Linux-Hardware Digest #151, Volume #10            Mon, 3 May 99 20:13:34 EDT

  X PRO II Motherboard and on chip SiS video Drivers??? (Curtis Scholl)
  Re: Von Windows und Linux über einen LinuxServer drucken (Aldo Valente)
  Re: [SURVEY] Who has an internal modem in his linux box ? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Linux on P2 or Celeron?!? (Chris Cannon)
  Re: 3C905B-TX Drivers? ("Dr. Buchacher Anton")
  Etherexpress pro100B full duplex? (Tod McFarland)
  Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous? (John Thompson)
  Re: SCSI ZIP Drives (John Thompson)
  Re: vectra 486/50 as a server (John Thompson)
  Re: 3C905B + RedHat 6 + dhcp = problem??? (Mark Astley)
  Re: Does Linux work on AMD K6-3 processors? (bryan)
  isdn modem (Alpine)
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced (Robert Nichols)
  Re: halt -p not working??? help (Timothy Riehle)
  Re: kernel can't open cd (TS Stahl)
  Re: X and ATI Xpert99 Rage128 on AGP ("marc*")
  Re: question on hard drive size ("Jürgen Exner")
  Is Avatar Shark 250/MB removable HD supported w/Linux? (Michael Carmody)
  Re: Online shop in California (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: USB MOUSE AND KEYBOARD ("Derek Turner")
  Re: cdrom (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Does Linux work on AMD K6-3 processors? ("Ian Nicholls")


From: Curtis Scholl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: X PRO II Motherboard and on chip SiS video Drivers???
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 17:38:05 -0400


    I have a RedHat 5.2 system with a TX Pro II motherboard. In the
release there are no selections for the TX Pro II video chip. I
tried to use the only SiS selection, but the screen messed up royally.
    I have rebuilt the system using the SVGA drivers and a generic 
monitor. My question is "What , if any, drivers are there for this and
where would I start to find them?". I will start with redhat first.

Curtis Scholl


From: Aldo Valente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Von Windows und Linux über einen LinuxServer drucken
Date: 03 May 1999 09:34:55 +0200

[ I'm answering a german speaking Newbie (both to linux and Usenet as
  it seems).  Followup-to: is set.  Thanks, Aldo ]

"Nicolas Keller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nicolas, bitte bitte lies de.newusers.infos. *Jetzt*  Im Gegenzug
helfe ich Dir bei Deinem Drickproblem.  OK?

> Seit Wochen versuche ich verzweifelt folgende Konfiguration zum Laufen zu
> bekommen:
> Ich will von meinem Arbeitscomputer auf meinen LinuxServer (486er) drucken.

> Auf dem Arbeitsrechner läuft Windows 98 und SUSE 6.1, auf dem
> Server SUSE 6.0 Der Drucker ist ein HP Deskjet 500 (JA! Die Dinger gibts
> noch!).

Ja!  Der läuft auch noch bei mir zu meiner Zufriedenheit.

Das ganze ist mit SuSE ganz einfach.  Erstmal nimmst Du Dir einen
netten Texteditor und schmeißt auf beiden Rechnern in der Datei
/etc/printcap alle Zeilen raus, die nicht mit einem '#' in der ersten
Zeile anfangen.  Dann kann der YaST von Deinen mißglückten Versuchen
unbeinflußt die richtigen Werte eintragen.

Jetzt nimmst Du den YaST und installierst den lokalen sowie den

Welchen Druckernamen?  Du kannst natürlich verschiedene Drucker
benutzen, die Druckernamen verhelfen Dir, zwischen den Druckern zu
unterscheiden.  Mit 'lpr -PDruckername' wählst Du dann den Drucker
aus.  Das Konzept der Druckernamen ist dahingehend ausgeweitet, das
man sozusagen verschieden virtuelle Drucker auf einem physikalischen
Drucker definiert.  apsfilter macht das, und das hast Du sicher
installiert.  Verschiedene Drucker sind zB ascii und auto.  Wenn Du
einen Drucker haben willst, der nur gerade (und einen der nur
ungerade) Seiten ausdruckt, so ist das prinzipiell auch möglich.

Wenn Du den Schalte `-P' nicht benutzt, wird automatisch `-Plp'
benutzt, also nimm immer `lp' als Druckername, sowohl lokal als auch

Sobald Du nicht irgendeinen Unsinn in der /etc/printcap (man
printcap!) hast, wird Dir der YaST die richtigen Werte vorschlagen,
die Du nur noch mit Return akzeptieren mußt.

Bleibt noch das Problem wer überhaupt auf Deinen Drucker drucken
darf.  Zuständig dafür ist die Datei /etc/hosts.lpd, aber bei meinen
letzten Installationen mußte ich die gar nicht anfassen, allerdings
habe ich sichergestellt das die Namensauflösung korrekt funktionierte.

Du solltest also darauf achten das die beiden Rechner in der
jeweiligen /etc/hosts korrekt und gleich eingetragen sind.

> Und noch eine Frage, wo kann ich genaue Fehlermeldungen abfangen?

Schau mal in /var/log/messages.  Daemonen haben das Merkmal, das sie
gar nicht mit einem tty verbunden sind, sie können also keine
Fehlermeldungen auf dem Schirm produzieren.  Stattdessen schreiben sie 
ihre Fehlermeldungen zB in eine Datei, die bei einem wohlerzogenen
Linux un /var/log liegt.  Zumeist wird für solche Fehlermeldungen
jedoch ein eigenenr Daemon benutzt, der syslogd.  In /etc/syslogd.conf 
steht dessen Konfigurationsdatei.  Wenn Du dort zB "*.*    /dev/tty10" 
hineinschreibst, siehst Du so ziemlich alle Meldungen, wenn Du ALT+F10 
drückst.  Nach der Änderung der Konfigdatei mit (SuSE spezifisch:)
`/sbin/init.d/syslog reload' oder (so behandelt man Daemonen unter
Unix:) `killall -HUP syslogd' den Syslog Daemon dazu auffordern, seine 
Konfigdatei neu einzulesen.

> Ich weiß, dass solche allgemeinen Fragen in NG nicht sonderlich beliebt
> sind und hätte gerne genaue Fehlermedlungen beigelegt, leider weiß ich
> nicht, wo ich diese finden kann.

Leider weißt Du noch recht wenig von Usenet.  Du crosspostest
willenlos in diverse Gruppen, darunter eine englischsprachige.  Falls
Du die Gruppen unter de. benutzen möchtest, ich habe weitere Antworten 
in de.comp.os.unix.linux.newusers geleitet.  Bitte informiere Dich
über das Medium, das Du zu Deiner Hilfe benutzen willst.

  * I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: [SURVEY] Who has an internal modem in his linux box ?
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03 May 1999 17:38:52 -0400

Amit Chakradeo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Johan Kullstam wrote:
> > David Guyon Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > Is there any trouble or dissadvantage ?
> >
> > lack of blinkenlights.
> > lockin to one arch.
> > the joy of plug-and-play.
> > risk of software or `win'-modem.
> > can't toggle power without killing the whole computer.
> > hotswap is difficult at best.
> >
> How do you "hotswap" modems ???

unplug serial cable from modem1.  plug it into modem2.  granted, your
connexion will be lost, but there's no need to reboot.

                                           J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
                                           [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                                              Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Cannon)
Subject: Re: Linux on P2 or Celeron?!?
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 16:15:06 GMT

In article <7gjqhp$i67$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Nathan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>What's a better choice to run Linux on:
>- Pentium II 350 Mhz
>- Celeron 433Mhz

  Get the 433.  It'll definitely be faster.

>Because I'm planning to buy new hardware, so I need some tips.
>Graphics card:
>- Diamond viper V550
>- Diamond Monster fusion
>- Creative Banshee 3D
>Which is better (supported) ?!?
>Other hardware tips are also welcome!

  Get the Voodoo3 2000 ($129)  No better card for the money.
  Supported under X very well.



From: "Dr. Buchacher Anton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3C905B-TX Drivers?
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 20:12:14 +0200

Buchacher Clemens schrieb in Nachricht ...
>I want to install SuSE Linux 6.1, possibly over my LAN. So I need
>Information on how to install the driver for the network card. The machine
>where I want to install Linux has a "3Com Fast EtherLink XL 10/100Mb TX
>Ethernet NIC (3C905B-TX)". AKAs are: Cyclone, Boomerang, EtherLink III XL,
>The Ethernet-HOWTO of LDP says that "the support for the Cyclone 'B'
>revision was only recently added. To use this card with older v2.0 kernels,
>you must obtain the updated 3c59x.c driver from Donald's site at:
>Vortex-Page <>
>Actually, I don't need that update because SuSE Linux 6.1 has Kernel 2.2.5,
>do I?
>But says:
>"3Com does not provide Linux drivers. Third party drivers are available on
>the web:
>1. The URL is
>Note: Once on that web page click on:
> to view
>the source code"
>3Com's latest driver is the EtherDisk 4.01b Release at:
>At the moment I'm using the driver (it has been installed by a technician
>while I wasn't at home and so nobody knows exactly what he did) from the
>"EtherDisk (R) Diskette for the 3C90X Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL Bus
>Master NIC Family" under Windows98, which is so far buggy that BIOS can't
>activate the NIC after a reboot. So I always have to quit Windows and press
>the Reset button. But that's another problem.
>So do I need the 3c95x.c driver or which driver can I use?
>And how do I install it (before installing Linux, while installing Linux,
>after installing Linux,...)?
>You can also answer in German or French (though German and English are
>I was delighted if you could also reply this E-mail to me (cuz I usually
>don't have the time to read all the newsgroups to which I've sent this
>Thank you very much.
>Clemens Buchacher
>JAGA Corporations
>OpenSource - join the revolution


From: Tod McFarland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Etherexpress pro100B full duplex?
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 12:42:11 -0400

I'm using an Intel EtherExpress Pro 100B on RedHat 5.2.

I'd like to run at 100Mbit full duplex and plug into a Bay Networks
Baystack 350T autosensing switch.

For some reason, the network won't work at all if i plug the machine
into this switch.  If i plug it into a 100Mbit or 10Mbit repeater it
works fine at those speeds. (half duplex)  I have tried "hot swapping"
the connections and cold booting with each configuration.

Is there a driver setting somewhere for the 100B that will enable full
duplex operation?

thank you,


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous?
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 09:18:59 -0600

Shad Van Den Hul wrote:
> > I would like to get rid of the cooling fans in my computer (cpu and power
> > supply) since the noise bothers me (I want the computer to be totally silent;
> > I already know how to spin down hard discs). 

> A company by the name of Kryotech (I think) had a refrigerated case.  The case was
> large as it was an ATX mid tower on top of a small refrigeration compressor.  The
> system was meant for serious over clocking of AMD K6-2 chips, but the other side
> benefit is that it had very silent fans.  I believe it was reviewed in the Feb.
> '99 issue of Maximum PC.

Somehow I doubt that would be any quieter than a standard
case with a fan.  Perhaps the original poster could place
his machine in a separate room and use a solid-state 
x-terminal to access it?  Sounds a lot easier and probably
safer than removing the fans, anyway...




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI ZIP Drives
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 09:23:34 -0600

Robear wrote:
> Well, I've read a lot about Parallel ZIP Drives but I have a question about
> a SCSI ZIP drive.
> My RedHat 5.2 recognises it, assigns a device to it BUT I can't read/write
> to it because I don't know what FILESYSTEM it uses.
> Can someone shed some light on this?

The pre-formatted ZIP disks are FAT16 but you need to access
them as the first logical partition; eg "/dev/sda4" so the
mount statement should be something like "mount -t vfat
/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip"

You can make an ext2 filesystem on a ZIP disk also if you




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: vectra 486/50 as a server
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 09:25:15 -0600

Wizard01 wrote:
> I want to set up a Vectra 486/50 as a home has a NIC already
> installed, and I plan to upgrade it to 32M ram.
> Anybody know if this setup will work? If not, what would I need to add
> (required and/or recommended)

It should work fine.  I run my news and mail servers on a
5x86/133 (upgraded from 486dx33) with 32MB RAM.




From: Mark Astley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3C905B + RedHat 6 + dhcp = problem???
Date: 03 May 1999 17:28:10 -0500

Let me guess: it hangs for about 30 seconds and then fails?  I
experienced a similar problem with an AMD PCINet/II.  The problem
seems to be the "pump" program, which starts up your interface via
dhcp and sets up appropriate routes.  Here's an extract from

        if [ -n "$PUMP" ]; then
            echo -n "Determining IP information for $DEVICE..."
            if /sbin/pump -i $DEVICE ; then
                echo " done."
                echo " failed."
                exit 1
            ...use other method to bring up interface...

For me, this hangs for a while and then finally outputs failed.  If
you run pump manually, i.e.:

        pump eth0

You get something like:

        ...weird dhcp error message...
        Operation failed.

With a non-zero exit code.  Very cryptic.  Anyway, pump DOES seem to
initialize the device correctly, but it doesn't set up the routes you
need.  Here's my hack to get things to work:

        if [ -n "$PUMP" ]; then
            echo -n "Determining IP information for $DEVICE..."
            /sbin/pump -i $DEVICE
            ifconfig $DEVICE up
            route add default $DEVICE
            echo " done."
        #    if /sbin/pump -i $DEVICE ; then
        #       echo " done."
        #    else
        #       echo " failed."
        #       exit 1
        #    fi
            ...use other method to bring up interface...

As you can see, very high tech :)  Haven't contacted RedHat about this 



Denis Laventure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anyone tried this combo? The dhcp doesn't seems to work... Before
> installing RH 6, I was running RH 5.2 with kernel 2.0.36 and it was ok.
> Now that I have RH 6 with kernel 2.2.5, I must configure my lan
> manually...
> Can someone help me with this?
> Denis

Mark Astley                                  
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign   
1304 W. Springfield, Urbana, IL 61801



From: bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does Linux work on AMD K6-3 processors?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 22:27:58 GMT

did you go from 66 to 100mhz bus?  is your ram REALLY up for it?

sig11 usually means ram problems.

In comp.os.linux.hardware Ian Nicholls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I have just upgraded my PC from an AMD K6 233Mhz to an AMD K6-3 400Mhz and,
: although Windows 95 runs OK, I have been having problems with the X server
: since the upgrade.  I have been using Daryll Strauss's Banshee server: it
: worked just great with the K6 processor, but wouldn't work with the K6-3.
: Not only that, but in attempting to understnd more about the problem, the
: machine would hang, necessitating a re-boot without a proper shutdown.  This
: corrupted various files, so I decided to re-install Red Hat 5.2, which is
: the version of Linux I am using.

: Now I cannot even re-install Linux.  I get as far in the installation as
: choosing the packages, and then the install fails with a "Signal 11" error.
: Is there a basic incompatibility between AMD K6-3 (and presumably K6-2)
: processors and the version of Linux I am using?  Am I just unlucky with this
: particular chip or my PC setup?  Any help and advice would be welcome.

: The other hardware is as follows:-

: AOpen AX59Pro motherboard with 1Mb cache
: 192Mb of SDRAM
: Processor running at 400Mhz, FSB at 100Mhz and memory at 66Mhz (a feature of
: the VIA chipset)
: 6.5 and 4.3 Gb harddiscs
: approx 2Gb Linux partition and 128Mb Linux swap partition
: Creative Banshee graphics card
: SBLive! soundcard

: This has me baffled, since there are now commercial PCs on sale running
: Linux and with AMD K6-2s!  I have tried the installation after turning off
: the external cache in the BIOS setup, but still no joy.

: Waiting hopefully

: Ian Nicholls



From: Alpine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: isdn modem
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 13:16:07 -0400

any suggestions on a isdn modem
running red hat 5.2
on a pent pro
128k dual channel with voice


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Nichols)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 04:06:04 GMT

In article <7givek$fpl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul J Gans  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:  I've had ext2 floppies get the message that
:the file system had not been checked for too long.  Useful
:for floppies as they seem to develop problems with age.

The problems that develop on floppies in storage (unreadable sectors)
are not the file system inconsistancy problems that e2fsck detects and
corrects.  Unless a bad sector happens to be in the file system metadata
(a rather small fraction of the space on the disk), e2fsck won't detect
it at all.

Bob Nichols         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key 1024/9A9C7955
Key fingerprint = 2F E5 82 F8 5D 06 A2 59  20 65 44 68 87 EC A7 D7


From: Timothy Riehle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: halt -p not working??? help
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 12:23:14 -0500

On Mon, 3 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I done what is says below exacly (almost) instead of halt -p I changed the
> command to poweroff. I echoed the runlevel and the command before executing
> them. Since the docs say that poweroff(halt -p) only works in runlevel 0. The
> result is that the machine halts but doesn't turn the power off. It does so
> when I used win95 so I dont think it is the hardware. Win95 has crashed since
> then :) and I havent reinstalled it so dont bark at me for that. I have
> suse6.1beta installed with kernel 2.2.3 but it didn't work with suse6.0
> either that had kernel 2.0.36. So if anybody has a idea what it can be please
> answer. I am going to test to put the halt command in a file under
> /sbin/init.d/rc0.d as S00halt maybe that works better, if so I put a reply to
> my own message. Cheers Toni

Dumb question: did you recompile the kernel with advanced power management
support enabled?


> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan) wrote:
> >
> > Nah, have you try it out? The solution for your problem is to edit the halt
> > script inside /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt and add the -p at the following
> >
> > line:  command="halt" -> command="halt -p".
> >
> > Try it and bark at us if this doesn't work on your machine.
> >
> > --
> > |Mohd Hamid Misnan|[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |i|
> > |MacOS 8.5.1  +   |      |M|
> > |AMD K6-2/300 +   |We want to take over the world, but we don't have |a|
> > |Linux 2.2.7 i586 |to do it tomorrow. It's OK by next week - Linus T.|c|
> >
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Subject: Re: kernel can't open cd
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 11:11:53 -0500

Does the crash happenas root, or as a user?  If as a user, then make sure the
user has access to the CD in the fstab file.


Bo Williams wrote:

> I installed RedHat 6.0, and for a few days everything worked beautifully.
> Then, my machine started crashing inexplicably. I look, and find in the
> logs "kernel: cdrom: can't open" followed by "previous message repeated
> 120 times". So, I build a new 2.2.7 kernel, and yet when I boot with that
> kernel I get the same problem. Both 2.2.5 (the kernel that come with
> RedHat 6) and 2.2.7 recognize that the cdrom is the primary on the second
> IDE bus and mount it as hdc. They even recognize the type (NEC 40X).

Scott Stahl
MIS Asst.
Illinois Housing Development Authority


From: "marc*" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X and ATI Xpert99 Rage128 on AGP
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 23:57:13 +0200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

use vesaFB.

    Martin Berger a =E9crit dans le message =
    Hi all=20
    I've a problem and I would be happy if someone can help me.=20

    I've got ATI Xpert99 Rage 128 video card with 8MB RAM, on AGP.=20

    I've just installed Linux 5.1 and I cannot run X.=20

    The system can't get known my video card and work with it.=20

    If you can help me, please do so.=20

    I've read all the problems above, but I didn't found the solution of =


                                        Berish the King ;-))

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-2 =
http-equiv=3DContent-Type><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 =
<META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.3110.7"' name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>use vesaFB.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT><FONT =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>bye.marc.</FONT></DIV>
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: =
    <DIV>Martin Berger<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a &eacute;crit dans le =
message &lt;<A=20
    <P>I've a problem and I would be happy if someone can help me.=20
    <P>I've got ATI Xpert99 Rage 128 video card with 8MB RAM, on AGP.=20
    <P>I've just installed Linux 5.1 and I cannot run X.=20
    <P>The system can't get known my video card and work with it.=20
    <P>If you can help me, please do so.=20
    <P>I've read all the problems above, but I didn't found the solution =
of my=20
    <P>Thanx <BR>&nbsp; <PRE>--&nbsp;
sp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Berish the King ;-))</PRE>&nbsp;=20



From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: question on hard drive size
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 12:09:28 -0700
Reply-To: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Chris D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7gedbf$fcd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> whats the biggest hard drive linux can support?

To the best of my knowledge there is no limit for the size of a HD.

The maximum size of a single filesystem (what's usually on one partition
although the MD driver allows to span a filesystem across multiple
partitions and drives) depends on the filesystem you are using. For ext2fs
that should be somewhere at about 2 or 4 TB (yep, that's terabyte)

The maximum size of a single file depends on the platform you are using. On
64-bit machines it should be 2 or 4 TB again, on 32-bit architectures it's
currently limited to 2GB.

For more details please consult dejanews.

Jürgen Exner


From: Michael Carmody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is Avatar Shark 250/MB removable HD supported w/Linux?
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 10:25:27 -0700

Is there anyone out there who has the Avatar Shark 250/MB removable
drive working with Linux?  If so could you share any knowledge you have
about setting it up with us?  



From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Online shop in California
Date: 03 May 1999 12:49:13 -0400


> Hello
> I would like to know what online shop is good to buy via web 
> in California.

what is it you are trying to purchase?

linux computers?
the online shop itself?

johan kullstam


From: "Derek Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 18:39:25 +0100

Don't know, but your mobo should. mine does and so I
don't need to trouble linux!

If you have USB on your mobo and Award BIOS
go into set up and enable on-board USB
then a further option appears to enable USB keyboard support.

then all I need to set up in linux is a 104-key UK layout.

If your mobo won't support USB keyb then
it's not going to be easy to type in
any set-up info!

HTH Derek
Frederick wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cdrom
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 18:04:12 +0200

dams wrote:
> 1/ Is it normal that each time i want to read a cd i have to mount
> the cdrom and umount it to open the tray in case i wish to read from
> another cd?

Yes, that is the normal way to use cdroms. It should also be possible to
have the cd automounted, but for a beginner it is not so easy to set up,
and I think it might bring some disadvantages to.

> 2/ How do i mount scsi cdrom and the same for a cd burner?

The same way as you mount an IDE cdrom, but your /dev/cdrom should point
to /dev/sd? instead of /dev/hd?.

> 3/ How do i burn cd's?

The easiest way is to use a program like xcdroast.

regards Henrik

spammer strikeback:


From: "Ian Nicholls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Does Linux work on AMD K6-3 processors?
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 23:18:04 +0100

I have just upgraded my PC from an AMD K6 233Mhz to an AMD K6-3 400Mhz and,
although Windows 95 runs OK, I have been having problems with the X server
since the upgrade.  I have been using Daryll Strauss's Banshee server: it
worked just great with the K6 processor, but wouldn't work with the K6-3.
Not only that, but in attempting to understnd more about the problem, the
machine would hang, necessitating a re-boot without a proper shutdown.  This
corrupted various files, so I decided to re-install Red Hat 5.2, which is
the version of Linux I am using.

Now I cannot even re-install Linux.  I get as far in the installation as
choosing the packages, and then the install fails with a "Signal 11" error.
Is there a basic incompatibility between AMD K6-3 (and presumably K6-2)
processors and the version of Linux I am using?  Am I just unlucky with this
particular chip or my PC setup?  Any help and advice would be welcome.

The other hardware is as follows:-

AOpen AX59Pro motherboard with 1Mb cache
192Mb of SDRAM
Processor running at 400Mhz, FSB at 100Mhz and memory at 66Mhz (a feature of
the VIA chipset)
6.5 and 4.3 Gb harddiscs
approx 2Gb Linux partition and 128Mb Linux swap partition
Creative Banshee graphics card
SBLive! soundcard

This has me baffled, since there are now commercial PCs on sale running
Linux and with AMD K6-2s!  I have tried the installation after turning off
the external cache in the BIOS setup, but still no joy.

Waiting hopefully

Ian Nicholls



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