Linux-Hardware Digest #430, Volume #10            Mon, 7 Jun 99 01:13:33 EDT

  Re: SCSI scanners - progress (Daniel Naughton)
  Re: 28 SCSI drives ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 28 SCSI drives ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is Linux RISC compatible? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Turtle Beach drivers ("rcstuckey")
  Chembook Laptop (LiPalM)
  Re: SCSI and mkinitrd (B)
  Re: Tornado modem (Chris Aiken)
  Sound/Modem (Sharp PJ1-M2) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PCchips M598 Motherboard and Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: CT MediaGX motherboards and Linux (difay)
  Re: Is Linux RISC compatible? ("Bill Crocker")
  Re: CT MediaGX motherboards and Linux (difay)
  Re: Cd-rom Install Problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Tyan S1837UANG Mother Board ("William Taylor")
  Re: Voodoo3 or TNT2? ("Louis Plouffe")
  Re: eMachines as linux boxes ("Cory Waggoner")
  Re: Can't connect to my ISP yet, here's the pppd-output... (jared >)
  USR Modem problems ("Randy")
  Re: Is Linux RISC compatible? ("Tom Rushmore")


From: Daniel Naughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI scanners - progress
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 02:23:14 +0000

I finally got the new advansys card to be recognized.  I need to create
a new boot image (page  200 of the RH5.2 manual on making a new initrd
image), add the new boot image into the /etc/lilo.conf file, then
running lilo - v to write the whole mess to the MBR.  (This is detailed
on the redhat support pages on updating the kernel)

I still have a problem that xscanimage returns with "ne devices
detected", but I think that is something I can work through with the
SANE docs (hopefully)

I'm still optimistic after 7 straight days of trying to get a scanner
working.  There have been times when I thought just format the drive
with NT and get on with your life.  Those thoughts are still kept at bay



Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: 28 SCSI drives
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 02:29:56 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  DanH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > gus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > <SNIP>
> > > Ummm, the point of the original posting was that Linux kernel will
> > support
> > > more than 16 separate scsi devices.  If the kernel doesn't support
> > higher
> > > number, creating the extra device entries with mknow just won't
> > The
> > > original poster might want to look into the devfs patch, which
> > provide
> > > relief.
> >
> > Can somebody confirm or deny this?  Does the kernel really only
> > 16 SCSI devices?  I can see where this could be that somebody didn't
> > understand, since you can have a MAX of 16 devices per Wide SCSI
> > channel, but why wouldn't it support more devices if there were
> > SCSI channels?
> I'm interested in this too.  I have four SCSI devices on two channels.
> My motherboard (Adeptec 78xx) supports 30 devices on the motherboard.
> Not that I'm planning on adding (22) 18Gig drives tomorrow, mind
> <g>
> Dan
> --
> UNIX - Not just for vestal virgins anymore
> Linux - Choice of a GNU generation

I found some info on devfs, and it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with
using more than 16 devices.  I don't know if that was even this thread,
but...  Anyway, devfs is something that makes /dev more like /proc.
Cool, but has nothing to do with more than 16 devices.  Either the
kernel supports it, or it doesn't.  From what I've read, it looks like I
shouldn't have any trouble with it, but I'll be trying it on Tuesday,
and I'll let everybody know!  TTYL,

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Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: 28 SCSI drives
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 02:26:59 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I could give you the answer, but I think it's better to teach
> you how to find out this information for yourself.
> therefore, I suggest you run the following command.
> ls -al /dev/ | grep scd
> This should give you all the information you need

Ooooh. More syntax!  Now all I have to do is install Linux, and see if
the darn thing works so that I can write the directions for myself to
install it!  :-)

> --
> Aaron R. Kulkis
> Unix Systems Engineer
> ICQ # 3056642
> The wise man is mocked by fools.

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Subject: Re: Is Linux RISC compatible?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 02:22:34 GMT

IBM has made a number of RISC chips...  Which ones are you referring to?
If it's a MIPS CPU, check out the MIPS howto on your favorite Linux
site.  There is also a port the M68K and PowerPC chips, which IBM has
manufactured, but I don't know of any good sites for that.  Later,

In article <MtE63.2004$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Tom Rushmore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if Linux can be used with an IBM RISC processor?  I
> have an extra RISC system available and would like to use it as a
> proxy to the Internet.  Any information would be very helpful.
> Thanks,
> Tom

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From: "rcstuckey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Turtle Beach drivers
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 22:29:30 -0400

Where can I find Linux drivers for Turtle Beach original Tropez & Tahiti
soundcards ?   Thanks


Subject: Chembook Laptop
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 03:17:50 GMT

hey all,

Did someone succeeded to install redhat 6.0 on a Chembook 6200 laptop ?
My installation works, until the installation procedure arrives at the
mouse probs, after that, he says that a Ps2 type mouse have been found,
and he freezes completely (hard reboot needed).
Any idea ? (200Mhz-64 Mb machine)

Thanks for your help guys !



Subject: Re: SCSI and mkinitrd
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 03:05:31 GMT

HHmmm, I also have an advansys scsi card.  Did you attempt to recompile
your kernel at any time?

On Sun, 06 Jun 1999 20:22:48 +0000, Daniel Naughton

>I am trying to get an Advansys SCSI card to be detected on my RH 5.2
>Pentium box.  I'm not having much luck.  I finally tried reinstalling
>the entire OS on another HD and what do you know - the card was
>detected, and the thing loads up fine.  The /proc directory had
>"advansys" information in about 15 places.  The RedHat install is much
>smarter than I am:)
>The problem is I don't what to format my hard drive every time I change
>in the RH 5.2 manual, it says that "an initrd image is needed for
>loading your SCSI module at boot time.  The shell script /sbin/mkinitrd
>cab build the proper initrd image for your machine....etc".  I thought I
>struck gold when I read this.  no such luck.
>The loopback is in place
>The /etc/conf.modules has in it:
>    alias scsi_hostadapter advansys
>I tried the following
>/sbin/mkinitrd /boot/newinitrd-image 2.0.36-0.7
>It seemed to take (it didn't destroy anything), but nothing changed -
>still no SCSI card.  Is there something else that needs to be changed to
>possibly change pointers to this new initrd image??
>The RedHat install seemed to configure everything fine , but it does
>explain evertything that is done during the install process?
>Any help would be appreciated.
>Dan Naughton


From: Chris Aiken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tornado modem
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 08:15:51 -0400

You can't use any brand of winmodem with linux.

eelco wrote:

> Hi
> Could anybody give me some information if it possible to configure a Tornado
> SFM560-PR (PCI) modem under Linux. It is a cheap "Windows-build" internal
> PNP-modem.
> Greetings Eelco Geels


Subject: Sound/Modem (Sharp PJ1-M2)
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 02:46:31 GMT


I am using a Suse Linux on a Shaprt PJ1-M2 (Us modell: Actius A-150).
I neither get sound nor the internal modem running. Can anybody help ?

Thank you


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Subject: Re: PCchips M598 Motherboard and Linux
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 02:41:02 GMT

> I am having trouble determining the exact brand, but I purchased a box
> weekend with an M598 motherboard, Socket 7 with an AMD 350 CPU.  The 
> onboard video is an SiS 530 chipset.  It is not a happy puppy under X.  The

> common servers currently being distributed (I have Red Hat 5.2) do not 
support it.  There is a server available from SusE that is supposed to work 
> with tweaking, but I have not had an opportunity to try it yet.
> Howard
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

have a PC-Chips M598 running and AMD K6-2 300Mhz ( Redhat 5.2 with X)
 It has
been very stable, but I can only get 8bit color working with the 
Xfree86 files I loaded off the Redhat web site.  It is not hard to 
do. Just
find the support area and dowload the rpm's for xfree863.3.3.1.
install them.  

The hard part is the configureation of the X server. 
me an email and I'll send you my XF86CONFIG file that works. 
 This is the
best way to get all the stuff right.



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From: difay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CT MediaGX motherboards and Linux
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 23:38:56 -0400


> Apparently this motherboard that I was looking at (the GCT MediaGX
> board) has its own on-board audio.  Really I am more interested in
> getting that to work than the MediaGX's built in audio.

I would recommend that you double check that audio stuff. The reason the
motherboard/CPU package is so cheap is that MediaGX CPU has video and audio
ON-CHIP. Therefore, even the minimal amount of video/sound hardware present
on other motherboards with integrated video/audio is NOT present on this CT


From: "Bill Crocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is Linux RISC compatible?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 03:41:04 GMT

I would think so, but if you already have access to an IBM RISC system, then
it should already have IBM's AIX UNIX installed on it.  Why would you not
want to use that?

Bill Crocker

Tom Rushmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:MtE63.2004$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Can anyone tell me if Linux can be used with an IBM RISC processor?  I
> have an extra RISC system available and would like to use it as a Linux
> proxy to the Internet.  Any information would be very helpful.
> Thanks,
> Tom


From: difay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CT MediaGX motherboards and Linux
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 00:13:21 -0400


> Anyone have experience or even second hand rumors
> of the GCT MediaGX motherboards working with
> Linux?
> These boards have built in CPU, Audio, Video, etc
> and are SMALL and CHEAP. Perfect little beasties
> for car or home MP3 players.

Who sells them now?
I used to have a bookmark to a vendor that sold MediaGX 200 MHz + GCT
motherboard bundle for under $100 dollars. I don't seem to have it


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup,,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Cd-rom Install Problem
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 04:45:31 GMT

I am running my cd player as the seconday master.  I tried the line 'linux 
hdc=cdrom', but it didn't work.  Before I get to the installation process I 
watch the following:

hdc: no response (status=0xff), resetting drive
hdc: drive not ready for command
hdc: ATAPI reset timed-out, status=0xff

I see that several times before the install finally begins.
When it gets to the point where I can select to install from local cd, it then 
goes to 'Initializing Cd-rom', then jumps to a blue screen and hangs there.

Any ideas?



From: "William Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tyan S1837UANG Mother Board
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 04:05:57 GMT

I use the 1836DLUAN and find it totally stable with Linux and every other OS
I've thrown at it. Its a great, high-quality board. No problems with SMP or
with using all 4 DIMM sockets either.

The 1837 has some major improvements. It tosses the UW SCSI chipset for the
U2W Adaptec chipset. I believe it is dual channel just like the 1836. It
also gets rid of the PCI bridge used to support 6 PCI slots. In the 1836 PCI
sound cards will only work in the first two slots on PCI bus 0, the other 4
slots are on a different PCI bus. Sound cards hate that.

All the best,

LeRoy D. Cressy wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
Hi All,

Has anyone had any experience with Tyan S1837UANG Mother Boards?

             Dual 233-500+MHz (Slot1 for Pentium
             II/III), 1 ISA, 6 PCI, 1 AGP, 4-168
             pin DIMM sockets (up to 2GB),
             Ultra DMA/33, on-board Dual
             Channel Ultra2 SCSI, 10/100
             Ethernet, on-board sound (ES1373),
             Intel® 440GX AGPset, AMI, ATX

This looks like a good board, but I am wondering if any of you have used
this board for a Linux only system.

          0 0      L & R Associates
           "       Home Page:
_______ooO ~ Ooo_______________________________________________

LeRoy D. Cressy     /\_/\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Consulting ( o.o ) Phone (215) 535-4037
> ^ < Fax   (215) 535-4285


From: "Louis Plouffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Voodoo3 or TNT2?
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 04:52:36 GMT

Pros and Cons

The only difference for now is that the V3 have more 'mature' drivers OpenGL
in Linux. The Nvidia drivers are very 'young' and maybe, with the time, all
the feature and benefict of this card.

(scuse for my approx. english!)

Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message :
> Now that there is support for 3D acceleration on Voodoo3 and TNT2
> does anyone have any opinions on which 3D card I should get?  I'm aware
> that Voodoo3 only supports up to 256x256 textures and only does 16-bit
> color, but I also read that the current Nvidia Linux drivers only support
> 16-bit color anyway.  Any corrections and recommendations would be greatly
> appreciated; price is not an issue at this point in time.
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


From: "Cory Waggoner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: eMachines as linux boxes
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 23:55:05 -0500

Good luck with an eMachine as they are overpriced junk.  Unfortunatly we get
alot of calls at Netcom as they bundle our software with the eMachine's, and
most users think that our tech support line is eMachine's line.  Honestly if
you are looking for a cheap system to set up a linux box, try building your
own.  Its really very easy, and much more rewarding.  Being able to pick and
choose your parts can allow you to build much more of a power system then
what you get when you buy a stock system.

Cory Waggoner

In article <7j2de0$7s3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eddie) wrote:

> Anyone think the eMachine 333cs (Cyrix MII-333 , 32 MB Ram , Soundcard Crystal
> CS 4235, ATI Rage IIc agp, 2 GIG HDD (yeah.. the only real limitation but I
> can live with a 2 gig linux anyway) ) is a decent linux box that would be my
> secondary machine? (I want to run it alongside my windows desktop which is the
> powerhorse machine for me)
> My question is more on the side of:
> -is the cyrix MII 333 known to be CRAPPY or is it a decent CPU?
> -Is the video card 'decent' enough for 1024 or 800*600 resolutions? (although
> I dont plan on running a monitor on it - remote administration! =]
> -could I get 'better' for cheaper somewhere else?
> Thx,
>         Eddie


From: jared <"<defaultuser">>
Subject: Re: Can't connect to my ISP yet, here's the pppd-output...
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 00:55:35 -0400

This is excellent advice; when I read Bill's HowTo , that simple sentence was a

Bill Unruh wrote:

> Just write a script to give your ISP what it wants. See
> for instructions as to how to do it.


From: "Randy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USR Modem problems
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 00:28:14 -0400
Reply-To: "Randy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've got an External 56k USR.  It's not a winmodem.  I do a setserial
/dev/ttyS1 and it sees that its on UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ 3. I've
also tried setserial /dev/cua1. I go into minicom and the modem lights turn
on, but I can't get it to dial. I've also tried ppp-go and the only thing it
does it lock up the modem. The modem works fine in win95 on com2 irq 3. I'm
running slackware 3.6. Kernel 2.0.35.
Thanks In Advance,



From: "Tom Rushmore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is Linux RISC compatible?
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 00:53:15 -0700

Well - my IBM RISC does have AIX (UNIX) installed on it.  But the idea of
working with UNIX does not thrill me at all.  Maybe there is something out
there that I can make the job easier and simpler.... but I don't know what
that answer would be.  Thanks for the reply.
Bill Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:kbH63.2911$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I would think so, but if you already have access to an IBM RISC system,
> it should already have IBM's AIX UNIX installed on it.  Why would you not
> want to use that?
> Bill Crocker
> Tom Rushmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:MtE63.2004$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Can anyone tell me if Linux can be used with an IBM RISC processor?  I
> will
> > have an extra RISC system available and would like to use it as a Linux
> > proxy to the Internet.  Any information would be very helpful.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Tom
> >
> >



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