Linux-Hardware Digest #794, Volume #10           Mon, 19 Jul 99 06:13:31 EDT

  Re: PC Chips TX AGP Pro M/B? (Chad Page)
  Help with modem dieing!
  Re: tulip.o (Scott Marlowe)
  ATAPI Zip drive-- mount partition 1 or 4???? (Carbon111)
  Segmentation Fault error when loading MICRONICS system with Slackware  (David Hodge)
  Re: ATAPI Zip drive-- mount partition 1 or 4???? (Carbon111)
  Re: Hardware - What should I buy? ("Sage Mage")
  Re: CD-55A Interface ("Will Vazquez")
  Re: ASUS V3800TNT2 ("Sage Mage")
  3COM Etherlink/3C562d/3C589 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Where should I buy PC *parts* onine? (John Patrick Krut)
  IBM L40SX ("newsline")
  Modems and ISAPNPTools ("Ryan Michaels")
  eumex404PC and linux (Sascha Tom Weber)
  Resolution Problem
  Does Your KeyBoard Do This Under X ?
  Re: tulip.o ("Snowi3")
  Lost harddisk! (Gerhard Moench)


From: Chad Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PC Chips TX AGP Pro M/B?
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 06:02:35 GMT

Ian Briggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone have any good/bad experiences with a PC Chips TX AGP Pro
> motherboard running Linux?  (I'm looking for something cheap to go with an
> existing Cyrix M II.  Other budget possibilities from my supplier are:
> Micronics C200 and Gigabyte GA-5AX.)

        Get the Micronics or Gigabyte mobos, and stay _far away_ from PC
Chips.  PC Chips has been known for such things as the 'fake cache' fiasco
in the mid/late 486 era, high defect rates, 100mhz SS7 mobos which really only
run at 90mhz (and POST as if they were at 100) etc... and confusing the
market with product names like "VX Pro" (Not Intel, but VIA) and using 
"PC 100" as a brand name (just like no-name brands with the CE certification
mark as the prominent label. ;)  

        PC Chips boards are also sold under several other labels such
as Amptron... if it has a chipset name like "TX Pro", "BX Pro", "BXtoo"
(BXitain't), etc... it's prolly a PC Chips product. 

> Also, can anyone tell me the difference between the different types of
> DIMM: Unbuffered 100MHz Spec, Unbuffered 66MHz Spec, ECC 100MHz Spec, ECC
> Registered?

        Unbuffered 100mhz = standard memory (this is called PC100 memory.)

        Unbuffered 66mhz memory = old spec.

        ECC 100mhz = 72bit memory, instead of 64bit memory.  On a motherboard
which supports it allows single-bit correction and 2-bit error
detection.  This is the best kind to get if your motherboard can take
advantage of it - otherwise it's no different from standard PC100 memory.

        ECC Registered = The 'registration' buffers the memory so that
more than 18 chips can be used on the DIMM.  You don't need/want this type
and it costs more anyway.  (It's only useful if you want to use 1GB RAM or
something on a BX board.)

        - Chad

> Ian


Subject: Help with modem dieing!
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 06:06:11 GMT

I have this really weird problem where my modem randomly decides it wants
to stop working.  It used to happen about once a month but now has gotten
as frequent as once a week, and this is after many times of connecting
and disconnecting to my ISP. My computer:
Pentium 120
Slackware 3.5 (2.0.36, pppd 2.2.0)
Internal 33.6k (Its not a Winmodem, it has jumpers)

On this same system I have never experienced this problem with previous
Linux's (did a fresh install to avoid these kinds of problems!)  Even when
I try to go into minicom to reset the modem I still get no response.
Please send me anything you might think may be the problem, I use my
system remotely a lot and find it not very reliable that I need to reboot
it every few days to keep the modem working.  Here are some error messages
I have seen after while it hangs:
Jul  1 08:19:50 foo pppd[10080]: Connect script failed
Jul  1 08:20:16 foo chat[10178]: SIGHUP
Jul  1 08:20:16 foo chat[10178]: Can't restore terminal parameters: I/O
Jul  1 08:20:50 foo chat[10205]: SIGHUP
Jul  1 08:20:50 foo chat[10205]: Can't restore terminal parameters: I/O
Jul  1 08:22:01 foo pppd[10252]: No response to PAP authenticate-requests
Jul  1 08:22:03 foo pppd[10377]: tcsetattr: Invalid argument

Thanks in advance!


From: Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tulip.o
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 22:33:06 -0600

Snowi3 wrote:

> when I run ifconfig, I have an
> eth0 with the ip ... And no errors what sp ever when it boots
> up the card, it even identifies the chip as AX88140 ..... But whenever I try
> to ping another ip on my network, and on the same subnet, like,
> I get a 100 % packet loss, and no replies. I works fine to ping my ip
> internal though, like if I ping, I get full reply ..... And
> then there is another strange thing .... When I ping another on my net, the
> lamp on the hub that is lid for my nic blinks, so obviesly there is
> something going on on the network ...... I know the card is ok, since it
> works fine in  windows ... Does anybody have an idea ??

What is the speed of your network?  could it be 10Mb?  If your card is not
autodetecting the right speed, this sounds like what you'd get.

Try using the media switch with ifconfig.


From: Carbon111 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATAPI Zip drive-- mount partition 1 or 4????
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 00:01:51 -0700

  Im running SuSE 6.1 but had this same problem for RH 5.2.
My ATAPI Zip 100 sometimes works as /dev/hdd4 but sometimes dosent and i
have to alter fstab to /dev/hdd1 to get it working again...then when
that fails, I have to set it back to /dev/hdd4/
  What is up with this?????
Thanks, Carbon111


From: David Hodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Segmentation Fault error when loading MICRONICS system with Slackware 
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 23:34:32 -0700

Thanks in advance to anyone who attempts to help.

While installing Slackware LINUX v4.0 my system crashed. The point in
which the system failed was after having completed the confirmation of
the drive geometry and making the selection of the distribution
packages. It this point I received the following error message:
"Segmentation Fault."

The package at which the error message occurred was that of the "xlib"
extraction. Please do not construe the coincidence of the specific
"xlib" package being extracted to that of the system crash. I believe
that the extraction on this particular package and the failure of the
system to be coincidental.

The below is the make-up of the system in which I'm attempting to load.

1. PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 (Phoenix Technologies Ltd.,) - BIOS
2. Maxtor 90432D2 - Hard Drive
3. Micronics Computer Inc.  (M7SHI - S03) - Mother Board
4. Pentium 133MHZ - CPU
5. EDO 64Mb RAM - RAM
6. 512 SRAM - CACHE
7. System & Video BIOS = Shadow
8. Stealth Video 2500 VERS 1.03  (Diamond Multimedia System Inc.,)
9. BTC 48X CDROM (supports ISO 9660 - High Sierra) - CDROM
10. The system is a socket-7 system, and the chipset is Intel 430HX PCI
chipset, Intel PII X3 and SMC FDC37C93X Ultra I/O chip.

Please be aware that I have supposedly the latest BIOS upgrade from
Phoenix Technologies for the "MICRONICS M7S-Hi."

Can anyone tell me what the problem is and the appreciate fix for this

Thank you for your assistance in advance.

Dave Hodge


From: Carbon111 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATAPI Zip drive-- mount partition 1 or 4????
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 00:03:49 -0700

BTW, I am only using the vfat fs on this drive... thanks

Carbon111 wrote:
> Greetings,
>   Im running SuSE 6.1 but had this same problem for RH 5.2.
> My ATAPI Zip 100 sometimes works as /dev/hdd4 but sometimes dosent and i
> have to alter fstab to /dev/hdd1 to get it working again...then when
> that fails, I have to set it back to /dev/hdd4/
>   What is up with this?????
> Thanks, Carbon111


From: "Sage Mage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hardware - What should I buy?
Date: 19 Jul 1999 00:15:40 PDT

If you are going with a K6-2 or K6-3 I strongly recommend the EFA viking 3
with VIA MP3 chipset ( ).  It is the best Socket 7 board I
have used and is relatively inexpensive (70-80 US dollars).

If you are doing intel chips you can never go wrong with a dual proccessor
board.  It will let you take full advantage of Linux, although Win98 doesnot
support dual processors Windows 2000 will! If using socket 1 procecssors
(pentiums, upcoming k7s, some celeron) I recomend a board by Asus.

The AMD Avalons (K7s) might be worth waiting for but I have not tried one.

RAM wise, too much is never enough, I run 256 right now but you can get by
with 128 but don't go 64 or you'll be finding yourself upgrading soon (if
you use windows a lot).

Graphix boards I recommend a TNT or TNT2 chipset.  I have a Riva TNT2 ultra
and all I had to do was get the updated X server from Nvidia ).  But if you are not too Linux savy, I believe RH6.0
supports the Matrox G400 and G200 (which are very good boards).

At least a 10 gig drive.  And consider installing over separate partitions I
have 2 partitions for my NT4.0 and about 6 partitions for my linux (1 swap,
one root, one usr/, one ect/, one var/, and one opt/) on a 20 gig drive..
Your linux manual gives you more detail on how to properly choose what disk
organization method is right for you.

Do not skimp by purchasing a PCI winmodem, go for a USRobotics or ZOOM fax
modem on ISA, I have never had a problem installing or configuring either

Sound card: The Creative Labs SoundBlaster PCI158 didn't give me too much of
a problem.  But the Live series was a little bothersome but can work with
some patients.

Also a tip if you are willing to put some extra cash into this project
consider getting a mainboard with scsi support the peripherals are moe
expensive but faster and offer more expandibility.

If you plan to constantly run your system 24-7 invest in a battery backup/
Uninterruptable Power Supply and a backup medium of some somesort (I use a
Jaz 2GB).

Thats All I got,

Sage Mage

PS send any questions back I am glad to help.
Bob wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I've just ordered RedHat 6.0. I planned to do a
>dual-OS install (along with Win98) but have now
>decided to go for a all-Linux box.
>I already have a IDEK Ilyama 17" monitor, Logitech
>mouse and IBM keyboard and need advice on what hardware
>to buy for the CPU-box. I'm trying to keep the costs
>down. Please recommend:
>Soundcard :
>Modem (internal):
>Memory (how much):


From: "Will Vazquez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD-55A Interface
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 03:16:18 -0400

Thats an OLd CDROM, for Linux you can get that drive up and running, just
call it any sony drive this worked in my first Linux box years Ago. Good
Luck, BTW the boards have not been made in a great while.
Louis Dupree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Mfjk3.2941$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I need a a CD-55A interface card, any one have one that they would part
> or a 4X or better IDE CD ROM drive?
> Louis


From: "Sage Mage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ASUS V3800TNT2
Date: 19 Jul 1999 00:21:07 PDT

I have the same distro.
I  have a RivaTNT2 Ultra and I went to NVidia's site and got their X server
and my card works alright (in some modes).
Goto and download the X server from their software section, I
also highly recommend getting their FAQ file too, it'll help you out.

Kristian L. Petersen wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have just install. linux suse 6.1, and I have a ASUS V3800TNT2 ULTRA, but
>I cant find any drivers for it.
>Can anyone help?????????


Subject: 3COM Etherlink/3C562d/3C589
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 08:10:58 GMT

I managed to install OpenLinux 2.2 today with no difficulty. However
when I started to check the network by pinging some hosts, I found my
colleagues started to complain that the network is very slow. I am new
to unix, however I checked ifconfig and lisa and the setting appears to
be o.k. But the problem is still there, my laptop creates lots of
traffic when it is connected to the network. It is OK with NT4.

The card is recognised by the installer as 3C589. The actual card is
3COM Etherlink III LAN+Modem  and in NT it recognise it as 3C562D/3C563D
I will appreciate any help regarding this issue that prevents me
connecting my laptop to the network,


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From: John Patrick Krut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where should I buy PC *parts* onine?
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 15:51:12 -0400

I buy most of my stuff at Dynasty

The prices are generally low and the quality is generally good.

Neville wrote:

> Ok, I'm doing the whole build-your-own-linux box thing for the first
> time.
> I think I have a good handle on what I need to get, but I have no clue
> where to buy. I've checked and pricewatch for the lowest
> priced places, but I'd prefer to buy everything (mobo, cpu, memory, HD,
> case, etc.) from one place at a reasonable price.
> Any recommendations of online places for PARTS? I especially would like
> some good names of places for ECC memory that also sell other computer
> parts like mobo's and cpu's.
> Thanks,
> - Neville
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


      HaveAGoodLife * * * * * * * ResistanceIsFutile
* * * * * * * * * * * * * -jpk- * * * * * * * * * * * * *


From: "newsline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IBM L40SX
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:32:19 +0100

Hi all,

i have a big problem for a long time.

i trie to install linux on an old ibm L40SX laptop without success!

i think there it doesnīt matter what distribution i take, itīs the same
i have tried suse, redhat and some small distributions from linuxberg.
the problem seems that during linux is booting the kernel tries to find an
scsi hdd but there is only a ide hdd.

has anybody successfully installe any linux distribution on this laptop?



From: "Ryan Michaels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modems and ISAPNPTools
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 03:38:01 -0400

I got a modem from my friend (CommWave PnP) and Linux still isn't
recognizing anything. Is it even possible to set up a PnP modem in Linux???

1.) The modem works under windows on COM3 (3E8) IRQ 4. Why does Linux think
it's under COM4 (/dev/ttyS3 port 2E8) and IRQ 3??

2.) I've done these steps with isapnptools:
            pnpdump > isapnp.conf
            find and uncomment 0x03e8 and IRQ 4; save
            isapnp isapnp.conf
            (with this new modem, it says "error... add (VERIFYLD N)
            to top of script" so I did that, no errors)
            run minicom... nothing.

3.) When isapnptools didn't work, I figured it's because Linux thinks my
modem is on COM4 instead of COM3 like it's supposed to be (so I try to
switch the ports and irqs). I typed "setserial /dev/ttyS3 port 0x03e8 irq 4.
Ran minicom... nothing. I figured since I made ttyS3 have a port of 0x03e8,
it might conflict with ttyS2, so I tried "setserial /dev/ttyS2 port 0x02e8
irq 3". Still nothing...

I know for a fact both of these modems work. Is there something I'm missing,
doing wrong, or something else I'm supposed to type?? This is the 4th time a
modem hasn't recognized, so I have to be doing something wrong. The only
modem that worked was one with jumpers on it, but that magically stopped
working one day...

Anything I read ('s HOW-TO) doesn't give good enough
explanations... does someone have an example of what they typed or did to
get their PnP modem to work? I was also given a hint to disable PnP in the
BIOS, but this still won't work.


BTW -  All I know about modems and stuff I typed.. I don't know much about
ports and irqs and all, so if I need to change something like that, please
give an example.

RyanM019 at Yahoo D0T com


From: Sascha Tom Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: eumex404PC and linux
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:30:39 +0200


somebody known how  the eumex404 works under linux  ? Loud description
is the eumex a 
isdnkart and no a isdnmodem(terminaladapter). But if I try the eumex to
install as a 
fritz or teles kart, I get an error "kart not found"

am grateful for each info

With best regards

Sascha Tom Weber


Subject: Resolution Problem
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 05:12:57 -0400

Since my video card wasn't supported I had to run an alternate chipset and
enter the following lines to get 8 bpp mode to work.

Option "no_accel"
Option "sw_cursor"
Option "no_linear"
VideoRam 8192

i read on another web page that i had to remove the no linear line and add :

Dac_Speed 110
Option "no_bitblt"

to get 16,24, and 32 bit modes, but when i typed : startx -- -bpp 16 , the
icons and text and severly fuzzy and there seems to be an overlapping effect
like its out of focus. Do you know if this is just a problem with my video
card ? or is there an actual way of fixing. Any help would be greatly


Subject: Does Your KeyBoard Do This Under X ?
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 05:19:59 -0400

I have a normal microsoft keyboard, but when i enter X using either GNOME or
KDE and try to use BACKSPACE it will not work unless I highlight the text.
This only occurs when using KDE or GNOME windows. When I run any of the
programs, they support BACKSPACE. Anyone know how i can make BACKSPACE work
properly ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



From: "Snowi3" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tulip.o
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 11:15:38 +0200

My network is capable of both 10 and 100 mbit, so it's up to the card what
it chooses .... but can I somehow force the card to use some specific speed
then, just to test ... there must be a way to do this, since I can do it in

Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Snowi3 wrote:
> > when I run ifconfig, I have an
> > eth0 with the ip ... And no errors what sp ever when it
> > up the card, it even identifies the chip as AX88140 ..... But whenever I
> > to ping another ip on my network, and on the same subnet, like,
> > I get a 100 % packet loss, and no replies. I works fine to ping my ip
> > internal though, like if I ping, I get full reply ..... And
> > then there is another strange thing .... When I ping another on my net,
> > lamp on the hub that is lid for my nic blinks, so obviesly there is
> > something going on on the network ...... I know the card is ok, since it
> > works fine in  windows ... Does anybody have an idea ??
> What is the speed of your network?  could it be 10Mb?  If your card is not
> autodetecting the right speed, this sounds like what you'd get.
> Try using the media switch with ifconfig.


From: Gerhard Moench <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lost harddisk!
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 12:01:40 +0200


  I have problems accessing my (old) external harddisk (SCSI). Every
time I try to fsck it I says something about not finding the superblock
and then something like "scsi abort due to timeout" and the machine
freezes. I can access the (external) MO and the internal HD with no

  Any hint on how I can retrieve a least some of the data on the HD?

  Thank you very much,



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