Linux-Hardware Digest #801, Volume #12            Thu, 4 May 00 11:13:10 EDT

  Athlon+SD-11.. Which Powersupply to use. (Ramakrishnan M)
  search for intellimouse protocol spec ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dell P1690 24" monitor (Dimitri Papadopoulos)
  Intel Etherexpress Pro 100 Problems (Richard Mueller)
  Problems with Intel eepro100 : lots of carrier-errors and collisions 
  Problems with Intel eepro100 : lots of carrier-errors and collisions 
  Re: I'm going crazy! help me with my nic! (Steve Martin)
  Re: Vibra16C (Munge)
  Re: Athlon+SD-11.. Which Powersupply to use. (Martin Petz)
  Xircom modem problem (Derek Fountain)
  Re: cdrecord question (Thorsten Rene Stauber)
  Re: DVD .- (mst)
  Re: USB WebCam (Rod Smith)
  Pentium 3 processor ID (Scott Prigan)
  Documentation about Twisted Pair... (Oliver Gebele)
  atapi streamer hp colorado (8GB) (Conny Dittmann)
  atapi streamer hp colorado (8GB) (Conny Dittmann)
  Re: Presentations on Laptop (Edwin Chacon)
  Need help with Microdyne Exos 105t ethernet card (Stefan Uhlig)
  Micron XKE and ZX notebooks? ("Robert N. Lockwood")
  Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed ("Folkert Rienstra")
  Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed ("Folkert Rienstra")
  Re: Dell Inspiron 7500 - Linux (Alan Scheinine)


From: Ramakrishnan M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Athlon+SD-11.. Which Powersupply to use.
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 16:06:00 +0530

      last week I bought an Athlon 500 + FIC SD-11 MoBo. The problem is that
AMD recommends a list of pwersupplies to be used with the K7 CPUs.
Unfortunately none of them are available in India(where I live).I can get only
noname powersupplies here. What are the specs to look for when buying a good
powersupply for use with athlon so that no great problems arise?.

                                   Ramakrishnan M


Subject: search for intellimouse protocol spec
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 10:44:31 GMT

hi guys ,
       i am developing a new driver for MS-intellimouse(2 buttons +1
wheel+1 button under wheel).i could not get a proper protocol specifi
(4 byte protocol).man 4 mouse command tells very little.i will be glad
if anyone explains atleast the 3byte protocol given in that command.
should i worry about xf86 versions while developing driver?.
pleeeeease help me.
p.s: will be highly obliged if your reply is cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Before you buy.


From: Dimitri Papadopoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dell P1690 24" monitor
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 12:52:23 +0200

Dances With Crows wrote:
> Then try xf86config.  Text only, but it works much better than
> Xconfigurator IMO.  Tell it you have 32768K of video RAM and you'll get
> the options for resolutions as high as the thing supports.  BTW, 1920x1200
> is a really weird resolution; that 1.6 aspect ratio wouldn't display well
> on most monitors, I'd think... you'd get the letterbox effect and all.

xf86config doesn't work any better. It doesn't have provision for 1920x1600
and is therefore as useless as XConfigurator...

I don't think it offers more than XConfigurator, and the UI is cumbersome.
The program is also too difficult to use. How to get back when you've
typed something wrong? I'd also appreciate typing memory sizes in Mb instead
of Kb. 32Mb is easy to type, 32768 Kb is neither easy to type, nor easy to

I really need the Modlines. Or maybe there is some combination of
buttons on the monitor that will switch it from 4:3 to 16:10?



Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 13:11:05 +0200
From: Richard Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Intel Etherexpress Pro 100 Problems

Hy Folks.

I have a problem with some of my linux-boxes

I have two linux-boxes (debian 2.1 ) with
two Intel Etherexpress Pro 100 ( with reciever
lock up bug) interconnected with two Cisco
2924 XL Switches ( Version 11.2(8)SA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) )

The boxes can ping each other without any trouble, but if I
do a 'ping -s 1500 -f <other_box>' I get a lot of collisions
(in a switched network ?!?) and some carrier-errors.

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:D0:B7:3B:58:30  
          inet addr:  Bcast: 
          RX packets:897418 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2137608 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:548

Every NIC and SWITCH-PORT is fixed to 100Mbit Full Duplex

I have never seen this before and I don't think it is normal, that I
get so many Collisions on a switched network.

Can anybody help?


PS: What does this carrier-counter mean?


Subject: Problems with Intel eepro100 : lots of carrier-errors and collisions
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 11:05:49 GMT

Hy there.

I have a problem with my configuration here.

I got two linux-boxes (debain 2.1r5 + 2.2.14
kernel) with two Intel Etherexpress 100 Pro
( some with receiver lock up bug ) in each box.

these boxes are connected in two seperate
subnets build with two CISCO-2924XL Switches (IOS
11.2(8)SA4 ).

Everything is fixed to 100Mbit-Fullduplex.

If I ping the other box normaly everything works
fine ( approx. 1% paket loss)
But when I do a
$ ping -s 2000 -f <host>
then i get a lot of collisions and carrier-errors
$ ifconfig <device>
and additionally the LEDs of the Switch signalize
an error.

I have never seen this behaviour before.
Does anybody know whats going wrong?

thanks a lot

richard mueller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

PS: What does this carrier error mean?!?!

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Before you buy.


Subject: Problems with Intel eepro100 : lots of carrier-errors and collisions
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 11:05:50 GMT

Hy there.

I have a problem with my configuration here.

I got two linux-boxes (debain 2.1r5 + 2.2.14
kernel) with two Intel Etherexpress 100 Pro
( some with receiver lock up bug ) in each box.

these boxes are connected in two seperate
subnets build with two CISCO-2924XL Switches (IOS
11.2(8)SA4 ).

Everything is fixed to 100Mbit-Fullduplex.

If I ping the other box normaly everything works
fine ( approx. 1% paket loss)
But when I do a
$ ping -s 2000 -f <host>
then i get a lot of collisions and carrier-errors
$ ifconfig <device>
and additionally the LEDs of the Switch signalize
an error.

I have never seen this behaviour before.
Does anybody know whats going wrong?

thanks a lot

richard mueller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

PS: What does this carrier error mean?!?!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Steve Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I'm going crazy! help me with my nic!
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 08:17:49 -0400

"M. Buchenrieder" wrote:

> >: cards, but in fact (at least in my BIOS) the OS is actually
> >: prevented from doing so.

> Well, "prevented" might be too strong a word.

Might be, and I wonder myself whether that's actually true.
I was just quoting what the motherboard manual said.


Subject: Re: Vibra16C
Date: 4 May 2000 12:38:16 GMT

LhD Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <8eolkb$4mh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
:   Munge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> I've bought a second hand Vibra16C and while I can get it to

: has some hints
: for the chipset at large, as well as driver info links.

Thanks, I'll give it a try. 


Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 14:47:55 +0200
From: Martin Petz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Athlon+SD-11.. Which Powersupply to use.

Ramakrishnan M schrieb:

> hello
>       last week I bought an Athlon 500 + FIC SD-11 MoBo. The problem is that
> AMD recommends a list of pwersupplies to be used with the K7 CPUs.
> Unfortunately none of them are available in India(where I live).I can get only
> noname powersupplies here. What are the specs to look for when buying a good
> powersupply for use with athlon so that no great problems arise?.
> --
>                                    Ramakrishnan M

hi, i had ur configuration and a noname powersupply with 250W. the specs i don't
know, but i think that it depends on the other stuff in your pc.



From: Derek Fountain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Xircom modem problem
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 13:15:47 +0100

I have a Xircom Cardbus modem/ethernet port in my Dell
notebook. Using SuSE-6.3 the Network port worked without
problems. The modem is recogonised at boot time and the
cardmgr executes './serial start ttyS1', which I assume is
the device I can talk to the modem on.

Or not. minicom just goes blank and doesn't respond to
keypresses for that port. I wrote a 3 line script in tcl:

  set h [open /dev/ttyS1 r+]
  puts $h "ATZ"
  gets $h 3

which reports back 'error reading "file3": I/O error'.

Where can I look to see if the modem hardware is set up
correctly? Or perhaps someone knows the secret of getting
this to work with Linux? It works fine from Win98.


From: Thorsten Rene Stauber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cdrecord question
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 15:44:24 +0200

Dances With Crows wrote:
> On Wed, 03 May 2000 13:39:10 -0400, Andrew Kae
> <<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
> >Is it possible to write files and directories to a cd without making
> >an image first?  I don't have 650 MB of my hard drive to spare for
> >an image file.  In Windoze, Adaptec EZ-CD recorder can take in
> >a list of files and then just burn them to a cd.  It seems to me the....

I experienced kisocd quite comfortable for this. In comnination with KDE
and the filemanager it features Drag&Drop and is much more comfortable
than xcdroast for example.

Itīs still a beta....



Subject: Re: DVD .-
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 09:50:00 -0400

"blackbird." wrote:
> Andrey Vlasov wrote:
> >
> > not true,
> >
> > there is driver for drx3 but in development. I didn't try it yet as do not
> > have
> > dvd drive yet.
> It's for Drx2.
> blackbird.

The location for the dxr3/hollywood+ driver is:



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: USB WebCam
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 13:53:44 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Martin Knirsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello,
> dows anybody know how to put a Creative WebCam III USB into operation on
> a Suse 6.3 system.

You need to upgrade to either a 2.3.x kernel or a 2.2.x kernel patched
with USB support. (I don't THINK that SuSE 6.3 comes with that support,
but I'm not positive of that.) That done, you need to use the ov511 USB
driver, along with the base USB stuff and the usb-uhci or usb-ohci driver,
whichever is appropriate for your motherboard's USB support. Beyond this,
you'll need applications to use the driver. Check these web sites:

Author of books on Linux networking & multi-OS configuration


From: Scott Prigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pentium 3 processor ID
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 09:41:11 -0400

Does anyone know:

I have turned off the pentium 3 processor ID in my BIOS . . .
Is this definitely shut off and inacessible in linux? or are there
backdoor ways to wrest it from my machine?



WEB >>


From: Oliver Gebele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Documentation about Twisted Pair...
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 16:14:11 +0200

Hi, =

can someone give me a hint on where to find
introductory material on the physical working
of a twisted pair network?

TIA, Oliver
-- =

Ich, setze meine Kommas, da wo ich, will hin.
Lank lehbe dih R=E4chtschaiprephorm.


From: Conny Dittmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: atapi streamer hp colorado (8GB)
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 16:21:16 +0200

i've got a question!

does anybody run already a HP colorado streamer for IDE/ATAPI?
or could anyone tell me where i could get some more information on this

i could write on the stremer /dev/ht0 but if i gonna start reading i got
the msg cannot read: input output error.

thank you

cu Conny    DOS-WIN-danija


From: Conny Dittmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: atapi streamer hp colorado (8GB)
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 16:46:33 +0200

it's me again

tar cvf /dev/ht0 /tmp/nose
seems to work .... dmesg tells twice
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e , key = 5 , asc = 20 , ascq = 0

accessing tar tvf /dev/ht0 produce
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e , key = 5 , asc = 20 , ascq = 0
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 8 , key = 5 , asc = 2c , ascq = 0
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e , key = 5 , asc = 20 , ascq = 0
using dmesg

does anyone know what it will tell to me?!?!?!?

cu Conny    DOS-WIN-danija


From: Edwin Chacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Presentations on Laptop
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 14:45:26 GMT

just open ..a gnome-terminal..or kvt...or something

dan wrote:

> I am running Mandrake Linux 7.0 (RH with extras) on a dell inspiron 7500
> I use StarOffice , StarImpress to create slide presentations.
> I need to be able to switch from the presentation to the desktop and/or
> a console screen.  I can't do this.
> Can anyone help with what key strokes will put the presentation in the
> background and turn the desktop back over to other apps?
> Thanks
> Dan Kubilos


From: Stefan Uhlig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need help with Microdyne Exos 105t ethernet card
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 16:39:33 +0200


I have a quite old ethernet card: Microdyne Exos 105t. I only have this
card and no documentation for it. Now I urgently need some technical
documentation about it (description of the card and the jumpers on it),
and some information on how to make  it work with linux. If anyone has
some docs about it or knows where to get some, please let me know.

Thanks in advance!


Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 07:58:04 -0700
From: "Robert N. Lockwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Micron XKE and ZX notebooks?

I would like to install Linux on both a Micron Transport XKE (NT4) and
Transport ZX notebook (W2K).

Has anyone been able to do this?

I will need to be able to read external Kingston scsi disks using an
Adapted APA 1480 pcmcia scsi controller. 

I am new to Linux and trying to find if this can be done and to choose
the appropriate distribution.


Robert N. Lockwood
USDA Forest Service
Forest Fire Laboratory
Riverside, CA


From: "Folkert Rienstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 16:51:48 +0200

Better this way?

Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
news:8eprq0$bq0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
| In comp.os.linux.hardware Folkert Rienstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| : some lines break twice ending in a single word. A few more quotes and that line
| : gets broken again ending in 2 single word lines. Those I find unreadable and 
| : very annoying.
| However, that's the way your text displays on my 80 char xterm!

Only a few lines I hope, because 80 is about what I use manually.
And maximizing your window makes them go away because it are automatic line wraps, not 
line breaks.
It's the 72 char automatic linebreaks you need to EDIT away to get rid of them.

|   broken again ending in 2 single word lines. Those I find unreadable
|   and very annoying.
| : I'm using a little over half of my screen (20 inch), using a 12 point character 
| : size,
| I'm using about 40% of my screenewidth (17") with 10pt in xterm, I
| think.  I need the rest of the screen for my xload, clock, tv, edit
| session, pager, notepad, dvi displayer ...

Which of course are far more important than your message viewer. <g> <g>

| : | Folkert, could you please adjust your OE to be limiting the line length
| : | to something reasonable, say, 72 chars per line ?
| Amen, but moot.
| Peter


From: "Folkert Rienstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 16:47:21 +0200

"Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
news:8eptri$c8o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
| In comp.os.linux.hardware Folkert Rienstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| : "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
|news:8eogsd$vio$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
| : | In comp.os.linux.hardware Folkert Rienstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| : | : The score gets worse: 4 out of 5 false explanations.
| : | I see only people telling you the same thing!
| : A few hundred years ago they all said the earth was flat. If you said different
| : they burned you at the stake. Later they were all proven wrong.
| : Because someone did the test instead of talking to each others mouth.
| : Prove me wrong!!!
| First you'll have to tell me how what you are saying differs from what
| they are saying. I see no difference. Only your claims of difference.

Good. If we are both saying the same then I have no beef.
However, I dont think that is so and I don't think David C. will agree with you
that we are saying the same.

| : | The explanations look the same to me. Scsi bios finds no bootable devices
| : If you say a bootable device is equivalent (although badly worded) to a Fixed
| : Diskdrive then you are right.
| Err, a "bootable device" depends for its meaning on two things: what it is,
| and where it is. Some things are not intrinsically bootable, like a
| scanner. Some are bootable, if they're in the right place at the right
| time (a fixed disk at scsi id 0 is usually an example of such, when the
| motherboard bios is set to allow booting from scsi - but details vary).
| I don't see the sense in attempting to define the word extrinsically (i.e.,
| by listing the possibilities). An intrinsic definition is what makes
| sense: it's a device that can boot in the present configuration, possibly
| given failure or absence of some of the other "bootable devices".
| So what you're saying is "Fixed disk" and what they're saying is
| "Bootable device"? Or vice versa? Awwww. Come on. You can do better
| than that!

Hey, aren't you a bit quick, we were coming to that in a moment:

| :                            But why repeat an already good post in bad and
| : confusing language.
| : When I read bootable I read diskdrive with activated bootsector and installed
| : OS and that is not how the bios initialisation works.
| So for you, "bootable device" means "os-bootable diskdrive". Hmmm.

In this context, yes. Or whatever other bootable application.

Yes, why else use the term bootable? I can use a SCSI harddrive without the need 
to boot from it and still need the bios to be able to do so.

| : | : | Where's your hard drive attached?  If you're booting an IDE hard drive,
| : | : | then the Adaptec BIOS is not needed.
| : | : | The BIOS detects this and disables itself.
| : |
| : | : You think so? You have actually tried that? You think the SCSI bios checks
| : | : the machine for what device is going to get to boot?
| : |
| : | Eh? That's not quite what it does, but yes, the effect is that. It
| : | checks the scsi bus (aka "The BIOS detects this") and finds no bootable
| : | devices.
| : No, that is assuming there is no drive at all at the SCSI bus.
| That is not quite what I was assuming. I was assuming only that there
| were no fixed disks in bootable positions in the scsi chain (AND POSSIBLY
| that the motherboard bios is not set to allow scsi boots). "bootable
| positions" can depend on the adapter configuration and type. But this
| is nitpicking at great levels of detail, and maybe we'll find some
| bioses that act different.

We are discussing ADAPTEC.

| It seems to me quite possible that a bios
| may decide to install itself once it finds some  devices on the chain
| that possibly may need or want talking to later on.

Which applies to ADAPTEC.
And not 'possibly' but per instructions via SCSISelect.

| : That may well be what he meant but not what he wrote.
| : When you boot from IDE but also have a SCSI drive attached that is
| : enabled in SCSISelect the SCSI bios will install, no mather what.
| That is because the scsi scan and possible bios implantation takes place
| before the motherboard decides to try booting. Intuitively speaking,
| the IDE disk may fail, and the scsi disk may have to take over the
| boot.

When allowed by MoBo Bios setup or Bios implementation.

| I think you may be wrong here, btw. I don't think the scsi bios will
| install when there is a scsi disk in the chain, but it's not in a
| bootable position.  And possibly not either if the motherboard is set
| not to boot from scsi.  But this depends on what the scsi bios in
| question is programmed to do. The cards that come with HP scanners, for
| example, have precious little bios on.

We are discussing Adaptec.

| Nobody can tell, and the situation may change even if they can.
| : The drive does not need to be formatted or made active.
| I agree. Obviously not.
| : | : | The Adaptec BIOS is only used during the boot sequence and for those
| : | : | operating systems (meaning DOS) which use the BIOS for disk access
| : | : | instead of device drivers.
| : | : Correct. But it is not the OS that decides if the bios stays resident.
| : | And he didn't say it was.
| : Yes he did.  That is the implication of how it was written (although
| : you may find that nitpicking).
| I simply find it a misquote. He said that the bios is only used in the
| boot sequence and also by some OSes. That does not even tangentially
| approach saying that the OS decides if the bios stays resident (which
| it certainly CAN do, since the OS can do anything).
| :                            If the bios is used for boot it stays
| : resident no mather what.  If there is a fixed disk enabled for
| That is not so. The os can wipe that area of memory if it feels like
| it.

Yes, but that was not the context. Context was what the bios does.

| Writing zeros over device drivers is a favourite pastime of mine
| in dos ...

And does that give you much satisfaction, you heathen?
May you burn in DOS hell. ;-)

| : inclusion in the bios it stays resident, OS or not, formatted or not,
| : FDISKed or not.
| Ahem.
| : Most people don't bother to read the manual.  They come here first
| : with their complaints and get all kind of false information by people
| : who also never bother to read a manual.
| Yes, but it's fun. The spectacle of the blind leading the blind. But
| in this case the manuals are not easy to get hold of, often disused,
| and anyway, nearly everything goes even within the standards. So
| everyone can make their favourite guesstimate ..
| : | He didn't. And yes, the bios does stay resident until windows is booted.
| : | Then whatever windows feels like doing to it gets done to it.
| : So you say it is impossible to run a device in legacy mode because window will
| : take away bios support?
| No, I said nothing of the kind. I said that I had stopped beating my
| wife :-). 
She didn't like it then?
| Does "legacy mode" imply "controlled via the bios" to you?
| If so, then I didn't say that. I said that windows can do whatever it
| likes - it's got control. It may wipe the bios, flash the ram, fry
| the chips, ...

That is no use to Bill, only Andy will benefit by that so it is not likely.

| : Have you tried HDTACH on a SCSI drive  without bios support? It won't run.
| HDTACH? A speedometer for disks?
| : Enable that drive for bios support and HDTACH runs. Is that a sign that
| : Windows took away the BIOS? I don't think so. It is still there.
| And windows let HDTACH access it? Criminal! It could have told it to
| boil your data!

Hey, you just said it could do anything.

| Please .. distinguish between possibility and inevitability. Because
| windows CAN shoot the bios in the head doesn't mean it will. It would  be
| hard for windows to do the shooting, in fact, but it has its opportunities.
| : | Correct. What is all this complaining about? The explanations are
| : | pretty well spot on!
| : No, not by a long shot, as just proven.
| I beg your pudden :-). Happy happy?

It was nice talking to you. <g><g><g><g><g>

| Peter


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Scheinine)
Subject: Re: Dell Inspiron 7500 - Linux
Date: 4 May 2000 15:07:05 GMT

One contributer, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (billy ball), mentioned the IBM
A20p series as having a high-resolution screen, but he wrote
 > IBM's A20p series of StinkPads now has the 1400x1050 display, fyi...

I would be interested in hearing the specific criticism of IBM ThinkPads.
Since these high-end models are rather costly, any forewarnings would
be appreciated.
Alan Louis Scheinine, CRS4, Cagliari, Italy, [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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