Linux-Hardware Digest #190, Volume #10            Sat, 8 May 99 20:13:49 EDT

  Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous? ( Robert Gormley)
  Re: RAM 128 MB ("Jürgen Exner")
  Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage ("JS/PL")
  Winview TV tuner working under Linux? (Pawel Sakowski)
  OAK Video-card: dipswitches and jumpers for mono display?? (Bauke Jan Douma)
  Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage (Andrew Comech)
  Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage (brian moore)
  Re: Adaptec AVA-1505 ("Gene Heskett")
  Newbie humble Q: can't run autoboot.bat at D:\ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  miroConnect 34 driver for linux ? ("tronic")
  SB Live driver please ("Bill Spanos")
  Help on installing Wisecom-isdn card in Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SBLive Linux Drivers HELP!!!! (root)
  RH 6 and Ditto Max? (Bill Petro)
  Re: Digital I/O boards (Support Dept.)
  Re: Home-made serial interface for UPS (Robert Nichols)
  gg  ("Jing Duan")
  Re: Newbie: How access files on floppy with linux? (Bob Martin)
  Re: Printing


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( Robert Gormley)
Subject: Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous?
Date: 4 May 1999 15:56:30 GMT

Victor Chan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: No zap since the the water is not ionized.  It is far pure than your tape
: water.

Even pure H2O is contains OH- and H+, you can't avoid it.  Pure water
however isn't a very good electrical conductor.  I've no idea if it's a
good enough conductor to fry a chip when it's pure.

BSc. (hons), GRSC


From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RAM 128 MB
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 12:58:21 -0700
Reply-To: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I know this was posted awhile ago on this list somewhere concerning having
> more than 64 MB of RAM.

You are right, this has been asked hundreds of times.

>I just recently upgrade my RAM fm 64 MB to 128 MB.
> Window95/NT seems to be able to see the 128 MB of RAM, but for some reason
> RH5.2 Linux can only see 64 MB.  Can someone either re-post the email
> concerning this problem or please help?

Please let us know which problems you have to connect to dejanews, maybe we
can help you to fix them.

Jürgen Exner


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 17:21:27 -0400

That was there when they bought the company, it wasn't MS's idea to build it
into the set boxes. It was probably spawned from the idea that anyone who
uses webtv is so goddamn stupid that they deserve to have their privacy
violated in such a manner.

The half spammed link to my site follows:
William Burrow wrote in message ...
>On 6 May 1999 17:56:39 GMT,
>brian moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I think your time would be better spent on dealing with real privacy
>>issues, such as WebTV's reporting of TV viewing habits and what
>>Microsoft (owners of WebTV, after all) will do if they manage to get
>>WinCE into cable boxes.
>WinCE is going into cable boxes, AT&T is all buddy-buddy with MS now.
>William Burrow
>Copyright 1999 William Burrow


From: Pawel Sakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Winview TV tuner working under Linux?
Date: 4 May 1999 16:07:58 GMT

I'd like to buy a TV tuner card to watch TV under Linux. I'm considering
"WinView 601 TV+FM+remote+TELETEXT Bt848". Will it work under Linux? Has
anybody got any (good or bad) experience with it?

"We are different"



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bauke Jan Douma)
Subject: OAK Video-card: dipswitches and jumpers for mono display??
Date: 9 May 1999 00:21:55 +0200

I wonder if there's anyone out here who might have some knowledge of
an old Oak video card.
I bought the card 2nd hand -- i.e.: without a technical manual.
It's an Oak OTI 037C, judging from what's printed on the chips.

This card has two female connectors.  One (15-pin) is for a VGA
display, and it works fine.  The other, a 9-pin connector, seems to be
for a monochrome display.

I have hooked up an old mono-display to this card, on the 9-pin slot,
but alas, all I'm looking at is a blank screen.

I'd appreciate any hints on the settings of dipswitches and jumpers
on this thingy for a mono-display.  There are four dipswithes, and two
(3-pin) jumpers.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage
Date: 8 May 1999 14:27:24 -0500

Hi everybody, I figured I want to post another followup, because
something what I said "gets twisted round some other way"..
I hope this will be the last one (at least, from me).

On 7 May 1999 06:11:23 GMT, brian moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Actually, machines are much more often shared at home than at work.
>Most families don't have a computer for every person.  And what of the
>neighbor kids coming over and playing?  Or guests that want to check
>email while on vacation?  Or the babysitter doing her homework whilst
>parents are off at a movie?

You can not be serious. OK, assume there is a computer literate family
where everybody (say, six people) use a computer. Let us even say there
is a six year old neighbors who's checking her email and stocks on that PC.

BUT certainly everyone has distinct habits: different applications, 
different sites on the internet, different level of familiarity with 
shortcuts in menu, different typing speed, different mailboxes, for god's 
sake! There is really no big deal to tell one from another, given that 
you are choosing out of below ten folks. (Say, I'd offer you five grand 
for writing a code which would tell one user from another, out of 10; 
would not this be easy money?.. I am sure this could be easily implemented 
both on the OS level and on an individual application level.)

As to reselling CPUs, again, this does not happen often (on the average,
_at most_ once a year, right?), while THE BIG GUYS will notice the change 
in the ownership the same business day, and will reassign the PSN to someone
else's driver's license. (It is not that they will certainly do this, but
this is _easy_.)

>> BUT, don't you think that by that time more law-abiding citizens (who can 
>> not e.g. change the size of disk cache in Netscape) will be running Linux?
>> And that microsoft and other species will be writing applications for 
>> Linux platform? I am not sure you want to bet.
>Microsoft won't be writing applications for Linux certainly not in the
>next year, and unlikely in the next five.  Linux is evil incarnate as
>far as they are concerned, and porting applications to it would be
>violating their FUD rules.

They do not mind writing things for Macintosh, do they? I guess there will 
be (already is??) a comparable amount of Mac and Linux users, so why would 
not they release IE for Linux? To mention, I know someone who says that 
IE is much better than Netscape; I am not sure about that, but Netscape 
certainly sucks (although I do not know anything which would be... "less 
bad"), so there will be a serious demand for an alternative...

Have a look at -- 
 Browser          Jan Feb Mar Apr  May?. June?..   December???..
 Navigator 4.x....71% 65% 62% 60%
 Microsoft IE.....22% 28% 30% 33%

Keep in mind that these are people who are thinking about Linux....
This certainly sucks.

>As for anyone else, you do know that there's a kernel patch to break the
>PSN, don't you?
> ...
>A simple patch and no userland program would have access to the PSN.
>(Would have been really slick if the CPUID instruction were trappable:
>then you could forge them and applications would have no idea you were
>doing it.  Of course, things like vmware or bochs could do that now.)

OK, let's say this will work for Linux.. 
Now your argument looks like this: this CPU is great because _although 
it tries to bug me_, I know how to overcome that. I do not care about 
those who use other OSes (although many people use dual boot system,
and that's quite possible that a Linux fan would be often _doing 
something quick_ on the home PC when someone booted Windows up.)

Let me draw the following parallel (which is certainly not perfect):
Someone says "It's fine if you set mines on my lawn as long as I know 
where they are". This someone is forgetting that there could be 
kids/guests/pets involved, and that he may need to mow the lawn some day...

>> If you have a spare time for this sort of things, you can stay PSN-free 
>> even running IE under windows on pentium III, but common people are not
>> computer wizards.
>Then they shouldn't trust companies such as Microsoft with their
>privacy.  That's got nothing to do with Intel.

This _has_ to do something with Intel. Is has provided another very
nice thing which Microsoft or someone else would be glad to use. (Would 
you say that the physicists who invent some nice toys for military are not 
in any way responsible for weird bombs? Well that's right _they do their 
job_, but on there are many physicists who keep a distance from military 
applications; just, you know, in case...)

>> This is called invasion of privacy or something.
>Nope, it's not.  It's just a number which you can trivially supress on a
>modern OS.  On Linux, you can trust that it's suppressed: on Windows,
>well, you'll have to trust Microsoft, but that's already the case for MS
>users.  (And their trust is highly misplaced.)

Would you agree to have feds' videocamera in your bathroom (which you are 
allowed to turn off every time you pee) or a serial number tattooed on your 
hand (which you are allowed to conceal under the sleeve)? 

And, again, there are so many dual-boot questions-answers in newsgroups 
that I wonder how many Linux users stay Microsoft-free...

And although PSN may be fought, this practice sucks, and I am not 
quite sure what the consequences may be. Since we _do_ have a choice 
between PIII and K6-3 (with K7 coming, hopefully), this is a good idea 
to avoid the plaque.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage
Date: 8 May 1999 18:10:01 GMT

On 8 May 1999 17:30:40 GMT, 
 William Burrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6 May 1999 17:56:39 GMT,
> brian moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I think your time would be better spent on dealing with real privacy
> >issues, such as WebTV's reporting of TV viewing habits and what
> >Microsoft (owners of WebTV, after all) will do if they manage to get
> >WinCE into cable boxes.
> WinCE is going into cable boxes, AT&T is all buddy-buddy with MS now.

Yep, and MS paid $5B to get AT&T to do it.  Nifty, eh?

Now, why would they pay to have their software used.....

Could their be ulterior motives involved?

Microsoft takes privacy seriously, or so they say.

The DOJ should be looking at Microsoft's "investments" into CATV.  The
writing on the wall should frighten the hell out of people.

(To AT&T's credit, MS will not be the sole vendor -- they are inisting
on open standards.  The AT&T Death Star may save some souls.)

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


Date: 08 May 99 13:37:42 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec AVA-1505


Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Doug ;

> Catherine BRIAND & Geoffrey CHARRA wrote:

>> If anyone knows where I could get Linux drivers for Adaptec
>> AVA-1505 SCSI card that would help !!!
>> Or maybe could you help for the string (I have no idea the way it
>> work) to enter to make it work at last !!! something like modprobe
>> aha152x aha152x=0x140,9,7 ????
>> Actually, I can't install Linux on my computer because I don't have
>> any IDE CD-ROM and the install package is unable to read the
>> f...k.. names on Win98 which are Rpms instead of RPMS
>> and so on...
>> Thanks to all.
>> Gef.
>> --
>> /-------------------------------------\\
>> | Catherine BRIAND et Geoffrey CHARRA ||
>> |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ||
>> \=====================================//

> Well your module arguments look good as long as they are
> right...mine is
> 0x140,0,1 though cuz my card is device zero on the scsi chain...with
> yer problem of HD install rename rpms back to RPMS(u do know that
> whatever its named to windows explorer will show it as Rpms, to
> really see go to a dos prompt and do a dir on the directory above
> it, RedHat in this case) then go to and in the errata
> section are some new boot disks to fix that bug with the HD install

No, the aurguments don't look good, at least from here. Mime works quite
well so far, but if you check the jumpers, and put it on the alt
position, giving an 0x340 address, and use its apparently fixed IRQ of 
11, then it should work.  I've had several drives on it and it
recognized them all.

modprobe aha125x aha152x=0x340,11,7

For some reason, the default 0x140 address is out of the linux kernals
range, I don't seem to be able to make it be recognized at the 0x140

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  or  |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 22kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Newbie humble Q: can't run autoboot.bat at D:\
Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 18:43:27 GMT

Hi Group,
    I hope somebody can point me to a better place if this is not the
appropriated ng to discauss this question.

     I got the redhat linux 5.2 installation guide with the free CD from  Soon I realized that I need the boot discatte, or run autoboot
at cd-rom.  However, at dos prompt the machine can't recognize d drive.  I
suppose I need some driver.  However this is school's box I'm messing around
with.  I have absolutely no idea where to start.

  I suppose I can get a bootdisk from a new linux distro (openLinux2.2 is
cheap) or get a linux 5.2 box from ebay.  Any other recommendation?  Any
program that can format a floppy disk in linux format and make a linux
bootdisk from the dos prompt?

     Any input is greatly apprecated.


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: "tronic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: miroConnect 34 driver for linux ?
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 00:56:40 +0200

I would like the driver for linux of this sound card.

Please, help me !!!!!!



From: "Bill Spanos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SB Live driver please
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 15:04:12 +0300

Where can I find a linux driver for Sound Blaster LIve?


Subject: Help on installing Wisecom-isdn card in Linux
Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 20:57:55 GMT

i have a wisecom ws128ps3 isdn card which i am unaible to installe in
linux. does aybody have any clues?


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SBLive Linux Drivers HELP!!!!
Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 20:21:43 +0100

ShaoK14 wrote:

> I just tried installing the SBLive drivers for Linux, but I keep getting
> undefined symbol errors and my sound is still not working. I've tried the
> automatic install and the manual install...although I'm not sure I did the
> manual install correctly. I'm running kernel 2.2.5 with Mandrake (RedHat 5.2).
> Anyway ANY help on this matter would certainly be
> greatly appreciated!! Here is the readme file:

Works fine for me with both Mandrake v5.3 (based on RedHat 5.2) and genuine
RedHat 6.0, although I had to recompile the kernel to get 6.0 working.

What does insmod soundcore followed by modprobe sblive show ?

I know there are some dependancy errors shown by sblive.o if you do a depmod -a
(like many distributions do on startup), but these are harmless, you should still
be able to load the module using the above.

They issue I had with RH6.0 if anyone else is interested: The RH6.0 kernel is
2.2.5, but it has an extra version in the Makefile so it calls itself 2.2.5-15.
The sblive driver sees the -15 part and refuses to load saying your not running
kernel 2.2.5 :-( The solution is to edit /usr/src/linux/Makefile and comment out
the EXTRAVERSION = -15 line (use a '#'). Then recompile and install the modules
and it works.

The only problems I have with the beta sblive driver are occassionally it locks
up and sounds very chittery (normally unloading and reloading the module cures
this), and that there's no MIDI support yet, but at least my box which has been
silent for 6 months since I installed it now has *some* sound :-)

Hope this helps, Jon.


Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 17:26:49 -0600
From: Bill Petro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH 6 and Ditto Max?

While the RH 6 web site does not mention the parallel port tape
backup system "Iomega Ditto Max", is there a solution/driver for 

Bill Petro
Phone:  719 260-8107
Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Support Dept.)
Subject: Re: Digital I/O boards
Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 23:22:40 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Support Dept.)

Matt Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thusly and wrote:

>Is there anyone out there that has experience with Ddigital i/o boards and
>Linux?  I want to put a board in, but I am having trouble finding a
>manufacturer that has linux drivers.   

If you are talking about serial I/O we have the Cyclades line which supports
Linux from way back when.

(Opinions expressed, though generally wise and 
accurate are not officially positions of SELLCOM) 
Telecom and internet networking hardware / Security products
Cyclades / Siemens (May REBATE) / Y2K ODIU support / Zoom / Palmer Safes
(Tech assistance provided without warranty express or implied)
Check us out at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Nichols)
Subject: Re: Home-made serial interface for UPS
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 17:27:45 GMT

In article <7gvgpi$92a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dick Repasky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:We found a great deal on a UPS that lacks a serial interface, and we
:are sure that there must be plans out there somewhere for rigging
:up a home-made serial interface.  Does anyone have any info?
:Yes, we read the UPS HOWTO, and we really liked the old modem
:suggestion there, but we lack old modems.  We were thinking about
:wiring the real thing.

Unless you really know what you are doing I recommend against that.  The
circuitry within a UPS is very often connected to one side of the AC
power line.  If your UPS lacks the serial port interface it very likely
lacks the isolators needed to couple to that interface, and it might or
might not have the necessary control points on its internal circuitry.
If that isolation isn't designed and constructed correctly, including
proper PWB layout and encapsulation, you risk having kilovolt transients
from the power line coupled into the PC and perhaps into the person
using it.

I did build a circuit like that for my UPS several years ago (the
control points were there, I just needed to build the interface: 2400
volt opto-isolators, PWB with an isolation slot cut in it, whole thing
encapsulated in high voltage potting compound to protect against leakage
caused by dust and dampness), but my background is in electrical
engineering and my job has on occasion included that sort of work.

Bob Nichols         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key 1024/9A9C7955
Key fingerprint = 2F E5 82 F8 5D 06 A2 59  20 65 44 68 87 EC A7 D7


From: "Jing Duan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gg 
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 16:21:04 GMT



Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 16:12:04 -0500
From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie: How access files on floppy with linux?

I would have thought the mtools would be installed by default, have you
checked to see if they are already there ? For user to mount the floppy
the /etc/fstab file needs to be modified see the fstab man page. I don't
understand root getting permission denied, that shouldn't happen, please
post the complete error meesage returned when trying to mount as root.

> I've installed debian 2.1 and don't know how to copy files from floppies into
> my debian system.
> My debian system is NOT connected to the internet so i need to be able to
> transfer files from my win95 pc to my debian pc using floppies until I get
> around to connecting my debian pc to the internet.
> I've downloaded mtools but since I don't know how to copy the mtools files
> from the floppy, I'm stuck!!!
> My debian pc is up and running, I just can't do this:  $ mount /dev/fd0 (or
> ano other fdx) because permission is denied. Says only the root can do that.
> I tried chaning to root and get permission denied.  $ ls -a /dev/fp0 is blank
> and the  the floppy disk drive doesn't even light up on. This indicates that
> the drive is not mounted properly in linux, though I boot from a linux
> floppy.
> Any ideas what i need to do (besides get a good book)?
> Thanks for your help.
> Andre
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Subject: Re: Printing
Date: 8 May 1999 21:11:53 GMT

In Christian Nake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi, 

: I'm using an EPSON LQ 100 with SuSE 6.1. I have installed the apsfilter
: for the printer.
: Whenever I print graphics directly to /dev/lp0 it will be shifted
: downwards so that about 20 mm of it will be printed on the next paper.
: Resolution and quality is OK.

: How is it possible to center grafics on the paper? The problem does also
: appear with software that prints directly, eg MuPAD.

: Thanks for Help,

: Christian

Papersize set to letter & printed on A4? Postscript origin is lower left.



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