Linux-Hardware Digest #440, Volume #10            Tue, 8 Jun 99 11:13:26 EDT

  Re: NICs needed badly (mike dombrowski)
  wo 19" ATX Einschub kaufen? (Georg Schwarz)
  [Q] SCSI-emulating EIDE controller exists? (Abdullah Ramazanoglu)
  Re: Linux on closed platforms? (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Sound Card problem ("Ari P. Korhonen")
  Re: Is it possible to build a sub-$500 Linux machine? ("Matt Goheen")
  Re: Linux program to exercise Dual-CPU system? (Suran)
  Epoch EPO 64/GX graphic card (Daniel Krebs)
  TNT + Java3D, Re: Riva TNT Drivers for Linux (Thomas Ruge)
  Riva TNT not working
  Printerspooler HBM RP21 (Sven Rosenow)
  Adaptec AIC-7895 with Zip drive and SCSI CDROM ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Internal modem (Abdullah Ramazanoglu)
  HP8100i and Linux (s98tong)
  Re: how i can install my agp video card? (killbill)
  Re: S3 Trio 3D AGP graphic card. (ilnyun kim)
  Re: "Kernel size too large" (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: HP DeskJet 820Cxi and PCI modem (Jarno Saarto)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mike dombrowski)
Subject: Re: NICs needed badly
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 19:41:32 GMT

3com 509b, DEC 20141, NE2000. You should go with one of the first two.

>Hello, I am in desperate need for 10 NICs for my RedHat Linux 5.2 boxes.
>I have read the page so please don't tell
>me to look there.
>I have had no luck in finding supported NICs for my RedHat Linux boxes.
>Please, if someone could point me to a site that has supported NICs I
>would be very very very thankful.
>Thanks in advance


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Georg Schwarz)
Crossposted-To: bln.markt,de.markt.comp.hardware
Subject: wo 19" ATX Einschub kaufen?
Date: 8 Jun 1999 12:39:09 GMT

Kennt jemand einen Laden in Berlin oder einen Versender, der einzelne ATX
Gehäuse inkl. Netzteil im 19" Einbauformat verkauft?
Institut für Theoretische Physik  +49 30 314-24254   FAX -21130  IRC kuroi
Technische Universität Berlin  


From: Abdullah Ramazanoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Q] SCSI-emulating EIDE controller exists?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:25:03 +0300

Think of a PCI or off-case disk controller card that that emulates some
popular SCSI controller, and drives 7 or 15 EIDE disks (possibly UDMA)
with only one IRQ line, DMA, and I/O range. I think that such a card,
coupled with RAID-5 support in Linux, and some additional RAM (fairly
cheap nowadays) to cover performance issues of EIDE and RAID-5, would be
very cost effective in building reliable, fast and large arrays.
Is there such a thing? Or am I asking (or dreaming) too much?
Thanks for putting up :)
Abdullah Ramazanoglu    ( aramazanoglu AT demirbank DOT com DOT tr )


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux on closed platforms?
Date: 8 Jun 1999 13:23:31 GMT

On Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:35:05 -0500, Dave wrote:

>Please understand that my interest is not to exploit the free software
>community but to support it as best I can by promoting it through my
>company's products.  We are in the business of selling systems, not
>software applications, and the savings of moving to a free but
>unsupported operating system is basically a wash (personal opinions
>Is there a mechanism in place that allows the use of GPL software
>(namely Linux) in such a system?  I'm looking for a condoned approach,

Modifications to the kernel itself cannot be kept secret. 

Add-ons ( eg a GUI desktop, configuration tools ) needn't be open source.
This is considered acceptable ( in fact mainstream distributers such
as Caldera and SuSE have written proprietry add ons ) 

>not loopholes.  I have nothing against delivering the source code for
>the operating system, but practically all modifications, 

"modifications" is the place where you will have some trouble. The GPL 
requires you to make modifications to GPLd code public.

> applications,

Applications are not a problem.

>and drivers we create 

Drivers are touchy because you may need to modify the kernel to get
them to work (?) I don't think a kernel module would need to be made open
source, but modifications to the kernel source would.

> will be confidential for the reasons mentioned
>above and cannot be included in the source distribution.

Another thing you could consider is using a BSD as your base. The BSD
variants have a less restrictive license.

-- Donovan


From: "Ari P. Korhonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat,hepnet.freehep,linux,
Subject: Sound Card problem
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 13:30:41 GMT


I have a Sound Blaster 16-bit PnP sound card and sndconfig detects it
properly, but after that my computer gets stuck. It is unbeliveable. I
have tried to re-install RH6 but it didn't help. Is it a program
malfunction or should I try some other ways to install my sound ware?

Ari P. Korhonen


From: "Matt Goheen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is it possible to build a sub-$500 Linux machine?
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 08:49:40 -0400

Well, if you time is free, it should be no problem at all.

    ATX case - $30
    FIC PA-2013, or VA-505+ - $80
    AMD K62/350 - $65
    Matrox G100 - $20
    4Gb IDE HD - $100
    8x IDE CD-ROM - $20
    floppy drive - $10
    56K Modem - $??
    printer - $??

Getting an ATX case for $30 can be tricky.  The FIC MBs (usually) support both ATX and 
power connectors, so you could get an AT case for about $20.  These prices are for all
new equipment, but you can certainly do better just picking up an older system.

    - Matt Goheen

xiangdong shi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> I am new to Linux. Having heard of how wonderful it is, I want to build
> a sub-$500 PC (not including the monitor) with Linux only. I am thinking
> of a machine on par with the other $500 windoz PC on the market in terms
> of the hardware. A Celeron 366 or AMD K6-2 350, a 100Mhz ATX Motherboard,
> 4mb-8mb Video, a 36xCDROM drive, 56K modem, 4.3Gb HDD, a cheapo-sound card
> and speaker. Is this possible? Will I run into support problems because I
> picked up cheap components?
> Thanks for reply.
> Shi


Subject: Re: Linux program to exercise Dual-CPU system?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:13:17 +0200

> mumford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I actually managed to munge my system up pretty badly (but not unrecoverably)
> > using 'make -j'.  I was getting all kinds of "can't fork" errors (with 192 MB
> > of memory and 256 MB of swap, I should damn well have been able to fork).
> > Anyway, less risky way of doing the same test is to use 'make -j 2' or -j 4,
> > replacing the number with the number of CPUs you have.
> I've never had a problem compiling a kernel with make -j, but I did once
> get those can't fork errors when compiling (also w/ make -j) an in-house
> FEM code.  I've got 512 MB RAM/40 MB swap.  The recommendation in smp.txt
> is actually #CPU's+1 or no number "if you have tons of memory/swap."

Theoretically <CPU>+1 should be perfect, since for bigegr numbers the
CPUs are
utilized better but the memory-system has unneeded work swaping data to
and from the
processors/2nd-level-cache. The +1 Task does a good job at "jumping in"
while the
one for that processor is waiting for IO.

> --
> ------------------------------------
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Krebs)
Subject: Epoch EPO 64/GX graphic card
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:05:49 +0100

for some reasons i have to work with an Epoch EPO 64/GX graphic card.
this is based on a REALmagic 64/GX Chip (SD6425) (and 1 MB DRAM), a
consumer solution made by Sigma Designs (they are more known for its
series of hardware mpeg decoders and video accelerators it seems ...) 

is anyone there who found a way running this card with a better than the
vga16 server? 

SuperProbe says (in it's docu) it knows Sigma Designs chipsets, and
gives a correct description when probing the card indeed. 

but the SVGA server i tried ( dont know the chipset, and is
unwilling to work with it other than in 320 x 200 mode. instead i get
a message, that this is not a S3 chip (i really knew that before :-))
and never had said, it were ...), and therefore there is no support for

i have then looked up the rel.notes and readmes of the release,
but found nothing about Sigma Designs, REALmagic or SD6425 ... ? 

so im running the card with the vga16, but since i have to work on the
machine with this card for the next 3 months or so, it would be
a little bit lousy all the time with 16 colors in a somewhat poor
resolution and with a flickering netscape ... 

so if there is someone out there who had solved this allright, please
mail me ...

thank you for your time

*Daniel Krebs
*UFZ  Centre for Environmental Research
*39114 Magdeburg, Brückstraße 3a, Germany
*Phone: +49 391 8109 115 / Fax: +49 391 8109150


From: Thomas Ruge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TNT + Java3D, Re: Riva TNT Drivers for Linux
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:48:27 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Michael Meissner wrote:

> Vagelis Blathras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > >
> > > > Thanks Jimmy,
> > > > Did you use the Xfree driver?
> >
> > The new Xfree Server appears to have better 2D acceleration, and it seems
> > ok to me.
> I went back to the standard server, as it doesn't seem to be able to
> work with emacs correctly on my Diamond Viper 550 PCI video card.  If I go to a
> line ending in "0 " (ie, 0 followed by a space), and position the cursor at the
> end of the line (ie, on top of the space), the cursor disappears completely.
> If I position the cursor over the 0, it does not display the 0 inside the
> block, but instead displays the 0 as a different color.  I tried this in both
> 16 bits/pixel and 32 bits/pixel, and with "sw_cursor" specified and not,
> without any resources or emacs initializations.  In all cases, it had the same
> behavior.
> --
> Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
> PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482

I use the ASUS AGP V3800 ultra deluxe, i have not this problem, everything works
fine for me, but unfortunately the GL-Library is missing some GL-calls so i cant
run Java3D with hardware rendering.


Thomas Ruge, Siemens Virtual Reality Center
private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Michael Meissner wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Vagelis Blathras &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
<p>> > >
<br>> > > Thanks Jimmy,
<br>> > > Did you use the Xfree driver?
<br>> The new Xfree Server appears to have better 2D acceleration, and
it seems
<br>> ok to me.
<p>I went back to the standard server, as it doesn't seem to be
able to
<br>work with emacs correctly on my Diamond Viper 550 PCI video card.&nbsp;
If I go to a
<br>line ending in "0 " (ie, 0 followed by a space), and position the cursor
at the
<br>end of the line (ie, on top of the space), the cursor disappears completely.
<br>If I position the cursor over the 0, it does not display the 0 inside
<br>block, but instead displays the 0 as a different color.&nbsp; I tried
this in both
<br>16 bits/pixel and 32 bits/pixel, and with "sw_cursor" specified and
<br>without any resources or emacs initializations.&nbsp; In all cases,
it had the same
<br>Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
<br>PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
<br>email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; phone: 
fax: 978-692-4482</blockquote>
I use the ASUS AGP V3800 ultra deluxe, i have not this problem, everything
works fine for me, but unfortunately the GL-Library is missing some GL-calls
so i cant run Java3D with hardware rendering.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thomas
Thomas Ruge, Siemens Virtual Reality Center
private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]</pre>



Subject: Riva TNT not working
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 11:39:56 GMT

I have downloaded the drivers for libc5(not dyn) for a Slackware system 4.0
and after following the directions end with the following error when trying
to access the TNT card for 3d apps such as the Mesa demos:
./gears: can't resolve symbol '__register_frame_info'

This error is consistently present for any of the demos.  Also the demos
do work when they are mapped to use libMesaGL...  
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?  Do I need to compile and in-
stall glx-0.99?  JJB


From: Sven Rosenow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printerspooler HBM RP21
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:52:59 +0200

I got one of these spoolers but I don't have an idea how to use it. I
have no docs and on the homepage is very few
information about it. The software on their page is for windows and I
was able to change the IP- adress of the device but I was not able to
print a file.

Can anybody help me to print a document over this spooler or does anyone
know where to get some hints ?


Subject: Adaptec AIC-7895 with Zip drive and SCSI CDROM
Date: 8 Jun 1999 14:36:02 GMT

I have an Adaptec AIC-7895 UW SCSI card built into my motherboard. It's
one of those ones that have two channels. For a while, now, I've had
a Scanner and a Zip drive hooked up to Channel A of my SCSI interface
without any trouble, either on Win98 or Linux. However, I just got a new
SCSI CDROM drive and hooked it up to channel B. It gets recognized fine
and works without any problems under Win98. However, I cannot mount
it with Linux... Anyone have any idea what's causing this?



From: Abdullah Ramazanoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Internal modem
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 20:14:05 +0300

Sorry to say that nearly 99% of PCI 56K modems are soft-modem. Anyway
there is still a chance that yours is not. There is a perfect site to
visit for soft-modem issues and a check-list:

Good luck,

"Nicolas.GASNIER" wrote:
> I have an internal PCI modem. Windows and all the docs I have says me that
> this modem uses the COM 2 port and the irq 10 (I have configured linux for
> this settings with the setserial utility), and that it is compatible with
> the standard AT commands.
> But I can't get it work : when I try to call my internet provider, I get in
> my system log a message like this : pppd :I/O error (using the /dev/cua1
> device correctly configured).
> My modem is a MDP 3858V-E from Rockwell. Can someone tell me if my modem is
> definitely incompatible with linux or what to do to get it work ?

Abdullah Ramazanoglu    ( aramazanoglu AT demirbank DOT com DOT tr )


From: s98tong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP8100i and Linux
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:53:04 +0200

Thinking about buying this CD-writer since it has got very good reviews
in press. However, I´m wondering how it works under Linux? Anyone who
has tested? Does the HP disaster recovery work under Linux as well? Is
there anyone with another HP CD-writer model who has any experiences of
running it and installing it under Linux?


Lars Tong Strömberg


From: killbill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how i can install my agp video card?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 13:21:58 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Killer Bee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm having trouble to configure an AGP Video Card.
> My card is an Diamond Stealth II G460.
> Tanks for all
> Killer Bee

First going to the diamond ( web page, looking at
products -> graphics -> stealth II G460,  I find the following

"... featuring Intel740(TM) graphics"...

That tells me that this card uses the Intel740 chipset (duh!).  This
information was probably on documentation that came with the card, and
is likely stamped on the "big chip in the middle" of the card.

Next, we go to the xfree86 home page (, where we go to
"XFree86 video card/server list", then use the "search in page" option
in our browser to look for 740 to be anywhere on the page.  It is not.
This is bad news, as your card's chipset (the brain, so to speak) is not
supported by the normal Xwindows distribution.

Now we follow the FAQ link on that same page, and look up the

Low and behold, there is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) entitled
"Q.F16- Is a server for the Intel i740 chipset available?".  The answer

"Boards based on Intel i740 chips are not supported in XFree86, as
programming documentation is not available.  For users of Linux based
machines, Red Hat has made a binary only server XBF_i740 available at
their ftp server.  Check for details.

So you have three choices, none mutually exclusive:
1) Run Red Hat Linux, and go get their binary only server.

2) Complain to Intel and Diamond that they should either release
necessary programming details for their chipsets and video cards, or
they should write every driver for every version of every operating
system ever, or you will walk down to the store and get yourself an
NVidia TNT chipset based board.  Note that this option will not actually
accomplish anything, but it may make you feel better.

3a) Search all of usenet and the web (or for "i740" and
"Linux" occuring together in the same post.  There have been a bunch of
these questions, and probably some good answers.  I am not an expert on
this topic, I am just being helpfull :).  I only followed the threads
far enough to decide to get an Nvidia base card instead of a i740 based

3b) Only then would I recommend you post another question to this forum,
but this time with a meaningfull title (as opposed to your nearly
irrelevant title) like "How do I get my i740 video card working with
(insert Linux distribution here)".  Good questions beget good answers,
especially on usenet.

Bil Kilgallon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
--"I believe, what I believe, has made me what I am.  I did not make
   it, It is making me, it is the very truth of God, not the invention
   of any man".  Rich Mullins, quoting G.K. Chesterton.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: ilnyun kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: S3 Trio 3D AGP graphic card.
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 22:01:06 +0900

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-KR
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Tsmanlyman wrote:

> go here : http//
>   You can get the supported card listings here. If you have an S3-based card,
> chances are that it's good to go with the standard S3 server. If not, you may
> have to actually *buy* a commercial server for it. (ick)

Thanks Tsmanlyman .
Really,there is the S3 3D trio support.
You are cool !

I am happy now.
I would say this good news to our linuxers in my country.


********  ^^  *******************************
I am ilnyun kim in south Korea.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=EUC-KR
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Tsmanlyman wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>go here : http//
<p>&nbsp; You can get the supported card listings here. If you have an
S3-based card,
<br>chances are that it's good to go with the standard S3 server. If not,
you may
<br>have to actually *buy* a commercial server for it. (ick)</blockquote>
Thanks Tsmanlyman .
<br>Really,there is the S3 3D trio support.
<br>You are cool !
<p>I am happy now.
<br>I would say this good news to our linuxers in my country.

********&nbsp; ^^&nbsp; *******************************
I am ilnyun kim in south Korea.
<A HREF=""></A>
<A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A></pre>



From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: "Kernel size too large"
Date: 08 Jun 1999 10:06:30 -0400

Chris Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Instead of using 'make zImage' when you're at that last step, try using
> 'make bzImage'. Bzipped files are MUCH smaller than their zipped
> counterparts.

bzImage has nothing to do with bzip2.  the bz is a red herring.

iirc zImages must fit into the 640k of 16 bit access since it's loaded
by 16 bit code.  bzImage bootstraps its way to 32 bit land and
therefore has room to load the larger kernel.

johan kullstam


From: Jarno Saarto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP DeskJet 820Cxi and PCI modem
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:52:34 +0300

It is possible to get them both working. For now color is not supported, but
black printing should work fine. 820 series printers use PPA protocol invented
by HP so we only need to spool PPA files to the printer instead of the normal
PBM files.

"Dxx-Richard_T_Myers(0)0" wrote:

> Jarno Saarto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> :     Hi,
> : I have HP DJ 820 series printer which I havent managed to setup under RH
> : 6 yet. I have consulted the PPA www-page, from where I got a program
> : called pbm2ppa. I still can't print. When I print ascii file from
> : command prompt the print fails when about 80% of page has been printed.
> : PS printing doesn't work at all. Can anyone help?
> I have an HP 820Cse, and it is a win printer. I understand that it
> is normal for it to work only partially with Linux, although I haven't
> tried it. Blame Bill G.
> best wishes,
> --
> richard myers



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