kory W. Koziar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CMOS Programming
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:42:14 -0600

have found myself faced with a project in which I need some help.

I am required to do some programming of the CMOS in assembly for the purpose
of having a blank computer (no floppy, HD, CD, etc) start up and simply
display a message to the screen which states "Hello".

Unfortunately, I have no idea where to begin looking for information on the
subject, and any text books / web pages that you could suggest would be
greatly appreciated.


Kory W. Koziar


From: Rowin Andruscavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Spontaneous reboots on a PII
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 20:13:50 +0000

        Hi, I'm having problems with spontaneous reboots on my friend's new PII
350.  Every so often while running under Linux, it will reboot just as
if someone hit the reset button : no kernel panics, no log entries, just
a blip and the BIOS comes up.  It's not very reproducible either...  It
can stay up for as long as an hour doing things like compiling kernels
and running vmware, but usually goes down in 5 minutes, especially while
doing things that are I/O intensive.  The reboots happen much more often
if the sound modules are installed and we're moving lots of things
around in X, though sometimes I can be swinging things all over the
place in Enlightenment with pixmap themes and have everything work fine.

        I thought it was heat-related, so I disabled all the BIOS APM things
and the CPU fan controller, so CPU fan should be running all the time. 
No luck.

        We installed from RedHat5.2, and added GNOME and linux 2.2.6 .  He has
a Matrox G100 AGP card and some OPL3SA2 sound card.  I've upgraded to
XFree86 without much effect (besides, it's even rebooted under
the console once, though admittedly I was using the linux FB console at
that time).  My current theory is that it has something to do with the
motherboard, which appears to be a BX something (windoze reports 82443BX
controllers).  I've tried different combinations of kernels(2.0.36,
2.2.3, 2.2.6) with and without support for MTRR, different
windowmanagers (WM and E), with and without GNOME, and with various
system loads.  What next?

        It could be that it's not the best hardware, since he got some generic
machine from a custom NYC vendor.  He told the guy at the shop that he
wanted to run Linux of it (and of course the guy says "Yep, sure thing"
and immediately turns around and bolts in a WinModem :P ).  I've never
seen any of this happen on any other computer, like my K6 200 that's
running essentially all the same software.  Windows 95/98 runs as usual
on his computer...  it crashes occasionally, but not by spontaneous

        This thing is really temperamental... and really perplexing me.  Does
anyone have any leads?  Or at least pointers on how I can get this rig
to work more reliably?  TIA!

<8X- Rowin Andruscavage
Human beings were created by water to transport it uphill.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Costello)
Subject: Re: Programmers are gods
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 20:13:33 GMT

In article <7ft10s$b7p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Hall wrote:
> Chris Costello wrote in message ...
> >> That's why I code the beginning and end before filling in the blanks.
> >> That way, I know my braces are matched. :-)
> >
> >   vim (Vi Modified, does a great job at
> >handling this also.
> How do you get vim to match braces?

   I don't know; turn on syntax highlighting.

   <ESC>:syntax on

> john

/* FIXME: Chris Costello */
APL is a write-only language.  - Roy Keir


From: Dominic Hargreaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: ATI Xpert 98 AGP problems in Xwindows
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 22:18:50 +0100

I'd like to know the answer to this as well. It happens on my
installation of Redhat 5.2

Neil Steadman wrote:
> Has anybody figured out what the :
> >> > ProgramClkMach64ct: Warning: Q < 16.66666667
> Message means on Mach64 XFree86? I've noticed the value changes for
> different Mach64 cards, and that it appears periodically in the tty session
> I ran startx from while I'm running X. So yes, X appears to be running fine,
> but I'd just like to be sure I'm not cooking my monitor...
> --
> How many shopping days till Xmas?

Dominic Hargreaves
"If at first you don't succeed, you must be a programmer"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Strata1888)
Subject: Winbond W89C840F Ethernet Card
Date: 24 Apr 1999 21:23:07 GMT

I'm trying to get Red Hat Linux 5.2 to work with a Winbond 10/100 Ethernet Card
(W89C840F chip) on a Umax PII-400. I have been working with Linux for less than
a week, so please excuse the following dumb question:

The card came with drivers for something called SCO Unix--can these be used
with Linux? If so (fat chance?), how would I go about installing them?

Am I wasting my time with this? I.e. should I chuck this card out along with
the useless Winmodem (%#$!@#) which came with the computer.


From: Kieran & Hobbes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Matrox Millenium MGA-G200 AGP under Redhat 5.2?
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 08:29:29 +1200

Okay, so I need to update XFree86 to
Where is the file(s) for this and how do I actually install them.  I'm
running a dual system Win95/Redhat.  I found one site that said I need all
these files (about 30-40 of them) and another site that listed one.  Bit
Cheers in advance
K   I   E   R   A   N       G   A   R   B   U   T   T
 Galaxie Internet & Information System Design
                 Dunedin, New Zealand
+64 (0-25) 2893497 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Steadman)
Subject: Re: ATI Xpert 98 AGP problems in Xwindows
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:28:55 +0059

Huh? After installing RedHat 5.2 from a CD, I got 1280x1024 at anything up
to 32bpp...

What I still don't have is hardware acceleration. So there are two threads
to run here:

Is there an ATI 3D hardware accelerated XFree86 replacement?

Is there an ATI 3D hardware accelerated Mesa replacement?

Most "accelerated" claims don't seem to mention the mip-mapping, etc, that
my card is actually not bad at doing.

On 21 Apr 1999 04:18:06 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I have a ATI Xpert 98 AGP  and with much tweaking ( this is not the
>first Xwindows install I've done) I can get 256 colors at most screen
>sizes - this server is not accelerated in XFree86 - I bought one
>for $40 at
>that is beautiful at 32bit 1024x768 .... It was cheaper than a new video
>card and it's easy to set up and run.

How many shopping days till Xmas?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Steadman)
Subject: Re: parallel port programming
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:51:06 +0059

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 20:13:42 -0400, Michael J. Sherman wrote:
>Hey all,
>Anyone actually done what is written up in the Linux Coffee HOW-TO?

I've not had much luck on internet connectivity yet, but yes the parallising
brewing system is consistantly producing 60F coffee at a sustainable 3
litres an hour, loads above 50 users aren't a problem in my setup.

>I'm dieing to try this... I would appreciate some feedback on how
>easy/hard it is to get the correct parallel port pins to go high

Just send a FF character to the port and the send pins will go high until
the timeout for the port is reached, or you kill the request. Simple. Your
main problem is running out of parallel ports. I've changed to a Maplin D/A
controller for feedback, and the cheaper TTL controller board for output.

>after appropriate software calls... If someone could point me to some
>source code that'd be great.

Sorry, I'm considering making my coffee brewing system commercial (with
initial tests at the local Jazz rooms), but if I can clinch the hospital
/ student network deal, I'm made, so I'm not providing source.

>Basically, I want to feed off of a parallel pin's +5V data HI signal
>to trigger a relay which will in turn power-on a coffee machine.  After
>a given time interval (~4 minutes), the pin should be set to LOW to turn
>off the relay, and hence power down the coffee machine.

No No! Use a bimetallic strip which flips the switch at the correct
temperature! Coupled with a moisture sensor in the jar, and you always have
a full jar. (You need a safety cut out on the water supply system, I use a
second high grade bi-metal strip to knock single water pipes out as filters
become clogged, the increased hot plate heat flicks the relevant pipe off,
and my UNIX box pages the current coffee provider with the machine number).
Automated pot cleaning / filter changing is an ongoing project.


No problem.

>"You've never felt it was a horrible double life from which there's
>no escape but insanity?" -- Kafka, the film   /---- Michael J. Sherman

Seems apt...

How many shopping days till Xmas?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron A Jeff)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: HDD Spindown - For a Year!
Date: 24 Apr 1999 17:27:45 -0400

Posted and Mailed to David.

In article <7fg0pb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
David Peavey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-I have an application whereby I would like to use a Linux machine as a
-network gateway.  This particular function requires a very high Mean time
-between failures (MTBF) - I.E. 10 years without failure.  I would like to
-set it up to powered up, with the necessary things loaded, and then left ..
-possibly forever.  I would like to be able to run the thing for upwards of a
-YEAR or so without needing the HDD.  Basically, the only time that the HDD
-would be required is for boot up when power returns after a power failure.
-I would turn off all CRON functions that access the HDD.  Any error or event
-logging could be buffered locally (for example in a ram drive) and then sent
-to a remote Monitor and Control system periodically (Say once per hour or
-once per day).  As far as I can tell, I don't believe the software apps need
-the HDD once they're loaded.

You need a change in perception here. You have an applications that doesn't
need a hard disk at all.

-My questions are:
-1)  Can Linux run without the primary HDD spinning?  (I would imagine so
-since laptops can run Linux - but for how long?)

Linux can run without a hard disk. Simply set up the system to boot off a
floppy, CDROM, or ZIP , and set up a ram disk. On boot load the entire
system into the ramdisk from the boot media and run the system from the 
RAMDISK. The boot media need not be accessed again until the next boot.
Another possibility is have a machine that loads off of a Flash disk or
even boots from the network. Then you'd have no moving parts at all except
the power supply fans.

You probably don't want a HD at all here because it has worse MTBF than
the other media. 

-2)  If so, what are the implications of the swap file (could I replace it
-with a ram disk?), and

No swap. Slap enough RAM into the system so that it never swaps.

-3)  how could the the proc file system be handled (another ram disk?)

It's virtual. Doesn't really exist.

-4)  Is there a s/w application (or LINUX configuration) that spins down the
-HDD on command or after a timeout?

hdparm. But I tell you it's best to build a system without a hard disk at all.

-Any discussion on this would be greatly appreciated.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: RealTek RTL 8029 PCI Ethernet Driver
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 21:30:38 GMT

Iain Campbell wrote:

> Is there one ?  Is there a compatible one?
> (For RedHat 5.2)
> Is there a Santa Claus ???
> iain
> --
> Iain Campbell - Senior Associate
> sandon associates 520 Second Street West Owen Sound  On
> Tel (519) 371-6242 FAX (519) 371-4417 email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I installed Mandrake 5.3 (Redhat 5.2 with KDE) recently, my RTL8029
worked right away with the ne2k-pci.o driver file.  I installed another
RTL8029 NIC a few days later and upon booting the card was recognized
and working right away.  Sometimes luck is all you need.



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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