Linux-Hardware Digest #498, Volume #14           Sun, 18 Mar 01 11:13:06 EST

  Re: Experience with Abit KT7A? ("Brian McKerr")
  Re: Experience with Abit KT7A? ("Brian McKerr")
  TIFF file is corrupted!!!(HylaFax) ("Cityline")
  Re: Should I abandon SCSI? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Setting ISA modem in Red Hat 7 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Support for Dell PowerEdge RAID controllers? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: adaptec 19160 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: adaptec 19160 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Adaptec 2940UW with Suse 7.0 ("Thumper")
  Zipslack on USB Zip drive? (Rod Smith)
  Re: Support for Dell PowerEdge RAID controllers? ("Ola Theander")
  Visioneer 4400 USB Scanner (Young4ert)
  ISDN ("Arkadiusz Sawicz")
  Re: Adaptec 2940UW with Suse 7.0 ("Tim Cuthbertson")
  Re: Adaptec 2940UW with Suse 7.0 ("Tim Cuthbertson")
  Intellimouse Trackball... ("Brandon K")
  Re: Intellimouse Trackball... ("Brandon K")
  Partition Error (bill g)


From: "Brian McKerr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Experience with Abit KT7A?
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 19:55:28 +1000

I have a KT7A and 45gb ibm gxp, I was able to successfully install mandrake
7.2 on the last 5gb with the drive connected to the first ATA100 port (which
shows up as ide3/hde)  without any dramas, the bios was even "smart enough"
to be able to boot from this partition without any special tinkering.



"Dances With Crows" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 23:23:51 +0100, Stefan Rauch staggered into the
> Black Sun and said:
> >has anybody of you experience with the Abit KT7A motherboard?
> >Does it work with Linux or is it not supported?
> I've got a KT-7 here that's been working just fine with Linux for almost
> a month.  No problems at all.  If the KT7-A is the one with onboard
> HPT370 RAID, you will probably have to do some dancing around to install
> Linux and use the RAID features:  Hook a drive to the UDMA/66
> controller, install there, compile a kernel with HPT370 support and RAID
> support, then use that kernel.  Full info can be had by searching Google
> for "HPT370 Linux".  HTH,
> --
> Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to
> Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt
>     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
> -----------------------------/    I hit a seg fault....


From: "Brian McKerr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Experience with Abit KT7A?
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 20:07:52 +1000

Sorry my mistake, my board is actually a KT7 not the 133mhz FSB 'A' model.




From: "Cityline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TIFF file is corrupted!!!(HylaFax)
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 13:50:24 +0300

TIFF file is corrupted!!!(HylaFax)
I already wrote about this problem. I am using Red Hat 5.2 on my server and
HylaFax as fax-program. I have modem Zyxel U1496E+. When I am working in
Internet, the modem's  work  is fine. But when I want to receive or to send
the fax, modem do not work! Transfer is beginning, run,run, and ... error!!!
The connection is dead. It I told. What I made.  I run the programm
faxaddmodem, and set the parameter PercentGoodLines equal 0, the parameter
MaxConsequtiveBadLines   equal 100. So, I can to receive any fax! But! All
faxes,  received as TIFF files, is corrupted! Kodak Image Viewer can't to
read it. There is some error in process transferring the information.

Do You can help me? What I made incorrect?

Thanks! Dima.

P.S.  How I can to switch on my modem, which  work with Hylafax, the regime


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Should I abandon SCSI?
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 12:15:10 +0100

In comp.os.linux.hardware Ron Reaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ed Blackman wrote in message ...
>>On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 01:17:05 GMT, Ron Reaugh wrote:
>>>Ed Blackman wrote in message ...
>>>>On Thu, 01 Mar 2001 00:09:27 GMT, Ron Reaugh wrote:
>>>>>NewsReader2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message ...
>>>>Because a single drive failure in RAID 0 array takes down the entire
>>>>array, the probability of failure of a RAID 0 array is the *sum* of the
>>>>probability of failures of all of the drives in the array.  So a single
>>>>drive *is* more reliable than a RAID 0 array.
>>>That's not the issue.
>>It might not be the only issue, but it's the one that my comments where
>>directed towards.  Newsreader2 said that single drives had greater
>>reliability and stability.  You said that his statement was nonsense.
>>I showed you were wrong: it *isn't* nonsense so say that single drives
>>are more reliable than a RAID 0 array.

> You are a bold faced liar as anyone who reads the thread for themself can
> see.

I think that's "barefaced" or "bald-something"! I don't personally
trust people who aren't able to say what they mean.

I'm happily buying up 1996 quantum 1.2GB scsi 2 drives for $20 apiece
at the weekly flea market outside my door! Wheee ... let's go for raid1
or raid5, shall we?



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Setting ISA modem in Red Hat 7
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 12:23:50 +0100


> Saturday March 17 2001 15:23, Peter T. Breuer wrote to All:

>  >> I have two modems. One is a software modem Motorola SM 56k (PCI) 
>  > and
>  >> the other

>  PB> That's not a modem. See for more explanations.

> What is it then?

"A soundcard" would be a fair approximation at an answer. It's an
interface to a telephone line that contains neither a uart,
nor a hayes command interpreter, not a digital signal processor (as I
recall - check!).

>  >> one is an a hardware US Robotics Sportster 33.6K (ISA). I was
>  >> expecting to have

>  PB> This is possibly not a modem either. See the same reference.

> And????

And what?



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Support for Dell PowerEdge RAID controllers?
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 12:26:24 +0100

Dances With Crows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 20:37:14 -0500, Rinaldi J. Montessi staggered into
> the Black Sun and said:
>>Dances With Crows wrote:
>>> the Modules floppy, mount it, copy the scsi-mod.gz file to somewhere,
>>> gunzip it, mount that file (sigh), and you'll find megaraid.o in there.

> The .gz is a Minix filesystem image, and as such contains not just the
> modules, but a bunch of filesystem information.  It's *NOT* a tar
> archive; tar says "hmm, this doesn't seem to be a tar file".  Hence the
> fiddling with mount.  I don't know why they decided to do it this way--
> probably so the whole thing could be loaded into a RAMdisk with a
> minimum of hassle.

How did you spot that? It would possibly have occurred to me too, but
I wouldn't like to bet on it being a 10sec affair.

Or is this an install disk of some kind?



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: adaptec 19160
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 12:41:05 +0100

Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd welcome reports of success with the adaptec 19160 card. (kernel?)
> Adaptecs product pages seem to go to lengths to say that the 29160
> supports unix/linux blah blah, is for mid range servers, and the
> 19160 supports windows and home workstations, and never the twain
> shall meet.

This is the most positive answer I could find in my archive search:

    Message: 3602766
    FROM: andy thomas
    DATE: 04/15/2000 00:08:59
    SUBJECT: RE:  Adaptec 19160 support?
    On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, David Krantz wrote:
    > Is it at all possible to use an Adaptec 19160-card (Ultra/160-scsi) with
    > linux?
    Yes. The aic7xxx.o kernel module supports this card. Some Linux
    distributions include precompiled kernels that support this card
    `out of
    the box`.
Several other posts ask for help, complain of bizarre problems, etc. 
> I need it to host some scsi2 lvd ultrawide disks.

> I've seen a couple of archived reports saying that things work fine in
> the 2.2.18 kernel, and others quoting weird effects on boot in earlier
> kernels. Fine ... I don't care where the driver fits, so long as there
> is one. But the 19160 is NOT listed in the supported cards section of
> the 2.4.0 adaptec driver code files.

> So which is it?



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: adaptec 19160
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 12:48:54 +0100

Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd welcome reports of success with the adaptec 19160 card. (kernel?)
> Adaptecs product pages seem to go to lengths to say that the 29160
> supports unix/linux blah blah, is for mid range servers, and the
> 19160 supports windows and home workstations, and never the twain
> shall meet.

And even a more definitive answer, on something like page 5 of googles
search pages for linux+1969+adaptec

 On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 11:05:38 -0800, Digital Puer
  >From Adaptec's website, I read that they do not have a driver for
  >their low-end Ultra-160 scsi controller, the 19160. Has anyone been
  >able to find a suitable driver?
  Here's the latest beta drivers for 2.2.18 and 2.40
    Milton B. Hewitt
      CAUCE Member -
        Proud supporter of the Microsoft Boycott Campaign




From: "Thumper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940UW with Suse 7.0
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 13:13:13 GMT

I have a similar problem with my Adaptec 39160 under RH 7. For some reason
it flakes out when I try to put a multi-boot setup booting to sda1 and sdb1.
It will get about 8 dots into the boot sequence and hang. I have a work
around. It's not very clean, but it works, and you don't have to worry about
getting lilo to work with all your OS's and can load different OS's when you

I just checked the specs for the 2940UW, and like the 39160 it has the
option to set the boot drive ID. What you need to do is clean up your
lilo.conf to reflect just the linux boot drive. You do have to change the
doot ID each time you want to switch, but in my case, it works. I had 2K Pro
loaded when I loaded Linux. Did not feel like reloading EVERYTHING from
scratch and do the OS loads in sequence as suggested. After trying to get
WINE to work with 2K load and getting error messages, I decided to load 98.
Using the method I described I can boot in and out of each OS without any
problems. Just a minor issue of changing the boot ID in the SCSI utilities.
Hope this works for you.

Kill da munge to reply by email.
Registered Linux user #209449 - Machine registration #97328

"Tim Cuthbertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:d6Us6.801$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have been fighting this problem for two weeks. It took me a couple of
> to find all the SCSI parameters and workarounds I needed to install Suse
> with my Adaptec 2940UW. But for the past two weeks I have been trying to
> figure out how to boot my installation. Linux is installed on my second
> hard drive, which Win98 calls D: and Linux calls /dev/sda. Win98 is
> installed on the first SCSI drive (C: to Windows, /dev/sdb to Linux). The
> CDROM drive is also a SCSI device
> Last night, I finally came up with a boot floppy that almost works. It
> the SCSI driver and detects the host adapter, but then it gives repeated
> "Operation aborted - timeout" messages. This is exactly what it was doing
> when I was trying the initial installation, before I discovered all the
> parameters I had to send to it.
> Therefore, I am fairly certain that it is ignoring my "append =" line in
> lilo.conf file, which looks like this:
>         append = "aic7xxx='seltime:0.extended.no_reset'"
> I have also tried it without the single quotes around the parameters, but
> get the same result (timeouts on the SCSI bus).
> I really need some help. The only way I can boot Linux is from the CDROM,
> pretending like I am going to install it again and providing all the
> information, every time.
> Thanks, Tim
> PS - I will try to get to this news group from Linux and provide copies of
> my lilo.conf file as well as the output from running the map installer.
> some reason, the newsgroups don't work very well from Netscape.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Zipslack on USB Zip drive?
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 14:45:45 -0000


Has anybody gotten Zipslack to work using a USB Zip drive? I've been
trying, using kernels with USB support (a patched 2.2.17, a stock
2.2.18, and a stock 2.4.2, all compiled by me with SCSI support, SCSI
disk support, USB support, and USB storage support). When I try to boot
the system on a notebook or on a desktop system with no SCSI host
adapter, it fails to mount the root filesystem, resulting in a kernel
panic. If I install a Symbios 53c860 SCSI adapter and SCSI Zip drive in
the desktop system, I can boot using it *OR* using the USB Zip drive --
it seems that a delay loop in the Symbios code allows the USB
pseudo-SCSI support to settle in and allows Linux to recognize the
drive. Any ideas on getting this working on a system without a SCSI

Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration


From: "Ola Theander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Support for Dell PowerEdge RAID controllers?
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 15:50:02 +0100
Reply-To: "Ola Theander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Dances With Cows.

Thanks for your answer. The type of the RAID controller is, according to the
DELL support site a "PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller, Version 3,
Dual-Channel Card (PERC 3/DCL) with 64MB cache".

I will try to use the module you suggest below.

Kind regards, Ola Theander

> Which type of RAID controller is this?  Most of the PERC-2 series are
> supported by the AMI Megaraid module, which is on the SuSE 7.0 "modules"
> floppy disk under "SCSI modules" with the name "megaraid.o".  I have no
> doubt that SuSE 7.1 has the same module available.  Theoretically, you
> should be able to load the megaraid module, and then the disks attached
> to the RAID controller would show up as one very large /dev/sd? device
> or possibly a very large /dev/md? device.


From: Young4ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Visioneer 4400 USB Scanner
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 14:41:20 GMT

I just purchased a Visioneer 4400 USB scanner from the local Staples for an 
incredible price (~$15 after a combined of $65 rebates).  Unfortunately, 
when I checked and learnt that such a scanner 
is not listed under the "Supported Scanners" section and therefore is not 
supported or usable under Linux OS.

The question I would like to ask is if anyone knows of such scanner is 
supported under Linux OS through other drivers, instead of the one provided 
by the SANE?



From: "Arkadiusz Sawicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISDN
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 16:15:31 +0100

How to install modem ISDN under Red Hat 6.2 or 7.0


From: "Tim Cuthbertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940UW with Suse 7.0
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 09:23:13 -0600

"Anthony Schlemmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:naZs6.586699$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> One thing I did when I was dual booting a system was to install LILO on
> MBR of the primary drive. I had my lilo.conf file setup so I could boot
> Win9X from the primary hard drive or Linux from the second drive. You can
> even setup which system you want the default to be so in case you don't
> specify which partition to boot, LILO boots the default one automatically.
> Tim Cuthbertson wrote:

Yes, I have been wondering about doing it that way. That is the way I had
BeOS set up to dual boot with Win98. The reason I haven't tried it is
because the (Suse or lilo, I forget which) documentation seems to recommend
against it. Something having lilo update the boot record on the Linux boot
partition instead of the mbr.

In any case, I think the real problem is in getting the parameters loaded
which allow the SCSI adapter to function with Linux. If I can't get them to
take effect when booting from the floppy, I would have the same problem
getting it to boot from the primary disk's mbr. Conversely, if I can figure
out how to get them loaded when booting from the floppy, it should be a
simple matter to get it to work from the hard disk.

The thing is, it works beautifully when booting from the CD. The only
problem with doing that all the time is that I have to enter the language,
the display type, the SCSI adapter module, the aic7xxx parameters, and the
root disk address every time I do it.

Thanks for your response, Tim


From: "Tim Cuthbertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940UW with Suse 7.0
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 09:31:29 -0600

"Thumper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Jv2t6.141184$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have a similar problem with my Adaptec 39160 under RH 7. For some reason
> it flakes out when I try to put a multi-boot setup booting to sda1 and
> It will get about 8 dots into the boot sequence and hang. I have a work
> around. It's not very clean, but it works, and you don't have to worry
> getting lilo to work with all your OS's and can load different OS's when
> want.
> I just checked the specs for the 2940UW, and like the 39160 it has the
> option to set the boot drive ID. What you need to do is clean up your
> lilo.conf to reflect just the linux boot drive. You do have to change the
> doot ID each time you want to switch, but in my case, it works. I had 2K
> loaded when I loaded Linux. Did not feel like reloading EVERYTHING from
> scratch and do the OS loads in sequence as suggested. After trying to get
> WINE to work with 2K load and getting error messages, I decided to load
> Using the method I described I can boot in and out of each OS without any
> problems. Just a minor issue of changing the boot ID in the SCSI
> Hope this works for you.
> --
> Thumper
> Kill da munge to reply by email.
> Registered Linux user #209449 - Machine registration #97328


That is an interesting idea. If I am reading you correctly, you are saying
to go into the SCSI adapter setup each time I boot and setting it to boot
from one hard drive or the other. Then, on the times when I give it the
Linux disk, it would start lilo, which would be configured to start Linux
with no other choices.

I still don't think it will help me know how to configure lilo with the
aic7xxx parameters, which is the crux of my problem. I feel like, if I can
solve that problem, there will be many possible ways of booting Linux, but
until I solve it, none of those ways are going to work.

Thanks very much for your input,


From: "Brandon K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Intellimouse Trackball...
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 15:35:31 GMT

I'm using LM 7.2 and when I ran Drak X to install, my mouse worked fine, but
when I'm actually in Linux, I can move my pointer or click anything.  I'm
using the Microsoft IntelliMouse Trackball.  It made no difference whether I
connected it via USB or PS/2.  Any suggestions?  Or perhaps someone can tell
my how to access the items in DrakeConf with the keyboard?  Amy help is


From: "Brandon K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Intellimouse Trackball...
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 16:00:25 GMT

That was supposed to be a CAN't move the pointer or click anything....

Brandon K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7B4t6.325$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm using LM 7.2 and when I ran Drak X to install, my mouse worked fine,
> when I'm actually in Linux, I can move my pointer or click anything.  I'm
> using the Microsoft IntelliMouse Trackball.  It made no difference whether
> connected it via USB or PS/2.  Any suggestions?  Or perhaps someone can
> my how to access the items in DrakeConf with the keyboard?  Amy help is
> appreciated.
> -Brandon


From: bill g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Partition Error
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 10:04:20 -0600

I've got a 10mb WD harddrive with a linux/windows partition. I was gonna
resize the partition with Partition-It but get "Incorrect size or ending
sector address" error. How can I fix this, and/or is there another
partition manager that I can use w/o toasting the windos data?




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