Linux-Hardware Digest #801, Volume #10           Tue, 20 Jul 99 06:13:23 EDT

  Re: Epox kp6-bs or abit BP6 ?????????????,,,, (manu)
  Re: Where should I buy PC *parts* onine? (gus)
  Re: 3com / US robotics 56K (gATHIS)
  Re: dds-1 tape drive question ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Hardware foir Oracle/Linux box? (Chris Mauritz)
  Re: Dual P3 locking up (Jonathan Toomim)
  [REPOST] Lost harddisk (Gerhard Moench)
  Re: Linux IRQ oops (HoKuo Chan)
  Re: [REPOST] Lost harddisk (Oliver Bedford)
  Re: DSL and Linux ("Chris")
  Re: Sony SDT-2000 Can't mount KDE's tape backup. ("Spotillius Maximus aka \"Spot\"")
  compaq monitor V50 (Peter De Zutter)
  Re: Lost harddisk! (Oliver Bedford)
  Re: Exabyte NS-8 hardware compression? ("Robert C. Paulsen, Jr.")
  Re: Building a Linux Box - comments? (Roy Grimm)
  administration ("newsline")
  Re: compaq monitor V50 (Anita Lewis)


From: manu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Epox kp6-bs or abit BP6 ?????????????,,,,
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 08:26:19 +0100

Paul Heldens a écrit :
> manu wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >the next generation of PIII will be socket 370 based. up to you now, but
> >you really
> >should take the abit. it rocks !
> >
> >now for the Athlon compatibility, forget that. you'll never have the
> >good chipset
> >to manage it. and an adaptator would be so slow you'd lose the Athlon
> >advantages...
> At 600 It runs at 3*200Mhz Fsb and outperforms a dual P3 500 in Q3aTest
> (v1.06.)
> This thingie is gonna rock HARD !

yes, but on its OWN motherboard, it's to say an AMD proprietary chipset.
NOT a single i440BX !!!

and you should note that the tests were run under 98' for the Athlon and
NT 4.0 for the dual P3 500... and Q3A under NT is sooooooo fucking slow

really, I think this Abit with a dual Celeron is the good choice. now
it's up to you..


Subject: Re: Where should I buy PC *parts* onine?
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 08:33:20 +0100

I am very partial to Simply Computers, also Dan, and perhaps others like

Simply can be found at Dan at

YOu are in the UK, right?


P.S. Sometimes get irritated by people who think the internet is a US
only phenomenon. :-(
P.P.S cc'd to author

Neville wrote:
> Ok, I'm doing the whole build-your-own-linux box thing for the first
> time.
> I think I have a good handle on what I need to get, but I have no clue
> where to buy. I've checked and pricewatch for the lowest
> priced places, but I'd prefer to buy everything (mobo, cpu, memory, HD,
> case, etc.) from one place at a reasonable price.
> Any recommendations of online places for PARTS? I especially would like
> some good names of places for ECC memory that also sell other computer
> parts like mobo's and cpu's.
> Thanks,
> - Neville
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: 3com / US robotics 56K
Date: 20 Jul 1999 06:31:07 GMT

k96rk01 wrote:
> I'm trying to find a 56K modem that will work under linux.  I checked the
> "Linux modems list," aka "Winmodems are not modems," and discovered that
> 3com / USRobotics Sportster 56K, model 1785, allegedly works fine.
> The problem is that I can't find any of these being sold anywhere.  The
> closest model number I can find is 1787, and I can't find any technical
> details that tell if this one would probably be compatible, too.  I'm
> if anyone else out there has had any success with this model.
> Also, if you know of another 56K modem that works well with linux, I
> mind hearing about that, either.
> thanks in advance for any advice,
> rob kent
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your

I got the same problem (which modem to buy) - now I have USR 56k external
faxmodem and it works great!
If you wan't or have any problems I can send you my mini-HOWTO file about
configuring modem and PPP connection onRedhat. Just mail me.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Date: 17 Jul 99 11:01:39 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dds-1 tape drive question
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Robert Hunter;

That drive *I think* has the ability to do hardware compression, and if
so, its turned on/off with a dipswitch setting on the drive itself, or
possibly by one of the jumpers next to the addressing jumpers on the
back of the drive.

I suspect its turned off, and by the time the backup proggy gets done
adding its identifying marks and headers, it might be something less
than a gig in actual capacity.

Check your docs that came with it, or maybe goto the hp site andd  check
there.  While you are there, you may find that there is a flashrom
update thats newer than the version in yours. If so, get it, and the
installer instructions and utilities, and do it.

 RH> greetings,

 RH> i am trying to get to the bottom of an issue i am having with my tape
 RH> drive.

 RH> i am using 90 meter HP dds-1 tapes with an HP 35470A scsi tape drive.
 RH> i am runing redhat 6, and rpm dump-0.4b4-7.

 RH> i should be getting 2 GB per tape, natively (no compression), but am
 RH> only getting around 750 MB.

 RH> 'mt' says that my tape DENSITY  is 61000BPI, but this yields the
 RH> capacity i mentioned above.

 RH> i have not tried messing with LENGTH and BLOCKSIZE parameters.

 RH> i  really appreciate any suggestions about how i can get closer to the
 RH> rated capacity of these tapes.

 RH> tia,
 RH> rh

 RH> -----------------
 RH> -----------------

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
                               |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
                               |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net


From: Chris Mauritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hardware foir Oracle/Linux box?
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 14:59:27 GMT

Jarek Durak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Carlton J. Breay" wrote:
>> I'm building a new Linux/Oracle box.  We will use it to host a few thousand
>> GoldMine Contact records to and for learning.
>> I have a bunch of spare parts to work with.  I have:
>> 1 - Pentium II 266mhz processor
>> 1 - 8 gig EIDE hard drive
>> 2 - 32 meg SDRAM DIMMS
>> 1 - 2 meg Matrox video card
>> 1 - 3com network card

> With the database like Oracle and X-Win you must add RAM up to 64 megs
> or better
> just for your comfort.

> Practicaly all matherboards with Intel chipset will work correctly and
> most off
> VIA too.

I'd go a step further and say that you really want a *minimum* of 128mb
if you want to play with Oracle on a lightly loaded system.  If the 
database is going to do any real work or if other processes might be
doing work in the background, you'll want even more memory.  If you're
content to live with a spare parts system, you may be able to live
with 64mb and deal with a bit of swapping.  Given how cheap SDRAM is
these days, it might be worth springing for more.  8-)

Christopher Mauritz


From: Jonathan Toomim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dual P3 locking up
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 01:22:09 -0700

99% chance it's the CPU fan on the second CPU not being on.  The BIOS temp
only reads the temperature of one of the processors, so it's likely that
your CPU with the fan is running at 41°C and your second one is at around
70°C (partially educated guess).  The best way to test if that's the problem
is to get a splitter cable and plug in the fan :)  I happen to have one
lying around if you want me to snail-mail it to you.

Jonathan Toomim

PS: email me your response.  I'm not likely to check this group often.

Ian Nelson wrote:

> I'm sure this has probably been covered before but...
> I upgraded my Tyan Tiger 100 to dual P3-450s.  I'm running 2.2.10.
> Matrox G200 framebuffer mode is also on.  Redhat 6.0.  Corsair PC-100
> memory.  Western digital drives.  2940u2w and a 3com fast ethernet card.
> Both CPUs have a heatsink with 2 fans, only I could only find 3 fan
> connectors so the second fan on the second CPU isn't connected to
> anything yet.  I'm really hoping that is my problem.
> I fire up Linux and it usually happens when I'm running netscape over a
> PPP connection but I've seen it happen once when I wasn't connected or
> running netscape but the system freezes and the little box in the upper
> right corner appears, almost exactly the same size as the framebuffer
> logo. Reset is the only way to fix it. I have not changed my X server
> since I started using FB, since it seemed to work I didn't think it
> mattered.  The freeze also happens without framebuffer.
> The BIOS says the temp of the processors is around 41 degrees C,  I've
> seen it go up to 43 once.  Intel says it should be good up to about
> 50-55 degrees.
> This is the kicker, I can leave the system on for hours without it
> happening, if I'm coding offline, I've only seen it happen once and that
> was immediately after I disconnected from the internet.  Sometimes when
> I'm logged on it works for hours, others it works for 20 minutes and
> freezes. (Murphy times it strategically so that I get about 25 minutes
> into the 30 minute download..;)  my modem is external, I know they get
> hot but that's not it.
> My guess and hope would be that it's a simple hardware issue and as soon
> as I get a splitter cable and plug the 4 fan in it will stop but because
> of the odd square in the corner of the window and the way it seems to be
> linked to network access I think it could possibly be a kernel issue.
> Any ideas or has anyone seen this before?
> thanks,
> Ian Nelson


From: Gerhard Moench <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [REPOST] Lost harddisk
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 10:58:46 +0200

[I'm reposting this because I could not find my previous message in
Netscape or with]

I seem to have lost my external (old) harddisk. I can not mount it and
when I try to fsck it the box freezes with something like
"aborting scsi command due to timeout" and a few messages about broken
inodes and a missing superblock. 

Is there a chance I get at least partially restore the data on the disk?

Any help is greatly appreciated,



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 11:02:37 -0400
From: HoKuo Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux IRQ oops

You can also check in the file /proc/interrupts
There you will find the interrupt settings for your various devices,
the first column being the interrupt number and the last column being
the device.

David Eaton wrote:
> run linuxconf as root and change the irq in the network section
> On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Hunter Ritchie wrote:
> >Penguins,
> >
> >    This is a repost because the last one didn't seem to take.
> >    Anyway, I've just installed RedHat 6.0 on an old 486 machine with 20Mb
> >RAM.  It takes about 4 hours for the install, so I am resistant to repeating
> >the procedure.
> >
> >    Problem::    I oopsed during the install and set my Ethernet card to be
> >used at IRQ 5.  Unfortunately, the card itself is set to be used at IRQ 10.
> >
> >    Question::  How or where do I manipulate settings (through commands or
> >script modification) to get Linux to look for the card at IRQ 10?  I've
> >tried 'ifconfig' and 'ether=' at boot.  Neither has worked (which means they
> >both probably do and I just didn't use them correctly.)
> >
> >    I know it is possible to reconfigure the card itself with a DOS utility,
> >but am avoiding that because it conflicts with my "master plan".
> >
> >Any help clearing this mess up is greatly appreciated.
> >Thanks in advance,
> >Pops


From: Oliver Bedford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [REPOST] Lost harddisk
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 11:04:23 +0200

Gerhard Moench wrote:

  Too dumb to use Windows. I even don't know how to cancel messages with

  I found my other post. Sorry for the inconvience.



From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DSL and Linux
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 17:02:39 +0800

You actually got the ADSL to work? You said you have a 3com etherlink NIC
connected to your ADSL modem. Can you give me the exact model no. of the NIC
and the brand of your ADSL modem? I thought that an ATM card is needed to
connect to the ADSL modem to work? I am currently trying to get my ADSL to
work but still unable to because I could not find any driver for my ATM card
(it's a VIRATA VL1025 card). So I was wondering how you could use an
ordinary NIC (and not an ATM card) to hook up to an ADSL modem and get it to
work. Could you explain to me in detail how? Thanks

TURBO1010 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7mgr5b$opk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have my linux box setup with a 3Com ISA etherlink III, and a $15 NE2000
> card.  The 3com card is going to the dsl modem, with a static ip and the
> NE2000 to the hub, and out to the internal lan, 3 computers.  Linux runs
> masquerading, and is also my firewall.
> Albert Goins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I am having DSL put in my place and have three computers to hook up.  I
> > was wondering if anyone can tell me what kind of hub and ethernet cards
> > to buy to hook them all up.  I am looking for affordability, and
> > compatability with both Win98 and Linux.  If you could tell me where to
> > purchase them that would be great too.  Thanks!
> >
> > -Al
> >


From: "Spotillius Maximus aka \"Spot\"" <*****>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Sony SDT-2000 Can't mount KDE's tape backup.
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 05:23:25 -0400

Bill, thanks for responding.  I tried a few other things last night and I
was able to get KDE's tape utility to mount the drive twice, but the program
locked when I tried to format a tape.  It did prompt me that I had an
unformatted tape installed, which I did.  The tape mounted as /dev/st0 just
twice and no more after that.  What seems strange is that I think I tried
mounting it as /dev/st0 other times without success. And I'm logged in as
root everytime.  Is this pilot error or a problem with KDE's backup utility?
Maybe I need to try a different backup utility?  Thanks.


>I was seeing the same message when logged in as myself.  It
>can mount a tape if I start the program up from the root
>account though.  Try to log in as root or su to it.  It
>works both ways for me.


From: Peter De Zutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: compaq monitor V50
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 09:31:07 GMT


can anyone give the horizontal and vertical refresh rates of this monitor,
and all the tech spec. also


==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Oliver Bedford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lost harddisk!
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 11:10:29 +0200

M. Buchenrieder wrote:

> What kind of controller and what kind of termination are you using ?

  The controller is a Dawicontrol DC-2975U with a NCR 53c875, the
termination on the external harddrive looks like a passive resistor (its
plugged into the second SCSI-port of the HD). The controller offers a
auto termination feature for external devices; I _hope_ the jumper is
set correctly, I haven't look into the box, yet.



From: "Robert C. Paulsen, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Exabyte NS-8 hardware compression?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 15:18:08 -0500

Rohan Oberoi wrote:
> I have an Exabyte NS-8 (TR-4 with hardware compression, I believe)
> that seems to be working normally on my SCSI bus.
> I can do "mt -f /dev/st0 retension" and it winds and rewinds
> normally.  I have run backups using "tar cvlf /dev/st0 ." and it seems
> to run fine (haven't tested restore).
> What I'm unsure about is how to check whether hardware compression is
> turned on.  The Exabyte web site is not very helpful.
> "mt -f /dev/st0 compression on" just returns.
> "mt -f /dev/st0 setdensity 140" returns a bunch of errors:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> st0: Error with sense data: extra data not valid Current error
> st09:00: sense key Illegal request
> Additional sense indicates Invalid field in parameter list
> /dev/st0: Input/output error
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Am I doing something wrong, perhaps using the wrong code?  If anyone
> has one of these drives and uses them for backups, I'd appreciate your
> letting me know if you used a command to set compression.
> If replying by email, please remove TAKETHISOUT from my address.
> Thanks!
> Rohan.

Try:    mt -f /dev/st0 datcompression

This is described in "man mt".

Robert Paulsen               
If my return address contains "ZAP." please remove it. Sorry for the
inconvenience but the unsolicited email is getting out of control.


From: Roy Grimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Building a Linux Box - comments?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 15:23:19 -0500

Mark wrote:
> Hello,
>    I'm buiding my first Linux Box, here's my current list of hardware,
> comments welcome reguarding performace/price and compatibility.
> Mark
> Mother Board  - Abit BE6                         ~$120
> CPU           - P3 450                           ~$280
> RAM           - 128 MB PC100 generic             ~$100

Be sure that you buy that generic RAM from a place that will take it
back if it doesn't work well.

> Hard Drive    - Quantum Fireball KA ATA/66 9.1GB ~$150
> Graphics Card - Creative TNT 16 MB               ~$ 80

I'd personally go with the TNT2, but if you're trying to save cash the
regular TNT would work.  You can get the X server for it from nvidia's

> Sound Card    - SB Live Value (OEM)              ~$ 50
> CD-ROM        - Samsung 40X                      ~$ 40

For future growth, you may want to consider getting a DVD ROM drive.  It
will cost a bit more but you won't have to upgrade it later.

> Modem         - Zoom Model #2919                 ~$ 60

Oh man.  You do not want to use a zoom modem.  I ran an ISP for a while
and about 75% of our customer's modem troubles were with zoom modems. 
Any other non winmodem would be a better choice.

> Mouse         - MS Intellimouse PS2              ~$ 20
> Keyboard      - MS Natural PS2                   ~$ 20

I suppose, if you can get M$ products for $20 each, that wouldn't be so

> Floppy        - Sony 1.44MB                      ~$ 15
> Case          - Inwin Mini-Tower                 ~$ 50
>                                        Total     ~$985

You didn't mention a monitor.  Are you reusing an existing monitor?

Well, that's my $0.02



From: "newsline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: administration
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 11:49:06 +0100

my questions is if it´s possible to administrate a linux-server via an old
laptop and an serial or parallel cable? there is no way to install an nic in
the old laptop. it isn´t possible to install linux on it. so i´m searching
for a solution with a terminal program like telnet which runs under dos.
thanks in advance


From: Anita Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: compaq monitor V50
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 09:56:53 GMT

You might try at Support.  I got information on my video
card there.  I looked up on a couple of the sites listed here but didn't
see it. Monitor in installation




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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