Linux-Hardware Digest #853, Volume #10           Mon, 26 Jul 99 19:13:28 EDT

  append mem=XXX / BIOS behaviour (Espen Sand)
  Re: Why is module st0 (SCSI tape drive) always loaded? (Bob Surenko)
  Re: two HD, two OS, how can it work ? (Dan LaPine)
  Re: Who makes good AMD boxes? (Dan LaPine)
  Re: jpegs and decoding... ("Larry Clark")
  Old hardware support? (Doug Dahlke)
  Re: Why is module st0 (SCSI tape drive) always loaded? ("Steve Snyder")
  Re: Soundblaster Live Value and SuSE Linux 6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: AWE64/Motorola 56K Modem conflict (Mike W)
  Re: drivers for Dimond Fire GL 1 (Dan LaPine)
  Re: Where can I get a pre-installd Linux box for ~$250? (Dennis Burke)
  ESS1888 works every now and then (Trung)
  Need advice on Building Linux-only box. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: K7 mobos (Dan LaPine)
  Re: Scanner Support (Matthias Kilian)
  ESS1888 works every now and then (Trung)
  Q: UMAX Astra 1220S Flatbed Scanner (David Dahl)
  Re: Question on processor speed (Abdullah Ramazanoglu)
  Re: Qube, NetWinder dead? What equivalent for office short of space? (John A. 
  Re: ISDN (Oliver Fels)
  Re: sblive hauppauge wintv no sound? (Wolfgang Denk)
  New Linux web site (Mike Angelo)


From: Espen Sand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: append mem=XXX / BIOS behaviour
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 07:17:20 GMT

I have used the "append "mem=XXXM"" directive in "lilo.conf" on all
machines I have used that have had more than 64MB system memory
without problems. However, recently I have become aware of the fact
this may not always work, because the BIOS wants to use some 
of the RAM itself (so one have to test/try a value that works)


Is there a list or compilation somewhere of motherboards/BIOS 
versions one should avoid? Or is this a problem with "older" HW 
(ie. pre PII/PIII)?

<Cite BootPrompt-HOWTO>

NOTE NOTE NOTE: some machines might use the top of memory for BIOS
cacheing or whatever, so you might not actually have up to the full
96MB addressable.  The reverse is also true: some chipsets will map
the physical memory that is covered by the BIOS area into the area
just past the top of memory, so the top-of-mem might actually be 96MB
+ 384kB for example.  If you tell linux that it has more memory than
it actually does have, bad things will happen: maybe not at once, but
surely eventually.''

</Cite BootPrompt-HOWTO>

Espen Sand, Research Scientist
Norsk Elektro Optikk A/S     Work: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Solheimveien 62A             Home: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O.Box 384                  Phone +47 67 91 11 54 (Direct)
N-1471 Skarer                Phone +47 67 97 47 00
Norway.                      Fax:  +47 67 97 49 00


From: Bob Surenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is module st0 (SCSI tape drive) always loaded?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:12:37 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware Steve Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On my all-SCSI system (RedHat v6.0, kernel v2.2.10) I build the CD-ROM
: and tape drive support as modules.  (These devices are rarely used so 
: there's no need to have the device drivers for them occupy RAM all the
: time.)  I notice, though, that the module for the SCSI tape drive, 
: "st0.o", is loaded at boot time and never removed.

: Can anyone explain this to me?  Thank you.

I have the opposite problem. I have a SCSI tape drive yet when I installed
RH 6.0 out of the box it did not create the st module. How do I create it?

: ***** Steve Snyder *****

- Bob Surenko                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-             finger for PGP key


From: Dan LaPine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: two HD, two OS, how can it work ?
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 15:29:14 -0500

    Windows seems to care where it and Linux doesn't. This means that I have
the windows drive on the primary master and the linux on the secondary. I have
also created several partitions on the drive, as both drives are 8.4 gigs. I
did this so that I could create a small (15meg) /boot partition on the first
drive under the 1023 cylinder limit. You shouldn't need to do that if your
linux drive isn't that large.

    Your lilo.conf maps the drives to the correct "logical" locations; i.e.
Windows will think it is on the primary.  You should be able to choose which
system to boot from by typing "linux" or "mywin" at the lilo prompt. The
following is my lilo.conf file for my dual-boot system, so that you can use it
as a guide. Remember to run /sbin/lilo as root after making changes to the

#my dual-boot lilo.conf


Dan LaPine
lapine @ uiuc edu

baobab14 wrote:

> Hi
> My problem is I have two HD. On the first master i have Linux
> on the second master i have windows 98
> on 2nd slave my CDrom drive
> I want to keep both OSs and don(t want to format any disk
> How can I configure LILO properly to get this result. Is there any easy way
> to avoid me plug and unplug my "WinHD" each time I want to use or not use it
> ... as it 's what i 'm comdemned to do since i had Linux.
> my LILO for Win is :
>     other = /dev/hdc1
>     label = mywin
>     map-drive = 0x80
>     to = 0x81
>     map-drive = 0x81
>     to = 0x80
>     table = /dev/hdc
> Thank you very much in advance. Can you e-mail me your answer if you don't
> mind.


From: Dan LaPine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Who makes good AMD boxes?
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:06:51 -0500

Try Ikon Technology (1-888-ikon-tec)

go with the k6-3 450
use Epox MVP3G-M ATX mb
get a toshiba ide 40x
get a maxtor 8.4 udma hd
go for the 128meg SDRam
Matrox G200 16 meg agp
let 'em know that you don't need/want Windoze
Got a ps/2 keyboard?

Dan LaPine
lapine @ uiuc . edu

"David A. Rogers" wrote:

> Here's what I'm looking for:
> AMD K6-2 or K6-3 at 450
> Good quality Motherboard (suggestions?)
> 64MB ram
> 8-9 gig hd
> Linux compat AGP video _card_ (not on-board video)
> That's all I need.  Don't need sound.  Don't need a monitor.
> Who makes a good quality box at a decent price?
> Thanks for any information you might give.
> Cheers,
> dar


From: "Larry Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: jpegs and decoding...
Date: 26 Jul 1999 21:12:32 GMT

do I need to crop the mail part out of it? thanks larry

Mandl Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Save it, and use xv for viewing ...
> > I got an email with a jpeg attached and I was wondering how I decode
it, it
> > is all text, binary.......I think....thanks...


From: Doug Dahlke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Old hardware support?
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 14:12:49 -0700

I'm looking for info as to if corrolary C2 bus 486's are supported in
smp under redhat 6.0.  If so, is their a HOWTO on this?  The current
info is on Intel's smp product.  Thanks.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
From: "Steve Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Steve Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is module st0 (SCSI tape drive) always loaded?
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 21:14:46 GMT

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:12:37 GMT, Bob Surenko wrote:

>In comp.os.linux.hardware Steve Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: On my all-SCSI system (RedHat v6.0, kernel v2.2.10) I build the CD-ROM
>: and tape drive support as modules.  (These devices are rarely used so 
>: there's no need to have the device drivers for them occupy RAM all the
>: time.)  I notice, though, that the module for the SCSI tape drive, 
>: "st0.o", is loaded at boot time and never removed.
>: Can anyone explain this to me?  Thank you.
>I have the opposite problem. I have a SCSI tape drive yet when I installed
>RH 6.0 out of the box it did not create the st module. How do I create it?

I built my own v2.2.10 kernel, but you could do the same in the v2.2.5
shipped with RH 6.0 (if you installed the source files).  To build the
device driver:

>From within menuconfig, select:

        SCSI Support>>SCSI Tape Support

The entry in the .config file will look like this:


***** Steve Snyder *****


Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live Value and SuSE Linux 6.0
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:41:06 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Hi Mark,
> creative offers a driver for the soundblaster live:
> I hope that helps.
> Have fun!
> Carsten
> Mark Thomas schrieb:
> >
> > Does anyone know how to get the above mentioned soundcard working
with SuSE
> > Linux 6.0?  I use pnpdump to try and find it and it doesn't.  Please

The Soundblaster Live is a PCI sound card and does not require pnpdump
or any of the isapnp tools. Just get the latest driver and follow
the manual install instructions. You have to have a 2.0.35-36 or
2.2.5 or 2.2.10 kernel compiled without semitrical processor support
and sound support compiled as module.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: AWE64/Motorola 56K Modem conflict
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:05:07 -0400


> I had exactly the same problem, and I eventually mucked around with
> setserial, and got it to use my soundcard properly, without using my
> modem.  I also did some playing in my BIOS, but I don't know if it made
> any difference.  I don't remember exactly what I did (I'm just going to
> get a modem that works under linux.
> Did you ever get your motorola modem to work?  It is listed as Red Hat
> incompatible, will never work no matter what you do.  I got it to dial
> with minicom, but the connection was completely messed up without the
> winmodem stuff...
> I definitely had the sound card working under 5.2.  I'll play under 6.0
> and get back to you if I get it to work.
> In article <7l979a$21a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I cannot get my SoundBlaster AWE64 PCI Soundcard to detect within
> > Mandrake Linux 6.0.  When I run 'sndconfig' from the CLI, it correctly
> > asserts that I have an AWE64.  However, it cannot probe the settings.
> > When I enter the correct settings manually (as reported by Win98), it
> > gives me an 'isapnp' message stating that it cannot allocate 8 bits of
> > IO at 02F8.
> >
> > Here are my settings as reported by Win98:
> >
> > AWE 64 - I/O 0220-022F IRQ 5 DMA 5, 1 MPU 0330-0331
> > Motorola Internal 56K ModemSurfer - I/O 02F8-02FF IRQ 3 COM2
> >
> > Obviously, the problem is the modem.  I cannot set up PPP services
> > either as a result.
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Sent via
> > Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
> >
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Just got my system online. Modem wanted irq5, but awe64 gold had it. Moved
irq to 10 on the soundcard (using sndconfig with the  noautoconfig option.
Both devices working fine now.


From: Dan LaPine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: drivers for Dimond Fire GL 1
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:33:39 -0500

RedHat 6.0 has drivers for the Diamond Fire GL 1000 and others with
a Permedia or Permedia 2 chipset. During install use the 3DLabs driver
and do NOT probe. I'm using that driver with a Fire GL Pro 1000 card
right now.

Dan LaPine
lapine @ uiuc . edu

Vatsavai Ranga Raju wrote:

> Hi
> Does anyone know about the availablity of  driver for Dimond Fire GL 1
> graphics card under Red Hat Linux 6.0.
> Thanks
> Raju
> ----


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dennis Burke)
Subject: Re: Where can I get a pre-installd Linux box for ~$250?
Date: 26 Jul 1999 20:49:30 GMT

On 26 Jul 1999 20:04:35 GMT, Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Does anybody know where on the net you can get a pre-isntalled Linux
>box (intel, Redhat 6) for about $250? I plan on using this as a Web and
>mail server.  <snip>

Not Intel and not $250 but for $299 at :

300Mhz Cyrix M2 CPU 
4.3 GB Hard Drive 
4 MB Video RAM (S3 Virge GX PCI Video Card) 
Socket 7 Motherboard 
NE2000 Compatible Ethernet Adapter 
1.44MB 3.5" Floppy Drive

Mini-Midtower AT 250W
Keyboard with Ergonomic Wrist Rest 
3 Button Mouse 
RedHat 6.0 Linux Distribution 


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: ESS1888 works every now and then
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:40:18 -0500

If I can play an audio CD, does it necessarily mean that my Linux kernel (2.2.5-15) 
support my sound card? I have ESS1888, but the kernel doens't support it so I used 
other ESSxxxx (eg. ESS1688) &  can hear sound from "sample.midi" & "" files. 
However, it works for just a couples of
WAV files for a couples of minutes (not MIDI) & dies. Desipte of that  I can always 
play an audio CD, but never can I hear a sound from a MIDI file (except the sample 
MIDI from "sndconfig") nor does the system sounds (close/open/minimize/maximize a 
windows) last long.
Any idea? Thanks

Shawn Walker wrote:

> Daniel Buettner wrote:
> >
> > Shawn Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >         [ snip ]
> >
> > > What do I have to do to get the CD Player application to play
> > > the sound?  I should mention that I have two CDROM, one is a
> > > read-only and the other is a CD writer which the CD Player only
> > > want to play from the CD write (which is the "main" CD), how do
> > > I get the CD Player to use my other CDROM?
> > Whichever CD player you want to use for playing audio CDs should
> > have its audio cable connected to your sound card.  Now... I
> > suspect that the CD player may be looking for /dev/cdrom, so you
> > should set this to point at whichever CD device you want to use.
> > Or read the manual for whichever CD player you use and see if you
> > can specify which device to read from.
> >
> > HTH,
> > --
> > ~
> > ~
> > ~
> > "Daniel Buettner" line 4 of 4 --100%--
> Man I feel STUPID!!!!  You gave me a big clue "its audio cable connected to your 
>sound card".  I just realized that the CD Player that it is accessing (the cd writer) 
>is not connected to the sound card, but my other CD ROM!  I will configure to use 
>/dev/cdrom1 (/dev/cdrom is the cd writer).
> Thanks!


Subject: Need advice on Building Linux-only box.
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 21:41:38 GMT

Hey all,

I'm in the process of building a Linux only box (this will be my first
box that i've built myself).  I plan on using an AMD K6-2 processor for
it and I'm looking for some advice on the rest of the hardware.  In
other words, what kind of motherboard should I consider getting for
this box to avoid hardware incompatabilities.  Please also take into
consideration that I'm a college student who is on a limited budget.  I
already have a 44x IDE cd-rom and floppydrive (knowing that both are
already linux compat).

Any thoughts/suggestions will be appreciated.


cat flames > /dev/null
cat praise > /dev/head

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Dan LaPine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: K7 mobos
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:26:27 -0500

Uh Marc,

    RAMBUS is kinda dead. Sorry to break the news to you but even intel
is now "considering" the use of PC133 SDRAM. (See the articles at and others). K7 mobos will have support for PC133.
RAMBUS may be used if available, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Remember that
the driving force behind RAMBUS is the same company that provided us with
Pentium Pro II and Pentium Pro II+ packaged as new processors...

As for cases being "so cheap", I'd like to think that my full tower AT would
require a $100 replacement at least to "upgrade" to ATX. It does make sense,
however, to consider that the $100 cost for a new case will be fairly
insignificant to the $600 K7- 600 MHz + $100 Slot A MB price tag.

Dan LaPine
lapine @ uiuc . edu

Marc Mutz wrote:

> Gerald Willmann wrote:
> >
> > I read on AMD's website yesterday that they are now shipping the first K7s
> > to manufacturers, that enduser systems should become available in the
> > third quarter of this year and that mobos are under development by Asus
> > and others. Does anyone (some insider perhaps) know whether there will be
> > baby AT form factor mobos for this nice new processor. thanks,
> >
> I hope there never will be any! Cases are so cheap that they will make a
> minor addition to the price of a K7/MoBO combination. You will also need
> new RAM: IIRC the 'good' boards will run Rambus-DRAM, with a
> SDRAM-2-RAMBUS bridge, so you can use that, too, but you will not be
> able to use EDO!
> Marc
> --
> Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
> University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics
> PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Kilian)
Subject: Re: Scanner Support
Date: 26 Jul 1999 19:44:52 GMT

> All right, I checked SANE page, and it says it's in alpha, So I have to
> wait.

Why don't you give the alpha driver a try?



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: ESS1888 works every now and then
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:40:03 -0500

If I can play an audio CD, does it necessarily mean that my Linux kernel (2.2.5-15) 
support my sound card? I have ESS1888, but the kernel doens't support it so I used 
other ESSxxxx (eg. ESS1688) &  can hear sound from "sample.midi" & "" files. 
However, it works for just a couples of
WAV files for a couples of minutes (not MIDI) & dies. Desipte of that  I can always 
play an audio CD, but never can I hear a sound from a MIDI file (except the sample 
MIDI from "sndconfig") nor does the system sounds (close/open/minimize/maximize a 
windows) last long.
Any idea? Thanks

Shawn Walker wrote:

> Daniel Buettner wrote:
> >
> > Shawn Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >         [ snip ]
> >
> > > What do I have to do to get the CD Player application to play
> > > the sound?  I should mention that I have two CDROM, one is a
> > > read-only and the other is a CD writer which the CD Player only
> > > want to play from the CD write (which is the "main" CD), how do
> > > I get the CD Player to use my other CDROM?
> > Whichever CD player you want to use for playing audio CDs should
> > have its audio cable connected to your sound card.  Now... I
> > suspect that the CD player may be looking for /dev/cdrom, so you
> > should set this to point at whichever CD device you want to use.
> > Or read the manual for whichever CD player you use and see if you
> > can specify which device to read from.
> >
> > HTH,
> > --
> > ~
> > ~
> > ~
> > "Daniel Buettner" line 4 of 4 --100%--
> Man I feel STUPID!!!!  You gave me a big clue "its audio cable connected to your 
>sound card".  I just realized that the CD Player that it is accessing (the cd writer) 
>is not connected to the sound card, but my other CD ROM!  I will configure to use 
>/dev/cdrom1 (/dev/cdrom is the cd writer).
> Thanks!


From: David Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Q: UMAX Astra 1220S Flatbed Scanner
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 06:04:31 -0800


I have been using GNU/Linux (here after refered to as Linux)
since last December.  Up until now I've been able to figure
out everything using the HOWTOs so this is my first message
in this newsgroup.  If any of the following seems less than
clued-in please bear with me as I'm still learning.

I'm running Red Hat Linux 5.2 on a Pentium 133 w/64 megs
RAM.  I recently recieved a UMAX Astra 1220S scanner as a
gift and have been atempting to set it up under Linux.

The SCSI card which came with the scanner is a Domex
DMX3181LE.  Red Hat 5.2 doesn't appear to support this SCSI
card out of the box so I did some checking and
experimenting.  The Domex card appears to be very similar to
the Mustek SCSI card type DTC3181E.  I applied the Mustek
patches to my kernel.  It appears to work as the SCSI card
and the scanner are now detected upon bootup.  (Yes, I
understand the DMX3181LE is a poor SCSI card.  I plan to
eventually replace it with a nicer card, but at the moment
I'm paying my way through college so it'll have to wait a

Next, I used the "rpm --erase --nodep" command to uninstall
gtk+ and Gimp.  In the /usr/src directory I ungziped/untared
glib-1.2.3.tar.gz, gtk+-1.2.3.tar.gz, gimp-1.0.4.tar.gz,
gimp-data-extras-1.0.0.tar.gz, sane-1.0.1.tar.gz,
xsane-0.30.tar.gz in that order.  I also configured and ran
make/make install on them in the same order.

Ok, so Gimp appears to work fine.  Sane's findscanner
command also finds the scanner.  So far so good.  If I use
sane to get an image, the scan lamp lights up, and the scan
head starts to move down the page but only goes about 1/8th
of the way down.  Also, the file created only has three
number entries, not a useful scan.  Xsane runs but if I
aquire a preview, again it only goes about 1/8th of the way
down and the preview shows only white for the scanned
image.  Changing options such as color depth, scan type,
gamma correction, etc seem to have no effect.

"cat /proc/scsi/scsi" lists:

Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
  Vendor: UMAX     Model: Astra 1220S      Rev: V1.3
  Type:   Scanner                          ANSI SCSI
revision: 02
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: MITSUMI  Model: CR-4802TE        Rev: 1.4D
  Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI
revision: 02

The MITSUMI entry is my IDE CD-RW drive in ide-scsi
emulation mode.

The revelant lines from my lilo.conf are:

        append="hdb=ide-scsi dtc3181e=0x280,-1"

I haven't touched any of the two jumpers on the SCSI card
yet since I don't know what they do. There was no
documentation on it with the card.

I was hoping someone who has successfully set up a UMAX or
other scanner could possibly see where I've gone wrong and
lend a hand.  Thanks in advance.


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From: Abdullah Ramazanoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Question on processor speed
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 16:20:33 +0300

Hagbard Celine wrote:
> I've been looking around this NG a bit, trying to glean tips, and one
> thing strikes me.  I see much mention of CPUs at 300 and 350 Mhz, and
> even the occasional mention of 400 Mhz, but I've not found anything
> about faster chips.  Is this because not many have tried the faster
> chips yet, or because they are less than stable?  This will have a
> good deal of influence on the CPU I settle on for my upcoming new box.

There are quite a few people who uses SMP and/or above 400 MHz CPUs. And
many of them achieve this by overclocking, which is supposed to be less
reliable than using the CPU at iys nominal rated speed. I for one, have
C333/66 overclocked to 475/95 (will push it to 500/100 after some
cooling improvements). It is rock stable even with standard voltage and
cooling kit. There are people who goes as far as 600 odds MHz speeds.
If you won't use it for production (where indefinite run times and peace
of mind matters) there should be no need whatsoever to use a nominally
high rated CPU, instead of overclocking.
You might be interested in and
Abdullah Ramazanošlu    [ aramazanoglu AT demirbank DOT com DOT tr ]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John A. Stewart)
Subject: Re: Qube, NetWinder dead? What equivalent for office short of space?
Date: 26 Jul 1999 21:47:17 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> James Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>I've  SOHO (small office/home office) packed full of six computers right
>now. It's a space nightmare. One machine is acting as a bastion firewall
>to a dedicated  line. I'd like to set up two more machines, one for an
>outer firewall (to create a DMZ) and one as a private web server inside
>the DMZ. (I'd like to give access to some internal info while at client
>sites -- without opening up the bastion at all.) I'm running Linux on
>all machines save a couple which dual boot to Windows NT/98.

>I've hunted for web pages for small computers like the Cobalt Qube and
>the NetWinder, but have not found anything. I presume they've gone out
>of business?

The Netwinder is still sold by and details should be available
at  However, their DNS appears to be hosed right now so their
web site is unreachable.  They definitely exist since they were a
major sponsor of the first Linux Syposium held here in Ottawa, Canada just
a few days ago.
John Stewart -- Computing and Communications Services, Carleton University
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       613-520-2600x3707
"Why are so many people trying to get ahead when they already have one?"


From: Oliver Fels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISDN
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 06:59:48 -0100

Guy Corbaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does anyone have some experience with ISDN and Linux ? if yes, what ISDN
>adapter would you like to advise ?

Isdn4Linux works with most (passive) and a few active ones.
Due to historical reasons, i4l works best with Siemens based chip sets (T=
eg). but nowadays lots of others are also working.
Supported cards are for example AVM Fritz, Teles 16.3(c), Elsa Quickstep
Personally I'd recommend the ELSA Quickstep 1000, as it perfectly works i=
n my
If you do not need a PCI card which might block a slot, an ISA card is
all you might want (and recommended).
PnP btw is not a criteria for decision taking, as it does not make instal=
much easier according to my experience.

Oliver Fels                    | e-mail:        =20
Neurotec Hochtechnologie GmbH  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Team Manager JAVA-/IT-Security |
Friedrichshafen, Germany       |=20


From: Wolfgang Denk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sblive hauppauge wintv no sound?
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:12:18 GMT

"Travolta666" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>although (finally) i got sound under my Linux system (suse6.1 / 2.2.7) I
>can“t find a way to LISTEN to the televison programs in kwintv. solutions

Probably not a hardware problem?

Same problem here with aWinTV-Radio trying both xtvscreen and  xawtv:
soundcard working, TV working, but without any sound :-(

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
miracle:  an  extremely  outstanding  or  unusual  event,  thing,  or
accomplishment.                                - Webster's Dictionary


From: Mike Angelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Linux web site
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 18:52:56 -0400

We are pleased to announce a new web site at Although
the name may imply that this is a driver repository, we will try to offer a
site with virtually everything needed to get Linux running, and running
smoothly on your Linux box.
   We want to offer this as a community site, so feel free to send us
suggestions, links, drivers, and the like to us via our web site.
   We are compiling a site for everyone from newbies to sys admins(and


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