Linux-Hardware Digest #724, Volume #10           Sat, 10 Jul 99 13:13:29 EDT

  Re: USR Sporster voicie 33.6 internal ????? (Pierre Royal)
  Re: RH5.1 and AWE 64 (JLKirkham)
  Re: Asus P2B and the 366a (Lord Dark)
  HELP! AHA-2940 not recognised by LinuxHi, ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help: AHA-2940 not detected ("Robert Smales")
  Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  CD-ROM UltraPlex40max ("Mathias Hecker")
  Re: Diamond Supra Express 56i Modem ("Steven J. Macko")
  Linux BIOS utilities? (SunWuKung)
  ACAD for Linux !!! Think again !!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mounting probelm extended VFAT 32 (Tuan Nguyen)
  Re: Dell Inspiron compatibility?  What is best laptop? ("Hans Zangger")
  Re: Do laptops work well with Linux? (Anonymous)
  Red Hat 6.0 drivers for Diamond Monster Sound MX300?? (Devon Taylor)
  Re: Help: AHA-2940 not detected (John Winters)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (William Burrow)
  Re: Viper 770 (Tuan Nguyen)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pierre Royal)
Subject: Re: USR Sporster voicie 33.6 internal ?????
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 13:52:42 GMT

On Fri, 9 Jul 1999 11:20:49 +0200, "such " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm trying to install my 33,6 baud internal modem under linux and it doesn't
>It's not a winmodem , it's a sporster voice 33,6 internal
>how can I make it work ???
>thank you
Have you set your BIOS for non PnP OS ?



Subject: Re: RH5.1 and AWE 64
Date: 10 Jul 1999 13:58:31 GMT

>I'm using an AWE 64. Soundconf detects it, then allows me to set the i/o irq
and dma settings.

You know, I've had the same trouble.  So much, in fact, that I booted into
win98 to see how it configured the card, and it didn't find the AWE 64,
wouldn't let me use the AWE 64 driver, and kept insisting on a SB16 driver.  I
wonder if it's a card problem?

Wherever you go, there you are.


From: Lord Dark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus P2B and the 366a
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 10:23:27 -0400

PPGA Celerons running in a Slot 1 board have been shown to be less
overclockable than if you ran in a Socket 370 board.  It is unknown at
this point exactly what about the adapter boards (SlotKet, MSI, etc.) is
causing this, but you might want to check out BXBOARDS.COM for some
articles on the subject.

Pushing a 366 to 550 is extremely hit-or-miss (usually a miss), and the
P2B is about the LEAST likely board you will be able to do this with
unless you tape the pins to kick the voltage up a little.  Good luck,

Lord Dark

Jae Il "Joker" Ko wrote:
> Hey all,
>     it's me joker again with another question for all you overclocking GODS!
> Well, as you can guess i too own the world reknowned P2B.  Yes, we love it
> despite it's lack of a softmenu BIOS and inclusion of "mini-me" sized
> jumpers not too mention the awkward placement of the power connector.  But
> you can't dispute it's quality, stability or product recognition.  anyway,
> along those lines, i was wondering how many of you are P2B owners and
> 366a ->> 550 overclockers?  how's the success rate with the MSI slotkets and
> are the rumours true of the alpha heatsinks not fitting the 1.1 version.
> I'm eagerly awaiting my slotket and 336a but in the meantime am pondering if
> i should just splurge on the Abit BP6.  I'm also building a computer for my
> little cuz.  i've got all these spare parts lying around, i guess it's best
> to make some use of them.  The only thing that i don't have two's of are
> motherboards.  Could be a good chance to get the BP6 but if not then all is
> still not lost.  Thanks again and good luck to all.
> --
> -Jae Il "Joker" Ko
> .
> .
> .


Subject: HELP! AHA-2940 not recognised by LinuxHi,
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 13:43:58 GMT


Having problems getting my Adaptec AHA-2940 (Ultra Wide, I think) card
to work under Red Hat 5.1 (kernel 2.0.36).

On machine 'A':

                Bios message ok
                External SCSI drive found ok
                Non-conflicting IRQ assigned ok
                Works under Win95, works under Linux 5.1 (2.0.36)
                Can mount the drive, read, write, etc. etc.

On machine 'B', however:

                Bios message ok
                External SCSI drive found ok
                Non-conflicting IRQ assigned ok
                Linux 5.1 (2.0.36) reports:
                  scsi : 0 hosts.
                  scsi : detected total.
                No Win95 or Win98 to test Windows detection.

Of course, I need the SCSI card working in machine 'B' (which is a P90
with an AMIBIOS, by the way).  I've tried switching IRQs, PCI slots and
so on, but nothing seems to make Linux see the card.

Any help gratefully received.

Best wishes,


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Robert Smales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi,linux.redhat.install,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Help: AHA-2940 not detected
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 16:12:40 +0100

Yo everyone!

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7m7glb$5ng$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> Having problems getting my Adaptec AHA-2940 (Ultra Wide, I think) card
> to work under Red Hat 5.1 (kernel 2.0.36).


> On machine 'B', however:
>                 Bios message ok
>                 External SCSI drive found ok
>                 Non-conflicting IRQ assigned ok
>                 Linux 5.1 (2.0.36) reports:
>                   scsi : 0 hosts.
>                   scsi : detected total.
>                 No Win95 or Win98 to test Windows detection.
> Of course, I need the SCSI card working in machine 'B' (which is a P90
> with an AMIBIOS, by the way).  I've tried switching IRQs, PCI slots and
> so on, but nothing seems to make Linux see the card.

I've got a box with an Adaptec AHA-2940AU which has RedHat 5.1 on a Jaz
disk, works fine (a lot less bother than the re-installation of SuSE 6.1
I've just done on my pure Linux box as it happens).

I would suspect a hardware problem: have you tried putting the SCSI card
from machine A into machine B, or connecting the hard drive from machine B
to machine A?

You might double check that everything in box B is properly terminated as
well: I'm pretty sure that I had similar problems with a SCSI hard drive
once (picked up by the SCSI bios but not detected by Windows) because I'd
left a cable plugged into the SCSI adaptor on the faulty assumption that the
auto-termination would be turned off by the presence of a device on the end
of the cable rather than simply by the mere presence of a connector in the
external socket.

Robert, Tottenham, Middlesex


Subject: Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work
Date: 10 Jul 1999 14:51:19 GMT

I use ALSA with Ensoniq PCIaudio, RH6.0 2.2.15-22 kernel (custom compiled).  
I am completely satisfied.

Muuga wrote:
>  Alot of ppl swear by this card(thats why I bought it), but it doesnt
> configure too well under linux.
> Under Win98 its  irq=11 I/O=220 DMA=1
> of course it works great under windoze :/
> this is what it looks like under /proc/pci
> #PCI devices found:  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
> #    Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq Unknown device (rev 6).
> #      Vendor id=1274.  Device id=1371.      Slow devsel.  IRQ 11.  Master
> #Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=12.Max Lat=128.      I/O at 0xe800.
> and    /etc/conf.modules
> #alias sound sb
> #options -k sb io=0x220 irq=11 dma=1
> I running RH 5.1 with a recompliled 2.0.37 kernel
> on a FIC 503+ k6 300
> I must have recompiled 2 dozen times(just for the sound section of make
> menuconfig , since I got the card.
> i get this on boot up :
> #Sound initialization started
> #Sound initialization complete
> not once did I get something in between :(
> maybe im missing something in the sound configuration part of compilation?
> CONFIG_YM3812=y
> SBC_BASE=220
> SBC_IRQ=11
> SB_DMA2=-1
> if you have this card and got it working under linux , please tell me how
> you have you box configured.
>  Thanks


From: "Mathias Hecker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CD-ROM UltraPlex40max
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 16:43:53 +0100

Hallo Ihr da draußen,
seit ich ein SCSI-CDROM habe, kann ich das nicht mehr mounten. Der Versuch
"mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom" wird mit der Meldung "...bad typ, bad
superblock or to many mounted files" quittiert. Dies obwohl vorher erkannt
wird, das das Laufwerk "read-only" gemounted werden muß.
Hardware: NCR53C876 (UWSCSI), Plextor UltraPlex40max, Linux 2.2.7

Ich zähle auf Euch

Gruß von Mathias aus Gevelsberg


From: "Steven J. Macko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diamond Supra Express 56i Modem
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 11:06:56 -0400

Henry Davies wrote:

> Some of the modems in that family are reported to be WinModems (only
> work in windows - no hope in Linux) some are real modems.  The one I
> have is a real modem (it is ISA).
> Check your particular modem.  There is a list of modems and their Linux
> compatibility (I forgot where).
> Mark Douthwaite wrote:
> >
> > I have a Pentium 166mmx PC running Win 95 and dual booting with Linux
> > Red Hat 5.2.
> > I cannot get my modem to work at all.  I have tried using netcfg but
> > with no joy.  Also, I cannot get the ppp interface to stay 'active'.
> > Everytime I go back into netcfg it is shown as inactive again.
> > I know this is probably basic but I'm very new to Linux.
> > Any help appreciated.  Thanks.
> >
> > Mark Douthwaite.

This is a nightmare of an issue.... The Supra Express family is OK for the
most part. The Supra Max family is junk. I am presently running a Supra
Express 56i sp (speaker phone) and it works flawlessly under Linux. I did
not even need to use isapnptools to get it to work. I simply set the
correct parameters with the "setserial" command and it worked. It took
awhile to figure out a port and address for it, but now it works fine.


p.s. There is info at the Diamond website for each of its modems. There is
also a list of supported modems at the Linux documentation Project.


Subject: Linux BIOS utilities?
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 08:00:16 -0800

Hello.  I need to know if there are any linux BIOS
untilities like EZ-drive for dos.  I want to put a newer
hard drive in an older computer, and the BIOS doesn't like

Alternatively, if you can point me to a newer Phoenix BIOS
update (later then 1994), i would be grateful.



**** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ****


Subject: ACAD for Linux !!! Think again !!!
Date: Sun,11 Jul 1999 08:37:05+2000

 Announcing Immediate availability, of complete AutoCAD 
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From: Tuan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mounting probelm extended VFAT 32
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 16:43:01 GMT

Make sure you have the file system spelled out in /etc/fstab as well as have
VFAT support either built in or loaded as a module in your kernel (try
'modprobe vfat' and then 'lsmod' to see if you have vfat support as a loadable
module.).  You should have an entry like:

/dev/hdc1 /mnt/win98 vfat defaults 0 0

substitude hdc1 for the partition and /mnt/win98 for the mount point.  Hope
this help.  

  On Thu, 08 Jul 1999, Henk Toorman wrote:
>I can mount my C-drive which is a 16bits FAT primary partition.
>But I have problem to mount the drives D and E which are part of the
>extended partition which is 32 bit FAT..
>No command seems to work.
>Who can help me to solve this problem?


From: "Hans Zangger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Dell Inspiron compatibility?  What is best laptop?
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 01:07:20 +0200

 care to share your XF86Config and the other gory details? i have the I7K
366mhz with 4megs of video ram. redhat 6.0, kernel 2.2.10. i tried the
framebuffer method, but was not able to get it to work :-( (console looks
great in fb mode!)
thanks _hans

Hans Zangger
Global Knowledge Network

Tim Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >BTW.. RH6.0 runs great on my Inspiron 7000 (300MHz, 128MB RAM, ATI
> >Rage LT Pro video 8MB, 15" LCD, etc) and Gnome looks nice.
> RH6.0/Mandrake also runs great on my 7000, 266MHz, 64MB RAM, Rage LT Pro
> 8MB, 14" LCD.
> --
> - Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.


Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 18:44:39 +0200 (CEST)
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Do laptops work well with Linux?

On 10 Jul 1999 03:35:55 GMT,
"wes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do laptops work well with Linux?

Yes, laptops work well with Linux.

However you have to research your hardware much more carefully.
In particular, your hard disk, video controller, CD ROM, and
BIOS.  If you're going to use X windows, the mouse.  If you're
going to connect to a LAN, your NIC.

To be on the comfortable side, get 64 MB of RAM or more.


From: Devon Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Red Hat 6.0 drivers for Diamond Monster Sound MX300??
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 11:53:26 -0400

I saw someone post individual drivers for an i740 card awhile back. Can
someone post a link to drivers for Diamond's Monster Sound MX300?? I am
running RH 6.0



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Winters)
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi,linux.redhat.install,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Help: AHA-2940 not detected
Date: 10 Jul 1999 17:22:36 +0100

In article <7m7glb$5ng$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Having problems getting my Adaptec AHA-2940 (Ultra Wide, I think) card
>to work under Red Hat 5.1 (kernel 2.0.36).
>On machine 'A':
>                Bios message ok
>                External SCSI drive found ok
>                Non-conflicting IRQ assigned ok
>                Works under Win95, works under Linux 5.1 (2.0.36)
>                Can mount the drive, read, write, etc. etc.
>On machine 'B', however:
>                Bios message ok
>                External SCSI drive found ok
>                Non-conflicting IRQ assigned ok
>                Linux 5.1 (2.0.36) reports:
>                  scsi : 0 hosts.
>                  scsi : detected total.
>                No Win95 or Win98 to test Windows detection.
>Of course, I need the SCSI card working in machine 'B' (which is a P90
>with an AMIBIOS, by the way).  I've tried switching IRQs, PCI slots and
>so on, but nothing seems to make Linux see the card.

Is this the same actual card being moved from machine to machine?  If
not, you may have two slightly different revisions of 2940 there.
Support for Adaptec cards was shaky until recently because they (Adaptec)
declined to cooperate in the development of drivers.  Things have
improved now but your system may not be up to date enough.

If it is the same card being moved from machine to machine, what does
"cat /proc/pci" show on machine B.  What result do you get if you
do a manual "insmod aic7xxx".  Are you installing Linux with the card
there or adding the card to an existing Linux system?  Are there any
IDE drives in the system as well?

John Winters.  Wallingford, Oxon, England.

The Linux Emporium - a source for Linux CDs in the UK
See <>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 4 Jul 1999 03:49:03 GMT

On Sat, 03 Jul 1999 20:30:57 GMT,
kls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>5. Build your own. 

Good choice!

> It's cheaper

Than what?  Never really turns out that way.

> & you can get what you want. 

Absolutely.  The hunt for parts is the biggest fun.  Unless you expect
to be spoon fed for the next few years, this will be the real

> Setting up linux is harder.

Say what?  Pop the CD into the drive, reboot and answer ``Yes'' to
``Install everything.''  What is hard about that?  Of course, you
already checked carefully that the hardware you bought has drivers, say

William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()


From: Tuan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Viper 770
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 16:55:21 GMT

Go to nvidia website and look for the driver there.  It works great! I'm using
it right now 1280x1024x32.

 On Thu, 08 Jul 1999, Peter Nugter wrote:
>Can anyone tell me if and where a L inux driver for the Viper 770 is
>Thanks Peter Nugter



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