Linux-Hardware Digest #498, Volume #10           Tue, 15 Jun 99 19:13:29 EDT

  Mouse Problem:  PS2 mouse/keyboard.  Keyboard hangs when ps2aux read from ("Erik 
  Re: mt ... fsf not working (Paul Smicker)
  Re: Internal Modem Help (Chris K)
  Re: Dual Celerons, is it possible? (Mike Frisch)
  Re: Am looking for the i740 OpenGL driver (Jeff Potter)
  Teles S0 Box ("leprecon")
  artisoft AE-2/C confusing W7 jumper (B'ichela)
  Re: Adaptec 1505 (David Fox)
  Re: PCI SCSI card driver for MacOS? (Andrew de los Reyes)
  Re: Ensoniq AudioPCI S5016 Sound Card Support? ("Kris Erpenbeck")
  Modem problems (a couple of answers) (miga)
  canon bjc-250 ("J.Wien")
  Re: Sound Cards / Slackware 3.5 (Mircea)
  Re: ATI XPERT 128 ("dpc")
  Comtrol RocketPort (Chukwuweta Chukwudebe)
  Re: SB Live driver does SB Live Value? (Tuomo Louhivuori)
  lilo.conf, vga=<number>, VESAfb, etc. (A. Sielaff)
  Re: Celeron or PII? (bryan)
  Re: Booting headless? ("dpc")
  SB Live Value kernel detection (C)
  Re: Comtrol RocketPort ("Clint Byrum")


From: "Erik Zweers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mouse Problem:  PS2 mouse/keyboard.  Keyboard hangs when ps2aux read from
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:50:46 GMT

OK, I'll rub the bump on my forehead.

I'm trying to get my mouse working on my machine.  Basically though, running
X, gpm, or simply 'cat'ing /dev/mouse (linked to /dev/ps2aux) causes my
keyboard to become unresponsive (and the mouse does nothing as well).

I figured that I would do a strace of cat to see what it might tell me.
I'll summerize the results.  Basically, the last 5 lines of the trace are as
fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0666, st_rdev=makedev(10, 1), ...}) = 0
brk(0x8050000)                          = 0x8050000
read(4, "\2", 4096)                     = 1
write(1, "\2", 1)                       = 1
read(4, 0x804dc88, 4096)                = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted)
The process then sits there at this point.  I telnet in with another box and
kill the cat process to regain console access.

It would appear that the program reads one char from the device, then failes
to read anything else.

The kernel I'm running is 2.2.9, and the distribution my machine has
installed is slackware 4.0.  I have upgraded the kernel from 2.2.6, and have
compiled in the ps2 mouse code.
Anyways, for all I know, cat could be the worst way to do this, but I do
find the results intresting.  Advice, sympathy, suggestions, flames,
fixes(hint) are all welcome.


From: Paul Smicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: mt ... fsf not working
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:04:23 -0700

0.4 indeed fixed the problem--thanks again!

Paul Smicker
Computer Specialist

Michael Meissner wrote:

> > andreas,
> >
> > paul's specified the tape not to rewind /dev/nst0.
> >                                              ^
> >
> > paul,
> >
> > i came across the same problem.  here's one of many solutions:
> >    dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/nst0
> > then you can fire up restore.
> Rev'ing mt up to 0.5b (or down to 0.4) will also fix the problem.  FWIW, RedHat
> 5.2 ships 0.5 (ie, the buggy version), and RedHat 6.0 ships 0.5b.
> --
> Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
> PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


Subject: Re: Internal Modem Help
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 19:14:49 -0700

it's a winmodem, I deal with those pos all the time


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Frisch)
Subject: Re: Dual Celerons, is it possible?
Date: 14 Jun 1999 02:06:30 GMT

On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:34:47 -0400, Tony Enriquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Are there motherboards that support dual celeron processors? Is this even

You can do it with Slot 1 Celerons modified to support SMP or use Socket
370 Celerons with dual-capable Slotkets (like the one from MSI).  Sharky
Extreme ( has lots of info.


  Mike Frisch                         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Northstar Technologies        WWW:
  Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA


From: Jeff Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Am looking for the i740 OpenGL driver
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 03:13:59 +0000

Rtveliashvili Denis wrote:

>        Hi     :)
> Does anybody know where it is possible to find the OpenGL
> driver for a i740 based card? Or at least where to find an
> information on it?
> Now I'm using MesaGL, but software rendering is too slow to
> work with serious programs.
>         Thank You.
>                  Denis

Xi Graphics ( is working on an accelerated X
server for various cards, including the i740.  They have a technology
demo called their EV 2 edition that works.  Their web site says they are
selling this for $375; maybe you can convince them to give you one...

Jeff Potter


From: "leprecon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Teles S0 Box
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 04:32:22 +0200


is there someone out there able to get my stupid teles box to work under
I know the modem is not ufficially supported but by the hisax driver but it
is still there!!!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: artisoft AE-2/C confusing W7 jumper
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 08:31:59 GMT

Being these frustrations are BOTH network and hardware I wanted to mention
both here:
        After a year of hiatus on the networking (or trying to). I decided to
REREAD the Artisoft info reguarding my second hand cards. The docs say this
about jumper w7
   W7 Selects extended length segment length for thin coaxial cable IEEE
   (AE-2/C) (Will only work properly if ALL nodes on the
   Network are AE2 or AE3 cards and ALL nodes have this jumper set)

Problem is. my IBM XT in the bedroom is using a WD8013EP card not Artisoft.
What should I set W7 to? it has two positions A or B? The Artisoft AE-2/C
is installed in my Linux system. and my XT will not work with the other
AE-2/C as the Crynwar packet drivers for the Ne2000 mode lock up machine
when a pachet from the Linux box is sent.
        When using the Linux system to the WD8013EP card. (linux AE-2/C is
set to the A position of w7. I just do NOT get any datagrams getting
recognized by Crynwar's pktwatch program on the XT
        Should W7 be set for A or B when connecting to non-artisoft
networking hardware?
        What is the best way to Make darn sure a packet goes out eth0? I
tried setting up as according to the Net 3-1.3 howto and using ping (XT
would be address
        Pinging that address results in 100% packet loss.

                A pearl of wisdom from the y2K newsgroups:
Y2K appears to be the Baby Boomers mid-life crisis, and it has the
potential to be a dandy.
                        -- Anonymnous --



Subject: Re: Adaptec 1505
From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Date: 15 Jun 1999 13:23:23 -0700

Dan Alderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anyone know if there is support for this in the kernel?  If so then
> which adaptec module can I use?  If not then is there a patch?
> I have RedHat 6.0 so therefore kernel 2.2.5-22.

You use something like

  insmod aha152x aha152x=0x140,10,7,1

depending on the adapter jumper settings for i/o address and irq.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew de los Reyes)
Subject: Re: PCI SCSI card driver for MacOS?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:15:46 -0500

maybe i'm off here, but I thought red hat doesn't run on a PPC processor.

-Andrew de los Reyes

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Johan Kullstam

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raymond B. Kropp, M .D.) writes:
> > Trying to get into Linux.  VERY new.
> > 
> > Red-Hat will not recognize an ultra-wide SCSI HD that's running off of a
> > PCI adapter on a 333 mH PowerPC (MacOS).  Any suggesions as to how I can
> > get an install?  My OS is on a different drive (IDE).
> the support for scsi cards is via kernel compiled-in driver or a
> module.  find out your scsi card and figure out what kernel options
> you want to set.  if you have modules for the various scsi cards, load
> the appropriate one.  insmod aic7xxx.o for example.
> tell us what scsi adapter you have and we can help you more.
> -- 
> J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
> Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: "Kris Erpenbeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ensoniq AudioPCI S5016 Sound Card Support?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:15:03 -0600

Tim wrote in message ...
>"Kris Erpenbeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I just installed SuSE Linux 6.1 on my PII-400 system.
>> I am unable to get sound working, and I think its because
>> I have a Ensoniq AudioPCI S5016 card which from what
>> I can tell is unsupported.  I was wondering if anyone can
>> tell me if indeed this card is or is not supported?
> Yes. Supported well by the  ALSA drivers. Get them and install
>them. Then run the setup utility and of  you go. Either  that or get a
>2.2.x kernel and use the drivers in that.

Thank you all, got it working.... Just had to use the es1370 module instead
of 1371
and then it worked.  (Well sort of, also had to get sox downloaded in order
to play
sound files).

Thanks again....



From: miga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem problems (a couple of answers)
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:20:41 -0300

Hello to all.

First of all, as far as I know, internal ISA modems are NOT winmodems.
If your modem is PnP you can use isapnptools to configure the I/O and
Second, check that setserial is recognizing your UART, if not, use
to set the correct UART.
Then, use minicom to try to dial a few numbers.

I hope that this info is useful.
Best regards



From: "J.Wien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: canon bjc-250
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:52:55 +0200

I've Linux SuSe 6.1 and a Canon BJC-250 printer.
My problem is, how do I get the printer to work.
I've tried using YAST, but that don't work either.
Please help

Jan Wien


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound Cards / Slackware 3.5
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 00:54:57 -0400

Ben Adler wrote:
> I got a quickie here folks - flame me or whatever, I don't care.
> I just did a full install of Slackware at home.  I haven't yet been able to get 
>Linux to recognize my sound card.
> It's a PCI sound card, Diamond Multimedia MX330 - what's that utility to dump PNP 
>stuff to a file - isapnp?  I can't remember for the life of me.
> Thanks
> Ben Adler

Use pnpdump >file to get the info from your card, then isapnp to set it



From: "dpc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI XPERT 128
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:18:36 -0400

There is no XServer for the 128 chipset yet.  Sorry.  There is however, (as
is so common in Linux, <G>) a workaround to get it up and running at this
I have not tried it myself, but the author claims it works, so if follow
closely, it hopefully will.  Good luck!


Batman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've a problem with my video card (ATI XPERT 128)
> My video card isn't supported in X-Windows, so i choosed the normal SVGA
> Then I tried to test the configuration, but there was just a black screen!
> please help me
> thx


From: Chukwuweta Chukwudebe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Comtrol RocketPort
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:15:46 -0700

    This is my first time posting, so forgive me if this is not the
news group for this. I have  a brand new spanking Comtrol PCI
Rocketport  with 8 I/O ports, (I'm trying to build a pppd dialin
    I installed the hardware, downloaded the drivers from and recompiled them as per the instructions,
(make clean; make; make install;) Everything went  smoothly.
The machine detects the board during the boot process.
The problem is that after rebooting the machine, I dont see the 8 new
in the /dev directory. Consequently, the attempts to load the driver

    I suspect this is because I am forgetting to configure something,
perhaps with the setrocket program that comes with the install,
but the instructions do not mention this, and my UNIX knowledge
is is not super extensive.
Here are the contents of a cat of the /proc/pci

 Bus  0, device  15, function  0:
    Communication controller: Comtrol RocketPort 8 Intf (rev 4).
      Slow devsel.  IRQ 7.
      I/O at 0xf4c0.

Here is the error that I get during boot and also when I
try to invoke the driver by hand.

Jun 15 12:44:26 Xa kernel: Rocketport device driver module, version
1.15, 1-Sep-98
Jun 15 12:44:26 Xa kernel: Rocketport controller #0 found at 00:78, -1
AIOP(s) (PCI Rocketport 8)
Jun 15 12:44:26 Xa kernel: No rocketport ports found; unloading driver.
Jun 15 12:44:26 Xa kernel: Rocketport device driver module, version
1.15, 1-Sep-98
Jun 15 12:44:26 Xa kernel: Rocketport controller #0 found at 00:78, -1
AIOP(s) (PCI Rocketport 8)
Jun 15 12:44:26 Xa kernel: No rocketport ports found; unloading driver.

I am running RedHat ver 5.6, Linux 2.0.36

What am I doing wrong?


From: Tuomo Louhivuori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB Live driver does SB Live Value?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 05:46:29 GMT

Andrew de los Reyes wrote:

> does anyone know if the linux soundblaster live driver works for sound
> blaster live value? the driver is at:

It works just fine.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (A. Sielaff)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x,,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: lilo.conf, vga=<number>, VESAfb, etc.
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 13:53:44 GMT


Looking for a little help/clarification RE: the use of "vga=" in 

I've recently setup the VESA frame buffering device (fb0) in order to 
have XFree run with my [unsupported] video card - (many thanks to the 
author of the very thorough instructions provided here:

Unfortunately, I've run into a bit of trouble when trying to pass LILO a 
video mode of 800x600x24bpp (hex=0315, decimal=789 -> see the VESAfb 
Mini-HOWTO at

When using "vga=0315", "vga=789", or just about any other mode in my 
lilo.conf, LILO returns an error at boot time stating that Ive passed an 
"undefined" mode.  I then press [RETURN] to get a list of the modes 
available, and am given 7: 0F01 thru 0F07.  LILO then prompts me to enter 
a mode number, presumably from the list.  However, At this point I can 
enter "0315" or "789" and Linux boots at 800x600 w/ 16mil colors.

HMMM... Why won't LILO recognize 0315 or 789 in lilo.conf, but accept it 
at the prompt?  How can I remedy this situation?  Any help/input would be 
very much appreciated.

Thanks A Lot,

Alex S.


From: bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron or PII?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:34:55 GMT

V. Doan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Lee Sau Dan ~{@nJX6X~} wrote:
: <snip>

: > I did hold this belief,  until I've successfully overclocked my 300A's
: > to     450MHz.     It    has     been    running     'mprime'    (c.f.
: >, a CPU-intensive  program for 5 days without
: > any  problems.  (In  fact,  mine  is a  dual-Celeron  system, and  I'm
: > running two 'mprime' processes concurrently.)

: <snip>

: Can you give me the specifics of your system.  I would like to build a dual 
: system myself.

: Motherboard?
: CPU's?
: etc.?

known to work well:

asus p2bd
cel 300a (o/c to 450 by rasing voltage from 2.0 to 2.2)

what else do you need to know?

Bryan [at] Grateful.Net


From: "dpc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Booting headless?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:26:23 -0400

Slightly off topic, but I'm trying to do what's described below - console
access via serial port, and I've read the serial-console.txt in
/usr/src/linux/Documentation, but I have a small problem.

I can get boot messages as I type linux console=ttyS1,<SPEED> at the boot
prompt.  However, it seems that after the Serial driver is loaded, I get no
more output and no login prompt on the serial port.  I've tried using both
agetty mgetty with no luck.    In my /etc/inittab, I now have:
S1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 9600 ttyS1 vt100

However, after boot and login on local console, I get INIT: Id "S1"
respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes.

I recompiled the kernel to support serial console access, shoud I have done
Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated - I'm getting tired of having to
switch the monitor/keyboard every two seconds.  <grin>


Remove AllYourClothes. to reply directly to me.

> to not detect the keyboard will be fine.  If however you would still
> like to have console access via one of the serial ports there is a
> serial-port console howto out there.  This works quite well if you
> want to hook up a dumb terminal or other serial device to act as the
> console in place of a monitor and keyboard.  If you can't find it,
> send me an email and I'll send you my somewhat dated copy.
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Michael | mfaurot  | Mobius strippers never show you their back side.
>  Faurot  | |


Subject: SB Live Value kernel detection
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:55:12 GMT

When i tried to install the sblive driver i downloaded from Creative,

I typed:


and got the following message (i'm paraphrasing)

Error:  Kernel 2.2.5 not found.

now i have kernel 2.2.5-15 and i'm running RedHat 6.0 on an i686
and have no other real problems except the non detection of my sound

sndconfig did not detect any pnp sound cards when it probed.  none of
the other SB card settings worked.

anyway- any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Clint Byrum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Comtrol RocketPort
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:47:01 -0700

>    I installed the hardware, downloaded the drivers from
> and recompiled them as per the instructions,
>(make clean; make; make install;) Everything went  smoothly.
>The machine detects the board during the boot process.
>The problem is that after rebooting the machine, I dont see the 8 new
>in the /dev directory. Consequently, the attempts to load the driver
You need create device nodes for the ports. I'm not sure if the stock
MAKEDEV script supports the ttyR's, but the install instructions should tell
you how to make them(either through MAKEDEV or mknod).



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