Linux-Hardware Digest #705, Volume #10            Thu, 8 Jul 99 16:13:36 EDT

  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Vincent Fox)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Andrzej Popowski)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Andrzej Popowski)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? ("Dean Kent")
  Re: SoundBlaster Live! ("Asim Shankar")
  Re: ESS688 Soundchip without tone (phones)
  Re: Need to Build Low-Cost Linux Box...Help!!! ("Tim Lee")
  Re: dual processor setup? (Bryan)
  Re: format >2GB hard (Oliver.Natt)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Bryan)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Michael)
  Re: Tekram-Controller (Bryan)
  Re: HELP w/ Isapnptools! ("ZombieSeed")
  Re: Help! Can't print in Linux from a compiled kernel (Joceli Mayer)
  installation with onboard video chip (Cliff Landesman)
  Re: Filesystem on DAT Tape Recorder? (Allen Crider)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (chrisv)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (chrisv)
  USRobotics Rackmount 30 - Modular Modem System (-Datapath-)
  Re: Making MPEG movies from AVI? ("Jeff Volckaert")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vincent Fox)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 8 Jul 1999 14:09:12 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Conlan Adams 

>no offesne, but i run a dual celeron system, and everything i have read
>says if you want any sembelence of stability, you not only will have
>identical cpus, but even the same s code and stepping on those cpu's.  I
>have heard of people running celerons and p2 300 oc'd to 450 on a single
>system and it ran fine, AS LONG AS they didn't really turn up the load.
>if you want a good sys, i would suggest pairing things correctly.  just a

Actually there are quite a lot of people out there running
mismatched PII CPU's in duals. The reason that Intel passes this
cautionary note around, and so do users, is that it is not a
SUPPORTED configuration to do so. This does not mean it does
not work, just that if it doesn't work, well we told you so.

The actual biggest problem is people running different actual
*steppings* of CPU's in a dual, where one might have somewhat
different responses than the other in certain situations, and
things go haywire. As far as I know, all Celerons of whatever
week are the exact same stepping, so this should not be a problem.

        "Who needs horror movies when we have Microsoft"?
         -- Christine Comaford, PC Week, 27/9/95


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrzej Popowski)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 14:58:34 GMT

Thu, 08 Jul 1999 11:35:54 +0200, Helge Hafting

>Linux shouldn't really have trouble with load dividing, even with very
>different cpu's.  The kernel will simply schedule different processes
>on the two of them.  One finished way earlier than expected?  No
>just schedule something else on that processor.

Linux scheduler is a bit sofisticated, it trys to eliminate thread
swaping between CPUs to reduce cache trashing. I cannot say if this is
optimum strategy with different CPUs.

>As long as you have at least two processes ready to run both cpu's
>will be used and your machine will work at its full potential.
>The only problem is when there is only one process running - it might
>be running on the slower cpu.  Fixing the kernel to deal with that
>shouldn't be too hard though.

If there is a problem with first task, so why not with the second,
third, fourth and others? :-)


Andrzej Popowski


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrzej Popowski)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 14:58:34 GMT

Thu, 8 Jul 1999 08:40:32 -0400, Conlan Adams

>no offesne, but i run a dual celeron system, and everything i have read
>says if you want any sembelence of stability, you not only will have
>identical cpus, but even the same s code and stepping on those cpu's.

Where you can read about stability of dual Celerons? :-)

For P2 you can get Intels docs (P2 update) where you can read which
CPUs can be paired. Usually Intel does not reqiure the same stepping.
For Deschutes only CPU speed should be the same.

Andrzej Popowski


From: "Dean Kent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 08:26:30 -0700

Hmm.  I don't think 'hack' is a bad name, it simply indicates that the
engineer had to devise his own method of interfacing, since the manufacturer
didn't provide one.


Bryan wrote in message ...
>In comp.os.linux.hardware Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: > How?  The BX does not officially support UDMA 66 unless you do tweaks
>: > that is not supported by Intel.  I really doubt if it's true UDMA 66 at
>: > all since according to Intel, BX has no UDMA 66 capability.   The only
>: > way I can see that is possible is by matching the i810's southbridge
>: > with the BX northbridge, and that is not sanctioned or allowed by
>: According to Intel, you are not supposed to use dual celerons either.
>: That's a hack.  Grafting UDMA 66 onto it is just another hack.
>: Too bad we don't have more hw manufacturers like this, they make
>: home building more interesting.
>call it a hack - but if it works and works well, why call it bad names? ;-)
>some might say that cisc is a hack these days.  its all in perspective ...
>Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
>->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: "Asim Shankar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster Live!
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 23:24:49 +0530


I downloaded the drivers from the Creative site you sent and followed their

Step 3 said that I should remove all existing soundcard drivers including
soundcore. I'm new to Linux and since I had so other soundcard / sound
PC Speaker) available, I presumed that I had nothing to unload.

I edited the modules.conf file and placed the lines as told.

When I ran "modprobe sblive" I was greeted with this error :
no dependency information for module : "/lib/modules/2.2.5/misc/sblive.o"

Any ideas on how to solve this? I'm running Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 (Kernel

Thanx for all the help,

-- Asim Shankar

Dave Howland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> there are:
> they're in beta, so creative doesn't exactly advertise them... but they do
> exist.
> dave


From: phones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ESS688 Soundchip without tone
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 16:51:12 -0700

Eric Wick wrote:
> Hello,
> just setup a Toshiba Sattelite 400CS with onboard ESS688 that should be SB16
> compatible. Used Kernel 2.2.10 and enabled OSS, SB16 and Generic OPL.
> At Kernelstart, the Message ESS688 comes and the Speaker gives the typical
> "plopp". Under /proc/sound the card is shown.
> But no sound comes out, so i am wondered. Playing Audio-CDs or Mp3 gives no
> tone.
> Do the ESS688 need a Dos Driver-Init to be a SB16?

I have an ESS688 card on a desktop and I use OSS-linux 3.7, which is a
collection of modules for various sound card. Now I can play Cdda and
MP3 files (problems with midi ones...)and there is no need of a


From: "Tim Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need to Build Low-Cost Linux Box...Help!!!
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 11:42:18 -0700

Hey Folks,

I'm a student at UC Berkeley and I just started this web sit with a few
friend of mine selling low-cost Linux PC's for $299 and $599. Could you all
review the hardware we've got on our machines, just to make sure we're
picking the most optimal parts?

The web site is
F**K MicroScum.

Email me back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Chris <chris @> wrote in message
> Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:rSLg3.147$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > worst price/performance you can get is a pre-built system.  they'll
> > most likely throw in a suboptimal display, winmodems maybe even
> > winprinters.  and a 2button mouse ;-)
> >
> > ALWAYS choose name-brand motherboards and build a system around that.
> > use asus, tyan, fic, abit and others like that.
> >
> > with the stuff you don't need being deleted, you WILL come in cheaper
> Agreed.  I built a Cel 300a, Soyo PII main board , 128MB, 8Gig, VooDoo2
> Video, SB 128PCI, 40X CDROM, Case, floppy, 17" monitor, keyboard, Logitech
> mouse, and 56K jumpered modem for under $1000.00 buy using
> and buying parts from 5 vendors.  Granted I got
> little support, but I've been building PC's for years.  It runs great,
> clock at 450, and only WinDoze crashes on it.
> It souldn't be hard to build a system for under $500.  Just research every
> before buying it to make sure the maker is easy to find, drivers are
> available, if someone has done a reveiw read it, and make sure any OS you
> use supports it.
> --
> Chris
> '/dev/.sig' busy, try again later


From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dual processor setup?
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 15:49:58 GMT

Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I use ASUS and Shuttle Hot mobo for Intel's, and Epox mobo for AMD
: cpu.
: Haven't check out the new ABit BP6.  Is that a 370ppga board? 


: I use
: only Slot-1 boards for Intel's.

I used to.  I built 2 systems from asus p2bd (swore by it - still do,
if you can afford it) and one from tyan (not as nice but $80 cheaper
and has 1 more pci slot).  just yesterday I bought and built a dual
cel 433/66 system from the bp6.  mmmm - nice!  no solder, no hacks, no
jumpers - just stability and fun ;-) built the 2.2.10 kernel (with my
usual configs) in 2:30.  not as fast as the dual 300a/100 (builds in
1:50!) but one is at 66mhz and the other is o/c at 100.  and the 300a
chips are at 450 while the 370 chips are 433.  but less cooling
issues, more [theoreticaly] stability and I really like the zif
sockets SO much better that slut-1 crap ;-)

: But $130 is a really cheap price for a dual cpu board.

damn straight!

: Yes, with web server and MySQL and so on, the dual Celerons are quite
: happy if you have around 256MB RAM or so. In fact, I am quite happy
: with single Celeron set up with my web server as well.

I 'only' have 128meg right now - was under a $2.3k budget to build a
system for work.  my home systems all have 256meg and one even has the
dac960 raid board and raid1 running.  we'll see if this speeds up with
256meg.  its nice to have 128 for 1 cpu and 256 for dual operation.

: > : I tried o-clocking before, but ran into problems with codes compiling
: > : and other stability problems. Yes, the box has plenty of cooling
: > : heatsinks and fans and ventilation holes/slots front and back, and the
: > : room is air-conditioned at all time at 75 degree F.
: > 
: > did you raise the voltage?  that's almost a must, unless you're lucky.
: > 
: Yes, I did. I followed all the recommandation from sharkey's extreme,
:, etc., etc., bad ass heatsinks, double fans etc., etc.,
: ;-)

I just used RETAIL sink/fans from intel - nothing fancy.  I did do my
best to get Malay chips - maybe that mattered.  and going to 2.2v
always made the diff.

: Yeah, but I don't want to spend money on a 370ppga board. The days of
: the Celerons are numbered.

of course.  but how long does a mobo stay in fashion these days?  if I
get 1 year from it (and I will) I got my $$ worth.  the chips are not
o/c so, in theory, they won't degrade as fast.  I got a dual cpu
system with mobo and 2 chips for less than just a regular dual slut-1
board ALONE!  I tend to upgrade every year or so (when warranted) so
long-term upgradability isn't such a big deal for me.  it needs to
work today with chips out today and last about a year.

next year, the k7 (dual) will be affordable and I'll go that way if I
need more speed.

: No, I don't care about paper specs either. That's why I found the NT
: vs. Linux tests very amusing. So what if NT is 400% faster when you
: get 150 million hits.
: But how about reliability? Right?

yeah, microsof~1 has a farm of NT boxes on their website and when
several of them go to hell (crash), you won't know or notice.  he he

: I'm sure the 300a o/c'ed to 450 works.  There're plenty of evidents
: out there for me to see. But from my own limited finding. If you run a
: big, fat ass database server, with lots of disks access, the extra
: cache with the P-II does make a noticable different - I'm already
: running identical U2WSCSI on both.

I'd love to try a p2 or p3 450 and compare with the cel.  but by all
accounts, unless your code runs in cache (and real world apps never
really do - you ALWAYS get misses) its not worth the half-speed to get
4x the space.

: I'm NOT putting down the dual Celerons here. It's a great combo for
: the money if it serves your purpose well. That's the bottom line and
: that's what counts.

: Now, I hope somebody will make a nice dual AMD K-7 board, I'd love to
: see how that one will run. After hearing all the good reviews about
: the K-7.

yes, the future is interesting with dual k7.  when its close enough in
price to a dual cel, THEN I'll jump.

Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oliver.Natt)
Subject: Re: format >2GB hard
Date: 08 Jul 1999 18:41:20 +0200

Jon Splane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Kamran Mohseni wrote:
> > 
> > Hey guys;
> > 
> > I have a HP pentium II 233MHz machine with 6GB hard disk. I Want to have
> > both Windows and Linux on my machine. So I partitioned the system with
> > 2.6GB (created as FAT32) for windows and 3.6GB for Linux. I've installed
> > linux RH6.0 without any problem. The problem is that I can only format
> > 2GB of my windows partition (I used the boot disk from Windows98 to
> > format c). It doesnot let me to format more than 2GB. I used  the
> > command
> > 

I had a similar problem. The MS-Format does not look into the partition table
but gets some information about the partition size from the first 512 bytes of
the partition (urgh!). If you made the partition with the linux fdisk, there
ist nothing written into the partition but only the partition table. So just
clean the first 512 bytes of your windows-partition. Do a

dd if=/dev/zero  of=/dev/hda1  bs=512  count=1

as root (I assume that hda1 is your windows-partition). Then the
windows-format should recognize the size of this partition correctly.


From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 14:46:33 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Chris Robato Yao wrote:
: > 
:Frisch) writes:
: > >On 5 Jul 1999 02:17:21 GMT, Chris Robato Yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > >>Wrong again.
: > >>
: > >>There is no board with duals that has ATA66.  Dual CPU mobos are Intel
: > >
: > >Wrong again.  ABit BP6 supports dual Socket 370 Celerons and UDMA/66
: > >support using the Intel BX chipset.
: > 
: > How?  The BX does not officially support UDMA 66 unless you do tweaks
: > that is not supported by Intel.  I really doubt if it's true UDMA 66 at
: > all since according to Intel, BX has no UDMA 66 capability.   The only
: > way I can see that is possible is by matching the i810's southbridge
: > with the BX northbridge, and that is not sanctioned or allowed by Intel.
: > 
: Sorry to butt in.  But here's some info on the ABit BP6

: Yes, it does support UDMA66.

of course it does.

I just bought and built a linux box from dual cel 433 chips and the
bp6.  this board supports 8 ide drives (!) in 2 separate controllers
(udma33 and udma66).  one is a separate controller sitting on the pci
bus and the main one is standard BX stuff.

not that I really care - I -might- use ide for swap, but I'm an ultra2
scsi fan, myself.  for unix, you still really want scsi.  unless the
udma66 stuff finally added command queuing, scatter/gather,
disconnection and such (which I doubt).

Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 18:48:42 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (chrisv) wrote:

>On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 19:48:23 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael) wrote:
>>a celeron with 128 cache is sufficient for gamers, but its not for
>>business use with numerous multiple windows open.  To deny this is to
>>deny the effect of main memory speed on the processor. 
>Nonsense.  The extra cache of the k6-3 does you no good whatsover for
>having "numerous multiple windows open."  Do  you really think that
>the extra peasly 128k helps with this?  Not.
You really don't know what your talking about.  How fast is your
celeron without that peasly 128 cache that Intel grafed onto the
cacheless one?  Is your Celeron a hotrod without that cache?

Simply put, if main memory could be produced which was fast enough to
use without the need of a cache, that would be the best solution.  In
the interim, the more cache the better with the types of code loads in
today's operating systems.  Assuming of course the caches are
efficient (that is the more the better).  

Go study some more and stop playing games on your voodoo.



From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tekram-Controller
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 16:00:01 GMT

the latest mandrake 6.1 works with my tekram dc390 u2w.

and I just built the 2.2.10 kernel and TOOK THE DEFAULT SCSI CONFIG
and it booted just fine with NO parms sent to the kernel at boot time.

Karl Lewalter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi,

: i want to install SuSE 6.1. My Cd-Rom is connected to a Tekram 390F
: controller, which is located at 6500h and Irq 10. According to the
: handbook I added the following parameter before installing : linux
: ncr53c8xx=0x650,10. But the controller is still not recognized by setup.

: Can anybody help ?? Thanks ...

Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: "ZombieSeed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP w/ Isapnptools!
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 11:56:02 -0400

>Where does it say that ?

COM4 = /dev/ttyS3 (ttyS0= COM1, ttyS1= COM2... right?)

>No surprise. You just configured your (supposedly PNP) modem to
>ttyS2 . Be aware that the IRQ selected conflicts with the settings
>of the secondary serial port (ttyS1). Either give your modem a
>separate IRQ, or disable the onboard COM2 port.

Ok, I don't know how to do this... how can I give my modem the correct IRQ?


From: Joceli Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Help! Can't print in Linux from a compiled kernel
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 19:22:06 +0000

dkmallick wrote:

> I am using Linux-Mandrake 6.0 on a Pentium II 333.Everything prints fine
> from the kernel 2.2.9 that came with the distribution. Howver, I cannot
> print anything from kernel 2.2.5 that I had to compile just so that I can
> use my sound card. I made sure that I compiled this kernel with parallel
> port support, printer support etc.
> When I am in printtool, it lists the printer (HP Laserjet 4L), I can restart
> lpd, but when I try to test print an ASCII page, it gives me the message
> that the print is qued but the printer daemon cannot be started.
> I can see the print jobs in the queue by using lpq.
> I have tried using 'lpc start all' and gives me the message that printer
> cannot be connected.
> What am I doing wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

1) check if you are printing to /dev/lp0 or /dev/lp1 (the right one should be
/dev/lp0 I think, older kernels use lp1), try "  more /etc/printcap  "
2) check if parport module is working; try "/sbin/insmod parport" (it doesn't
hurt if it is already there ...)
3) if you have a IOMEGA ZIP at same port and have an All Alladim chipset, your
problem is another, let me know.

good luck


From: Cliff Landesman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: installation with onboard video chip
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 12:05:06 -0400

I have installed RedHat 5.2 on a new computer that has an onboard video
chip rather than a separate video card. The installation process went
fine except it did not recognize the video manufacturer and while linux
runs, x-windows does not. I tried adding an old video card, which the
install easily identified, but x-windows still does not run. I suspect
the onboard video chip is overriding the card when x-windows starts up.
How can I test for this or force use of the video card? I couldn't find
such an option in my cmos program. Might 6.0 do better at recognizing my
onboard video chip?


Internet Nonprofit Center


From: Allen Crider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Filesystem on DAT Tape Recorder?
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 12:01:08 -0700

Horst Wetzel wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have an SCSI DAT Tape Recorder connected to my linux box.
> Is it possible to put a filesystem on a tape and mount the tape like a
> floppy?
> If it is possible, how can I do this?
> Regards, Horst

It's commercial, but they include a tapefs filesystem.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (chrisv)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 16:32:15 GMT

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 19:48:23 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael) wrote:

>a celeron with 128 cache is sufficient for gamers, but its not for
>business use with numerous multiple windows open.  To deny this is to
>deny the effect of main memory speed on the processor. 

Nonsense.  The extra cache of the k6-3 does you no good whatsover for
having "numerous multiple windows open."  Do  you really think that
the extra peasly 128k helps with this?  Not.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (chrisv)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 16:38:30 GMT

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 10:34:04 -0400, Jeffrey Karp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Everything in life is a risk. Many of the most enjoyable activities

Blah blah blah.  You statement, that he could "wait a month or so" and
get a K7 system is BAD advice, period.  

MOST people should take a wait and see attitude with this thing.
(This is what's known as GOOD advice.)


Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 15:14:41 -0400
From: -Datapath- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USRobotics Rackmount 30 - Modular Modem System

I have recently aquired a USR Rackmount 30 modem case with 13
modem/network card things in it, and a built in power supply...  anyway,
without to much experience with this sort of networking hardware I can't
do much with it.  I am looking for any documentation or information
about it that I can find.  I have tried many search engines,
meta-searches, computer suppliers, and computer parts sources and
haven't had much luck.

Physical Description:
    19 in. wide (of course. it's a rackmount)
    power supply cover on right front
    to left of powersupply cover is 13 modem card fronts with lights and
    to left of 13 modems is 2 empty spaces for 2 more modems
On Back:
    the back of each card has 2 parallel port looking things, and 2 wide
phone jack-like holes
    also 120v powercord comes out back (I had to replace this cord
because the original cord
        was shredded.   Luckly I had the equipment to make this repair)

The front of each modem has the following printed on part of it:
    "Dual Standard with V.32 bis and ASL (tm)"

The unit does work, that is when I plug it in some lights come on and
the Power LED lights up.

So if you know where to find any information on it, or have any
information that would help me, please email me -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Jeff Volckaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Making MPEG movies from AVI?
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 14:14:31 -0400

I'm going to try using Real Producer and make realvideo clips out of it.
They have version 6.0 for Linux and 6.1 for WinXX.  Both are free.  I played
with the windows version and have had great success.  It can even capture on
the fly.  Very cool.  No more recording HUGE AVI's and then re-encoding down
to MPEG.

I'm not married to MPEG, just small video clips. We'll see if the Linux
version works with the Hauppauge card.  It recommends the 2.2 kernel so it
must be pretty new.  I wonder how compression compares between MPEG and

Jeff Volckaert

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <7m26st$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Jeff Volckaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hello Everybody,
> >
> >I have a hauppauge tuner card in my Redhat 6.0 system that i've been
> >XawTV with to watch TV.  I've been messing around with the AVI capture
> >utility 'streamer' to make movies.  I'd like to compress these to MPEG
> >movies and downloaded 'mpeg2encode'.
> >
> >I have three problems... the first is I can't get sound with streamer.  I
> ....<snip>...
> >
> >The third problem is I can't figure out how to convert the AVI movies to
> >MPEG in mpeg2encode.  It wants a parameter file.  I copied one of the
> >parameter files and they all want seperate files for each frame.  Anyone
> >used this program before?
> >
> ....<snip>...
> I used mpeg2encode once myself.  It was a very awkward thing to
> use and I didn't get sound either.  However, you don't use it on AVI
> files.  Looking in my old notes I captured video using something called
> 'stream' (don't remember where I got it but probably can be located at
>  Now this stream
> utility captured individual frames and wrote them as files, it's VERY
> disk intensive.  From what I've heard, the way to go really is to use
> compression a la mpeg,  and it almost demands a special hardware card
> to do it in real time and there's not much, if any support for the more
> advanced compression utilities in Linux right now.  However, I captured
> to a small window about 20 seconds of video, created an mp3 video from
> it, and my brother was able to view it on his Windows95 (or 98 I don't
> know which) system.  (My brother hasn't seen the light yet, but I'm
> working on him.)  Like I said, I didn't get sound, and basically abandoned
> the whole business for the time being.
> --
>        ---- Remove "UhUh" and "Spam" to get my real email address -----



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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