Linux-Hardware Digest #797, Volume #10           Mon, 19 Jul 99 16:13:29 EDT

  SuSE 6.0 and ITK micro 3.0 ISDN card ("Christian Gloor")
  Help! Linux Install Can't See Second Drive. (Isaac Sever)
  Help! Scanner Problem. ("Rohit Bhargav")
  Re: Yamaha DS-XG card (David Pollack)
  19in racks for PC motherboard, PCI, IDE etc.... needed ("Mark Hamlin")
  SB16 VibraX (ben bauer)
  ASUSCOM isdn adapter PCI drivers needed! ("HaTcH")
  HP 4150 lameness (part I) ("David J. Topper")
  Re: HP Colorado 5/8GB? (Per Nielsen)
  Re: Parallel port zip drive problems... (EKK)
  Re: Lost harddisk! (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Tekram DC-395 UW and Linux ?
  Re: dds-1 tape drive question ("Caliban")
  SANE works again with my Agfa Snapscan!! (Phillip Deackes)
  Re: Diamond Viper 32MB V770D NVIDIA TNT2 ("Kovalev")
  Sparc IPX RedHat 6.0 Mouse Not Working (Charles Lutzen)
  OPTi 82C924 Sound Card Under RedHat 6.0 ("Vikram")
  isapnp.conf (EKK)
  Re: (yet another) soundcard problem ("HaTcH")
  Re: isapnp.conf (EKK)
  Re: 4 CPU motherboard (EKK)
  Re: isapnp.conf (EKK)


From: "Christian Gloor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SuSE 6.0 and ITK micro 3.0 ISDN card
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 18:36:15 +0200

Hi, I have an ITK micro 3.0 ISDN card and I'd like to use it under Linux.
Unfortunately, it seems like the only available ITK driver is for the micro
Anyone has an idea about where I could find the driver for my card, or is
there some "tricky" way to configure it with the available drivers provided
with my Linux distribution?

Thanks in advance


From: Isaac Sever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help! Linux Install Can't See Second Drive.
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:10:24 -0700

I've been trying to install Red Hat 5.1 onto my computer but come across

some problems.  I have the following configuration:
Pentium 100, 70 MB RAM, 1Gig. Hard Drive, 7.2 Gig Maxtor Hard Drive,
etc.  When I installed the second drive from Maxtor it installed EZ-BIOS

to be able to see the full drive.  In windows95 I can see this drive and

partition it.  When I boot to the CD to install linux Disk Druid and
fdisk can only see the first drive, the windows drive.  I moved enough
windows stuff to the second drive, used fips to break the first drive
into two 500 MB partitions and was able to install linux onto the second

partition of the first drive (further partitioning during install for /,

swap, /usr and /home).  Everything went well and I can boot to linux
from LILO, from linux I can mount the win95(Fat16) partitions from the
second disk and read from them.  The problem is that all of my linux
files are all on the first drive and I've used all the space.  Is there
any way that I can use the space on the second drive for Linux? Would it

be worthwhile to install a newer distribution?  I like what I've seen so

far but I don't have the space to install the programs I want to use
(WordPerfect, StarOffice etc.)  Any help would be greatly appreciated.




From: "Rohit Bhargav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help! Scanner Problem.
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 18:39:39 +0200


Is the OpticPro 9636T supported under linux ?
I can't seem to get it to work under it.
any help would be appreciated.!!

- Rohit


From: David Pollack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Yamaha DS-XG card
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 11:14:30 -0700

Well, i have DS-XG and downloaded the free sound drivers and got it
working in like 15 minutes... It automatically detected my sound card
and started working. Of course i did have to recompile the kernel so
that it didn't automatically load up a sound driver, but I think that
you can just edit the /etc/inittab file.

Gene Heskett wrote:
> Unrot13 this;
> Reply to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Gene Heskett sends Greetings to degackz ;
> > (or 4front?? ) Spend $30 and spend 2 hours setting
> > it up and tweaking controls and you'll have sound!! good luck
> Yes, but how do we know it will work?  The freebie has no support for
> this card whatsoever, requiring you to off with an extra tenner to get
> it. The extra tenner isn't the problem but the lack of any demo at all
> spooks me, bad enough I think I'll pitch this card in the trash and get
> a sounblaster or similar.
> I bought the card based on what the box said it could do, but so far my
> experiments with various drivers have me  convinced its the only card in
> the world capable of bringing linux to a halt.  The end of the song its
> playing, when you can get it to play one, is always, 100% of the time, a
> locked machine, recoverable only by the reset or power switches.
> So I'll stop the bleeding, and maybe give it to some windoze user or
> something.
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   Steve Maughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Does anyone know how to set up the Yamaha DS-XG sound card under
> >> linux? I've been playing around in the sound config utility but so
> >> far it hasn't worked... Any ideas would be much appreciated.
> Cheers, Gene
> --
>   Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
>     Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
>                                |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
>                                |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
>          RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
> email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
> --


From: "Mark Hamlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 19in racks for PC motherboard, PCI, IDE etc.... needed
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 13:57:57 +0100
Reply-To: "Mark Hamlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The time has come to rack some of the old and some of the new gear in my
studio.  What is the cheapest way to rack a PC.  Any links to vendors or
tutorials would be much appreciated.  (I have RS & Maplin!!!!!).   I'd like
to know all my options, so far I know little.

For £500 you can get a great specially built rack from RS, with removable
chassis for 2 3.5in IDE drives etc.  Near perfect solution but well over
budget.  For £500 I'd expect a lot more than that, hard core temperature
control or something!!!!!

For £50 quid I can get a standard 19in unit enclosure.  I'll need tools to
work on it (acceptible as I need several).  Don't know how much work each
one would take.  Does anywhere sell generic accessories such as mounts and
drive cages to put in such a box??????

Any help, direction or offers (old / unused kit) much appreciated.

direct e-mail response much appreciated (cc).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ben bauer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: SB16 VibraX
Date: 19 Jul 1999 17:26:59 GMT

Does anyone know if the VibraX can be made to work 100%
with Linux 2.2.* kernels.  I have various success with the
stock Slackware oss drivers and the trial oss driver from
opensound, but I seem to get DMA errors (for the 16bit
device) intermittently.  wavplay, cat > /dev/audio,
seem to work, as does cd audio, but rvplayer (yes the patched
version) fails silently.  Is this card a loser?


Subject: ASUSCOM isdn adapter PCI drivers needed!
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 19:42:07 +0200

I need drivers for asuscom isdn adapter. HiSax currently only supports ISA

Anyone made a patch or smtg?

regards, hatch


From: "David J. Topper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: HP 4150 lameness (part I)
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 14:02:21 -0400

Hey folks,

I hope at some point to put up a page (like several others) documenting
my experience with Hewlett Packard and the purchase of a new Omnibook
4150.  But things are progressing such that I feel the need to post a

BACKGROUND:  I spend hours on the phone with HP sales and tech. support
making sure I was getting a) the machine I wanted and b) a machine with
the correct audio and video chipsets to run Linux.

FOUL-UP #1:  I placed an order for a new 400mhz 4150 with all bells and
whistles, and a few extras.  This was on Wednesday of last week.  I paid
extra for next day air.  I called to check on Friday (that's 2 days
later) to see what was going wrong.  My unit shipped that morning.  Oops
on their part.  They say they'll credit me the cost of next day

FOUL-UP #2:  So I of course get to work today, anxiously awaiting my new
laptop.  It came!  I decide to just boot it up and give it a test
drive.  Install Win98, ok, I can stand that for a few hours.  :-)  I
decide to check some system configs.  To my surprise, I find the audio
chip is a Neomagic!  This is contra the 3 phone conversations I had with
HP to ensure I was getting a machine with a Crystal Sound chip (fully
supported by OSS).

FOUL-UP #3:  My suspicion growing, I decide to check out the BIOS.  Once
again to my surprise, I find that this unit has a 366mhz processor,
instead of the 400mhz one I ordered!

FOUL-UP #4:  I've been on hold with HP for over 1/2 an hour now.  I'm
serious.  Thankfully I'm at work and can do other things while my
speaker phone yammers on about "Please wait for the next available rep."

I had thought this purchase was a good thing.  I mean, I felt good about
buying from a company like HP instead of a "one off" vendor like:

Things like "3 year warranty" and HP's fine Unix tradition just made me
feel good inside.  Never mind the $4,000+ pricetag.  I wanted quality. 
I might be way wrong on that line of thinking.  I think I need to
reevaluate the benefit/disadvantage of buying from such a big company. 
I post here to give others food for thought in this department.

Still on hold ...

Dave Topper
Technical Director, Virginia Center for Computer Music
Programmer / Analyst, Dean's Office (School of A&S)
(804) 924-6887


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Per Nielsen)
Subject: Re: HP Colorado 5/8GB?
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 17:09:39 GMT

On Sun, 18 Jul 1999 23:48:03 GMT, Ian Briggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Does anyone have any good/bad experiences running an internal HP Colorado
>5GB or 8GB with Linux?

It works perfectly for me, when it is sitting on a IDE port 
(secondary slave). I justed backed up 1.5 Gb in half an hour.


                                 |  Per Nielsen                               |
*------------------------------* |  Norgaardsvej 21                      |
|   A few weeks of development | |  DK-2800 Lyngby                            |
|   and testing can save an    | |  Denmark                                   |
|   afternoon in the library.  | |  E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                |
*------------------------------* |  URL: |
                                 |  Home phone: +45 45 93 44 63               | 
                                 |  Office phone: +45 45 27 24 66             |


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Re: Parallel port zip drive problems...
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 07:29:22 -0700

Jeff wrote:
> I'm running redhat 5.2 and have a parallel port zip 100 drive that I
> can't quite get to work...
> When installing redhat, there is an option in the scsi adaptors setup
> section to install the ppa driver, so I tried that, and by probing, it
> failed to find the device. I tried specifying parameters, like the
> address and whatnot, and it still did not work, it hangs the computer
> looking for the drive (I entered the resources for my parallel port as
> they are shown in Windows, the parameters I added were "ppa=0x378,7" I'm
> not sure if that is correct, but I had to do the same for my scsi
> adaptor, and that worked ok.)
> I installed redhat without the ppa module, and tried installing one of
> the newer kernels (2.2.9), and I noticed that there are two zip modules
> now, ppa and imm for newer drives. I have fairly new zip drive, but the
> cable does not say 'autodetect' like the information in the kernel setup
> says. I tried compiling the kernel with ppa, when that didnt work, with
> imm. Neither worked, and anytime I type "insmod ppa" (after first
> installing redhat and also after upgrading the kernel) it says that the
> ppa.o device is busy.
> I'm not sure what else to try, any help would be appreciated...

In the general setup section of your /usr/src/linux/.config file make
sure that 


yes, that should work, just did it this weekend with BOTH


AND ppa

then once you do /sbin/insmod ppa, it should come out as /dev/sda4



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Lost harddisk!
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 11:59:01 GMT

Gerhard Moench <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>  I have problems accessing my (old) external harddisk (SCSI). Every
>time I try to fsck it I says something about not finding the superblock
>and then something like "scsi abort due to timeout" and the machine
>freezes. I can access the (external) MO and the internal HD with no


What kind of controller and what kind of termination are you using ?

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


Subject: Re: Tekram DC-395 UW and Linux ?
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:27:05 EDT

This card does work under Linux. The drivers may be downloaded
from Tekram's Taiwan site or may be obtained by emailing their
Tech support.

Good Luck.


On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, Ramon Fernandez wrote:

> Does anybody know if the Tekram DC-395 UW is even supported for Linux ? I
> really think this card is pretty sweet and Tekram's page on the card lists
> Redhat Linux as one of the supported OS's BUT when I checked on REdhat's
> page it does'nt list the card at ALL!!!
>     Now I know the 390 is supported but the 390 had a SYMBIOS LOGIC chip
> controller and the 395 uses Tekram's new ASIC chip. Could somebody PLEASE
> HELP !! :) Need to know ASAP so I can get it at a real good deal.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ray


From: "Caliban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: dds-1 tape drive question
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 19:42:25 +0200

The 35470, will do 2GB. It does not have hardware compression.
There are quite some possibillities,

As said earlier, using larger blocks reduce the overhead and might increase
the amount of data stored on a tape.

Additionally, you might want to try a new tape. If the tape has a lot of
wear, it will do a lot of RAW retries and use more tape length thus reducing
the potential storage capacity on the tape. You can hear this happening when
the drive makes a lot of 'click's' indicating that the internal cleaner is
used a lot. I trust you have used a cleaning tape to alleviate dirty heads ?

To alleviate the problems of dump and it's settings, you might want to try
tar or cpio with a larger than default blocksize (8KB, 16KB or 32KB) and see
if this improves the situation a bit.

Hope this helps you out.



Robert Hunter wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>i am trying to get to the bottom of an issue i am having with my tape
>i am using 90 meter HP dds-1 tapes with an HP 35470A scsi tape drive.
>i am runing redhat 6, and rpm dump-0.4b4-7.
>i should be getting 2 GB per tape, natively (no compression), but am
>only getting around 750 MB.
>'mt' says that my tape DENSITY  is 61000BPI, but this yields the
>capacity i mentioned above.
>i have not tried messing with LENGTH and BLOCKSIZE parameters.
>i  really appreciate any suggestions about how i can get closer to the
>rated capacity of these tapes.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Deackes)
Crossposted-To: uk.copmp.os.linux
Subject: SANE works again with my Agfa Snapscan!!
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 18:47:46 GMT

Since upgrading to the 2.2.x kernels my Agfa Snapscan 310 scanner has
stopped working. On trying to scan the light on the front of the scanner
just blinked and the scanner did nothing.

The soulution is to download the following:

The above package contains two replacement files, sg.c and sg.h which
replace those in the kernel source. Recompile the kernel and the
Snapscan will work again. The page explains

Hope this helps. I have had a few emails from people with similar
problems. Unfortunately I did not keep a record of their email
addresses, so here's hoping they read this!

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Kovalev")
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Diamond Viper 32MB V770D NVIDIA TNT2
Date: 19 Jul 1999 17:47:54 GMT

It's a good idea to read their FAQ (on the same download page).
There you can see, that while doing xconfig(using whatever program
you choose) you should just skip the section about your card.
That's because probably you're going to use nvidia XF86_SVGA server,
(make sure your X symlink to it) and it doesn't need that info.


From: Charles Lutzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,redhat.hardware.arch.sparc
Subject: Sparc IPX RedHat 6.0 Mouse Not Working
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 19:31:09 GMT

I have a Sparc IPX machine running RedHat Linux 6.0 for Sparc using a Sun 
Optical Mouse.  I am not able to get the mouse working.  The mouse was 
detected when Linux was installed however It does not work.  Everything 
else works Fine.  Any Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Charles Lutzen

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: "Vikram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OPTi 82C924 Sound Card Under RedHat 6.0
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 00:02:31 +0530

How do I configure my sound card OPTi 82C924 under RH 6.0.



Subject: isapnp.conf
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:26:58 -0700


I am trying to figure out how to begin using isapnp.

in the /usr/doc/isapnptools-1.15a/README.modules

(CONFIGURE DFX0000/1493 (LD 0 (IO 0 (BASE 0x3e8)) (INT 0 (IRQ 12 (MODE
+E))) (ACT Y)))

is used for a modem.

I have a BOCA 33.6 fax modem which is ISA pnp.

I also have a sound card with an AD1816 audio chipset which needs to be
configured with isapnptools.

How do I figure out such things as which IRQ, base address so I can set
my isapnp.conf???

Does looking at /proc/interrupts /proc/ioports help?




Subject: Re: (yet another) soundcard problem
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 19:39:43 +0200

Disable "PnP OS installed" option in BIOS. And then recompile your kernel.

Bruno MEUNIER wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello !
>I'm using Linux RH 5.2 on a P133 with 16-bit IsaPnp sound card based on
>the OPTi 82C924 chip (at least that's what the doc says ... ). I've read
>lots of howto manpages etc. but still I can't get a sound out of my box.
>Could someone help ?
>Thank you


Subject: Re: isapnp.conf
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:49:06 -0700

it seems the /usr/doc/isapnptools-1.15a/isapnpfaq.txt file helps
by explaining pnpdump.

however, if anyone has any suggestions or hints, they will be
greatly appreciated.




Subject: Re: 4 CPU motherboard
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:32:42 -0700

> But you probably meant x86 compatable, right?  Where you looking for
> PPro, or Xeon, or something using a specialized chipset for the Pentium
> processors, or what?

yeah,  Pentium II/III



Subject: Re: isapnp.conf
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:33:28 -0700

EKK wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out how to begin using isapnp.
> in the /usr/doc/isapnptools-1.15a/README.modules
> (CONFIGURE DFX0000/1493 (LD 0 (IO 0 (BASE 0x3e8)) (INT 0 (IRQ 12 (MODE
> +E))) (ACT Y)))
> is used for a modem.
> I have a BOCA 33.6 fax modem which is ISA pnp.
> I also have a sound card with an AD1816 audio chipset which needs to be
> configured with isapnptools.
> How do I figure out such things as which IRQ, base address so I can set
> up
> my isapnp.conf???
> Does looking at /proc/interrupts /proc/ioports help?
> thanks,
> AG

I forgot:
please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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