Linux-Hardware Digest #751, Volume #10           Tue, 13 Jul 99 13:13:33 EDT

  Let Borland know Linux is a ripe market for professional software developement 
tools!!! (ReplyTo_PlatoAtAccesswestDotCom)
  Re: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Dev's won't work??? (Ron Gibson)
  About to scream: more info ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (chrisv)
  RH 6.0 vs RH5.2 PCMCIA SCSI support (Geoff Hargreaves)
  Re: DSL PacBell (Bryan)
  Re: SoundBlaster Live! ("Kovalev")
  Re: Abit BP6 w/o overclocking (Bryan)
  Re: SiS6326 video card problems (Sachin Doshisa)
  Re: Blaster Banshee AGP and Linux (ppu)
  Question about Power Drive (Sok Ha Chang)
  sony vaio F160 sound config? (Karsten Reuter)
  FWD- Eight way AMD K7 chipset on cards (Alex Lam)
  Re: Linux -> NT (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Anyone know about Linux support of Castlewood's ORB?  (EIDE I/F) (Dennis Burke)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ReplyTo_PlatoAtAccesswestDotCom)
Subject: Let Borland know Linux is a ripe market for professional software 
developement tools!!!
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:10:59 GMT

This company has over the years turned out some of the best
DOS/Windows based developement tools since the early 80s. Like many
other great tools developers they have been beaten down by Microsoft
in the Win32 arena. Let them know that Linux *IS* a great platform to
sell serious professional software development tools for.
These guys have the resources to turn out great tools in a much
shorter time period than Open Source programmers can, plus the
commercial support corporations require. This lack of these tools is
hurting Linux with professional UNIX (all flavors free and commercial)
developers who are accustomed to hard core professional development


Date: 13 Jul 99 09:37:27 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Marc SCHAEFER;

I found it late last night on one of my many cd's, but haven't attempted
a compile yet.  And I finally did get bru2k to work last night late.
What did I do?  Damnifiknow other than a couple of reboots, one of them
a full powerdown.  The backup log showed 118 instances of an 'internal
bug in namelink' early on, but was otherwise uneventfull.  And, it
apparently only takes time to update the progress bar while verifying as
it was only done once at about .01% done during the backup itself.

And while I didn't hear the drive doing any little  micro-backups like
it did on the Amiga, this one took about an hour more for about 300 megs
less data.... Considering the amiga is a 19 bogomips machine, and the
other box is a 799 bogomips machine, I figured it would go faster that
_that_.  It also did not eject the tape when it was done, so it sat
there about an hour before I woke up again.  Thats a major head wear bug

OTOH, it actually worked, so I'm gonna paint that one on the wall, and
maybe even price the full version.

There are several little bugfixes you can dl from their (bru's) site
but I haven't installed them yet.  Many of the bugfixes are to linux
utils, and one to the xbru interface.  I note the current version
installed can't find netscape to show its help even if its already

 MS> In Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 MS> wrote:
 MS>: 'strace'?  I'm not familiar with that one yet. Sounds usefull
 MS>: though.  I really miss having a utility such as the amiga
 MS>: snoopdos.

 MS> Having used the AmigaOS myself, yes, strace is quite similar,
 MS> except that strace shows every system call with the parameters,
 MS> not only file I/O operations.

 MS> Example:

 MS> golid> schaefer:/users/schaefer> strace date
 MS> execve("/bin/date", ["date"], [/* 47 vars */]) = 0
 MS> [ ... ]
 MS> write(1, "Tue Jul 13 10:04:12 MEST 1999\n", 30Tue Jul 13 10:04:12
 MS> MEST 1999
 MS> ) = 30
 MS> [ ... ]

 MS> You can also restrict the search, for example if you say:

 MS> <golid> schaefer:/users/schaefer> strace -e write date
 MS> write(1, "Tue Jul 13 10:05:09 MEST 1999\n", 30Tue Jul 13 10:05:09
 MS> MEST 1999
 MS> ) = 30

 MS> See the man page (man strace) for details.

Will do asap.  Thanks.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
                               |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
                               |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Dev's won't work???
Date: 13 Jul 1999 14:30:53 GMT

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999 04:19:10, key <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > For instance invoking commands such as "ftape" or "fd0" I get a no such
> > device message.  However when viewing the directory with MC the devices
> > and or links are there and they have been made.
> You can try the command below, but you may need to have vesa mode enabled
> from within lilo.conf: (see fbdev mini-howto for more detail)
> mknod  /dev/fb0 c 29 0

Ah, thanks.  It's been a while since I've had these kind of headaches
and I've forgotten the little grab bag of commands that are needed.

                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: About to scream: more info
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 12:56:24 GMT

Thank you both for your postings. To answer some of your questions:

I am running /lib/modules/2.0.36-0.7/scsi/aha152x.o dated October 13,
1998, 34248 bytes. I have tried using the kernel command line parameter
"aha152x=0x340,11,7,1" and variations (corresponding to the card's IO,
IRQ, and SCSI node selections), as well as lines in /etc/conf.modules
reading "alias scsi_hostadapter aha152x" and "options
aha152x=0x340,11,7", as you suggested.

Hardware wise, I have tried (in every combination, I think) IRQ's 10
and 11*, IO's 0x340* and 0x140, BIOS enabled* and disabled, floppy
support enabled and disabled*; memory addresses C800, D000, and D800*;
and PnP support enabled* and disabled (* = default).

Using the DOS DEBUG command, I am able to view the identification
string for the card at its base memory address. It reads:

......Adaptec AH
A-1520B 32KB BIO
S v1.13S..Copyri
ght Adaptec,Inc.
 ....&....t .#..

...which means nothing to me except that the hardware seems to be
working. Also, as I said in the original post, DOS and NT drivers can
see the hardware without error. During POST, the Adaptec message
appear, and the card is able to correctly identify the one attached
hard drive.

I am convinced that this is an OS issue, but I cannot for the life of
me figure out what to do to get this to work. Adaptec agrees that this
is a software issue. I have read the unmaintained SCSI how-to at, and have tried the suggestions listed there with no

Thanks again for any help anyone can offer!

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (chrisv)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:56:29 GMT

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 18:50:02 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael) wrote:

>>On Sun, 11 Jul 1999 04:27:39 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael) wrote:
>>>And of course you said a few days ago that the celeron was as quick as
>>>the k6 III in this area.... change of tune?  Shall I quote?
>>Wrong again.  Here's what I said:
>>Get real.  There's something wrong with your machine.  Celerons are
>>very snappy in Windows, much more so than AMD machines I have seen.

>Dude you better go get an English class for reading comprehension.
>Add logic after you get basic English.

No, it is you who are mistaken, sorry.  You claimed that I "said a few
days ago that the celeron was as quick as the k6 III in this area"

I did not.  Period.  If you can't understand this, it is your logic
problem, not mine.

>Fine you're correct, my observations are wrong Happy Now?

I didn't say your observations were wrong.  Where do you get this
stuff?  Can you read?  I've been saying that what you've observed is
not explained by the K6-3's larger L2 cache (or even it's slightly
better overall performance). 

>You are impolite, rude, and lack reading
>comprehension so there's no point in discussing this.

I may be impolite and rude, but it's you with the reading problem....


Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 13:08:02 +0100
From: Geoff Hargreaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: RH 6.0 vs RH5.2 PCMCIA SCSI support

Has anybody else had problems with PCMCIA SCSI support using RH 6.0.

If RH 5.2 is installed on a laptop (doesn't matter which model) with
PCMCIA support, when my
Adaptec APA-1460A SlimSCSI is inserted it is recognised and the
CD-Writer is also detected (either
a Sony or Phillips). Great.

If RH 6.0 is installed with PCMCIA support and the same Adaptec card
inserted with the same
CD-Writer connected, the card is recognised but the CD-Writer is not.

The message

aha152x: processing command line: OK
aha152x: BIOS test: passed, detected 1 controller(s)
aha152x0: vital data: PORTBASE 0x340, IRQ=3, SCSI ID=7,
parity=enabled, synchronous=disabled, delay=500, extended
aha152x: trying software interrupt, ok
scsi0: Adaptec 152x SCSI driver $Revision 1.7 $
scsi: 1 host

followed by

scsi: aborting command due to timeout : pid 0, scsi0, channel 0, id 0,
lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00

is displayed.

I know it is not a SCSI termination problem since it works with RH 5.2
and also Windows 98.

RH 5.2 has kernel 2.0.36-0.7. RH 6.0 has kernel 2.2.5-15.

What is the significant differerence between the two RedHat
distributions that allows PCMCIA SCSI
support to work on RH 5.2 but not on RH 6.0?
Has anyone got any suggestions as to how I can get this working on RH




From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DSL PacBell
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:53:21 GMT

Arnold Komala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Has anyone tried the DSL from PacBell? How about the modem and the NIC
: included in the package? Are they compatible with RedHat 6.0?

see my webpage ( and click around to see
the last day, week, month's worth of history.  you'll see the alcatel
1000 modem hang A LOT! ;-(

I have an auto reboot loop that detects when the default router is
down.  of course its not down, but the modem is ;-)

redhat is fine - linux is fine - its pacbell's lines and the
crashCatel 1000 modem that is junk.

still, its better than 56k, 33.6 or cable modems ;-)

Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Kovalev")
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster Live!
Date: 13 Jul 1999 13:14:45 GMT

I've got sblive too, hexedited it to be 2.2.5-15 "compatible"
It works (somewhat), but still complaines about unresolved symbols,
and when I try to play back standart .midi files it plays _only_
the first track. (I played it with kde midi player).
Kde "karaoke" player sais "/dev/sequencer is busy" any time I run it.
Any ideas how at least make it play the whole midi?


From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Abit BP6 w/o overclocking
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:51:33 GMT

Michael Knigge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Bryan schrieb in Nachricht ...
: >my 433's on the bp6 build my 2.2.9 kernel in 2:30.  this is at 66mhz.
: >my o/c asus p2bd with dual 300a chips (2*450) builds in about 1:50.  kind
: of a big diff.

: Hmmm, same Controllers (IDE or SCSI?) and Harddisks? I canīt imagine
: that the BP6 is so much slower than a "real" Dual Board....

same scsi controllers but the drives were different; one was 10krpm
and the other was 7200 (the abit had the 7200).  both were ultra2.

one system did have 256meg ram and the other had 128 (the abit had 128).

so the cel system was 'smaller' than the other, but I never saw these
things affect the compile -that- much.

I think the main diff was the chip speeds and memory.  the abit was at
66mhz and the other was at 100.  the abit used 2 433's (at 433) and
the other used 2 300a's (at 450).

if I could find a pair of 300a ppga chips, I would be willing to do
the test again with the same drive and ram.

Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sachin Doshisa)
Subject: Re: SiS6326 video card problems
Date: 14 Jul 1999 00:35:08 +1000

>> Hi,
>> I have a Diamond SpeedStar A50 that has SiS6326 chipset. It took me a 
> while
>> to configure, but it works perfectly now. I can get 1024x768 resolution 
> in
>> 16-bit color.  The three options that I had to set manually had something 
> to
>> do with acceleration, cursor and "blt". If you want, I can send you my
>> XF86Config file, so you can play with it.

Which makes it pretty much unusable. Do you have any idea about how soon a fix will be 
available? I'm new to Linux and I heard that problems are often solved quickly. If 
there is an update, where is a good place to look for it?


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Blaster Banshee AGP and Linux
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 16:24:27 +0200

If you still have a problem with your Banshee, have a look at

It carries all drivers you will need for your card.

If you want the graphic configuration screen, you will also have to install
xfree86-vga16 found on your distribution cdrom but it isn't really necessary

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, Heyday wrote:
>I'm trying to install these but it keeps saying I need X86Free_16
>installed.  I'm running Mandrake and beleive I have set this up.  I have
>been able to get it running by loading the drivers on the Creative labs
>website, but the resolution is too small and I can't figure out how to
>change it.  I've tried CRL+ALT+"-" and CRL+ALT+NUMLOCK+"-" and no luck.
> I've looked at the X86config file but do not understand it.  Anyone
>have any suggestions?
>In article <U2Xf3.5609$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  "Ken Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It's taken me 3 nights to get my Creative Banshee working with
>Linux.... 1st
>> I tired RedHat 6, didn't like it, then went to Mandrake. I had to do
>quite a
>> bit (for newbie little me) of tinkering to get it to work with X.
>Here's the
>> URL you should start with:
>> http://glide/
>> What a PITA... and my Intellimouse still doesn't work :-)
>> -Ken P.
>> >
>> > Now, if I get a Blaster Banshee video card, will it work with the
>> > Mandrake 6.0 distribution?  Anyone have the Blaster Banshee Video
>> > working with Mandrake 6.0??
>> >
>> > Joe
>> >
>Have an Olympus C-2000Z Digital Camera?
>Visit the Olympus C-2000Z Users group web site.
>Just remember STOP AT OLYMPUS
>Sent via
>Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Sok Ha Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Question about Power Drive
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 23:58:08 +0900

Can anyone tell me how can I use EIDE PD(Power Drive) in RedHat?
What version support it?
Or there is something to do for me to use EIDE PD?

Please help me....
(There is so many Doc for SCSI PD, but no EIDE PD. I tried some method
but just failed.....)

Thank you to your help.  =)


From: Karsten Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sony vaio F160 sound config?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 17:28:55 +0200


did anybody get the soundcard in the sony vaio f160 to work?
i tried several times with no success but i am not that
expirienced with sound configuration under linux.

but i got usb to work on that machine after i installed a
patch by RM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> which he programmed
for his omnibook. you can find information on the linux usb
mailing list at

btw. what about firewire on that machine?


-- Karsten Reuter - Ponton Hamburg --------
-- Max-Brauer-Allee 34 - D-22765 Hamburg --
-- Phone +49-40-389 48 71 -----------------
-- email [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------


From: Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: FWD- Eight way AMD K7 chipset on cards
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 07:54:20 -0700

 Posted 13/07/99 10:10am by Mike Magee, The Register, London, UK.

 Eight way AMD K7 chipset on cards

 AMD has licensed Poseidon to produce SMP chipsets for the Athlon K7. 

 And, at the same time, Poseidon has changed its name to HotRail and
secured funding from aspate of VCs. 

 HotRail has described a simultaneous switched matrix (SSM) system
that will support multiple K7s with up to eight processors. 

 AMD has always said it will sell K7s, sorry Athlons, into the server
market but this is the first clear evidence of how that will work. 

 Our sources indicate that systems are not likely to appear,however,
until next year. 

 In the meantime, both Compaq and API, the Samsung sub, will seriously
market SMP systems using Slot B and the Alpha processor. 

 Our reports indicate that Alpha will be the first processor to run at
1GHz without aid of cooling technology. Ū


*remove all the Xs (upper case X) if reply by e mail.
** no more M$ Windoze.


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Linux -> NT
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 10:38:49 -0500

Anders Buch wrote:

> In article <7md1ni$a6f$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Nova  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Well, I removed all the partitions from my hardrive in order to install NT,
> >Inserted the boot diskette for Nt and continued onward....  The install
> >proceed smoothtly, until.....The restart, Upon the resteart the Letters LI
> >appeared, a ghostlike reminder of the Linux (or rather LILO) that once
> >lived on this machine, after the LI appears it freezes.....
> >I reformatted the drive for Fat, and tried NTFS, I created one single
> >partition for NT, yet the computer continues to give me the LI, and then a
> >freeze...
> >Can you help to alleviate this problem, All help is greatly appreciated,,,
> >Thnx,
> Your "problem" is that LILO is still sitting on the master boot record (MBR)
> of your hard disk.  For some reason windoze products have the belief that
> only their boot programs can reside there...
> If you have an old dos boot floppy, it might work to boot in dos from that
> disk and then give the command
> fdisk /mbr
> This should overwrite the MBR program with Micro$oft's (old?) version, and
> possibly you can continue from there.
> If it works, enjoy your New Troubles!
> --
> Anders Skovsted Buch           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 2072 East Hall                 Phone:  (734) 477-9052
> 525 East University Ave
> Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109

If I remember correctly,  NT has a copy of fdisk somewhere.  You can
create an NT boot floppy and put fdisk on it and then run
fdisk /mbr
But I think any dos fdisk will do since the form of the master boot record
is quite standard.
Also, if I remember my experience with NT, I think you can choose
during installation to reformat the disk, and then it takes care of
the MBR.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dennis Burke)
Subject: Re: Anyone know about Linux support of Castlewood's ORB?  (EIDE I/F)
Date: 13 Jul 1999 15:51:13 GMT

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999 19:52:48 GMT, Jenni G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <Subject: Anyone know about Linux support of Castlewood's ORB? (EIDE I/F)>

I am also interested - any information here?  Two e-messages to Castlewood 
have produced no response.  It would seem like the EIDE or SCSI versions would
work with Linux.




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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